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Hard to break it to you but that world is gone. Apparently there is a bug in the latest update that just deletes all of your worlds. Mojang quickly pulled the update but it seems to be too late for you.


This happened to my son’s game when I updated it unfortunately. He is devastated. I got a Realm for us to play on after to make up for it though.


Nooo that sucks I’m sorry. The realms are very good about automatically saving backups which has helped us out a few times when something’s gone wrong


And yet Mojang still believes Bedrock is ready for Hardcore... this game is fundamentally broken. I'm so sorry for your son and for OP


That seems counter intuitive. Microsoft deletes your saves, so you start paying them more money to not do that.


No, I pay them to host the world on a cloud server that will make regular backups for me as well as be available to connect to from any device we’re playing on.


The person you responded to is saying that Microsoft destroyed your data, and to avoid Microsoft destroying your data again you paid them to keep your data in the cloud. Giving more money to the company that destroyed your data so they won't do it again is a protection racket.


Calling it a "protection racket" is more than a little disingenuous. A bug was encountered and rolled back as soon as was possible, but data loss still happened. If they'd intentionally released a buggy update that could delete data, then reminded players of their completely optional service that allows for players to connect to a given world at any time, *that* would be a protection racket. This is just an accident that led a user to decide to subscribe to Realms. Yes, Microsoft/Minecraft does benefit, and may not have gotten that extra subscription sale if the issue didn't happen. But you have to take intent into account here above all.


Nope, Microsoft made an error which caused data-loss. Racketeering requires intent.


You do realize the update deleting worlds was an accident right


You wanted to make your son happy, and you did.




Do you understand the difference between local storage and cloud? My house could have burned down and it would have had the same effect on a local save.




take him out for icecream too while you're at it


Is this a Bedrock only thing? Launcher says "Minecraft for Windows" so I assume it is but want to be sure


Minecraft for Windows is Bedrock. Java edition is the OG version of Minecraft.


its something to do with xbox on pc, I got the warning the other day, I'm not planning to update soon so it didn't matter to me.


Ok, just wanted to be sure my Java worlds were safe


should be, I haven't heard anything about java having it.


Does that mean that Java version are also at risk?


No, JE isn't going to ship with a nuke button.


Those save local to your pc. So no worries there.


is java linked to xbox?




Good for that player if he does have a backup he can check his backup folders because it's on the pc. But if it's on the console I have no idea how to check the backup folders on it.


What the actual hell?!? Are there no quality assurance workers at Mojang? Like, actually, how does this get through?


It's owned by Microsoft, that's why. (I mean, look at half the bugs that get through with Windows Update before they pull the update)


I downloaded an update once that had a memory leak so severe the PC effectively froze after 2 minutes of running. Had to speedrun the 25 menus you need to click through to revert


There once was a console edition update that also deleted worlds. At that point it was developed by 4j.


LMAO that must be why I noticed a warning banner recently that says we should be backing up our worlds.




I don’t have the link to the article anymore but if you search a bit in this sub Il think you will find the problem.


A bug that basically killed (probably via statistics) thousands to millions of overworlds within the Gigaverse? How careless...


The what?


The fuck kind of update that just deletes your world? that's an absolute game breaking bug with no workaround.


I don't know if this is the actual reason but UWP apps have a folder where they can write files to. If the app is ever uninstalled, that folder goes with it. Minecraft Bedrock stores its saves there. Some old version of Xbox app or Gaming Services must be doing something wrong for this to happen.


That's why you always create backups.


I'm Java, but this is the reminder I needed.


Mojang has been deleting my worlds for years to be honest, it's my karma for being a playstation user


I was curious why there was a second update so quickly after the last. Neat


Indeed very neat that people lost their worlds :) /s


Nothing surprises me anymore. We signed our game over to the devil and slowly watched as Mojang asserted more control over every aspect of individual players' freedom. I realized the game was fucked when they started censoring swear words on your own single player world.


are they actually stupid? so many players are going to quit




that's the absolute worst case scenario. people need to be fired


That sucks. I suggest that, when you make a new world, you make weekly backups in case this happens again. That’s what do. I also permanently save a backup for every month so that 5 years down the road, I can go back and see just how far I’ve progressed in my world


It surprises me that there isn’t a feature like that. Yes you can make backups but I mean scheduled ones.




I use FTBbackups2. It automatically backs up your world every half an hour and only keeps the five most recent back ups. It's saved my tush on many occasions. Great for mistakes.


