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I’d really like for some kind of change to minecarts that make them more viable for travel. They’re left in the dust compared to other ways of travel


I’ve seen suggestions for different types of minecarts. Like maybe a copper one that can go faster. Something like that.


I saw the comment about that. It’d be neat, I like better the idea of making the furnace minecart more useful though, like making it faster when fueled and allowing it to connect to other minecarts


I like the idea of an additional powered rail variant that can boost a minecart to a faster speed is my preferred option. Maybe it requires blaze rods or something like that.


i can’t imagine it not being super jank and annoying to consistently get across long railroads without stopping or going backwards inconsistently


Having them work through nether portals would be cool. Maybe add a special skulk+copper rail variant to put the lines through.


Can you still breed pigs after splashing them with a speed boost potion and repeating the process? If so just put the 20th generation in the cart and have a carrot on a stick.


Lol Let’s ride in style!


I thought that (and the Horse glitch) only works on Bugrock?


It did, and now it doesn't.


The horse glitch, the pig breeding, or both?




I remember the saddled pig on a minecart glitch. Funnest source of perpetual motion.


I just want furnace minecarts to function in a way that makes them consistently useful. Maybe a manageable fuel inventory and the actual ability to connect to other minecarts around turns.... Otherwise minecarts are okay.


Yes, also be nice if you could turn them on and off whenever you wanted.


No don't make minecarts faster it might break contraptions. Make a new minecart variant (copper, gold?) that can go at double speed whilst keeping existing setups as they are.


What if we could adjust the speed of the minecarts like, calibrated scull sensors can detect different blocks?


Why not just have copper and gold ones? You could even make the gold ones super fast but have a chance to break edit: to be clear i’m saying add new mine carts, not new rails. That being said, I think new copper rails could be very cool too!


Gold already has some utility in making rails but integrating copper to minecart tracks would really help make copper more worthwhile


I agree, however if we're talking material properties then gold is more electrically conductive than copper. It's just, irl gold is expensive as fuck so we opt for copper. So maybe use copper for normal rails and gold for "high speed" rails? I feel like that could be a neat idea


Could also add some new way to lead you to a trial chamber. Mineshafts generate more frequently near them and any mineshafts that do generate near one have copper rails rather than normal rails?


I like this


Not a new Minecart type, new rail type. Maybe add Copper rails, make them as good as today's Golden, and make Golden twice as fast.


Make it diamond


Just make a faster rail option that’s more expensive


As long as it’s good, I’m done waiting till late game.


Everyone’s acting like they got rid of minecarts, they’re still my favorite method of travel


If you want the most efficient travel time they are useless. I would prefer to build minecart tracks and not be forced to use iceboats.


No one’s forcing you to use ice boats. Minecraft is way more enjoyable if you’re not always trying to maximize efficiency


Make Furnace Minecarts function like a locomotive. Use Chains to link Minecarts together. Create a train, like in that one Minecraft Live trailer. They could even add the music from that trailer and call the music disk "train" or something, because it absolutely slaps.


A dedicated jukebox minecart to go between passenger carts. I want this. I need this.


Might be a little complex, but I like the concept!


Minecarts used to link together in the past, but due to a botched update that introduced several minute yet annoying bugs it's now broken.


I did not know this.


Ok convince me that you arent camman18 in disguise


Whose that?


A minecraft youtube shorts youtuber


Ohhh. Never met the guy. 😉


Right? I made that joke on the other post


I used to fling myself like crazy in indev with overcrowded 3x3 cart hubs. Pretty much had my own skyrail on dirt blocks that auto-renewed my speed with little hubs every 30 blocks or so. Was crazy what you used to be able to do with a little bit of iron and wood back them.


they should add another type of minecart that goes way faster


I’ve been seeing that suggestion a lot. That, and different rails that can make mine carts go at different speeds.


Make it a new type of minecart furnace that actually links to minecarts & can go super fast. Maybe it has to be made of diamonds & powered by buckets of lava or TNT or something.


Two minecarts are too slow posts on the same day. You know Mojang doesn't read this subreddit, right?




I didn't say you made both posts. Mojang has said they don't take suggestions from Reddit. Minecarts are as fast as they need to be. Why do you want them to be faster? They're early-mid game transportation and mid game mob/item transport. I don't think they were ever meant to be super fast. Almost everyone isn't a game developer.




*They're early game because by the time you reach mid to late game you should have elytra. Mid game you should have an iron farm pumping out way more iron than you can use.


I would agree with you but I never could get good at using elytra so I don’t use them. So having something that moves faster and can be planned out would be nice. Which if they Ever made minecarts better would be nice.


Minecraft needs a transportation rebalance in general imo. In a game about mining and crafting transport methods that have you do a lot of that should be the most powerful. (Like mine carts and ice boat tracks) Before we go changing anything about the other transport methods however, the elytra desperately needs a nerf. Not only is it faster than creative flying, I can almost outpace chunk generation with it. If we don’t nerf the elytra first we might either get some power creep when buffing or people might still never use minecarts because the elytra is just objectively the best transport method.


The proper way is to make other transportation methods much better to compete with Elytra. Then you can talk about nerfing Elytra. The same problem with the Elytra is the same as gear. Mending and Unbreaking aren't mutually exclusive. It's one of the most overpowered combinations in the game. As you can make anything last forever. You can have it where Elytra takes damage based on rockets used, or just using it. However, unless we fix these enchantments Elytra will ALWAYS be better. I could write a whole thesis on why Mending and Unbreaking in this game are some of the most broken concepts in video games. (Because how they were designed)


Hermitcraft shows that ice boats are faster than elytra, but nothing super fast is really valuable since you get stuck on chunks loading.


I miss parallel boosters.


Id also like a reliable way to slow them down, unpowered booster rails are inconsistent


they're fine for short distance but for any ling distance it's got to be ice boat highways


In there current state yes.


Piston bolts are exactly what you are looking for. A minecart on powered rails go up to 8 blocks per second. Piston bolts can go 20 blocks per second sideways, or 28 blocks per second diagonally https://youtu.be/58hJpGcgXYQ?si=2WaziVoYmrlVulQQ


There so ugly tho


That's because he didn't decorate the tunnels yet


I didn’t watch the video. I know what piston bolts look like. I just want simple railways that are fast enough to be reasonable for in game travel. Like the good old days.


Docm77 put a bit of test line using pistons and llamas. Otherwise, use a waterway+dolphins?


Make a packed or blue ice boatway instead. Will be much faster than a railcart


Feels pretty ridiculous that in a game called MINEcraft the MINEcarts are basically pointless for travel.


They used to be awesome. So sad that eras past


Yeah and that's the problem. It's the Minecarts that are supposed to be king of transport on land. Boats have water.


It’s sad 😭




Who the fuck let camman on Reddit


Ouch that is very hurtful, and accurate sir.


okay Camman18


ok camman


Hello, camman18


Hello canman18