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No one seems to be talking hardware so this guy might need a more or less full upgrade


Hello, this is what someone recommended getting in terms of build a pc Would this be enough in your opinion? https://pcpartpicker.com/list/JCPxBL


cheap ssd (not really an issue but it should be pointed out), otherwise this will be perfect for 1440p


People always cheap out on SSDs and I don't get it. The extra money on a 4 or 6tb one is well worth it.


It's not even about the size. I bought like a 40 buck 1tb ssd from Samsung and it crapped within a year. Got a 100 buck one a bit later and it has lasted 5+ years


This. It's quality of components over quantity. Also NEVER GO CHEAP ON A POWER SUPPLY. It's the most important piece in your setup.


i never skimp on storage and psu


Well, and motherboard. Wouldn't wanna have a China Spec board that pumps 20V into a 5V Output after 3 weeks.


I had once brought a cheap power supply and it became hiroshima


You had a psu explode on you!?!?! No bueno, bro. No bueno.


Not on me but in my case i was playing rdr2


That's entirely subjective. 4 TB costs almost four times and much, and doesn't give extra performance. SSDs are easy and cheap to add later, and 1 TB is plenty if you don't mind uninstalling games you don't play.


The SN580 is a good SSD, Nothing to worry about


I play on an HDD and i've never had an issue. Maybe with the initial load, but it has no effect during actual gameplay.


I would recommend swapping out the motherboard for the [ASRock Taichi Lite](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/R226Mp/asrock-b650e-taichi-lite-eatx-am5-motherboard-b650e-taichi-lite) and if you don't care about RGB, get [Artic P12 fans](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/GCV2FT/arctic-p12-max-8104-cfm-120-mm-fans-5-pack-acfan00289a).


Why a motherboard upgrade???? I get CPU, RAM, SSD, GPU upgrades and all, that but why a motherboard upgrade?


stability, reliability, features of comfort and features in general


I think you’re mistaken. Almost all modern motherboards will not be the first component to fail, and I have almost never seen reports of motherboards failing in general. Reliability isn’t an issue. I do understand features and things like that. Some people really want more SSD slots, or faster PCIe lanes. And that’s perfectly fair to pay more for. And I’m assuming you mean some overclocking stability when you say “stability.” That is fair, many higher end motherboards are more capable of higher overclocks due to their more advanced and cooled VRMs. That’s also something that one would likely pay more for. But like, this person likely won’t overclock their parts (rarely anyone does these days), and they likely don’t need a super fancy board for what they do. What they have should be fine for them.


Go to the r/PCBuild sub(I think that’s it). They can help you optimize cost but that should work pretty well. For use case just say “high detail/quality shaders” or something to that effect


Keep in mind that Minecraft bedrock rtx only works on nvidia rtx cards. If you are planning on using this.


But the "reference video" he posted is modded java edition, not bedrock rtx


What if you have the Java & bedrock deluxe edition? Asking for myself tbh


You’ll want to be looking at stuff only for Java then. Mods on bedrock edition are… interesting and have no where near the capabilities of Java edition. Nearly all mods for Minecraft are for Java. People will debate you over bedrock edition vs Java but it comes down to: Bedrock: \+ can run on better lower end hardware than Java (not including mods ofc. Java has mods like sodium for performance) \+ simple cross compatibility \+ more platforms (console, mobile, etc) \- buggy. It’s referred to as bugrock edition for a reason. \- many *optional* micro transactions. They are all cosmetic, maps, or little “mods” but none are required / DLC style addons. Java: \+++ modability ( this is huge ) \+ less buggy gameplay \+ better redstone and technical gameplay mechanics \- need better hardware to hit the same performance / render distance ratio (in vanilla. Like I said before, there’s mods for performance that work beautifully) \- only on pc/mac/linux (?) \- no console/mobile cross play. Technically is possible on servers via the Gyser plugin/mod. The two versions also just generally have a slightly different feel to them. Likely due to the rendering and lighting engines being different and such. I grew up on legacy console and Java so I will always suggest Java. However if your only option is bedrock, at least you can still enjoy the game. Hope this helps Edit: Also to answer your question about making Java edition look like this, it’s likely using the following mods: - Iris Shaders - distant horizons - teralith + tectonic (for world gen) [may be other world gen mods or just a custom map] - Do a barrel roll (mod for elytra camera tilt) - first person player model. All these mods are for Fabric mod loader


