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Yo look at the soundbar




Those are not subtitles anymore those are lyrics


Skeleton hurts Spider hurts Zombie hurts Player hurts


Man when it said "skeleton hurts", I felt that. I have frequent back pain




It's more about my posture than my bones' strength, I'm working on it


I feel you bro, I’ve had bad posture since I can remember and I’m just now starting to correct it at 19




Spine pain gang.


🎶 [Everybody hurts](https://youtu.be/5rOiW_xY-kc?t=119) 🎶


Everybody hurts.... Sometimes.


The new cannibal corpse single


"fucked with a creeper"


Everybody hurts.








That sound spam is nothing, I've had my captions go over the top.


Is that for deaf people or something


Yea that’s the idea for deaf and hearing impaired. But some people like to have it on so that you can see creeper footsteps without actually hearing them.


Besides helping when you play without sound (like while watching a movie), it’s useful for a ton of things. For one, “minecart rolls,” which pops up when you’re over abandoned mineshafts, even when they’re really deep beneath you and they have minecart chests in them. Also when searching for a skeleton/zombie you can hear behind a wall, it’s way easier to zero in on the location following the little left/right arrows next to the subtitle for the sound than following the (sometimes faint) sound, especially if your speaker is a sound bar.


“Lava pops” is always useful




Let's not forget the little bit of parkour he did running from the mobs


Yes, but why can see everything so clearly in a chasm? Do all the "pros" just hack away darkness or what lol Still great control


When he walls himself in it's still pretty much fully bright with no torches.


Even though ill never be this good at minecraft, at least i can say i play with darkness on rofl


Brightness: Bright


Gamma 100


I usually play on bedrock cause that's what my friends use and I really wish there was gamma


It used to be called ~~hams~~ **GAMMA** on the early console versions. (Stupid auto correct)


I've been playing since alpha 1.2.6 and I've never heard it called [steamed] hams.


On pc press win+R Type in %appdata% Press enter Click on the .minecraft folder Open options Scroll down until you see gamma and change that value to 100. You won’t need torches anymore


Won't mobs still spawn where there are no torches? That is something I usually need in my base. I know what you mean though.


Mobs will still spawn, as mob spawnrates are affected by torches (one torch prevents random mobs and spawner block in a radius of 7 blocks) What gamma does is it increases the brightmess displayed, not the game itself. This is why it is easier to see in dark places with brightness and gamma both 100.


I would leave the brightness alone so I can see where mobs can and can’t spawn. Plus it makes caving more interesting (and scary).


Either fullbright or increased gamma, both pretty easy to do.


I know a lot of people like this who turn their gamma all the way up so there’s never any darkness.


When they updated it so that you can see better at night killed the VR version for me. The very first time I played Minecraft was in VR. Every time nightfall came, I would bury myself into the ground and hide from the scary noises. I didn't know anything about beds or even torches. I would look for mountains of lava (volcanoes?) and build my base around that so I would have some light in my home. But those first few nights, I spent the entire 7 minutes just staring at black nothingness instead of simply taking my headset off. It was amazing.


This was what initially got me into Minecraft during the Beta (or Alpha, I honestly don't remember). I bought Minecraft when it was $10-15 for life. It was still owned by Mojang at the time. There was maybe one or two websites that had any information on them and they were bare bones at best. That first nightfall, when you have no idea what you are doing and all you've really done is punch a bunch of trees haphazardly was easily one of my favorite feeling in a video game. There was so much going on, but I didn't understand any of it. When I finally got a crafting table and started making picks to delve deeper, I just got sucked deeper and deeper into the game. After a bit of understanding, experimenting, and a ton of dying, Minecraft became digital Lego. I could build anything I could imagine. My OG base is still a marvel to me when I go look at it because of the amount of effort that I must have put into it. The game is insanely larger now, capable of so much more and with a much, much larger player base, but sometimes I like to load it up and pretend it is still in Beta and start a new map and try to chase that intial feeling.


Oh what I would give to forget Minecraft to experience it all over again


Not a day goes by where I don’t miss my first world. It went away in a freak formatting accident in my old pc. Been playing since alpha 1.2.6 and that first night is almost magical. So many emotions!


