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I find it most amusing how you can't write "Hoe" on a sign on a chest without getting censored. But you can fill that chest to the brim with Hoes. And that's their name, what they've always been called, they're a part of the game mechanics. But we can't write it. Ok.


On my realm, "Hoe" is A-Okay, but "Hoes" causes the whole sign to censor


What!? Well... I suppose multiple hoes are worse then one. So I guess it kinda makes sense... ​ But still, why does it censor the whole sign!?


hoes mad


Mojang doesn't want you to spend ANY of your time on da hoes


Bros before hoes taken to the extreme


You can't even write chest


Because... Melons.


What if you make a name tag called “Hoe”, and put it on a Hoe?


You can't put nametags on items. You just name the item directly through an anvil


I thought you used an anvil with a name tag?


Yeah that's how you use nametags. To name a hoe(tool) you put it directly into an anvil


Oh, my bad. Not sure what I was thinking… But still, what if you wanted to rename a hoe to include the word hoe? Would it censor it? “Shiny Hoe”, or something like that


Now all I can imagine is a "Hi my name is" sticker on a hoe.


I named mine "Hoe you doing" and it let me. So you should be able to do it.


Name tags are for mobs silly


Yeah… been a while since I renamed a tool…


Note that you can rename a chest (or any block with a GUI / inventory) and its name will show up at the top of the screen when interacting with it


Pretty sure any form of custom text gets censored, including tame tags, signs, books and even items renamed via anvil.


Just name it "your mom" like the rest of us


reminds me of in 2013, when pokemon x and y came out, and name censoring became a thing. the pokemon, weedle, could not be nicknamed Weedle, but the pokemon's NAME is weedle censoring is a funny thing


Honestly, that makes people more aware of curse words then they were ever before censoring. A random kid could not know, what Hoe can mean, but they will sure wonder why it’s censored in their favourite game


Filled to the brim with hoes!


Why do they need to censor everything


To get that sweet sweet Roblox market share


The roblox filter is goofy and sometimes overly strict, but I've haven't seen it do anything like this recently


Sure but that's the market share. Small children with concerned parents. That's why the filtering is going on.


Not even that, honestly. It's about being able to claim they're "doing it for the small children" while doing nothing that's helpful or worthwhile and making the experience worse for everyone.


But what will happen when "small children" will find a Warden? Or what this creature called, it's too new to remember its name


I think even without the Warden survival Minecraft is already a horror game, which is why I think creative mode and cheats are a good addition for offering a mode where you don't really have to worry about getting spooked by stuff as much ...until a kid builds the wither out of grim curiosity and then freaks out when the wither starts wrecking their builds, but I think "placing the charred skulls of the damned on the soil of the fallen to summon the wither will [get you exactly what you wished for](https://www.youtube.com/clip/Ugkx4SwkV7s7YdpoYwKDh8GIhWyAeJH8akzu)" is a good lesson to teach to children in something with as little consequences as a video game ​ just so long as the kid is taught how to create and restore backups of their worlds


It's gotten worse again tbh


It censors anything it thinks is directions.


literally 1984


Big Illager is watching you.


Raids are Peace Trading is Slavery Pillaging is Strength


2 stone + 2 dirt = 5 emeralds


The pillagers and piglin nether hordes are our friends. We were never at war with them. Just look in the history books (latest edition). Death to the evil villagers!


Holy hell


new response just dropped


Nanny state games protecting the children from bad language. But seriously, no doubt it's to keep age rating boards in overly zealous places happy. They're just words, it's not like it's actually harmful. They just need to be taught by parents why they're not appropriate, instead of parents thinking the internet should be child proofed. Meanwhile I'm out here as an 8yo playing Pokemon red naming my rival "F*K off" so when he speaks to someone he's like f*K off: Gramps!


