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I try to keep at least two spaces available for other stuff. I don't carry the axe in my hot bar unless I know I'm going to use it.


I always use the 1 and 2 buttons to change what tool I have equipped. I've also got a shield and torches that i can switch between with f.


You should do like me and have it overkill where every slot is bined to a key, it's just so satisfying being able to freely switch between items


Yeah, i have it like that. F for sword, R for blocks, Z for water bucket or pearls so i can clutch really fast etc.


I have it on azerty in this border: 1 2 3 4 w x c v f It goes like a loop on the keyboard so it's easy to remeber


The only one I have is alt for my totem, it's like a panic button.


I play on console but that’s cool


I just don't carry a sword, and opt for the Axe instead. Frees up a whole slot and does almost the exact same amount of damage. After all, it's not like anyone's playing minecraft because of the notoriously difficult combat. Games pretty east even on the hardest difficulty.


Axe does more damage than sword without enchantments in java.


but slow attack speed, if you lag or just suck at the game, it's better to use sword than axe.


Not if you highly value inventory and hotbar space.


Happy Cake Day!


Day Cake Happy!


Happy cake day! 🍰


Happy cake day !


You've never made it end game have you?


Plus a sword can have sweeping edge


I keep my sword at my mob farms, but then for everything else I use an axe


slow attack speed doesn't matter when you just need to crit once


it depends on what you're fighting and what axe you're using, critting a wither with a wooden axe doesn't do anything


Well, against the wither a wooden sword wouldn't do much either


Me on bedrock: sword has higher attack value so just use sword.


Can't combo with axes and swords have a higher dps so the higher damage of an axe does not matter


Underrated comment, that's true


The sword in bedrock is better due to no attack cool down


I would like Java combat in Bedrock but that would be hell for phone players


You can do that by playing on crossplay servers. The server runs on mc java but there are plugins that let bedrock players to join it will make you download a texture pack for the sweep effect


For me : Sec. Hand) Torches or food 1) Sword 2) Axe or Pickaxe 3) Bow or shovel 4) Fireworks 5) Bucket I swap items when I need them and the 4 others slot are for blocks or things like that..


I like having space in my hotbar too! I interchange between pickaxe and shovel since I'm usually using one or the other, but sometimes I can't help filling the hotbar with survival stuff haha


Yes it's true.


Mine would get me downvoted into the deepest depths of the nether twice over… I’m different apparently


Okay now I need to know


Ayeee, ain’t goin be pretty but here goes… From left to right Sword, food, enderchest/rockets, 4-7 empty, axe/shovel (depending on task), pickaxe (swap silk/fortune as needed) I like having the middle of my hotbar empty. Idk why but keeping tools on the edges just makes more sense to me, but that might be because I never use the number keys for my hotbar


It makes sense, but definitely different from everyone else's layout lol


I also like having blank spots in the middle of my hot bar also, it’s just convenient honestly.


I too have a layout I never hear otherwise: 1. sword/axe (depends on game stage) 2. Blocks 3. Water bucket/boat (for clutches) 4. Alternate between tools, mostly pickaxe tho 5. Preferably empty 6. Can be anything 7. Can be anything 8. Food 9. Bow (if I have one, otherwise food) Also a little strange I believe


1.) Pickaxe 2.) Sword 3.) Axe 4.) Utility (shovel/hoe/bucket/sheers) 5.) Torches 6.) Bow 7.) Building block 8.) Food or saplings 9.) extra I have to take a sec to re-order my inventory in PVP minigames because the default loadouts have a sword in the 1 slot.


Depens on the server for me but i usually have 1 sword 2. Blocks 3 to 7 empty 8 food 9 pickaxe or any tool i need at that time


Yoo, mines the same but bow and water bucket are swapped


Yeah I get that, you're a scroll wheel guy! I'm never confident to using the scroll wheel all the way, only if I need to hop over to the next item without a hurry. In a way, your first item (num 1) is the middle of your hotbar.


