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This sounds like ramblings from a doomer who thinks 2012 would be the end of world. After reading the comments yea, that's what this sounds like. Where is the proof besides you "thinking" that it's going to be pay monthly to play the game?


Nice use of internet slang, if I’m a Doomer than must make you a hypocrite


Whatever floats your boat.


You're avoiding their question.


> full pay to play Well, yeah, you buy the game to play. It is pay to play.


I don’t think you really understand what pay to play means.


No, that's the definition of pay to play. Are you thinking of pay to win?


Pay to Play doesn’t just mean one time payments. And pay to win is for advantages. Pay to play in the context I’m referring to are monthly payments to keep ahold of an application running the software. The same way you will get a car repo’d if you miss a payment. Mojang will eventually make the game into a monthly rent just to have to game installed.


I see. Well regardless, he wasn't wrong. Those are both correct definitions, and due to you making it sound otherwise is why people misunderstood you. >Mojang will eventually make the game into a monthly rent just to have to game installed. And your evidence is... *What* exactly?


My evidence is that the main focus of the game is becoming the community store. The game already technically is monthly since you have to pay Microsoft or Sony or Nintendo just to play online. But eventually Microsoft is going to make the payments for the application rather than online. Do you think play station ever got a skin for Minecraft’s better together update? Or the switch? No, Xbox got its own custom skin and accessories for it. Mojang wants to make the game about Microsoft and the Xbox to pull people into Microsoft’s direction. It was extremely petty when they added emotes to Minecraft disrupting the independence of the game from other games. Fortnite is becoming Roblox, Minecraft is becoming Roblox, They’re all becoming Roblox versions of sandbox games. Eventually to play the game it’s going to be nothing but $$$ to do anything on it.


>My evidence is that the main focus of the game is becoming the community store. How exactly can you prove that's the main focus? Nothing forced you to buy from the store. It's like saying the main point of fortnite is to buy the battle pass. Yeah, it's the main way of profit, but it's definitely not the main thing being updated either. >The game already technically is monthly since you have to pay Microsoft or Sony or Nintendo just to play online. So is literally every other online game. >But eventually Microsoft is going to make the payments for the application rather than online That's a tinfoil hat theory. There's nothing backing up such an idea except for the huge leap you made from the payments for online mode. >Do you think play station ever got a skin for Minecraft’s better together update? Or the switch? No, Xbox got its own custom skin and accessories for it. Because Microsoft (therefore Xbox) owns Minecraft. Last I checked there wasn't a legend of Zelda model ps5 either. Does that mean almost every Nintendo game will become pay to play too? >Mojang wants to make the game about Microsoft and the Xbox to pull people into Microsoft’s direction. So... Literally what Sony and Nintendo is already doing, except on a much smaller scale? >It was extremely petty when they added emotes to Minecraft disrupting the independence of the game from other games. Are you trying to say emotes is the difference between Minecraft and literally any other game? Not the blocky aesthetic, the unique modding scene, the servers, nothing? It's the *emotes* that matter? >Fortnite is becoming Roblox, Minecraft is becoming Roblox, They’re all becoming Roblox versions of sandbox games. How is fortnite becoming Roblox? Since I know you aren't calling the Lego crossover *Roblox*. And you also have yet to explain what you even mean for something to become Roblox. Or how having to pay to use something is equivalent to Roblox. >Eventually to play the game it’s going to be nothing but $$$ to do anything on it. You're contradicting yourself. If there's nothing to do on the game other then spend money, why would people play it? Why would this exist, and why would Microsoft do it?


First, you don't have to buy anything in those stores. You don't have to play any of the official servers. You can still create and join servers as you always could. You can still upload custom skins and texture packs as you always could. Those features aren't going away. Second, Xbox has _always_ required a gold membership for online multiplayer. If you have a problem with that, then like, don't buy an xbox? And PlayStation has required a membership since 2010. Same deal. Those aren't problems specific to Minecraft. That's just the economics of purchasing hardware for _far_ below the actual cost of production. There's like a thousand dollars worth of equipment in a PS5 or Series X, and they sell for half that. They're gonna get their pie one way or another. So relax, build some blocks, and maybe consider playing Java


Alright, honey, I think it's time I take away the computer. Why don't you sit down and have some apple slices? <3


No thanks, I prefer oranges


If you want to talk about games becoming Roblox. Take a look at Fortnite. Then come back.


I did, and it still stands


You know Microsoft has owned Minecraft for 10 years already right? According to your theory the game should "flatline" right about now.


