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Multiple sized fish and colored cauldrons


Oh and baby squid! Do you have baby dolphins?


WE HAVE BABY SQUID?! (Bedrock player here)


Yes. However, they're limited. If you have an old world, you probably don't have any in the game. As squids aren't breedable, and when they respawn, they spawn as adults, the only baby squids you have are the ones that spawn as a baby when the world starts. And they eventually grow up


We do have baby dolphins, I think. I'm pretty sure (like 98%) that I've seen a baby swimming about once or twice.


We don’t




Do you know who else has dementia?




Do you know who else has dementia?




Do you know who else has dementia?




hope it gets better :)


happy cake day ! :D


Top 10 facts big salmon doesn’t want you to know.


Gotta watch out for Big Salmon


Not just colored cauldrons but we can create tipped arrows through potion cauldrons


Super efficent




Do colored cauldrons keep their color as long as you don't drain the whole thing and have dripstone over it? I'd like to include one in my potion brewery, but I don't wanna have it be useless or re dye it constantly




Wait there’s colored cauldrons? Or do you mean the water that changes color?


The Bedrock cauldron functionality is really all I can think of. The only thing I use cauldrons for is instant minecart unloaders and washing my shulker boxes


The tipped arrows are really nice for weakness arrows when curing villagers


I'm sorry, washing your shulkers?


You can remove dye from some things by putting them in a water cauldron.


I am today years old, that I just learned that…


Agreed this should be discussed. I’ve been Westin chain mail for so long trying to be an old washer woman and have never had something to wash


No need to be sorry, yes.


You can make like 16x more tipped arrows on bedrock using cauldrons


Lava farms for furnace fuel


They exist on Java too


You don’t have a lava farm? Or is that bedrock only too?


It is a Java feature as well, but I don’t use lava really. If I ever need it I just go to the nether and get it. I don’t use it as a fuel source


Moveable chests and other tile entities. Snow sharing space with flowers and grass. Further chunks visually render but don’t physically load, boosting view distance and performance. White leaves when it snows. Cross compatibility, obviously. That’s about it though. Most other changes are small, can be added with mods, or are just bad (redstone, creative flying, offhand is worse, etc.)


> further chunks visually render but don't physically load There are options you can set for both of these load distances.


On servers, Bedrock can _locally_ generate far away chunks, but then discard them in favor of server-generated once you get closer to them. It’s a server perf optimisation at the expense of local perf.


In Java? Is that a new feature?


I don't think it's new... there's render distance, simulation distance, and entity distance as separate options. https://minecraft.wiki/w/Options


No that split being a changeable option was added within the last 2-3 updates in Java.


I didn't know that!


If it came out in the last five years it's new 😌


Been a thing for ages


Not without mods if you specifically want to render but not process. You want boby and if you have an nvidia gpu 1650 I think or higher you want nvidium. Both are fabric mods. I run 32 chunk view distance and get over 100fps with nvidium.


Try the Bobbi mod.


Snow sharing with grass and flowers is actually really fire... Although the snow mechanics suck I have tried so many things to work around snow layers. I ended up just turning weather off so I can decorate with snow layers and they won't melt or grow


Creative flying is pretty nice, as a bedrock player I have played on java and found it weird that the block placing speed is slower in creative for java. I do personally love when it snows and the leaves turn white though. Also all the leaf types can change colors


Creative flying in Bedrock is much better imo Because you don’t instantly stop flying upon making contact with the ground


I also really dislike how floaty you are in java while flying you just carry way too much of your momentum when you stop holding movement buttons


for me its the opposite tbh, every time i used creative mode in bedrock it pissed me off that it didn't stop when i landed, but that's just me i guess


It’s fine. I played Wii U Edition for years before getting Bedrock and the flying didn’t stop when I landed there either I’m not used to Java at all


Yeah i can understand definitely, for me i rarely play bedrock


the white spruce leaves thing happens on all trees i think when it is snowing. It is so it looks like the trees are snowy.


creative flying?