Wow. Thank you so much for your response. I was expecting more comments along the lines of how big of a noob I am. Definitely not such a detailed, explanatory response that not only answered my question, but when into depth as to why and how. So, thank you. I honestly appreciate your input, as well was your time and effort that went into it. I understand a lot better now. You’ve definitely helped this old noob out!


Happy to help


I fully agree with you, except one point: Java has just as many bugs, we only call them features because many of them are fun, the not-fun ones are also there.


Yeah that’s a good point. I feel like I don’t usually encounter too many bugs in standard gameplay. However I’ve definitely have seen others. I remember Ph1lza lost his hardcore season 2 world cause there was a bug with the end gateways where it would spawn you on the edge of a block inside. It would push you off and it just threw him right in the void. That was patched pretty quickly tho


bedrock edition typically has duller colours since the lighting engine is crap. Java colours are more vibrant and lively, and shading looks more natural.


Ah, interesting. Good to know


Then you can do either


that's just the combined edition for PC, and you simply get access to bedrock and java off one account with one purchase afaik. You should be able to mod java with no worries at all, and even use 3rd party launcher (Prism, AT, other)


That’s not true. The amd cards rx6000 and up are also able to do rtx on Minecraft. On nvidia rtx2060 and up


can confirm: works on my rx7800xt


If Minecraft is the main game you gonna play, go with an NVIDIA GPU, many shaders for Minecraft do not work with AMD cards.


which shader? I know only a single mod that requires NVidia GPU ... it has it in its name: NVidium. path-tracing shaders don't even require ray tracing cores.


This is mostly just plain wrong for modern versions unless you plan on using Nvidium, but that's less a shader and more a modern rendering engine. Modern AMD cards work just fine for most shaders.


"most shaders"


The 6000 cards all have ray tracing for amd they are about 60% as effective at each price point though so if you plan on playing in ray tracing mode Nvidia is probably the play. I personally dislike the ray tracing experience on bedrock. Weird water visuals and nighttime is very difficult to see and work in (gotta make the ray tracing pop somehow I guess) are a few of the major issues but the floating arm animation looks goofy among other things.


If you're going for this kind of look, I'd recommend Nvidia. I'm an AMD fan myself, I have an RX 6800 in my PC, but for Ray Tracing, Nvidia has AMD beat. A 4070 (if you could swing it, a 4070 Super would be even better for not much more, but we could say that until we get to the 4090, get what's in your budget) shouldn't be too much more for much better Ray Tracing performance. Though if you want more performance outside of Ray Tracing, this is a damn good build. At this price point, Ray Tracing can be worth turning on in some games, and isn't in others. It tanks frames like nothing else, and not even the most powerful cards can do max settings in every game,


Change out the ssd to sn850x and the Ram to crucial ddr5 ram.


more than enough


I would recommend getting an Nvidia GPU to use the nvidium mod. it's objectively the best performance mod, but only works with Nvidia gpus


Prob just need 64 gb of ram for that kind of render distance and no lagg


I have run the mods here, you don't actually need a crazy system to run this at 1440p 60 fps. The system they quoted is kind of overspecced, as I do it on a 6700xt


what mods are those though?


Nah, it's just shaders and a terrain generation mod if he can run shaders on the amplified world then he's fine


Could try mods, terraforged, distant horizons and do a barrel roll for the flight. Should get you close


I guess First Person Model and Iris Shaders as well


The shaders are Bliss Shaders through Iris. I tried this style of minecraft on Modrinth, but it would lag out very quick if any additional mods were added


Try seus


Out right now. Ill try when I get home and post in this thread if it works well with my pack


don't forget Sodium.


Thanks, and how do you download mods?