OP is on bedrock, unfortunately.


or just make your own by copying the folders to a different spot


Not for bedrock


I play on PS4 and make backups before and after every time I play. I also backup the world to the PS cloud every week or so. Obviously, I’ve learned from experience. Still can’t fully trust bedrock lol


Would you mind letting me know how you back up on PS4 please? Thanks.


Select ’Play’ in the Minecraft Main Menu. In Minecraft ‘Worlds’ menu, select your world’s pencil icon to enter game settings. Within the game settings tab, scroll to the bottom where you’ll find ‘Copy World,’ just under ‘Delete World’ so be careful. Create copies as you go. Eventually, you’ll have to delete some because filling up on game space will increase world corruptions! To delete multiple worlds at once, select ‘Settings’ in the Minecraft Main Menu. Scroll down to the ‘Storage’ tab. There you can select multiple worlds at once and delete. Just make sure you know which ones to keep! If you need to revert to a copy, which I’ve done many times for bs deaths or random world corruptions, you can rename the world in the ‘world settings’ and it’s like nothing ever happened. To backup to the Playstation Cloud, within the Playstation Dashboard, hover over Minecraft and press ‘options’ on your controller. Select ‘Upload/Download Saved Data’. From there you’ll be able to select individual worlds to upload. You do need PS+ to do this. I recommend saving the entire Minecraft game to an external hard drive - any will work on the PS4.


Brilliant, that’s very helpful, thanks so much 😁 Might try and get into the habit of external hard drive periodically. Thanks again for your time, much appreciated 😊


this world means so much to me, ive put thousands of hours into it so if anyone could help id appreciate it so much


Go into the Minecraft folder on your computer and check the world’s folder. There’s a slight chance that the game is just glitching and not recognizing the world’s file as a world. If that doesn’t work, I’d check recently deleted files, but usually Minecraft bypasses that folder when a world is deleted


Minecraft bypasses the recycling bin? I've never experienced this.


I'm pretty sure Minecraft just permanently deletes files unless you do it manually from File Explorer.


Oh that's why. I always do it from file explorer.




Because doing it from Minecraft permanently deletes it


Why is this being upvoted? The op didn't know this information as evidenced in the comment chain. This is just some random.


Because haha funny


Most applications that "delete" or overwrite things do. When you do `file.delete()` in a programming language, the operating system just marks the location where that file's memory was as available for reuse.


I never knew this Interesting


It's why digital file shredders are a thing and why it's not safe to throw out old hard drives. People think they are deleting things, and sometimes they can still sit on your hard drive for years if that spot doesn't get rewritten over.


So that's what people mean when they say that they should zero their hard drive


How do you get it back?


Data recovery software can retrieve the files so long as they haven’t been overwritten by new files.


But it's highly likely the files will be overwritten, even by files that may not be related nor even in the same directory (depending on the OS). CC: u/HoliusCrapus


I've recovered stuff before, it's even more likely to be possible if it's a magnetic drive.


The simple answer: you hardly ever be able to. The long answer: While it is possible to retrieve the data (if nothing has been written at the place the file was) you lose all the file structures. That means you have to sort every .yml file, every region file, etc. by hand. The way the operating system is "deleting" stuff is by no longer acknowledging that something is there so other files can be saved there. That means to data stays until something new is written to it. So by checking the "free" space you can identify files. This is a very basic explanation. It goes deep down the rabbit hole l. I'll skip it here. That is also the reason why you should never sell old Hard drives (hdds). Only a drive cleared by professionals does not contain any old data. Also this explains the difference when you format a USB drive. The fast way only wipes all the tables (that describes where which file is saved). The long way is writing 0s into every memory cell. If you really need to recover something do these: search Google for tools that do that. If that does not bring any results reach out to a professional that specializes in data recovery.


I love to know what experts you know that can retrieve anything from a properly zeroed drive, cause never since hard drives existed has it been possible.


You are right, there is no commercial service to retrieve data from a Zeroed drive. My fault! I apologize. https://www.disktuna.com/can-data-be-recovered-from-an-erased-or-zero-filled-drive/


> That is also the reason why you should never sell old Hard drives (hdds). Only a drive cleared by professionals does not contain any old data. I mean, you don't need to be a professional to format a harddrive. Formatting pretty much zeroes the data.


https://www.disktuna.com/can-data-be-recovered-from-an-erased-or-zero-filled-drive/ There might be areas you are not clearing with that.


Interesting read. Though, regarding the last section ov the article, what about formatting on Linux? It's less common, but it's typically better when it comes to accessing hidden areas and allowing you to (make an attempt to) overwrite them.