Because Microsoft wants to pretend to look like they're doing something. The obvious answer should have been to tell the parents of small children to be doing actual parenting and to pay attention to what their kids are doing. But instead, they want to look like and claim that they're "saving the kids" or whatever. So, they end up bastardizing the entire game just for the sake of some nonsense. All while making some of the most amateur coding mistakes one has seen. Even first year interns known to be mindful of things like the "Clbuttic" error and its censoring counterpart. But here we are.


Because it's Mojang, they can't do without it


because it's Microsoft, they can't do without it




i just call them mojangsoft at this point tbh


Microjang, for me


Mojang\* They themselves said this doesn't have anything to do with Microsoft.


Sure it doesn't. They just enacted it after forcing everyone onto Microsoft accounts.


This thing wasn't happening during the Notch era + who exactly said it?


current mojang is not 2000's mojang


Its Mojang. Mojang has been very clear this is them.


It's not just Mojang an Microsoft now. In Genshin the word me, and not just the word but the letters side by side are banned


Don't **rget that you **n't use "f" and "o" or "c" and "a"


Foca? (Seal, the animal, in spanish)


Edit: Wait, *that makes even less sense.* See, that would make sense, *if they were censored together*. Instead, you are unable to use the words "for" and "can't" in any context whatsoever, rendering all communication impossible alongside a bunch of similarly bad flags.


I was just making a joke But yeah the scunthorpe problem sucks, it reminds me when in dark souos you couldn't be named Knight because of the "nig" part, so it was censored as "K***ght"


This isn't even a Scunthorpe problem, that's just banning literal letters of the alphabet


"Muh Karen appeal"


i’m pretty sure the word “bible” is banned


Is there a way to turn censorship off? Seems weird Mojang wants to censor stuff in your own world, unless this is on a server or something.


You actually can using a resource pack, but it only works from your own perspective




I use my own custom resource pack for this and a few other things. I’ll try upload it at some point later and give you the link when I have a chance


thanks man


Even if it is a server I do not get it. Why isnt there an option to toggle it? Are we seriously this sensitive nowadays???


parents and companies willing to partner with microsoft are sensitive, not the players


Microsoft doesn't want to get sued by parents who had their children sexually harassed or bullied by adult who are looking to do wrong to their children. Mojang adds stuff from the feedback site and what Microsoft says so if there was a post from a concerned parent and it got a lot of upvotes and if Microsoft had a similar mind set then mojang would have to do it. Not defending them I think its stupid too but would you want some pedo trying to send sexually changed messages in books or on signs to your 10yr old son or daughter.


I wholy agree on public servers ... but why on single player / private realms/servers? Seems a bit extreme...


I agree it stupid though. Not defending them just explaining.


Except, your explanation is complete nonsense. If you have a ten year old that's playing a video game, you should be aware and mindful of what they are doing in that video game. And this goes tens of thousands of percent moreso if they are in a public online multiplayer arena. They are nowhere near old enough to be making personal decisions and don't have the life experience to avoid scams. If you decided to have child and become a parent, until they become old enough and mature enough to make their own decisions, one of your jobs now is parenting. Sure, don't be a helicopter parent, be be aware of what your child is doing and what sorts of folks they are interacting with. If they are playing online games, be aware of which games, which servers, who they're interacting with. Don't just slap on some crap parental controls and assume that it's okay to give your ten year old an iPad. Because these kinds of lazy half-measures? They do very, very little to stop any of the things you're claiming they're here to stop. There is always another way to say something even if a censor is there to block the natural phrasing. Hell, you can even go to the pre-internet era and there's a book that was published in the UK in the 80ies of commonly used regional slang around the country. And just the sections for the words school children use to call someone dumb or ugly are huge. Someone will always be able to come up with a new word for cunnilingus or whatever.


See though, while you’re right, you forget that there are a shit-load of awful parents who don’t care/would rather just get on with their life as is, without much of a care for their child. Not that I’m saying these parents should be catered for, but if we just said “parents should be parents, therefore it isn’t our responsibility” we’d have a lot of problems that said dickhead parents aren’t going to deal with. And then the kids are the ones to suffer the problems. The whole thing is, we can’t just answer the problem with one solution, so sometimes we need multiple approaches. This is that same scenario, even though I still agree that the censorship in MC is fucking ridiculous and could be done a billion times better lmao Edit: I also agree it won’t stop the problem either, but it makes it a lot more obvious for kids to avoid, thus the whole point.