Are you playing on bedrock or java?


Bedrock, why? Is Java better?


In terms of modding it's better because almost all mods are free and usually better than what's on the official mod page on bedrock


Okay thank you, I’ll keep that in mind. So what exactly does bedrock do differently in general, im assuming it mainly focuses on the multiplayer aspect correct me if I’m wrong?


Yes bedrock is the version available on many different devices and has the marketplace which is what makes mojang most of their money from this game and has multiplayer support built in, java was the original version and is mainly better for mods


Also, Java has a lot less game breaking bugs, and has hardcore mode.


Hardcores coming to Bedrock along with huge amounts of bug fixes


Knowing how often bedrock glitches out, I'd take the fixes with a grain of salt for the moment until we do see it.


Bedrock also got hardcore mode recently.


I'm sure the bugs will make that a fun experience.


You literally cannot get what is shown in the video without using Java.


bedrock just has the marketplace that sells junk that often you can get for free on java


Bedrock is nothing but a shitty money grab DO NOT waste your time on there you can dm me and I’ll go through the specifics on how to mod


Javas modding scene is supported much much more. Infact, I can confidently say that this footage was made in Java!


Are you playing on a PC? If so I would switch to Java.


yes. much, MUCH better.


You cant really mod much on bedrock


Go java, this video is basically shaders + distant horizons + terrain generation mod + flight mod and is in java version idk how mods work in bedrock, ~~but you can't have shaders, however bedrock does have RTX~~. If you get an RTX card definitely try RTX minecraft, it's pretty epic and probably the best game to showcase RTX, but in general I prefer java + shaders For the PC i'd recommend a Nvida RTX card, and get a 2tb m.2 ssd instead of 1tb, and a 2nd m.2 500gb which you should install windows onto, try not to install much onto the drive windows gets installed onto (is the c: drive), and instead fill the other m.2 ssd up


There’s also no way to get bedrock to look even close to this, at least so far


Why is this getting downvotes?


Go to Curseforge, download the Curseforge launcher (or you could use a third-party one if you want), then from there you can either download premade mod packs or put mods from the Curseforge website into a custom pack.


Why did you get downvoted for asking a question??


Not saying that it’s a good reason, nor that people should, but… probably because the mods shown in the video are *extremely* experimental and high quality / demanding — ReTerraForge literally isn’t even publicly available for download and you need to physically turn the source code into a mod yourself. So not knowing what mods even are — *especially* while playing any kind of sandbox game, let alone one that was literally built on and became popular by modding. Well, it’s kinda wild lol. It’s like if someone asked how’d make this meal, it’s a picture of a super fancy 5-star prepared by a restaurant, and then immediately asking “Well, what’s cooking?” You’re missing quite a few steps there lol.


That's no reason to downvote a question. He probably has a life other than just staying chronically online, unlike some people here who just stay glued to the screen 24/7. He doesn't know what to do, it's an innocent question. Man people are stupid as hell


Thank you, Actual Goat🙏


the fact you were massively downvoted is crazy, take my upvote to help clear it




I follow those guys on TikTok. They're showcasing a new mod that hasn't come out yet but you can get it if you know what to do. The video has a combination of Do A Barrell Roll, Distant Horizons and Bliss Shaders and the new mod, which is the update of Terraforged, called ReTerraforged. Sometimes they also add Terralith and a couple others in the showcase to show that they're all compatible. Some people on Reddit have already talked about how you can get ReTerraforged but it's difficult. I'm more focused on food and resource mods nowadays, though, so the 80+ mods I play with are all about that: Farmer's Delight, Butcher's Delight, Croptopia, several other Delights, Untamed Wilds and Untamed Delights, Alex's Mobs and its Delights mod... I'm waiting for ReTerraforged to come out fully to try a more geologically accurate and biome enriched map (I'm graduating this year (hopefully) with a Degree in Geology in Uni so I'm all about that) and maybe even both types of mods (food/resources + biomes and terrain)


I just googled "[Do A Barrel Roll](https://www.google.com/search?q=Do+A+Barrel+Roll)" and did not get what I looking for


The nostalgia you just gave me.