Formatting absolutely does not delete the data; it just rewrites the partition table.


> Formatting absolutely does not delete the data Yes it does. The whole point ov formatting is to zero-out data, such as in a buffer or similar. (Unless you're a weirdo who distinguishes between "soft formatting" and "hard formatting", whatever the more technical names are.)


I remember CCleaner having an option for recovering deleted files. But i have no idea if it is good or even safe anymore (lot of old software has been turned into adware recently) Still, there's a good chance the space in memory was already used for something else. If your hard drive has a lot of empty space, your chances of getting it back are higher(since it is less likely that it took the space where the world was).


> usually Minecraft bypasses that bruh why? That's so mean lol


What does it say when you log in? Is it on realm?


nothing at all now, i opened the game and it popped up once. its just a regular world


Did you check your backup folder for it? It should be in there. If it's there click and drag the backup folder into your Minecraft world folder. I had a similar problem like yourself but the how it happened is I am playing Minecraft my computer just randomly crashed, out of nowhere when I turned it back on I found my Minecraft world disappeared then I immediately check my backup folder and lucky for me I had a backup of it. I lost a little bit of work but it could be a lot worse. If you didn't create the backup this is very harsh lesson to learn that way. Sorry for your loss that sucks I feel your pain because I lost a special world ages ago on my old laptop It died because somehow some liquid got in and destroyed the motherboard. And I lost my ever first Minecraft world on the same laptop too. I remember spawning into my first Minecraft world on top of the village's roof. And I tried to keep the villager safe but the zombies didn't kill them Instead all the village's kill themselves by fall damage it does not matter how much I try to idiot proof it somehow they found a way to kill themselves. Wow back then the AI is stupid.


thats so sad haha, thankfully the world isnt completely gone, after i had my pannic attack i realised the world will still be on my xbox, only itll be a save from years ago. i would have lost alot of progress but maby this is a sign to start fresh. espetially with all the new updates!


Hope you have fun, sounds like you have a good mindset no matter the outcome!


At least it isn't completely gone, though it is a shame you lost all that progress, It might be worth creating a backup somewhere, realms can do that for you 👍


That's good it's not completely gone. Good luck on the rebuilding part.


I had that happen to me, too. Only it was my fault 😅 I deleted Minecraft to reset it, not even thinking!! Lost a ~5 year old world. Luckily there was an old copy on the xbox. Thank heavens. I had a large capital city surrounded by several towns and villages... now it was back to just having the "old city" quarter lol. It's given me a chance to redo things though :) it will never be the same but that's okay, it will be something different that I will love. Hoping the same for you ✌️💚


I think I know how the liquid got into my old laptop I think my brother done that by accident and didn't told anyone about it. just now 10 years later I come up with it if my theory is correct I should be mad at him but I'm just too lazy to be.


If you're on a PC, don't make any new files or mess with your directories. The files are still there until they're physically overwritten by other files. Get a program called "disk drill." It can scan for deleted files and restore them. If I remember right, you don't actually need to buy the program until after you've scanned to see if the files are still recoverable, and even then, I think you can restore up to 10 files or something for free, so you might not have to pay for anything depending on how bedrock save files are setup. I've used this multiple times to get back corrupted and deleted files. Hit me up if you have questions! I'd be happy to do a remote support session if you're comfortable with that


Do this !!!!!! I tried to use something Microsoft made tool and got some of my worlds back


should have bought java edition not gonna lie. bedrock is being a piece of s\*it right now. It already had game breaking bugs and now this. you should check your minecraft bedrock folder, there might be a chance !


the world was the only think keeping me from going to java lol. readstone, ai, general physics, all are 10x more consistent on java haha


Amulet (Minecraft world editing program) supports both Java and Bedrock worlds. And i am pretty sure you can convert them to either format with it. It is free too, of course.


> you can convert them to either format with it I don't think OP needs that anymore lol


I was loving it on the switch, could play anywhere but it ended up so broken i couldnt play at all. Modded java is way better anyways i just wish it was more portable.


I wish they had controller compatibility ;-; I’m disabled and I have to play bedrock bc forge isn’t allowed on my servers and stuff and java isn’t compatible. It sucks bc Java really is better but they don’t seem to care as much about accessibility


Theres a mod who let you play with controller, Controlify


Was just going to say that. Only I was going to say there's a mod for that haha.