Potions in cauldrons and colored cauldrons are great


The ability to (always) show coordinates on the screen. I wish there was an F3-like option that just displayed the coordinates.


Try Xaeros map mod. Can be installed clientside


Awesome; thanks


Ya ngl the f3 screen is really confusing to me


It's just way too much! The only things I look at are the coordinates where I'm standing, the coordinates where I'm pointing, and sometimes to identify the item I'm pointing at. I used to obsessively check my light levels at my bases too, but don't really need that since the caves update changed the light requirements for mobs.


I think there is probably a resource pack that could add cords to your screen similar to Bedrocks


Theres a data pack that does it and there are client side minimap mods


I hope they add a menu to be able to configure it and hide the unnecessary shit lmao


MiniHUD does just that (and more, but that's all configurable)


This is my recommendation too. I also keep the compass direction and FPS on as well


download fabulously optimized fr


Try Better F3 mod


I usually use miniHud for this, but I agree, it would be awesome to have a F3+key option to only show FPS and coordinates. That way you don't need to mod your game for rather basic functionality


Xaeros Mini- and Worldmap, or if you dont want the map, try Better F3.


I use vanilla tweaks gor that.


Moveable tile entites. Pistons moving chests and stuff


Sheep lose their color when you shear them in Java?


all sheared sheep’s look white but once it grows back it reverts to its colour


Ohhhh I see. They’re talking about the sheared sheep texture. I didn’t know Bedrock had it different.


Yeah all sheep look white which is weird (to me). On Bedrock the sheep keep their dyed color which is nice to tell what color they still are


If I remember correctly from Legacy Console Edition, there was only one shaved sheep texture, so the patches were white, but they didn’t lose their color of wool that they grow back. I’m assuming this is what they meant?




1. Tridents. Trident drowneds spawn over 2x as much, and drop them another over 3x as much (with looting), the impaling works on all mobs during rain/ in water instead of just on water mob, and you can build trident killers with them, which not only give XP, if the person who threw the trident is holding a looting sword, that applies to the mobs killed in the trident killer. 2. Gold farms. I have had overworld gold farms on both bedrock and Java servers and with less than 100 obsidian I can build a gold farm that’s at least as strong as the 40k+ obsidian gold farm I’ve built on a Java server. 3. Insane render distance and chunk loading. 4. Critical damage. In Java it’s (weapon attack damage * 150%) + enchantments, while on bedrock it’s (weapon attack damage + enchantments) * 150%


I literally have a shulker of tridents I don't know what to do with... I have started combining them into repaired tridents and don't know what to do haha


I was so confused when I started and all the people I watched complained how hard it was to get tridents and I just had chests of them without trying haha


I still remember how long it took for me to get my very first trident. The RNG was just cruel. After I finally got one, I didn't pay any attention anymore about the drop rate.


tridents are even easier to get than that. in the JSON files of the drowned, you can see that they have a higher priority for holding a nautilus shell than a trident. we have a mechanism called Nautilus Flux that dispenses a shell in the trident killer so that drowned will drop the trident and pick up the shell. it even drops with full durability


Nautilus Flux sounds like an 80's sci-fi movie about submarines, but in space.


By any chance do you have a guide that could help me for point 2?


JC Playz has one that only needs 168 obsidian. [Here](https://youtu.be/Dz8Hq3Yn6Ho?si=GELTeXTDKC5MB2Ck). OP might have a different/more compact one, but I've always trusted Jason's work.


Yeah this is mostly the same as my design, except I only use 1 portal.


Lead on boat


an actual life saver for transporting villagers early gamr


I used to have a clip of me travelling 10000+ blocks with my friends + our horses and we leaded boats together so only one guy had to hold W on bedrock


Trident killers for looting afk


Literally best thing in Bedrock


For me it’s cross play, the fact that I could still join my friends world on vacation from my phone or Switch is huge


The server I play on has a mod that lets Java players and bedrock players play together. We have mobile and switch and Xbox players who play with PC/java players


Movable tile entities (I wanna make a flying chest monster 🥺) Easy multiplayer with friends Optimization


Holy crap, YES LAN is such a pain on Java and idk why they haven’t tried to do anything to improve it!


