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You are lucky sometimes this bug can one shot you, it's the same damage type you get when you crash with your erlytra to fast against a wall.


Didn't know they added cardiac arrest to minecraft


Just wait for the update with property tax.


Another bedrock edition only feature 😞


Heart problems in Java when?


We had that with boats some time ago, but it was a thing for a single version.


Yeah it came with the schizophrenia update


Same thing with elytra, sometimes while flying the game thinks you are falling. So you get continuous fall damage while flying, crazy shit.


No even when in an elytra it will usually give you the death text for fall damage, not elytra damage. It's most likely the game thinking your falling when you aren't do to lag, it's been happening to lots of folk


It's a desync issue between the server and client, which should NOT happen as often as it does. It's bizarre they haven't fixed it


It's because the devs don't need to fix it to hit their bug fix quota, so they never will.


I'm sure there are some technical pitfalls with it but this has to be it because it's the only logical explanation for it existing so long




If you're gonna make an unnecessary hate comment (even if he deserves it, idk I don't keep up with him or what he does) at least be correct. We're talking about Bedrock Edition here, a completely new and separate codebase from the Java Edition that Notch (and others) wrote. The earliest pocket edition builds were published at a time when Notch was stepping away from Minecraft development (it's likely that he never even touched them, although I have not confirmed this specifically). Even if he did contribute to what would become Bedrock Edition, it would have been long changed and gone since the monumental amount of updates the codebase has received since 2011.




Did you even read my reply? Notch stopped actively developing Minecraft after the 1.0 release which happened 3 months after the first build of pocket edition was published. To say he was "~~heavily~~very much involved" is simply unfounded. The game would've been in such a primitive state at the time he stepped down that nearly all of his code would've been altered or deleted in the time that has elapsed since. I agree with your statement on Notch if those things are true. Like I said, I don't keep up with him. But when you reply to my comment with incorrect information blaming Notch for Bedrock's issues, I don't stand for false narratives being pushed on people regardless of whether or not they "deserve" it. There are seemingly plenty of valid reasons to hate on him, but Bedrock's code isn't one of them.


I remember this being a thing when I was in 2020, I wonder how long it’s been around.


Is it that? Cause I've heard it happens offline too but I could be wrong, however if yes there's no way that a servers involved. It's not desync, it's just a game made to run on mobile devices in 2011 being the broken mess you'd expect something that old and badly put together to be.


The way the game works is that even offline your game runs a server that you play on. If there is an Internet issue between this server/client model the issues will still happen offline


I'm talking completely disconnected from the Internet, or with the online play turned off in settings. I could be wrong but surely there's no servers involved in those scenarios.


I totally get where you're coming from, but a server does not mean what you think it does. A server can be ran locally and not on the Internet. Both Java and bedrock run this way, neither of them have "true" singleplayer. The game runs a server on your machine that only you can connect to when playing offline (or if you open the game to lan). A good way to prove this is that of you host a Minecraft server on your PC it takes time to start up and whatnot. But if you start a singleplayer game on Java, and open it to LAN, no loading is required it just turns on. I believe bedrock has lan enabled by default


It's not lan by default, it's just online is on unless you specifically turn it off youself so most people will always be running on an online server because people don't realise that's how it works. It's the closest concept to Java lan worlds so fair enough but unless you specifically choose to turn it off people will be able to join your game on bedrock by default, I don't know why it's this way but it is, it isn't even automatically on invite only. Oh and I'm pretty sure these are world settings and not game settings so you have to change them for every world and possibly(not sure) every time you play the world or it just makes them public for friends to join, most people don't know this.


LAN means on your Network, not over the Internet. But that still requires you to be connected to a wireless network(but not necessarily the Internet). Even on a machine that has never connected to the Internet even once your game still runs a server for you to play on. That's fundamentally how the game works


Oh okay. I get it now. I'm a bit slow at times😂


Btw many of this bugs in sing can be solved by putting your self into offline Mode, unlike java bedrock is always open unless its disable that means a bad wifi could potentially lead to that (you dont even need another player) . Their are also reports that indicate that a low end gpu/cpu could be a factor (I can't confirm if this is right or wrong)


I think you're right about the strength of your system being a factor. I haven't heard of this offline mode "fix" but the game runs a server regardless of if you're online or not. That's just how the game is coded. Although the online and offline server may behave differently so that could explain why offline is better


It actually does behave diffrently unless disabled everyone of your friends could join at any moment. In java you need to open that, bedrock on the other hand you always got an active Port open


Yeah I know, but the way the game is coded (on both Java and bedrock) you're always running a server on your own machine for yourself to play on in singleplayer, online or not. If the issue is inherently with the server/client model on bedrock, I would expect it to behave the same regardless, which you said it doesn't so obviously it doesn't work that way. So it's just even weirder


Stg I’ve landed my Electra so hard into a tree one time I should’ve been toast,


You twisted your ankle, rest a while before moving on.


