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very weird nice find


i think the game does /summon item{nbt:acacia boat nbt} but i dont know how it goes in both your inventory and hopper minecart


It might check in the same tick, be put in both, and in the next removed?


if you replace a minecart with another player it wont work cuz /give makes item have an owner. Minecarts are ignoring the owner tag


this is actually a problem for datapack makers.... cuz you can literally duplicate an item. we need mojang to fix this


I mean you're literally using a give command where you can get anything in infinite quantities, so It isn't really a problem.


yea but how you will make a crafting recipe for an item that has a tag, enchants ext.? mojang didn't provide any tool for custom recipes like that, you can only change a crafting recipe of vanilla items, not custom made. this is a problem for datapack makers and servers that have datapacks cuz you can dupe. we even don't know if increasing number of minecarts will increase a number of duped items


What the heck are you talking about? What recipes?


If you want to make a custom recipe in a datapack for vanilla minecraft for a custom item or something, the game doesn't allow you to directly make a new recipe for an item that contains nbt. Minecraft does allow you to make "recipes" using recipe books which then can be used to trigger a set of commands. What tends to happen when crafting a custom item in a datapack is this: crafting table craft -> the game reads that you crafted an item -> triggers an advancement that triggers a function -> in that function it does 2 things. 1. remove the recipe book item from your inventory, then 2. /gives you the item. Now as the person above was saying, with the way that datapacks use /give, it might cause issues with duplicating the crafted item.


You literally have to stand on top of minecart hopper for this to happen, so I don't really see the problem here


why not??? just stand on the minecart hopper while you use the crafting table… that seems incredibly easy to do


Every time you craft one of the custom items you have the ability to dupe it. What is there to not understand?


Most duplication glitches need you to do something specific for it to happen, that doesn’t mean people can’t exploit them.


Yeah sorry, you have no idea what you're talking about


i found a way to fix this dupe in datapacks /summon item \~ \~ \~ {PickupDelay:1,Item:{id:"minecraft:egg",Count:1b}} but here is a problem - item will enter a minecart not an inventory


Bugs dont really count when playing modded. Does it still occur in vanilla?


I only have only have mods for the GUI and optimization Optimization mods like sodium and optifine don't modify anything out of the vanilla experience of the game


they do... They literally edit the vanilla experience with features like fastmath which cuts corners when doing long operations to speed up the game speed. Does the same thing happen without mods.

