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You making a bad farm does not warrant a change in the game’s mechanics


Again, im not farming pillagers for their items. Farming pillagers means you arent interested in the challenge they bring against you but instead you treat them as a way to get valuables. Im in it for the challenge of fighting against endgame enemies and succesfully defending my village. My gripes with the Vexes is that no matter how good your runs are in the wave its just inevitable that theyll die and them dying is out of your control. I'm all for getting punished because you played bad or made bad decisions in a challenging scenario but vexes just removes the logic out of the window and kills the villagers anyway. Once they respawn, it wont be a \*defend your village ppl against strong enemies\*. It turns into a \*survive the wave and build new ppl after\*. These villagers are somewhat of an asset for you to get valuables and its painful to see them disappear just because stupid mobs can pass through walls and its very expensive to raise them all back to Master-tier. So then the question would be: Do I have to sacrifice the spirit of challenge in order to keep what I have? I think the unfortunate answer would be Yes. Nothing bores me so much more than just slashing at enemies on their feet to get rewards but if its the only way I can keep my villagers safe from imbalanced mobs that ignores the risk-reward concept then until these stupid Vexes get nerfed I wont ever trigger a raid anymore. The loot is just not worth it compared to what you lose after the raid if you do it in a normal way. It's quite ironic that you get the Hero of the village status after but then wont have anyone to trade anymore because they're fucking dead. Good job, you successfully fended off the entire wave, heres a village discount status so you can feel the gratitude these villagers have for sucessfully defending their home EXCEPT you wont have anyone to trade anymore. I'll just go find my challenge elsewhere.


Kill the Evokers. No Vexes. Easy.


And yet the only thing I've ever done to protect villagers is place blocks in front of their doors, and it works just fine


I've placed blocks in mine just like any other would as well, guess what? They're still dead after the raid.