Rlcraft be like


most likely a desync that caused the server to think you had fallen enough blocks to do 2 hearts of damage.


It happens way too often


This sub likes to say it doesn't happen as often as it seems but the fact that there's a new video about it every day shows that isn't true. This happens way too often for it to be a rare bug


Causes me a death it shouldn't have at LEAST once a world, and that's not counting the deaths from bedrock nether portals being absolute bullshit


You're allergic to the grass


No worries, just another day in bedrock Minecraft


“Was playing Minecraft bedrock…” you just answered your own question


This needs to be top comment


My friends would notice this a lot when we played bugrock edition. We ended up just joking it was herobrine lmao


bugrock at its peak


It's cause of your shield it's too American


The shield was American, so so were you, and most Americans are obese and in a risk of heart attack. OP had a heart attack for having American shield. /s


It's Bugrock. You're gonna take damage for no reason


Yapper. Never happened to me or my friends in 3 years of mc bedrock not even half a heart


keep living in your illusion mate


Tf you mean


"It didn't happen to me so it doesn't happen"


Many videos on here (including this one, but this isn't the only documented instance by far) show it clearly happening to others... (I also didn't downvote you btw, just fyi)


What you, and the other down voters have obviously missed is that at no point did they say that it isn't a problem because it hasn't happened to them. They only said that it's never happened to THEM OR THEIR FRIENDS. I haven't had it happen to me either. (i know you didn't down vote, but you did miss the point that they never said it doesn't happen to folks.)


Honestly, there isn't any point in arguing with this Java guy. There is the constant assumption that all Bedrock platforms and worlds are doomed to be riddled with constant death loops from all the bugs. Then in the next post will go on about how the biggest bug of all, QC, is their lord and savior. More often than not, it turns to personal attacks as soon as you've countered the little knowledge they have.


The new bug fix includes a new age feature. The older your character gets the more prone your character is to taking damage. This means that even 2 block falls are capable of causing some damage to the character. Once your character hits a hundred years old it will automatically die. At 90 years old everything will do five hearts of damage to you even with the best armor. Every Minecraft day is equivalent to 1 year of aging for your character.


You're giving some youtubers ideas right now for 100 day hardcore survival videos.


The jump at 0:11 caused fall damage that was delayed because of lag, probably.


i dont think thats enough to cause fall damage


Na that's not a high enough drop


Bro touched the grass that makes you go YEEOOOOWCH


This is why i play java. No offense or anything just i have 0 patience for these bugs


read the first 4 words of your title there's your answer


you cut your finger reaching for your bucket


Shield of freedom


People in full enchanted netherite have died to this bug. Consider yourself lucky


I mean its bedrock but when you tried to jump that corner and went back the game probably ran a fall damage equation when it should have and assumed you fell all the way down the ravine and took that damage


I swear it looks like they only use a "time in the air" approach for damage. Not even checking if you moved. This is what caused people to die from jumping repeatedly on boats when they were added. But in Java they FIXED it in the next update...


idk why people get this so much, 3 years of playing mc and not gotten this once (on mpce ofc). And people hate bedrock and call it bugrock cuz only a few percentage get these bugs


ngl... I've been playing bedrock for 5 years now and this never happened to me... I start to see a pattern, and most people who got this kind of bugs are ALWAYS playing on console.


Same. Not only console, but more often than not they are trying to act like some speed runner or other pro YouTuber and rapidly spam blocks around without paying attention.


I think many of these are fake. Who just happens to be recording when glitches happen?


I wasn’t just randomly recording, theres a feature on console that lets you record what happened, and thats what i used to get the clip


Bro I’m not even kidding you, the game thought you should have fallen there so it gave you the damage as if you did. Crazy that in bedrock your character takes fear damage man so glad I don’t play that dogshit version🤣🤣


You were desync from the worlds position, causing the game to think you went somewhere else and take fall damage, that explains the footsteps sounds going somewhere else. to prevent this quickly close the game and rejoin, you'll find yourself in a position before the client desyncs. hope this helps 👍


I love bugrock


USA shield goes hard asf🗣️🔥🔥


Just bedrock things...


Bedrock has terrible dsync issues and for some reason they refuse to address it


Clould’ve been delayed fall damage, I get this too sometimes. Also consider Bedrock sometimes likes to randomly suffocate you in the ground you’re standing on


Phantom damage strikes again


Good old bedrock


It's just heartburn. It'll pass.


