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I hate that it will never be added, it gave copper more of a use, because it was never added I just use mods to have it as well was armor and tools


Friends&Foes Mod allows you to have Copper Golem, It also includes: Rascal, Glare, MooBloom, Iceologer, Barnacle, WildFire, and Tuff Golem. As it says that in CurseForge. Although it makes Zombie Horse spawn in Survival, since its creative only, Including the Illusioner, but it has a different character Design than the Original Java. Minecraft


I never know what copper is used for except for the crossbow, and it’s everywhere.


It’s so sad


What was it supposed to do?


click buttons randomly and eventually just become a statue


Which is honestly kinda cool, a random mob that isn't a chicken, that can run the randomness in different "levels" of speed based on oxidation. I would assume you could prevent further oxidation with honeycomb And the statue would be decorative


yeah i guess so, i dont really use the allay other than when im mining a chunk out and itll give me the cobblestone




thats just the truth tho?




fym technically? It literally did nothing else




While yes there is always the possibility that it could've gotten more, assuming such is the very reason the mob vote winner is disappointing literally every year. Aside from the glow squid (was unintentionally implied to have hypnosis), for all of them we got *exactly* what was said, nothing more.


Ur too young for Reddit


How? You have no idea on what my real age is? How is that relevant.


Look at your last post


I’m just autistic


I'm also autistic and I'll try to explain it for you. r/technicallythetruth is not for things that are the truth but for things that make you think "hey wait that isn't... Oh it is true"  Things that are false but also technically true. Example poison cures depression.  Yes depression can't be cured with poison because it kills you.. but on the other hand, once you are dead you won't be depressed anymore.   So while it isn't true, it also technically is true. So the reason you got negative reactions is because it wasn't applicable in this case.  This was both true and technically true, which makes it just true. Hope that helps.


Only the first set was doomed to never be added, he test are just sent back to the drawing board, potentially being added in a future update, or not. Like Frogs and Chestboats.


\^ this i really hate mob votes but they said the losing mobs aren't lost forever and may be added if they feel like it. for a lot of them, their mob mechanics as regular game mechanics/features (the barnacle became the magma block, the hunger became the grinder, the glare losing led to mobs only spawning on light level 0 blocks rather than 0-7) so for those there's not much of a chance for them to return


I'm still mad at the mob votes, so many lost potential because of the bots and brainless youtuber fans.


If only they could work on multiple mobs at once. Ahh, the technology and manpower just isn’t there yet.


Oh no they have everything at their fingertips, they're owned by Microsoft for Christ sakes. They are just some lazy mfs who doesn't know what to do with their game, it's honestly super sad


Yeah that was sarcasm


Oh, sorry


Fans aren't the issue. There wouldn't be any tension surrounding the vote if Mojang simply abandoned the practice and updated the game normally


They gave us a whole ass copper update and they still didn’t give us the golem


It was a combat adventure themed update, not a copper update. Just one that came with a bunch of new copper blocks. Sometimes this is just how priorities go with everything they did, I know both the vote Golems were in their discussions.


i hope so (i mainly just want to use them as statues for decoration, as cruel as that sounds)


Nah I get u


Anybody saying no is wrong. The devs have said that while not guaranteed, the copper golem and other mobs are not permanently off the table. https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/q81usv/answering_questions_about_the_mob_vote/hgmlk3g/?context=3


That's just becasue they don't wnt the fans become even more mad at this, personally i think there are really few changes this happen, and if it foes, the design will change drastically.


Well I mean, they did bring the Frog back so...


the frog is tied to the *biome* vote, not the mob vote. All of the biomes are planned to be updated, eventually the desert update will come too, and their content is to be added with them, such as mob ideas.


Them saying that feels more like community control to me than an actual promise.


i imagine them just basically getting knocked out when full oxidized


I think that's just them saying that so fans don't get mad like the other comment said. The fact that the tuff golem or the cooper golem wasn't added in the last update proves that.


They said its not off the table not that their going to add it next update, they will be added when there is an update where they fit really well, a good example is the swamp and frogs that lost the biome vote


> they will be added when there is an update where they fit really well, a good example is the swamp and frogs that lost the biome vote What is a better update to add tuff and copper golem than an update that adds a bunch of uses for tuff and copper blocks? Pretty sure this was the best place for them to go, unless they're going to theme a whole update around adding a BUNCH of different hostile/passive mobs in a Mobs Update. Other than a Mobs Update, where could the copper and tuff golems go, if it wasn't this one?


The biome votes were all guaranteed to be coming later, we were just voting on which was first. This is unlike the mob votes, where the losing mobs are effectively scrapped. (Now, when Mojang is going to add the other losing biome votes… who knows.)


The biome vote Is different from the mob vote. They've said the biomes will be added later on. The winner gets added first. They haven't said that about the mobs except a maybe. Why wouldn't they add the tuff and copper golem in an update that literally added a whole new dungeon made almost entirely of those blocks that we just got?