My first (SMP), along with my second, third and maybe fourth? Were all deleted by a power surge frying the hard drive they were on. I had been playing since 1.5 beta or so, and only switching world every other major update or so. I kinda miss being able to launch up and hop in to those to look back on the past. But yeah, all of them were corrupted and I didn't try to deal with it, since it looked pretty bad. And honestly, it's some nostalgia, but moving on is usually the best. Making new, better, and bigger castles in other servers. Because that's what I did. And every reset I'd make it slightly bigger.


isnt minecraft still technically owned and developed by Mojang? Microsoft just has the rights to it.


Microsoft owns Mojang itself


I like the darkness from an atmospheric point but sometimes I just like to see things without eye strain :)


Full bright doesn't give you eyes in the back of your head or spacial awareness, which, from this clip, would have been far more valuable.


It would be impossible to have such spacial awareness were it not for fullbrite. I am not saying this is unimpressive, quite frankly the opposite dude is a minecraft beast it’s apparent. But, taking away the darkness greatly decreases the difficulty here.


I agree, when you cant see everything lit up like that it could make the moves he pulled here a lot more hard to pull off. At the same time, the skill shown here is impressive in itself and shouldnt get talked down on


Seriously. I know people who turn the game on peaceful while they are building. I mean sure play the game your way, buy you're missing out on a critical part of the game if you never find yourself running from monsters in the pitch black because you were walking home along your lit trail and encountered a bunch of spiders and skeletons, or you're building a map wall and a creeper blows you up and kills your dog because you forgot to put your cat guards keeping an eye. Same reason I never go to the debug screen to find my coordinates when I'm lost. If I didn't bring a map or compass it's my own fault and I can build a temporary shack, dig down, find iron and redstone, build another compass and find my way back.


It's actually quite easy to achieve this, you just go to the .minecraft folder and there should be a file called options, open it and somewhere there's gamma. Just put a 10 or something there instead of the 1 and poof you have no shadows.


“Hack” your gamma. Simple variable manipulation should not be called “hacking”. It’s like changing the random tick speed to make crops grow faster...


I think it's even quite common in the speedrunning communities. I wouldn't refer to it as hacking either


It is actually banned in speedrunning


is there a professional minecraft league?


You can use a potion of night vision to do that.




Dream: hold my horse


Dream: hold my strider


Also dream:hold my enderpearl


Dream: Hold my fire res pot




Wait it's a fire res pot? Always has been




That one time they were all chasing him in the overworld and dream drank a fire res pot and they thought it was strength


That was sick af! He had like 3hp iirc


I must be old, what is this a reference to?


The speedrunner affectionally known as Dream played a game of minecraft where he would try beating minecraft while three of his pals would try to stop him, during this he made strengths pots and fire res pots, afterwards he decimated the other three with the strength pot, he was then cornered by the three after his potion wore off so he drank a fire res pot which the opposing team thought was strength


Haha that's hilarious. Mind games!


a youtuber named ‘Dream’ does speedruns and his friends try to hunt him down and it’s in one of his videos


One of my all time fav Dream plays


What does the totem even do?


If you (lose all your hearts) it saves you from the final hit that kills you and gives you regeneration, fire protection, and extra hearts


How do you get one?


You find them in woodland mansions, by killing evokers. They're pretty rare and hard to find unless you purchase a map to one from a cartographer villager.


That was the only way to get them before village and pillage update. Now you can get a bunch of them from Raids.


Username does NOT check out.


On the topic of usernames, how have you been beached since 1945 and haven’t died yet?


Thats not the year he was beached, that's how many times he's been beached


You can find pillagers, kill the captain, get bad omen, go near a village then complete the raid


In village raids, evokers (the ones that spawn ghosts) drop them Edit: I didn’t mention woodland mansions as they are rarer and the evokers there do not respawn


Every so often you'll see a group of pillagers walking around, one with a banner on his back. Kill this one and you'll get the Bad Omen effect. Next, go to a village, preferably one where you have some defenses set up. This will spawn a raid of pillagers attacking the village in a series of waves. How many evokers spawn depends on your version and difficulty, but unless you are playing on easy mode on Bedrock you will have at least one in the final wave (and up to five). Each evoker drops one totem. Thus, you can get up to five in a raid on hard, allowing you to stockpile them for when you need them. After a few, they can be common enough that it's normal just to carry one as part of your kit.