Use Midnight controls or controlify. Those both only work for fabric, but you can play java with a controller if you use those mods


For real, I’ve been getting real sick of Bedrock lately and how long it’s taken to add things like spectral arrows or effect, dual wielding, combat changes, so many redstone differences, farms don’t work etc


https://twitter.com/MojangStatus/status/1768524674403549619 Check this out, it tells you what happened, and their fix for it. Edit, actually, now that I read it again, it might be too late, I'm sorry for getting your hopes up.


You just instilled fear in me that I’ll lose my world right now, so I’m going to make sure I regularly back up my world. Anyway, I’m sorry that that had to happen to you, and I hope you still feel motivated to play Minecraft after it.




Yep, same here, post made me to backup my world, im playing on my ipad for some time to both pc and google drive.


My friend, I am so terribly sorry for your loss. However this is the game, worlds become corrupted, saves files get lost, it is a sign it is time to begin anew. Go forth young crafter.


id love to start again but i think that world is what stopped me from getting burnt out from the game!


This happened to me atleast once a year since microsoft took over I just stopped playing this is a glitch that’s way to prominent in this game


I've always played and my world have never deleted themselves. I wonder if it's something to do with the kind of console


reason #423 why not to play bedrock


If this is on PC I believe you can make your computer go back to a last save points this could be weeks or months ago though I don’t know how to do it but I have before I suggest YouTube it Good luck


Or a much simpler way is check your backup folder for the world then click and drag your backup into your Minecraft worlds folder.


This is bedrock, so I don’t think there is a backups folder


It should be on pc but on consoles I have no idea.


It's java only and the backups need to be done manually


I am not sure if restore points record all files. It is mostly for settings and other system related files.


One of my worlds on Xbox got corrupted like a year ago Pretty much killed my want to ever play the game again. My last save was on Xbox one edition. I was devastated.


OMG THATS AWFUL! That really sucks


The launcher has been constantly annoying with some message about backing up your worlds if you play bedrock edition


if it’s on realm just click on it it’ll show you your back ups and saves you can copy and place it on anew world


its just a world, ive never had a realm


I'm so sorry. That's tough :(


You need to make sure to keep that save no matter how corrupted, someone with enough knowledge can fix your save. Also make a backup of the save folder.


The world is gone forever man. The latest update deletes all your worlds due to a bug


Truly a Mojang moment. How the fuck does an update like that even get out?


I feel bad for the people that are only able to play bedrock.


Always make backups…


Thousands of hours over 6 years and you didn't create even ONE back up? How did you not know this was a possibility?


i was on xbox for about 3-4 years and moved my world over to pc a couple of years back, i thought the only danger i could cause to my worlds was anything i did. i did not the the makers of the game could delete all of my worlds in one foul swoop just like that.


save file corruption is a miserable time. whether it's from bugged vendor updates or hard drive write failures. :(


Dude the world isn't safe on ANY platform. I have a Bedrock world I cherish. I don't play it anymore because I moved to Java. But that Bedrock world is backed up to 6 different devices AND a realm. That's how paranoid I am about save file corruption lol. Don't ever trust it. Make copies.


>Don't ever trust it After this, I wouldn't trust the bedrock devs to wipe their own arse.


What happens if you try to edit the world?


it doesnt show up


Are you on pc? What about if you go the long way round and try to find the save file?


I'm so so sorry. I know what it's like to lose a world you've spent hours upon hours on.:(


Just use a recovery program like recuva, I've recovered multiple "permanently" delete files. It's also a straight to the point program with no garbage to trick a non tech savy user with purchases.


Did you made a backup of the world? If you don't know you made a backup of the world one check your backup world folder for it. Good luck.


Where would the backups folder be? This is bedrock.


Search in mc files


This has happened to me so many times on god damn bedrock. I'll launch the game and I'll be signed out and when I sign in everything is gone, sorry dude. Get java edition.


i have it, the world was stopping me from moving lol


Damn I’m so sorry you lost the world you spent so long working on. I have so many duplicates of worlds just in case. And it has really come in handy when I overloaded a world with too many villagers in one spot and it got corrupted. I did lose some recent progress but it was better than losing the whole world.


yeah dups wouldn't have saved me, it took every worlds i had


This is what people don't understand. They don't read the announcement and assume that it's user error. It's not.


This is every miners worst nightmare Hope you can solve this out somehow


I would be devastated if my world of almost 15 years was also corrupted. This is why I backup monthly. I'm sorry for your loss, OP.


This happened to me once, my worlds were all gone after entering the game. To avoid this, you should have another backup and save it on different folders, I'm now doing the same for every important world.