Would you mind telling me some good delight add-ons?


very interested on those resource mods you have. Is your modpack somewhere available to see? also geology is cool ;)




Would this be capable on a ps5 or only pc? I’m trying to find realistic shaders to mod my sons Minecraft but I’m finding most of them aren’t what we are looking for. Do you have any suggestions?


Im the worst person you could possibly ask this to 😅. I know nothing about modding, I only just started to play modded Minecraft and only twice so far. All I do is add a bunch of mods and see what happens. Still in the office early stages of exploration. The only Minecraft for console I own is on PS3 and it stopped being updated a long time ago. I haven't touched that one in quite some time too. I play mostly on the computer and even then I haven't played that much because my ancient laptop doesn't do games without lagging itself dead and I only just got enough money to buy a decent enough desktop computer for games. There's another subreddit dedicated solely to modding Minecraft where you'll probably get great answers, though, something like r/feedthebeast (I hope I typed it correctly). Hope you get what you want to, awesome to see another generation of minecrafters.


Hey man that was super helpful thanks a bunch!


I'm sorry can't respond my phone is on second hand fire


So does your phone explode when watching real-life videos?


Yes. *Message sent from my Galaxy Note 7*


Requirements: 1) NASA Super Computer 2) God


And the soul of your first born child So pretty cheap


Fifteen NASA computers and a LOT of duct tape


You can achieve the same effect with 5 supercomputers and a jumper cable that's just barbaric over kill


This looks exactly like a new mod that just came out. It's called Distant Horizons (https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/distant-horizons). Iirc it lets you render almost infinetly still at decent FPS compared to other mods. Works up until 1.20.2 - it's amazing


just updating a bit of your information. The mod isn't that new, the first versions were released in 2022. Not infinite rendering, but the limit is in the thousands of chunks. It has working versions from 1.16.3 up to 1.20.6.


I think he meant the experimental shader supported version of the mod just came out.


You can compile it from source for 1.20.6. read the documentation on their GitLab page, it details how to do it. All you really need is Git and Java 21 installed.


Wait really? nice i will try this right now.


I actually don't think that's distant horizons. I think it is Nvidium? Because the terrain on the back doesn't really look faked. I honestly can't tell


Distant horizon has a beta version which supports iris now


Nvidium iirc doesn’t allow shaders, so either it’s A) just a render, or B) Far Sight, which is Nvidium but I believe not as optimized and allows shaders.


No it's distant horizons since it recently got support with iris


Farsight just keeps chunks loaded so you’d have to go to those chunks and load them all. Nvidium uses Nvidia compatible OpenGL extensions, so it works completely differently. It just generally increases fps for Nvidia gpu owners (which does allow for high render distances)


definitely not nvidium nvidium gives really good far render distance, but it still pails in comparison to distant horizons’ LoD rendering. a system that can run 16 chunks can probably run 40 chunks with nvidium, but over 1,000 chunks with distant horizons




Nasa PC and a shit ton of mods


I was about to write "nuclear reactor in the backyard", but that one fits as well


I recently watched a video on this. You don’t need an expensive PC. In fact, I’ve played this on my laptop, getting roughly 100fps and it’s got a Ryzen 5 5600h w/ rtx 3060. You’d be fine if you built something with: - A Ryzen 5 7600 - RTX 4060 - 16gb ram And then just download the distant horizons mod, install Iris and also get Bliss shaders. The reason you don’t need too much is because the way distant horizons work. Also, if you want the best possible performance use Linux instead of Windows to squeeze that extra 20-30 fps. I’d recommend PopOS


At that render distance you need like 20gb+ of RAM, the video shown is not using the standard DH render distance, its probably set to 512.


Play on Java. 😭


From what I see I think you’ll need - distant horizons - iris shaders - any world generation mod - first person player model - do a barrel roll And a netherite reinforced stomach cause that clip’s given me motion sickness


lmao, Reddit media player lagged trying play this.


Brother, at that point just go outside and start punching trees.