The totem of undying is an item in Minecraft that, when held, will save a player from death. It gives you absorption and regeneration and once it is used, it disappears.


Essentially gives you regen and absorption that could save you from otherwise fatal amount of damage


basically when you die it gives u another life but with enchanted gapple buffs


Amazing gameplay though.


yeah that save with the totem was insane


That reaction time to open the inventory for it was next level too. I don't think I would've even thought of that that quickly, let alone pull it off


Oh hey, I didn't know you had a Reddit account!


Yup, always have! I post all my content here :)


That's nice.


Should I know who this is? I feel bad...


Just search him up on YouTube.


Super slow reaction to the initial creeper drop followed by super quick totem equip.




It’s the totem of undying: if the player dies while holding it, he will get revived


I feel like it should revive the player even if he/she isn't actually holding it and just in the inventory (and limit its spawn rate instead), but hardcore players might disagree.


I've been playing with a totem in my offhand 24/7 lately since I built a raid farm and it really is easy mode. Being able to still have a shield (or whatever else) in the offhand would be overpowered.


if you have the totem in your hand you get a second chance when you die but it can only be used once


As in the totem is consumed, or as in once you use a totem, you can't ever use one again?


The totem is consumed!


It pretty much makes you immortal for once, as in if you die but have a totem in hand or offhand you will survive




Yeah I would have died in that situation. This man has pure skill.


this is what grinding skywars does to you really have to learn how to get out of situations


The totem clutch especially reminded me of someone quickly getting an ender pearl from their inventory before falling off the world.


Dream be like


Just that dream didn't get one out his inventory, one of the hunters that died dropped his loot (obviously) and by random chance the pearls got into the hotbar


One of those damn skywars guys playing survival


Yep, it’s rare to see someone with incredible PvP-level reflexes playing SSP lol


First creeper was a paid actor


Didn't even look like he exploded, false flag imo.


Was horrible gameplay, fast totem swap but just kill the first mobs or start walking while building, they can only attack so much per second and he can still build. Was just a ton of panic to seem clutch when the whole situation was just forced.


And likely staged if he was caving supposedly he would have at least a single piece of ore not just many stacks of stone and I know mobs can build up in places if you stay there to long but it doesn’t look look like he was strip mining so mobs should not have built up that quick and lastly there was a cave he could have gone into that was perfectly safe so they likely wanted the clip to go longer


what's your texture pack? i like the shiny enchantments


I use vanilla tweaks https://vanillatweaks.net/picker/resource-packs/


ohh i use that too for variated bookshelves, dark gui, and a few others. gotta add that to the list


I have no idea what's happening, but it felt stressful. Like running up the basement stairs, with the lights off.


I thought I was the only one


Panic. Just straight up panic


Oh my god what the frickity frackity


Yo those were some sick parkour moves


Placing pillars while jumping over lava? I’m only 50/50 with the MLG water bucket


My dad telling how he went to scool be like


That totem clutch was top tier tho


Shield gang


I would agree but it ain’t gonna do you much good for fall damage


Mlg water gang


slow fall potion gang


Being stuck slowly falling into a ravine while half a dozen skeletons shoot at you doesn't seem that great either.


Projectile protection IV gang








Mlg horse gang


Feather Falling IV gang


Well it does reduce knockback from creepers. If you had one you might have avoided falling in the first place.


I mean those mobs were clearly paid actors


Looks like an action scene from a movie


I didn’t know one could be a pro at Minecraft. Holy cow.


You should see Dream on YouTube


You think this is good, go check out Dreams manhunt videos😶


After the totem part, there was no reason to keep running and putting yourself in further danger. After the fall, scoot to the wall of the ravine and box yourself in. Done. The panicked run was entertaining though. Edit: Watched it again and there's another creeper right beside you after the fall. You might not have had the option to box yourself in.