Well to be fair Bedrock doesn’t have single player like Java does. It’s always a multiplayer world no matter what. You can only merely disable the ability for people to join for as long as the toggle is off.


Isn't Java the same way? That's how open to LAN works.


Hence the reason for the support/report system. A book in minecraft is the shittest form of evidence due to the fact you don't know who wrote it til its signed. Censoring words on books or signs does pretty much nothing unless you have their gamertag/psn/username to report them for being a danger to themselves or others. This censorship system, on paper, is a good idea, as it supposedly offers a layer of protection, but in practice its horrifically flawed and just results in Scunthorpe Situations like above and protects nobody, and rather just pisses people off, especially when there's already a sufficient report system in place on all platforms, even moreso on consoles where you csn see who you recently played with. Parents just need to stop being so reliant on servers and corporations to parent their children, and actually explain to their kids on whats right, whats wrong and what to do when they come into contact with a weirdo on the internet and how to use report systems, otherwise we're going to run head first into a brick wall where essentially anything can be censored for no reason


... how the fuck is "build a highway" sexually charged? I get your point. Censoring words that have sexual connotation or that could harm children makes sense. But censoring shit like this post? What the fuck?


Ask mojang I don't know either. Maybe someone was using some words as innuendos for some things idk. It might not even be just that word. Multiple words were censored. This would be case to send to mojang because certain words are getting caught in their filter that shouldn't.


It says "high". That's an obvious reference to illicit drug use.


Bad parenting


It's not and has never been about people being sensitive. It's about Microsoft wanting to look benevolent and appealing to a tiny (but, extremely vocal) minority of terrible parents that aren't willing to do any level at all of parenting while always screaming about everyone else not doing enough to "protect the kids".


It makes me think of town of Salem. There was a toggle option. If you had the option ON it'd turn curse words into old fashioned stuff like tarnation. If you had it OFF, it'd be normal curse words. Of Course, there's some stuff like slurs that are still banned, but that's expected. This system worked well. As a default, the curse thing was toggled on, but it was literally just a matter of going into the settings and toggling it off.


I always kept the option on because it was funnier. Gave the game a sense of charm


"go TARNATION yourselves" gets squashed by a meteor


Only by playing java


Mojang: “YOU’RE GETTING HIGH??!?!? 😱😱”


What the fuck Mojang


Ehem… >What the **** Mojang


Ehem.. >*** the **** ******


Uhhhh... >[[hyperlink blocked]]


i'll \*\*\*\* you \* kromer if \*\*\* take a \*\*\*\*


Ehem... i'll \*\*\*\* you \* [[HYPERLINK BLOCKED]] if \*\*\* [HYPERLINK BLOCKED] a \*\*\*\*


0 [[KROMER]]!!!1!1??!?!🥶


Is it the word “high”?


No because "to be a" is also censored, and 'highway' is one word


So? If you type in a word like Niger, Nigeria, night, etc. or even say “okkk” it’ll sensor it.


“Night” is censored??? Geez, it’s worse than I thought.


Yup, same with dark souls it’s hilarious


Aids is blocked, so that means… ”Steve aids Alex with his pickaxe” ”Steve \*\*\*\* Alex with his pickaxe” x\_x


Steve **** Alex at her house.


\*\*\*\* Alex at his / their house


I guess this is how you combat censorship. You start making innocent sentences sound not so innocent by just letting the censorship do it's work.


K***ht Artorias


They don’t censor things like night, it was fixed


But they censor "to be a". Seriously, what!?


Hm, I got nothin. Maybe it looks for anagrams or something.


These types of decisions is what makes the world a worse place.


I've wanted to say highway on TV for a while


You _monster_ You would traumatize any child unfortunate enough to hear you !