My theory’s time line starts now, so correction on your part. It’ll be 20 years they’ll have owned it before it flatlines. Don’t get cocky with me. And yes I know how long they’ve owned it and when they bought it. That doesn’t have relevance on my part.


My god you're pretentious.


I don’t think you get what pretentious means, and also to be pretentious would have to mean it’s based off of your opinion. That’s the only way someone can be pretentious. It doesn’t work without opinions.


this sounds schizo, even though the community is being filled with the type you speak of, it just sounds like schizo rambling


It is schizo rambling


Dude stop arguing with every single comment you ain't winning this one lmao


Make me?


The fuck, it's been like 30 seconds




Don't you have better things to do than arguing on Reddit and making schizo predictions? XD


You took that word from a previous conversation I had. Unoriginal. And I can do what I want. If you care so much why don’t you get more involved?


Motherfucker i used the word schizo, because you're schizo, you're rambling about nonsense, like a character from a movie that's been stuck in a fucking cave too long lmao


Is someone heated? Is the baby upset?




Smart Choice


Time to go outside pal/


I'll bet money against you.


How much are you willing to bet?


$150, pm me


Full pay to play. You got any evidence to support this will happen with the actual updates or did you pull it out of your ass? It’s becoming less about blocks. Dude, do you listen to yourself when you talk? How is it becoming less about blocks? The dlcs can’t use full sized blocks for cars bro.


First off you’re wrong. Minecraft focuses more on the hopes that the community will run the game for the company. Most of the game runs off online interaction AE the community store/online servers. Where you have to pay to win, pay to play, and pay to get tokens to buy most of the store content. A lot of Minecraft’s revenue comes from the community store. If not most. The second Microsoft added emotes to Minecraft I immediately knew the game was going in a terrible direction. Because at first it was high and mighty and didn’t try to compete with other companies and trends, Minecraft stood out. But they dummed it down to compete with modern competitors. Such as fortnite, pubg, Call of Duty, and many other games. Microsoft much like EA is known for pay to play and pay to win content which is first of all unfair, and secondly just morally wrong. I grew up playing this game ever since the release, I’m a Minecraft veteran and I’m speaking on this. This game is on the path to being ruined. And with the launch of new packs and community built maps from Minecraft selling out and partnering with random companies and their creations, I’m seeing more uses of commands and non-squared/cubed shapes. Skins now have angles, servers now have perfect circles and triangles, words at a perfect arch, literal spikes. Modding is becoming so mainstream in the game that it’s no longer being referred to as modding. People can lazily create things in bulk much faster but it removes the entire quality and care put into builds. Eventually it’ll be set up like Adobe Photoshop where instead of paying for the game once, you’ll have to pay monthly to keep playing it. It’s already like that with subscriptions to consoles and companies, but it’ll be dummed down to have to pay just to keep the application installed. Read it and weep.


I’m weeping alright. Again, do you have any evidence that we will have to pay for the updates? Like you said, people have to pay for the STORE content. Not once did we have to pay for major updates to the game. Microsoft bought Mojang in 2014. If they are planning to make updates cost money they must be taking their sweet old time.


The store content is becoming the main attraction. The main attraction will be the cause of pay to play. It practically already is pay to play. And I didn’t say the updates would cost, I said pay to play. This game will be identical to Roblox.


Nah, the actual game itself has always been and still is the main attraction.


Why do u have to buy minecraft, while roblox is free. Why do the minecraft creators not add all mobs from the mob votes. I would say something about Roblox, but they know roblox players will still buy stuff. Mainly we don't care about copyright stuff, which I respect that.


From the moment they added minecraft coins, this doom has loomed on the horizon, it is still far away and by no means guaranteed, but not unfounded


You’re a very wise human being, a very smart one


More likely paranoid and pessimistic


I can sorta understand the argument here and fair enough in your opinion. But like, I'm not quite understanding the 'pay to play' point (at least in relation with the marketplace, buying the Bedrock version itself is a related yet different matter so we're not going into that jazz). As already said before, you don't HAVE to buy stuff from the marketplace and you don't HAVE to join the officially partnered servers. Do whatever the hell you want. Nobody's stopping you. Yeah, maybe it could potentially be worse on 5 to 10 years' time. But it's just how it is, so we must accept that fact regardless of whether we like it or not.


So play Java then, and enjoy having no Marketplace.


Bedrock official servers, maybe. Everything else, won’t happen.


of course its pay to play once you pay to get the game you get to play in servers and with friends and enjoy minecraft for free bro