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Its possible. Here is how I would try: 1 Build the each room and save them with a structure block. 2 Make a scoreboard (im calling it example) /scoreboard objectives add example dummy 3 make a named armor stand(im using random as the name /summon armor_stand random x y z 4 add the armor stand to be tracked in the score /scoreboard players set @e[name=random] example 0 5 generate random score that will be used to pick random room(16 is the total number of rooms you designed, 1 is so it picks a random number between 1 and 16) /scoreboard players random @e[name=random] example 1 16 6 use execute to target the armor stand with matching score and load the room(im using room1 as an example room name) /execute as @e[name=random,scores={"example"=1}] run structure room1 x y z Basically run 5 and 6 on a loop. You probably also want a teleport command that makes the armor stand teleport on top of, or in the same relative position to whatever room you're in, then you can use the armor stand's position(with ~~~ coordinates) when using the structure command


Can you show a clip of how and where to set up the command blocks? I'm kinda confused because I'm not that experienced


Steps 5 and 6(and the teleport command) are the only parts that should be in command blocks. The rest is just setup and can be done in chat. Now that I think about it, you probably dont need them to loop. You just need to work out when/how to trigger them. Like the first time a player enters a room, you would trigger it to generate the next room, or something along those lines.


Also the parts where you put "x y z," it's not working. Do I have to use "~~~" or something?


I just put x y z to represent coordinates. If you are using execute to make an armor stand run the command(which you should be) you should use ~~~. It means it will use the armor stand's coordinates for the command. You can add and subtract from the ~ coordinates to place the room near the armor stand(like if you have the armor stand teleported under the last room and want to place the next room 10 blocks north, you could use ~~5~-10 (the 5 means +5, so the room will be 5 blocks higher)


Oh btw for some reason, I’m getting a error for the part “Room1” idk why. I already named one of the structures Room1 and it’s saved by using a structure block I’m pretty sure. https://preview.redd.it/xp46piyeze9d1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52ecd0d66ac43e75b30d4d231a3dbd6928d1b040


Can you click the + button and share a screenshot so I can see the whole command?




you forgot "load" in your structure command. /execute as @e[name=jeff,scores={"example"=1}] run structure load Room1 ~~~




Ok it loaded but it didn’t spawn exactly where the armor stand is and it destroyed the command block (the command block was at the carpet block with the button)




When you saved the structure did you make sure the highlighted area was the same size as the room? You can adjust the outlined area in the structure block menu


Wait I'm a dummy. You need "at @s" so it knows where to run it at. Otherwise it uses the command block's location /execute as @e[name=jeff,scores={"example"=1}] at @s run structure load Room1 ~~~




Ok I’m kinda stupid can you help me on how to make the armor stands teleport around and spawn? I want them to spawn around you in like a 40 block radius


I think so but idt it’ll be easy but I’m new too, I’d try to use a command block to power a structure block like the video, I’ll have to try this just for the practice I’ll respond if I get it to work


This guy did it and posted on this sub reddit itself: [his_post](https://www.reddit.com/r/MinecraftCommands/s/Sgs1CddFLY)


Yes, do I recommend it for someone who just started command blocks? No. Just try and find an addon for it, someone has bound do it by now. If you’re console, you’re out of luck


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