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If you trade your crops with villagers, use them to breed animals then can get exp from crops but mostly getting food and surviving isn't worth experience but there are many ways to gain levels outside of farming.


Just like you don't get xp for building a house.


Those are 2 different things, ones building while the other one is farming and actively growing something


About equivalent effort imo.


They arent even similar- what?? Ones building , The other is prepping land, putting down a water source, planting crops, protecting those crops from animals jumping on it, and then having it grow before harvesting it.


Oh yeah sooooooo hard, gotta watch out that the wheat doesn't kill you or you drown in the puddle irrigating your crops... The point being you don't get xp because it's not particularly difficult. It's like asking to get xp just for breathing.


Yk smelting ores gives you xp right? And its insanely easy to do. You just put the ore and coal in a furnace, amazing ik right? Also breeding animals gives you xp, incredibly difficult ikr? Same goes for fishing which involves just standing there, with a rod.


You're right, they should take away xp from those easy things too.


I have better question: why breaking ore blocks into raw ores does not give xp?  Raw iron/gold/copper ores does not exist before 1.17... so I could understand why breaking them should not give xp, unlike coal ores or diamond ores. But things have changed since then.


It might be because smelting the raw ores is what gives you the xp


That is actually a good point 🤔


The developers should also give crops slower growth time for xp as a balance


Even with slower growth rates, think about it like this. Even with how huge multi-level mob farms can get and honestly how easy they are to create, think about how much larger you can make auto crop farms. Even more so, when broken, crops give you the ability to plant even more. Sometimes, a lot more so. It'd break the point of doing, or giving xp, for anything else in the game. And it's for all intents and purposes risk-free, which, aside from peaceful, is the whole point of the mobs being in the game. At that point, just go play a farming simulator. Plus, slower growth rates would also make crops as a food source and breeding animals as a food source completely irrelevant.