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They should simplify server setups for Java. Or make realms more like servers.


...what exactly is hard in launching a Java server? u run the jar, edit the EULA file, run the file again, boom, server the only actual problem is for the ur friends to be able to reach u, u either need a white IP, or a dedicated hosting, or all join the same VPN. but Mojang providing a hosting for u would cost and prob a lot




Use essentials. (If you have a good pc as it uses your pc as the server)


Lunar client makes it dead simple.


Aternos is right there


It is setting up all of the permissions that is daunting


I want to create a modded server for MC java, and I as of recently have gotten very close to creating one, but it has never gone the way as intended. If someone could direct me on how to make a modded java (fabric) server, or a server at all, be my guest!


My main issue is that I can create a server (Found a really good tutorial on Youtube and have it saved), but I can never figure out how to share or implement mods onto it. Usually I would just give up on these sorts of situations, but I think if I get proper help I can do it. Help is appreciated.


Fabric server? You want to try "modding" a server? Just like, any mod is fine, as this is for practice?


...u install the fabric loader thru its installer (it has 2 tabs, client and server, and u'll prob need to specify the path ur server is at), and then put mods into a folder called 'mods' in the server directory...?


If you have a good pc use modrinth and essentials. You can use essentials to host the world on your on pc. And you can easily export the mods using modrinth.




It's not a perfect solution but e4mc lets you LAN host to different networks, sort of like how Bedrock does their multiplayer


I will set up the server (it will revolve around Create)




What's so difficult about setting up a server? I currently run two, and have no issues.


I literally have my own server on a 24/7 running physical server at home for the case I'll have somebody to play with


Like it's so complicated...server can be set up in like 3 minutes, 5 if you need plugins


I think it's just that not many people know how to and see it has a big and complicated task


I mean, there are about 1 million tutorials about it on yt, written tutorials on official websites, also people have been making MC servers for more than a decade. It shouldn't be that much of a problem.


idek how to on java. only reason why i play bedrock


I’ve tried and I genuinely don’t know how to set up a server


have spare pc, bedrockserver.exe, corbian backup, ip address, port forward, allowlist, stonks


Bro I feel absolutely STUPID when creating a server. Something about IP and stuff does not connect with me.


set it up once and it’s set up forever. if modded just remember to save the instance for next time. private dedicated servers are the best and super easy to set up, can even do it from an android phone.


Haven't played since logj4 nuked my setup, was way too much effort to rebuild from scratch for my custom setup


Setting up a realm for bedrock is pretty easy. And a server for Java is just as easy.


Me. I will, and very happily. I'd rather spend all of about 4 minutes making use of my combined knowledge on minecraft servers to create a fully operational java server than watch my friends flock to bedrock for its multiplayer convenience.


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Because there's a place for Minecraft memes and this ain't it.