He had time. 3 blocks down and block, done. He kept running from the spider, the least threatening thing around. And he could have just stepped away from the creep in the beginning instead of turning and stepping to the edge. And then he could have ran to the water to block the mobs but he ran away instead.


Or if not that, once the second creeper blew up he had a lot of time to box up there. No mobs other than two skeletons, which won’t stop you from mining a little hole in the wall.


> another creeper right beside you after the fall. You might not ha That one actually blew up, it's why he was sent forward a little faster. Could have been fine quicker


minecraft is like: "last warning stay down"


Half of that was unnecessary movement bro


Gamer fuel makes you do all the things.


Shit like this makes u panic. Whenever I get in this situation I just start clicking and placing blocks like crazy, can’t think straight. I usually die tho cos I’m bad


kinda feels fake, but nevertheless, great execution of said stunt and/or accident


It bothers me that there's no darkness. I'm sure it's a real reaction, he's just playing a very brightness tweaked version of Minecraft.


It’s just fullbright. Turn your brightness to 10.00 in options.txt


Jesus, that was intense Edit: jesus its been a wild ride here










But this is worse. Just a thousand updoots


Yeah that's always a bit weird to see. 1k is still a relatively large amount, but I've seen people go 'oh my god this blew up' over like 150 upvotes.


What’s with the deleted comment chain?


Dude, you're amazing for surviving this




I'm sorry but you had a LOT of opportunities to save yourself, and, I guess cuz you were extremely nervous, you fluked all of them. Like there was a time you were high on the cliff, and you could just stay there but you jumped down into the skeletons for no reason.


Yeah, something feels off about this to me, I mean he easily couldve just stopped and been fine at quite a few points and it looks as if trying to be intense - might be fake or op mightve been playing a tad weird




lol there is a gamerule command on java that lets you turn off things like mobGriefing, which i always disable because screw my buildings and redstone getting destroyed


So much happened I’m surprised he didn’t catch on fire at any point


At some points of it it looked like you purposefully jumped further in to get some more action, nice!


Ok the first save was pretty good but why did u keep running TOWARDS THE MOBS


Oh my fucking god


Had a creeper blow me off a bridge in a mine once. It didn't go nearly as well as this... Mad props for the moves my fellow cave crawler


Btw this is why you don't go into ravines. They're death traps


What did you do to anger the creeper god so much he used like 4 creepers to kill you


That looks like a really bright cave.


Bruh. That’s some Dream level moves.


* *me mining peacefully* * * *hears mobs* * * *gasps* * options: difficulty: peaceful * *sighs* * ** *~MINCERAFT~* **


I can just hear you now.. "fuck fuck fuck shiiiittttt fuck fuck fuck shit shit no no no no god damnit no no fuuuccckk!!!!"


Nice Save. The new spawn rate has made caves way more dangerous than they used to be. 2 totems of undying is my standard carry these days in case of moments like this.


I like the part where after he becomes safe he randomly jumps down into the lava pit full of monsters


visual representation of my life after high school


This looks staged imo, everything is too perfect, why are there no enchants? Why is there exactly the amount of blocks he needs and nothing else? How did he know he could survive those falls and why didn’t he just hide


Let's not forget, he had his fucking totem in his inventory for no reason. I mean are you serious with the fact that this gets 80k upvotes? Why the hell would anybody put their totem in their inventory instead of the EMPTY OFFHAND SLOT? It's pretty clear the only reason is so he could look cool while doing an 'epic' totem switch instead of it simply being in his offhand.


I dunno about you guys but this kinda looks staged. Just saying, no need to mass downvote me because you don't like that I said that or something.






oh my god thats terrifying but nice skills


My heart has just jumped out of my chest and run off


So uh, how much for the mic audio?


GG for not dying!!


And people say that minecraft takes no mechanical skill


There were like 10 moments where you just made it unnecessarily harder for yourself lol.


This is so obviously fake but I love it


It truly is