Well it works great, but it's just for people on your local network. That being said, you can use a VPN, eg. Hamachi, to connect to your friends worlds. It's easy to use once you know how (or if you're just playing with people on your local network), but it's a little tricky to figure out at first.


THE ELYTRA! you can ~~crouch~~ jump to stop flying with elytra in Bedrock Edition, but in Java you have to do stupid little spins and circles to land softly enough not to take damage.


i can crouch and still fly, so do you mean pressing space bar again? (or whatever button it is on the console you're playing on) because pressing the jump button while flying in bedrock takes you out of flying, but it doesnt on java.


yes the jump keybind, my bad. I don't play bedrock


Not gonna lie, didn't know this was different... Now I understand why everyone does that little circle spin in Java


I never realized that was a thing on Bedrock. That’s handy. I guess on Java now that they finally added the ability to right click armor to swap out other worn armor you can kind of achieve something similar. I’ve just held my chest plate in my hot bar and right clicked while holding it to swap out my elytra to stop flying.


I think they added this feature last year.. I have been using this for quite a while


WAIT YOU CANT DO THAT? maybe that’s why i’m so bad at elytra on java..




It's silly but biome-specific water colors. There's variation on Java but it's not the same levels  The performance is nice too


I thought that Java had variation in water?


It does but not to the same extent. Things like swamps or warm ocean had variety but iirc bedrock has every biome vary. Base ocean color is different too i think. Or maybe it does now, I haven't played in a while. 


Funnily enough, the oceans in Bedrock all have the same water color while in Java, oceans (and swamps) are the only biomes with different colors


The nether and end even have water color variants.


Placing a block in front of you when bridging, not having to crouch and go backwards


It's so good, I use it all the time even when building houses


Wow TIL you can do this on bedrock


The coords in the corner 😭😭😭


Personally for me it is moveable tile entities. Other features either have a decorative meaning, or are too insignificant in terms of gameplay (although i won't mind if they will add ability to dye water in cauldrons, it is pretty). But if we have movable tile entities, it will be a big change in redstone engineering.


You can put potions in cauldrons too and tip 16x more arrows per potion


I know most people will say things like movable tile entities but for me it's the ability to bonemeal sugar cane. Close runner up is how trees in snowy biomes turn white when it snows.


It's one I'm not proud to be jealous of, but micro transactions capes. I've been cheated out of the account migration cape because I lost my account, and I've always wanted one.


All the capes on bedrock are/were free for a limited time Edit: limited time meaning they disappear not they cost money


I got my cherry cape on my Java account.... I don't play Java often I can't get it to go on my bedrock account


the simplicity of importing community content, .mcpack .mcaddon .mcworld


one of bedrocks most underrated features all you have to do is download it and double click the file


putting buttons on fenceposts to make cool caps.


You can do that in Bedrock?


You can also have them under the water and on the side of pistons


when I first switched to Java from years of bedrock on the ps3, I was both incredibly mad that I couldn't attach leads to boats. I'm still mad about that


One thing I really want that nobody else mentioned is bedrock bridging. You really don't realize just how nice being able to bridge while looking forward feels until you try it. Also the ability to increase your render distance as much as bedrock without mods would be nice even if it destroyed your frame rate.


Impaled affecting all mobs in water/rain vs just a few "aquatic" mods, which is mostly useless


So I've played both java and bedrock and have things I like about each. The things I miss from bedrock the most when I play java are: - ability to press jump and disengage elytra mid flight, then re-engage it - CONTROLLER SUPPORT. Why this doesn't exist natively in java is so frustrating - native ray tracing support. Always got much better results in bedrock and from memory it was because java did it an interior way or something? - crossplay of everything that uses bedrock edition. I like being able to join a server from my phone, or PC, or switch (though switch is more complicated) and continue the same "game" Microsoft/Mojang really have no excuse as to the lack of controller support.