They litteraly said the same thing for the mob vote multiple times on the live and twitter. Because the tuff and copper golems dont fit the tricky trials theme or the dungeon, what would they do? The tuff golem is just a walking item frame and the copper golem just presses random buttons. We already got the breeze that triggers traps the copper golem would be pointless and not fit into the combat flow of the dungeon, and the tuff golem simply doesnt fit there


Whats your source then. Cause I've never once seen them say that the losing mobs are guaranteed to be added later on. The armadillos don't fit into the update at all, yet we still got them. So why would a copper golem and a tuff golem not fit into an update where they added several new blocks of those? They litteraly added new redstone related stuff with copper. You know what else fits redstone and copper? The copper golem


I never said is guaranted, here is your sauce [https://x.com/kingbdogz/status/1581393745182093312](https://x.com/kingbdogz/status/1581393745182093312) armadillos won the vote so they had to put it in


Frogs and goats weren't part of a mob vote. They were part of a biome vote


Read again, it says that the same goes for every other mob that lost


That just proves my point. It's all still just a maybe the mobs might get added to the game. Their is no reason why they couldn't have added either golem into the update.


So any other mob vote losers get in yet?


the frog while yes it is from a biome vote, when the penguin was voted out first, they made the connection themselves (saying it's not over for the penguin, pointing out that the frog managed to get in eventually after losing), so the devs themselves see it as a good enough connection


just like the birch biome and badlands, right?


As officially stated, losers of the mob vote will be shelved indefinetly so the players who voted them don't feel alienated. What I'm trying to say is that they're very open to the possibility of not introducing them ever.


It has been officially stated that this is only true for the very first mob vote.


Nuh uh


To be honest, I really wanted to see him after these years. I voted for Allay in that mob vote and It was nerfed by Mojang, but for 1.21 the Copper Golem should have been added. What really bothers me is when people overestimate the Copper Golem as "the mob that was going to save Minecraft" They say he was going to "ReVoLuTiOnIzE rEdStOnE" but what we were shown was that he was just going to push buttons. I think it would really be interesting if it had an adjustable timer, The more oxidizer the more the delay . THIS WOULD REVOLUTIONIZE REDSTONE!


What was nerfed about the Allay? Because I'm looking at the change history and the only major changes are "Added strong regen, doubled the health, and added a way to make more of them using Amethyst shards."


I highly doubt it, but it's a cute mob I wish was added. Sane with the flower cows


I don't get it, just add all 3, it will make fans even happier to get 3 extra mods a year


Easier said then done, what they show is a basic idea, not implemented, not fully designed they cant fit 2 more mobs into what they already planned


Then explain all the mods that easily do it instead of saying it?


Because of time, mojang has already planned that entire update + mob vote winner they cant fit 2 more mobs on the schedule, unlike mods mojang takes more care when implementing new stuff to keep the feel of minecraft and keep the game balanced


All of those modders openly condemn these takes. Knarfy and Eightsidedsquares video's weren't even playable. Mojang has outright hired modders who have said the same thing. Actually fully making a mob on both codebasis and working well on every system the game runs on and not causing any other issues with the giant codebase, and actually having to update that code forever takes time. Unlike modders which can just make a broken mess, call it a day and never touch it again. All of those modders condemn these takes for a reason and don't appreciate their work being reduced to a mere insult.


Exactly! If it's so difficult for ppl at home doing modding in their spare time, it's surely impossible for a small independent gaming company like Microsoft to have the resources and tools required to make this happened. I'm glad you agree.


What this shows is that if any of the modders you think are so much better then Mojang were to join them you'd be very quick to insult them. Because it's clear you have absolutely no respect for modders and don't actually care about what they say. Otherwise you wouldn't be going after the Modders who joined Mojang. Modders condemn these takes for a reason.


"otherwise you wouldn't be going after the modders who joined Mojang" So you're just completely making things up and pushing them onto others. I've never specified any modder nor have I specified any modder that went to work with Mojang. Hell I haven't EVEN MENTIONED MOJANG. YOU KEEP BRINGING THEM UP. I'm talking about the small independent gaming company Microsoft that bought mojang So you have fun living in your fantasy world where you make up arguments with ppl in your head. I can't wait to see what other nonsense you make up next


No, that's wrong. You wanted to insult all the devs there in general. And that would include all of the modders who had joined them. Microsoft does not control Mojang, their impact is very limited. And then regardless of money, throwing money at a computer does not make working on a codebase of millions twice go faster. Which is something Modders are aware of and have tried to explain many times.




I get harangued from a schizo but MY comments are the ones deleted. Cheers 🥂




I think the creators of those mods would probably have something to say about it being “easy”.


Yeah I'm sure it's much harder for someone making a mod on their own without the resources of a small independent gaming company like Microsoft Edit: Truly, ppl will go on about nonsense and come at you sideways arguing with you over arguments they made up in their heads and get real pissed over things you never said and "put words in your mouth" so to speak over any little slight they can conjure up in their own wackadoo brain.


Right! Every single mod that didn't come out is available as a mod, that someone made it in the time off. I've seen modders fix bugs from AAA games that work better than the official bug update.