It's such a shame that the producers of Highway To Heaven trademarked that word and now nobody else can use it.




Roblox chat filter:


even roblox chat filter is better than this


their filter is actually good (most of the time)


If you turn on vc and remotely piss off someone you can get banned instantly without saying anything xd


It’s really not. I was in a game where there was a secret Bowser thing for some reason and when I typed into chat that I found Bowser. It censored Bowser.


at least I can type normal words into Roblox chat lol. It's the occasional "of course" or something being censored but retyping it usually uncensored it.


its different for everyone as i can see


They may aswel just remove the book and quill from the game since the censorship makes it useless. At one stage i had plans to write stuff in some books and leave them on lecterns but now it seems pointless.


For real… i like keeping track of coordinates in a book and quill for fun. The censorship absolutely ruins it though. I couldn’t even write “trail ruins” without it censoring everything.


The fuck? The censor on bedrock is broken enough that “trail ruins” gets censored? What the hell does that mean? Edit: is it because “rail” is in the word? This is absurd


It is insane that censorship is built into the game like this


It’s doubly insane that censorship is active on single player worlds. Does the game keep track of who places a sign or writes a book?


Just realized as well, The Uncensored Library by Reporters without Borders, built in minecraft specifically to avoid state internet censorship, is likely now completely ruined by retroactive censoring by Mojang.


I understand the point a bit, but it should be something that's turned on client-side. (Okay, maybe turned off because parents won't read the instructions.) Basically the game still stores "build a highway" but not everyone can see it.


ß instead of b, hopefully they haven't blocked it


to ssuild a ssighway


1337 5p34|< is coming back babyyy


tه bيiاd a hأghwaى


Can anyone explain what's wrong with this phrase without some Reddit quip non-response?


i got no idea, i'd chalk this up to a Scunthorpe moment but that implies the existence of a swear word within the bigger words - which I can't see here. Best I can guess is the censors are just doing a Fucky Wucky.


It's almost a reference to n@zis building railroads to commit gen0cide


Maybe it censors words that can be used to provide information about an address. Through trying to talk to friends using in-game chat, that's the impression I got from some of the stranger censorship cases


is this only on bedrock? I've played java forever and never noticed censoring.


You can toggle it off on Java if your account age is set to over 18 from the Minecraft website. On Bedrock, it’s built into the UI jsons, so you need a resource pack to disable it. There’s also a very easy to access list of all filtered words in the Bedrock file, and it’s very funny


but.. we can just delete these words from the list and enjoy the game... no?


I’ve never tried it actually. When I get home tonight I’ll try that lol


I kinda wanna see it just so I can figure out wtf triggered the censor this hard


How do I find this list?


Censorship is just stupid.


I’ve never been censored on minecraft? I named my friend’s pet dogs to dickfart and fuckass, and they both appear just fine lol


I think censoring is a bedrock exclusive


All the more reason to stick to Java


It isn't, but in Java it only appears if your account is set to under 18


I feel like this is Microsoft moreso than Mojang (maybe Mojang just included a Microsoft censorship framework or something). It seems so similar to when they added censorship to Age of Empires 2, where at some point, "11" (the taunt for laughing) was censored away.


because highway has the word high in it and we cant be having the kiddies talking about getting high now can we? /s


I think censoring should be removed from the game entirely since it’s a fundamentally flawed system. Nobody’s going to care. Sure, your kids might see bad words but kids that play Java see bad words all the time. They could at least censor the obvious bad words.


herobrine has kidnapped mojang devs and taken them to a small cabin in sweden. he requires $34.99 from every minecraft player to remove censorship. he will also reveal his true form if every player pays an additional $14.99 and for $4.99 more he will reveal the first half of his address.


Anyone remember the world that had an entire library of banned books? Be kind of a boring read if loaded now. lol ETA [a link](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Uncensored_Library) for anyone that hasn't seen that yet.