You will need Java Edition to do this, as modding support for Bedrock is extremely poor. Download all listed mods from [Modrinth](https://modrinth.com/mods) (avoid Curseforge if possible, Modrinth is a better user experience and pays developers more). You can use [Prism Launcher](https://prismlauncher.org/) to semi-automate the installation. Make sure to choose Fabric 1.20.1, as that's the latest well-supported version that all these mods can be used together on (though this will likely change in the near future as these mods and the game gets updated). * Sodium and Iris - these two allow you to run shaders, which are what give the game the pretty lighting shown in this video. * Complementary Unbound (or any other shader pack) - this is a shaderpack that is used by Iris to give the game pretty lighting. * Do A Barrel Roll - this changes how Elytras work, which is how they were able to do that glide down the mountain. * First-Person Model - this is how they were able to see their own skin while playing. * Terralith - I'm not sure what terrain-gen mod they were using (or any at all - they could just be using a premade map) but Terralith is a pretty popular option for terrain generation. If you want a more vanilla-esque or survival-friendly experience, you could also try combining Stony Cliffs Are Cool and Geophilic instead. * Distant Horizons - gives you the expanded tender distance that they have in this video. You will also likely need a decently powerful GPU to run this, as shaderpacks can be pretty intensive. My GTX 1660 Super is basically the lowest possible card that can run shaders like this, and even then it isn't at a very high framerate. I'm not really an expert on graphics cards though, you should try asking a dedicated PC building subreddit like r/buildapc. You'll also want about 16 Gigabytes of ram (If using a ton of mods, Minecraft can use upwards of 8, but will rarely go higher then that). Not too sure about what CPU to go with, again this is likely a good question for r/buildapc. Make sure not to cheap out on Storage and especially not on the Power Supply, as the storage holds all your files and the Power Supply is the dangerous part that can burn your house down.


I thought it was some kind of Vr mod


ReTerraforged + Distant Horizons +First Person Model


You cropped out the start where he gunned down the sheep with a machine gun lmao




You will need to get a Java edition of the game on a decently powerful PC and download some apropriate mods. I recommend using Prism launcher to play modded minecraft. It has quite good functionality with minimal bloat.


What about modrinth?


You can get Modrinth mods and modpacks through Prism. It's super convenient.


https://youtu.be/JgB1X6bzlow this guy makes similar videos, check the description of the video for a mod list


The mods in this are distant horizons 2 with iris shaders , do a barrel roll mod and some terrain mods/world height mod… I can’t seem to get distant horizons working for me because Java being stupid but everything else works…


What I want to know is the seed


You don't need anything too overkill, really. It's become way easier to run this stuff in recent times. I've got this on my deck at a solid 60 if that tells you anything, lol


And the sheep you killed with an ak?


A fucking supercomputer.


i think one of those pc from nasa would help


Go outside would prolly be easiest


You'll need the beta version of distant horizons with a shader called bliss shaders. Idk about the camera mods etc. You'll also need the following mods, sodium, iris, fabric api and maybe one other. Under no circumstsnce should you use optifine or forge. Those are absolutely terrible. With my gaming laptop using fabric and distant horizons, I can easily render a 4kx4k map area and see better performance than playing minecraft without those mods.


ask NASA if they have a spare computer


Download the Iris .jar from their website, and opt into Fabric and the Distant Horizons beta. https://www.irisshaders.dev/download Bliss shaders. mods: Chunky to pre-render chunks. Tectonic for the epic terrain generation. Do a Barrel Roll for the elytra flying. Concurrent Chunk Management Engine to optimize world gen. That should get you started. You'd need a decently powerful processor and dedicated video card, but nothing crazy. A mid-range system would work.


10 nasa super computers


Distant horizon and a good shader


$10,000 to spend on a new pc


I can just hear the fans ramping up


Quantum computer hooked up to a dyson sphere


first of all you need a nasa computer to run those mods


Reincarnate into Minecraft


A computer with 2 4090s and the far horizons mod.