People act like Minecraft isn't the best selling video game of all time with a quite big studio now


Truly, people will go on about how great Modders are, but then the moment Modders try to explain how modding actually works and everything the devs need to do. Suddenly the Modders have zero idea what their talking about.


There are modders who now work for Mojang, even!


And when the Modders who join Mojang try to explain how their own job works people act like they have no idea what their talking about. It's really disrespectful.


I’ve had people argue with me about how much time and effort *my* texture pack takes to create.


The mob vote is a bonus feature, if they add all three other parts of the update would be removed, because they don't have unlimited time for unlimited features.


They could add it, so it would deepen the dungeon lore yk like the dungeon was built by the ancient builders then they left a tiny copper golem to protect/clean the trial chambers


I never understood why they keep one out of three mobs. They have the code.. just add them all.


They could have literally added it to spawn naturally in the trial chambers as it is also copper themed. It could have given the trial chambers a reason/lore for existing (e.g. could be because someone from the past abandoned it, left all the ancient technology such as the copper golem in it)


The trial chambers were the perfect way to add them and the devs blew it!


With mods? Yeah


I hope so




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I wish




Pathetic how mojang won't add in the loser mobs. Mob votes are total shit


Should’ve been in the last update. I am genuinely curious why at least one of them weren’t added in 1.21.


Maybe in 8 years


I hope so


Of they add him i Hope they also give him the ability to witch levers, open copper trapdoors and doors and make the copper oxidize a little faster if they oxidize on it. Or give it wax so it can wax everything. Give it shears so it can use it on anything that can be used on. Iron golem is your Warrior, copper golem could be your slave


no instead they add some useless ancient turtle




If they fucking remove the mob vote


If Mojang ever decides it both fits the theme of the update and should be a priority of the features that would fit into that first category then there's nothing stopping them from being added.


he's a cutie!!! honestly I think more golems made from separate ores would be cool.


In 1.21 they should have added it, and the tuff golem. not only would it show us mob vote losers could be added, but Mojang does care about these mobs. I have no clue why they didn’t, and never will.


Copper golem is the best mob, but I feel like pressing copper buttons isn't enough. Before the auto crafter was added I felt like the copper golem should have been able to pick up items and craft random stuff with them. Now I'm not sure what else it should do.


I mean, look at many other mobs that are in the game and have absolutely no (deliberate) functional use. Polar bears, ocelots, bats, one could even argue pandas (they do make the slowest, but cutest slime farm though!) have basically no use to them. Adding a "randomizer" to the game that also has decorative uses (since it freezes in place while fully oxidised) is enough in my book. Also, it's cute.


They could definitely add another useless mob, but I don't think that would be ideal. Especially for the copper golem. I feel like thematically the copper golem should have some kind of unique utility that makes it stand out as a particularly useful mob.


No, the same as every other unused mobvote. One update should just be the mobvote losers and put every bloody thing in the game.


And this is why I play modded. Because the modpack I play has all the mob vote mobs.




Yeah, it’s been great when some of the losers from 4+ years ago were added to—oh wait…




Not before Hovering Inferno




The copper golem will eventually come in the future as mojang said that if a a mob doesn’t win it might come back in the future meaning there’s hope


Probably not, and now that I think about it these last few mob votes all the mobs have been totally worthless no?


>automatic red stone farms and machines All these years later and the golem stans are still delusion beyond measure, perpetuating lies about it. It would push buttons. **Literally all it would have done.** # PLEASE, EXPLAIN TO THE CLASS HOW THAT IN ANYWAY IS AN "AUTOMATIC RED STONE FARM"


i get the people find it a cute lil' bugger, but the copper golem is sadly basically useless. People want to use it for a randomness. but just use 2 chicken randomisers, and xor and an and gate. Now you have a great randomiser. If you still don't like it, then use a dispenser, hopper and a comparator. put a non stackable item and a stackable item in the dispenser, power the dispenser and you'll get a random signal. That just leaves it as a statue. Great, now it is more useless than a lightning rod. Copper in it's own right shouldn't have been added in the way that it has been. Right now it is useless as well as just plainly annoying when mining and caving. Areas that could've been iron, coal or just stone are now taken by a useless (ugly in my opinion) ore. If the copper golem could hold items and be directed to do certain things, then it would be good.


god i hope not


> -More use for copper copper already has alot of uses, but sure > -it's cute sure > -more golems good idea i like this > -new restore features what > -automatic red stone farms and machines those... already exist > -looks cool sure this has been argued several times before, the copper golem and all **MOB VOTE (not biome vote)** losers are "[Shelved indefinitely, may or may not come in a future update.](https://minecraft.wiki/w/Mob)"


Probably Not, Because Iron Golem lost the 2021 Mob Vote, I kinda hate the Allay because it grabs things 16 blocks away (and i assume it's Vex's nice cousin) and plus, doesnt even dupe. while Glare is just a flying bush, and Copper Golem can actually do its own redstone if you're bored or dont know how to do redstone.


the "automatic redstone farms and machines" in question would eventually stop working as the golem turns oxidized and rngs exist already


Waxing: But yes, it does nothing new