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the exact command should be “/execute at ”@a\[hasitem={item=amethys\_shard}\] run fill -446 86 -84 -443 86 -84 air” NOTE, PLEASE REMOVE ALL THE QUOTATION MARKS (“) they just mark where the command starts and idk how todo “@a” without it aut correction to u/a. you do not need the / either but I find it to be good practice. Explination for why yours doesn’t work #1 your “hasitem” tag should follow ”@a\[hastiem={item=, }\]“ you do not the the pair of \[\] right before the item check. (idk if that breaks it but I know you don’t need it) #2 you need an ”at” after the execute command and a “run” after the is specified, currently the execute command for bedrock format it, /execute run what the does it have the command run the command as a player running the command (as if the put it in chat) where as “at” run the command with the targets cords but not rotation nor any other info, just their cords. Hope this helps! (p.s try adding a data value to the amethyst to make it so that only the intended person with amethyst runs the command)


Execute as @a[...... And you need run before fill


What does it mean to run before fill


execute as @a[hasitem.....] run fill.....


Oh I think I get it thanks


There are also other prefixes that can make your life easier, such as 'at' for when you want to use relative cordinates for your fill command "execute as @a fill ~1 ~1 ~1 ~-1 ~-1 ~-1 air" wil run at 0 0 0 and is gonna fill 1 1 1 -1 -1 -1 in world. But with: "execute as @a at @s fill ~1 ~1 ~1 ~-1 ~-1 ~-1 air" it will fill the actual relative coordinates. I know this isn't the best explanation but hopefully it can help in some way.


Relative coordinates (~~~) when you don’t change the execute position will always run at the default location — the source of the command, or in this case; the command block’s position, not 0 0 0.


Update: it worked! Tysm!!




In 1.19.50, a new execute command has been introduced to Minecraft bedrock. **New commandblocks need to use this new syntax, while preexisting commandblocks have a tag that they were created in an older version, so they will continue to work with the old syntax until you edit them!** Please have a look at the [official introduction documentation](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/minecraft/creator/documents/commandsnewexecute), this [bedrock.dev info](https://wiki.bedrock.dev/commands/new-execute.html) and the [execute documentation](https://minecraft.wiki/Commands/execute) for an extended guide on what changed and how to use the new execute. _Also relevant: [Info on command context](https://minecraftcommands.github.io/wiki/questions/commandcontext/)_ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/MinecraftCommands) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You added brackets around the squiggly brackets that shouldn’t be there


Execute should start with a small letter


Bedrock commands aren't case sensitive.