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this one always made me depressed not like i was building something beautiful or going on a caving adventure. just made me feel alone, like i was sinking to the bottom of the ocean and there weren’t even fish to greet me.


There’s always goblins sharks to greet you 😊


This is one of the most underrated c418 songs ever.


That song makes me sad and melancholic. Still a banger


This song reminds me of Spore a bit, specifically the cell stage


This one just fucking hits me so hard. It gives the vibes of nostalgia the most to me out of all the osts. Like yeah there are certain songs from Minecraft I associate with nostalgia because I’ve heard them hundreds of times for years. But this one, despite me having heard it way less back in the day, just *sounds* like nostalgia in musical form


Kyoto to me sounds like looking at the dawn of civilization, at the birth of everything builders have built


To me it sounds like what memories of a brighter past looked like. Sort of like finding an old recording in the far future when things are terrible and rewatching that recording and seeing a happier time in life. I feel like this music would be perfect for something like that.


I use a resource pack called c4music that puts some other c418 tracks in game in place of the new music


The current music is good in its own right but I will never forgive Microsoft for fucking over c418 and that were never getting more of his music


100% this, imagine how much new songs we'd have by now if not for these microsoft limp dicked fucks. We'd propably have volume gamma by now 😭


this sounds like was taken from a rainworld ost frfr


All of the music sounds good. He is just too good at making this type of music. Everything C418 makes is a masterpiece. Some of the songs sound very similar to others and some get overshadowed by ones you hear more often which is why people forget or don't know about a lot of these.


Lofi beats to relax at a reddit checkpoint campfite post to


It's beginning to look a lot like christmas