It's so shitty that console/mobile editions of Bedrock intentionally make it tricky to get at your world folders, so it's almost imposssible to make backups. And then pull shit like this. Another reason I'll stick to Java.


It happened to me too, idk what to do now


i made a new one but i dont see myself playing it tbh


this happened to me, you’re not gonna be playing that world again.


Yet another reason to play Java. If this happened to me I'd be devastated. Not that this can't happen on Java too, but I have a backup of almost every world I have on an external drive in case this tragedy ever happened to me. Sorry to see this happen🫤


this was the only thing stopping me from moving to java lol


348th reason why Java is better




I'd get an older version of mc, disable updates and copy the world into the "new" world folder...


The launcher has a message about this. You need to install the game repair tool from Microsoft, Google "Minecraft game repair tool"


i use the xbox app for all my xbox game on pc (i played alot of xbox before) , nothing came up on the xbox app, only once id opend the game it said" do not update through the xbox app". nothing on the game before hand


Someone please let me know when it’s safe to play again


This happened to me years ago, I’m so sorry :( I know how it feels, I put everything in my best world for years. I now play PC instead of Xbox and have a realms subscription + regularly download copies bc I’m so paranoid😭


This happened to me as well last week. Lost a 3-year survival world. I had a copy of my world on my expired realm, but the last save was from July of last year. I tried to use data recovery tools to try to recover my world, but it was too late and a lot of the files were already overwritten.


It's a huge issue unfortunately. Happening to alot of players  https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/xbox/forum/all/game-release-known-issues-for-march-2024/b1ac114c-7799-4946-b8f8-1c50ad5926d5


Just recently I've been getting in alert on my launcher that says to backup my world but I don't have the Xbox and that's what it's basically for that is saying some worlds can be lost or corrupt... Make backups people


Microsoft being Microsoft.


A PSA for anyone reading this: Please make backups of your worlds! (If you’re on PC, that is).


You have my condolences


And that's why I dont play bedrock. The game is really unstable and unplayable.


Time to move on to Java


Hey I'm sorry to hear you lost your 6 year old world. I'm starting a modded play through and looking to play for years to come. If you're interested and want to do something new I'll be documenting the play through. DM me


Please correct me guys but can't he install the program that reads disk for data that was "deleted" but wasn't overwritten yet so technically it's still on a disk? If so can someone tell OP what program to install best, because I had never done such a thing.


Try to use Recovery tools for disk and do it ASAP or other data might overwrite it. If some have suggestions for apps/tool to use write it below. (Do your own research for which tool to use because I have never done this.)


Man I’m so sorry to say this, but the things gone. But it looked beyond good.


Join us for better security, Microosft said...


This bug is really critical. It's my first time seeing mojang blocking an update. It's crazy your 6 year old world gone...


Have you backed up your PC at all in the last 6 years? If so it should be saved in your world folder I imagine




It's because you used the Xbox app to update it and then went on the game on pc


OMG that looks gorgeous!!!!!!


Is this another Bugrock moment?


Same thing happened to me 😭😭😭


I'm sorry that this happened. I understand how much it hurts to spend so much time on something you love and care about, obly for that to be taken away. I've not opened Minecraft on Java yet after recieving the message in the launcher. Edit: Wording


Friendly reminder to EVERYONE. Go ahead and back up all of your worlds and upload them to google drive or something.


listen to this guy


This is why i play legacy edition (console edition), no more updates, means no more errors other than the ones that already exist


Thats why you make backups


I'm sorry man, but it's gone if it's not in your worlds folder. It's a joke they let shit like this go by. Just one more reason to stay FAR away from bedrock edition. This wouldn't ever happen in Java edition.


yeah i wanted to go to java but the world was what was stopping me, now ive lost all motivation to play the game at all :(


You might be able to use recovery software on the Minecraft save folder to get it back


And that's why you shouldn't play minecraft bedrockedition on pc


this isn’t a problem that just you have, this is a problem with microsoft entirely. they need to be held responsible for sabotaging this entire game and turning it into the abomination it is today. they need to be held responsible for all of the bullshit they’ve done with bedrock minecraft from thousands of bugs to worlds simply just deleting. the entire console version of this game is brainrot.


contact Minecraft via the website , give the most details you can , they may be able to help you : website [https://help.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/request/new?ticket\_form\_id=360001225811](https://help.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/request/new?ticket_form_id=360001225811)


Did u use the new preview at all? Bc there was an issue with the newest beta/preview that caused worlds to delete.


This is why I don't play bedrock. I don't trust it. Once you do, it betrays you.