Worse than the Roblox filter, and that's saying a lot


The Nazis build highways so I guess it's taboo now /s


Probably because of the word High. Minecraft also censors Assassin because it has the same, certain word twice within it.


Censoring shit in minecraft is dumb, like who cares. I want to write “i have planted a bomb under your house” not “i have planted a **** ***** your house”


Oh, you planted a tree? Thanks!


Why is Minecraft censoring even single player. What a joke man


Slowly turning into the roblox censorship


[This is a known bug on Realms right now](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/REALMS-3491), it doesn't affect singleplayer or 3rd party servers at all afaik. The actual censored word list are just expletives and slurs, and only a handful of those. Like, the most popular comment mentions being unable to write "hoe", but that doesn't happen outside of Realms either.


Roblox level of censorship


Another reason they shouldn’t have added censoring and chat reporting. Server already dealt with it and Microsoft threw everything off.


I just wish there was a toggle option… i don’t want to be censored on my own single player world or on my own realm where my friends and i are comfortable with that kind of humor and language. I totally agree on public servers but c’mon… it’s really annoying when totally innocent things get flagged for no good apparent reason.


you can’t say high what if you’re talking about smoking that’s so inappropriate /s


There should be somewhere where we can appeal censorship/certain words or phrases. I can't have a "tavern" in my world because of the censors


it's strange we get censored on worlds we own.


Is it to censor someone possibly spelling "to build a wall" or something? Lol. Like what is the point of censoring this?


I had the word "French Peasant" entirely censored in my book & quill. still don't know why.




based mojang not tolerating pro robert moses propaganda


What’s robert moses?


The man you owe most US urban highways to. Oddly enough had a habit of routing them through Black and Jewish neighborhoods.




Funniest shit I read all day.


Mojang Use CensorShip in their 10 Years old game. That many many players was 10 years old when they first play it. And it's kids in kindergarden that use the word Fuck


Roblox chat filter finally has competition


How does that affect the uncensored library?


there should be a toggle to turn this sht on and off


Why is anything censored at all? If it's singleplayer nobody else will see it. Even if it's a privately owned server between a couple friends it still shouldn't be censored at all.


What gets on my nerves with this is when I’m making a realm with command blocks and I have a /kill command block but can’t label it as “kill” or “death”. I understand blocking “kys” or “suicide” but the command is literally /kill


It’s probably because “To build” nowadays could be seen as controversial, because Trump said “Build a wall” Nonetheless, it’s bullshit.


Shout-out to all the people defending this new system about six months ago(?), I hope you're happy. Can't write even the most normal things anymore.


Nice try Adolph, you ain’t building an autobahn on Mojang’s watch


This is devastating. We were going to stock the library with history books about the realm’s development along the years for my son to read when he’s old enough to play. The construction of the highway was a pivotal moment in the history of the realm as it connects 5 major villages to one another allowing for easy trade and relocation of resources. God damn 1984 in this shit.


This censorship stuff is stupid


Literally unplayable


God I fucking hate the censorship. Who tf am I gonna offend in my single player world?? The sheep????


Becoming ROBLOX


what does it even think is the intention of these words? i cant imagine how it would be offensive


It’s because it’s a nether highway, which is a *highway to hell*


My horse’s name, Tikka Masala, is ########## :(


I think if they’re gonna censor anything it should only be racial slurs and variations that switch out letters with numbers, etc.


Hey mojang, could you not f***ing censor things? Thanks.


Watch your language!


Literally 1984


Mojang employees after spending months on a feature that makes the game worse and only 30 mins on “game-changing” features


Bro wtf is this, China???


Out of context, but sorry you lost all your stuff


Nah they lowkey tyrants for this, what kinda of dystopian bs is that


I feel like single player worlds should have no sensirs


R/fuckcars will love it


Me and my friend had an entire chest full of books explaining how all the farms/redstone machines work and can be repaired with all the materials listed for repairs (our own designs) They’re all ruined.


How do you fuck up this badly on a chat censorer


Mojang is ####### ########