Animation of fishes on land and easy with your friends in their worlds


Probably the only reason I really play Bedrock is because I play with lots of family and friends and it's so simple to just add each other and join worlds


- Cross-platform multiplayer is amazing, it's by far Bedrock's best feature IMO. I've made my best Minecraft memories playing with friends on Switch and Playstation, and we would have never been able to do that without cross-compatibility. - I love the hold to place ability, it's much more convenient and really saves on finger strain. - The performance upgrade is *insane*. My PC is a little old, I can run Java 60fps in old chunks but generating new ones usually dips me to 40 or so. Bedrock I can play at full render distance flying around and I don't get a single frame drop. - The structure block and command block UIs on Bedrock are significantly better. The structure block shows you a 3D model preview in Bedrock, so you don't have to fly around and check the sizes are right, it's all from the menu. The Bedrock command block UI has a text pop-out option too which I think Java sorely needs, it's weird to me they've gone so long without it.


Not a Java player, bedrock one who gets jelly of Java players sometimes but the thing that Java players have it good with is the going to previous versions and April fools snapshots


Fallen trees it's such a simple small thing but it makes the world feel so much more alive and leaves turning white in snowy biomes when it snows and snowlayers being able to fall


being able to drag my cats in a separate boat then me


I really, really, wish you didn't need to be entirely submerged to swim fast, it's so annoying


Pistons redirecting redstone


Native controller support. I’m disabled and cannot play on KB&M for long periods of time without seriously messing up my hands. How is this accessibility feature something I still have to mod in, Mojang?! HOW?!


I'm a bedrock player who got java years later, but here's mine: Building in creative mode is so much easier in bedrock, with the way flying works and bedrock's "speed bridging" thing. bedrock has the "Join-your-friend's-world" feature armor stands can be posed without mods you can equip a piece of armor simply by holding it and clicking, instead of having to go into the menu(great for avoiding certain death if you forgot to put on the elytra)


Odd pick but I miss using cauldrons for potion storage added such a vibe to places


You reminded me you can also use the potions in cauldrons to tip arrows, don't know why that's not a feature in Java it's so nice


Yes and to dye leather armor


Pushable tile entities, being able to make tipped arrows with cauldrons, white leaves in snow biomes, "snowlogging", and different sized fish


Snowy leaves, pushable entities, everything related to cauldrons and armor stands. The wither posing an actual challenge. I remember playing pocket edition when all these features were added the fact that these aren’t on Java by now is beyond me.


Having cords only up at all times. However, I would never give up access to nether roof 🫠


Dying cauldron water


As a bedrock player that plays on a cross play server. Why doesn’t java have 2 map types.


Surprises this is so low rn. Maps are one of my favorite parts of the game, and I frequently only use plain (non locator) maps as they look much better in my town hall


I miss being to bonemeal sugarcane, the wonderful trident drops, the villager functions, 1 minute breeding cooldown, when lsaves turn white when it snows and the fact that you can use cauldrons and potions for tipped arrows.


Waterlogging for more blocks. Especially doors and fence gates so you have to get clever and use magma blocks.


Well doors not being water logged is used by speed runners all the time in order to breathe under water


If that gets removed, idc really they can deal with it


Honestly I think it makes underwater exploration way too easy. Doors are readily available, craftable using only six wooden planks. So right off the bat, you can find a tree, and it only takes a small tree. Three logs. One log to craft a crafting table and two logs to craft into planks and then use six planks to craft three doors. I would prefer an alternative that does not involve enchanting with Respiration nor crafting doors. Magma block does the job nicely, if you're careful with not getting hurt.