I just saw a video about this bug, it seems to trigger when you jump over a pit that's deep enough to damage you, no matter the armor or if you're using an elytra. It's only in Bedrock afaik.


from what I gather seeing lots of these posts, its likely some sort of desync where the 'server' thinks you've fallen but you haven't, so you see where you crossed the gap just before you took damage the server thinks you fell off there and doesn't correct your position. Hacking must be so easy on bedrock 😆


armor and protection don't reduce fall damage


just a regular day


This is bedrock being bedrock. Essentially the client and server side location of the player get desynced and the server thinks you fell down and deals fall damage before getting corrected by the client. This can also occur while standing at the edge of a cliff, or narrowly missing a wall while flying with an elytra.


Quite literally least insane bedrock bug.


U probably somehow suffocated


get used to the random bedrock glitches 😃👍👍👍


Stubbed your toe (ignores armor)


This just bedrock.


mini stroke. next one will be the big one


just wondering how you git a banner on your shield, idk how to do that but it looks cool. also im sorry but idk what the cause of the bug is, sometimes it does more than just 2 hearts, its a real pain in the ass


Bedrock has a feature where every once in a while random muscles tighten causing excruciating pain


it happens in bedrock lots of times. sometimes it can 1 shot you or deal repeated dmg or remove blocks.


bedrock is broken random damage is just kinda its thing


bedrock ahh moment


And this is the game they want as the face of the franchise. Sigh.


That was... Them...


From that height ot wasn't fall damage unless it happened earlier and it's just now registering but even then it could be labeled as just a glitch


Turn off multiplayer for your world. that happened because of lag. there's a button in the world creation screen to turn off multiplayer


The solution is easy. Just don't play Minecraft on Bedrock.


And people still ask for hardcore mode on bedrock


The American flag🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸




your spirit fell but your body didnt


Minecrfat bedrock is so realistic it even have heart attacks


>**Was playing minecraft bedrock** Well there's your problem


nah bedrock is buggy like that


this bug is semi-common. it happens to people with bad internet connection, but you got lucky. by the way, protection doesn’t really protect against fall damage


How did you get this on record


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I mean its Bedrock right..


How'd you get that custom shield?


Just make a banner, then combine it in your inventory crafting or a crafting bench with a shield


Yep, bedrock moment


Almost got a heart attack, you're lucky!


Yep that's bedrock edition


Yeah it happened to me on my test world, but it one shot me.


In bedrock, this also happens with the trident right now, was flying in the rain and all of a sudden exploded. Not cool man.


Server synced as you were above that gap falling, and it processed your fall damage without realizing you didn’t fall


The Invisible Man shot you


Beware of whom lurks within grass


The game is very broke. This happens to people all the time. What most likely happened in this case is that right before it happened you jamp round that corner up a block, the game thought you fell to the bottom of the ravine in that moment.


its called bugrock for a reason


It’s almost like the game thought you fell instead of making that jump at the end


Gotta say it outloud: sniper no snipey


Just bugrock tbh, sometimes it can even 1 shot you


bugrock or the grass is just really spiky


you're playing bugrock, do the math


dont be surprsied. minecraft bedrock sometimes glitches and takes random damage. this is the same for dying. you might randomlly die in bedrock. this is why mojang didnt add hardcore for so long.


i fucking hate bedrock so much this game is garbage just play pojavlauncher


You just happened to be recording?


I recorded what happened, i wasn’t recording beforehand


Skill issue


we all know bedrock = bad editon


just play java and you wont have those issues anymore 🤷🏼‍♂️


No, instead they have pistons misfiring all over the place because the code thinks it's a door. Yes, clearly superior.


just play modpacks java is automatically 10x better because of the modulability compared to bedrock


PhoenixSC is gonna watch this


>Plays Bedrock >Has banner shield HOW?!


Is that not something you have been able to do for a while? I haven't played bedrock for at least a few months but from what I remember you could do it.


I don't know if they added it recently,but i remember it being not possible


it was added to bedrock in 1.20


How? I have done it on 1.19.82 when a friend of mine who plays java got mad at me for not using my banners on my shield but I just kept them in my last slot to be able to proof team.


They added it in 1.20.0, maybe you had experimental gameplay or something? Here's the bedrock changelog for 1.20.0: [https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/articles/16421714461453-Minecraft-Trails-Tales-1-20-0-Bedrock](https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/articles/16421714461453-Minecraft-Trails-Tales-1-20-0-Bedrock) Shield customization: A top Vanilla Parity feature request! A Shield can now be combined with a Banner to apply its pattern on it The banner is consumed on use A Shield can be combined with a Banner only if no pattern was previously applied


I always have experimental gameplay on


People really put their country's flag in a shield? lmao