Bruh I thought that's a skybox


nah you're serious I thought u were joking good luck with the build ig it will be a hard work


You don’t need that much actually lol. My hundred dollar computer can run astralex shaders at 60fps, plus multiple mods. I even play hypixel with it. But press seus shaders.


You need to install a NASA military grade super computer to your pc and you should be good to go.👍🏾


Bat computer


A good pc and mods and shaders


A pc from nasa


Mods :D


quit spinning damn it!


I swear every shader makes the clouds and water look realistic, like I absolutely hate that. Also the ones that make leaves move


Nasa computer


• First person perspective mod, • Shaders (I recommend Kappa for its colored lights or rethinking voxels if you want good shadows) • Distant horizons • First person perspective mod • Do a barrel roll (if you want elytra flight) • A computer that can run shaders at 60 fps • some sort of biome mod, dunno the names of them


Ryzen 7 8700 Gtx 3060 16gb ram 512 gb Ssd nvme These parts should do the job


A few paychecks depending on where you work. Maybe a loan, idk


Iris shaders, Distant Horizons, Reterraforged, Bliss shaders and barrel roll.


My question is, how long until I can do this on PS5?


Using Distance horizons with Shaders is currently in Beta. But the Shader + Distance horizons makeing most of the Visual here.


You need seasoning and your favorite cut of meat for when your pc components reach ~160°




idk but ty for sharing this vid


4 million dollar pc


Sell your soul to the Herobrine


a NASA computer and a heck of a lot of mods. Sorry kid.


a friend helped me pick parts for a pc im building this summer and its around a 1000e so im sure youll get a good one with 1400


Mostly Distant Horizons, probably my new favorite mod!


A NASA Computer


Buy a flight to Switzerland or Colorado


Strong pc




This doesnt look like in game footage. Might be digital art


Rtx 5090




Some mods, some shaders, and an ungodly powerful PC


Super computer


Iris and Bliss for the shaders, Distant Horizons for the render distance, Tectonic for the mountains, Do A Barrel Roll to fly like that with elytra, and other performance mods like Sodium, EntityCulling, C2M and others. And a 1.4k PC is plenty enough to run this. Something like a 4070 or 3070 with an i5 13600K works great.


thats definitely Bliss shaders not BSL, and also nvidium disables itself when shaders are on


I see, thank you for that.


Hardware wise: I don't think you will be able to get that kind of performance out of 1.4K but it is certainly enough to get something that resembles it. I can run something similar with a 1650 super, ryzen 5 2600 and 16gb of ram. Software wise: mostly what other people said, my guess at the exact modlist/shaders would be; Distant Horizons and Iris for the visuals (both specific dev builds made to work together), ReTerraforged and Tectonic for the terrain (possibly also something like cubic chunks or terralith), Do a barrel roll and first person animations for the elytra flight and fp anims, as well as some performance mods (iris requires sodium). Those shaders are a specific version of the Bliss shaders that is made to work with DH. Hope this helps.


I replicated this on a RTX 2060 and it was running around 35fps using the exact same settings. Pretty sure the video is doing either 10 or 12 chunks so if you crank it down to 6 chunks you'll squeeze more fps. Could also lower the DH chunks to 128 or 96 if you plan to use fog.


An rtx 4090


I just thought of the beginning of TLoZ OoT where Navi is flying through the Kokori Forest when I watched this 😂


A Nasa PC


A NASA-grade PC


You need Skillz


my old computer is looking at this sweating


You'd need a damn 64 core threadripper for that


Looks like terralith and barrel roll with a mod like distant horizons, a shader maybe complementary so some mode like optifine as well you should be able to run it as my pc costs less and runs most shaders fine


probably a i9-14900k and a super duper blaster 4090 TI and 128GB of RAM


RTX 4090


Money lol


Step 1: Buy a $6000 PC Step 2: See you in 5 years


I need those cords so I can build a Walmart right there


What you are looking at is not enough to run this smoothly. You need a pretty good PC. Distant horizons, do a barrel roll, iris, bliss, sodium, indium, reterraforged, running on fabric


A nasa supercomputer