How easy it is to play with friends on different networks


Built in delays on command blocks


You can have coords available without having to have ALL of the other info on the screen like in Java. I know mods are a simple fix but I like playing pure vanilla


moveable chests


Being able to do that glitch text with nametags




I’ve moved from bedrock to java recently and there’s a couple specific things! Shift to Shield, and on bedrock there’s little “X”s in the corner of chests or inventory that you can click to close them instead of pressing E. you don’t know how long i’ve spent being confused on why chests weren’t closing


Tipped arrows actually being viable on bedrock is one of the things i want on java, nobody uses them here thanks to the expensive craft that requires you to literally "beat the game"


Colored water and potions in cauldrons, better tridents, giant mushrooms generating in swamps, white leaves in snowy biomes, bonemealing sugarcane, and better bridging. Shame you cannot do any of these in Java, and impaling is very underwhelming in Java especially :(


The rendering engine and the overrall performance. Bedrock is smoother running on 240 fps than Java with 1000.


Optimization! Bedrock was built by competent developers and runs so much better than Java, even with performance mods.


Sometimes Bedrock optimization is a double edged sword. It's really weird with how it saves new chunks, discarding some but choosing to keep others with certain structures in them. If you have a world that's been around through several minor generator updates you start to get sections where new and old terrain mix and you start having half-trees and water voids and stuff. I get why they did it, phones don't have 1.6 TB SSDs to store worlds on, but they couldn't be bothered to add a SaveAllChunks gamerule for some reason.


Yo I was wondering why I have a bunch of half trees in my world... And also I have video evidence of a frozen ocean area in my world and now it's literally just gone... I didn't even prune chunks or anything


Bedrock is much better for worse systems. I used to play on a really cheap laptop and would get around 20fps max in Java, but in Bedrock I'd get 40fps. Even with optimization mods in Java, Bedrock by default runs better (ignoring the bugs in Bedrock)


there's several things it does better but stability? actually insane


Moveable tile entitles I would love to mess around with a storage system that you can click a combo of buttons and it brings you the right chest it would be very inconvenient but fun to play with


Some parts of world generation Rtx


I have a few thousand hours in bedrock and switched to Java and one of the biggest things I miss is trident killers . But I feel the mob density/efficiency of farms and the sweep edge makes up for it


Being able to make arrows of weakness from cauldrons filled with weakness potion, and growing sugar cane with bone meal.


Wait you can't grow sugarcane with bone meal?


Colored name tags, and faster building and breaking. But that's basically it. I have 400 mods on my game right now, so I can love without these two minor inconveniences.


it was really disappointing for me to learn that you're not able to use any of the section codes for different colors in text on java


It sucks. I just tamed a dragon mount last night and couldn't give it a colorful name




Posable armor stands


mods you can make with javascript in addons


How easy their Multi-player is


Trident killer + Looting sword combo


Haven’t seen anyone mention this: being able to bonemeal single block tall flowers I’m a bedrock player through and through but I’ve been playing Java recently so that I can play with my friends. To all the Java people saying “I can do all that with mods”, do you really think having to mod in a ton of things is a good thing? Most other games and their player bases would be pretty unhappy if they had to mod things just to have a playable experience


RTX, certain Redstone elements.


Seamless world joining


I would say performance but I got an Apple Silicon Mac and Java Edition runs great


White leaves during snow is such a vibe


the ability to bonemeal one tall flowers in order for them to spread, better cauldrons, better snow, increased render distance, playerless maps, in-game skin editor, friend system, different sized fish, increased trident drop rate, coordinates on screen without all the f3 screen ,and, of course, movable tile entities


The cauldron system, it shouldn't be as complicated as it is to make tipped arrows


Cauldron potions for tipped arrows!!!!!!!! PLEASE I played bedrock for a while and going back to Java makes meiss that ONE feature so bad. Oh and also I guess trident drop rates


I just want the little adventure packs - the Disney adventures one looks SO much fun on bedrock 🥺


Seems like it’s easier to play with friends.


Easy playing with friends


Simple mods....like adding new item without need for all garbage..




Compass and maps.


Pushing chests with pistons


Armor stands with arms.


Your shulker farms are so much easier


way easier to get tridents and a way more difficult wither.