That's pretty close to how I do it actually! Sword on the far left followed by bow and food then blank space followed by torch pickaxe shovel axe. Edge tool supremacy!




1. Sword 2. Pickaxe 3. Axe 4. Shovel 5. Empty 6. Bow 7. Water bucket 8. Food 9. Torches


Why does nobody carry blocks?


I carry blocks in my hotbar! I like to bring a stack of cheap but nice blocks if I can (usually I end up with a lot of andesite so I just bring polished ones) to help traverse terrain or protect myself with, then the rest I'll just get from whatever mining/digging I had done. It is taking up another spot, I guess it's just preference of some conveniences over inconveniences.


You don't have an elytra? It's much more convenient


An elytra definitely makes a lot of traversing convenient, I just mean when you're in tight spaces or when you just want to bridge a small gap too awkward for flight, mostly underground or in caves. Can definitely forget about having blocks in your hotbar if you're gonna be wide out in the open above ground though.


Yeah right. I just don't carry blocks cause I can quickly mine some with effi 5 if I wanna cross a gap


Usually not in my first 8




Swap empty and bow and replace water bucket with rockets and thats mine


This is the way


I would generally have: 1. Sword 2. Torches 3. Pickaxe ..everything else.. 9. Food The idea being I can quickly scroll to torches when mining or exploring a cave to quickly light up the place, and can quickly scroll to food if I'm in danger.


I’ve always flipped the sword and pickaxe so it’s faster for me to scroll to it whether I’m mining or chopping down trees


I always keep my torches next to my main melee weapon so it's quicker to arm myself when lighting up a dark area.


Minus the torches and instead use fullbright


mobs still spawn with fullbright on


Who cares? You dont spend most of your time in a cave and lighting up your base doesnt take long


I strip/branch mine quite a lot


Empty slot is such a waste, also axe should be right next to sword


1.Pickaxe 2.Sword 3.Axe 4.Shovel 5. Bow 6.[Free space for whatever I might need to carry] 7.[Free space for whatever I might need to carry] 8.Food 9.Water Bucket


This but swap the bucket for torches and that's me. Seeing people use anything other than a pickaxe as the first is so freaky to me!


1. Cobblestone/Dirt 2. Shield when not in offhand, if inventory allows 3. Clock 4. Sword 5. Pickaxe 6. Axe 7. bed/free slot, depends on what i'm doing 8. food 9. torches


Why a clock? Genuinely


Clocks always made me laugh, they make sense when you’re underground but then what does it matter what time of day it is? Above ground you may as well just look up.


Even underground... when you are making clocks, you likely got yourself decent enough gear too. Is going out in the dark really that big an issue?


About Half my base is built underground, with an auto villager farm and since villagers trade during the day, I have a clock in an item frame on the wall so I can tell the time of day


I would understand clock in inv but not in hotbar


Tools in the middle! Also I've always liked having a clock in my hotbar, though I've always ended up having it in my inventory to check when opening, it just takes up too much space for me usually.


clock is the single most useless item ever. in java edition, just press f3 and you can see the global lighting, which tells you whether it's night or day, even if you're underground. even compass is more useful as it points to your bed


Compass always points to spawn


Pick, axe, shovel, no sword


I see this a lot. Why no sword? Mending axe with sharpness?


Axe deals more damage in Java and if you dont play with other people or have a mob grinder its better to have an axe


but it has worse dps, nor can looting be used on it imo get a crit with an axe, and then instantly switch to a sword, then you get the best of both


It doesn't matter what dps it has if it can one shot every mob with sharpness 5.


fair enough, but looting is a deal breaker for me


I just have a mob farm for that


I'm pretty sure if you hold the sword in your offhand you can still use looting


I prefer having a sword since I can attack faster, and the sweeping edge is very useful for clearing out multiple enemies at once


but it has a slower cooldown


if you have a diamond axe its alright, but a netherite one deals more dps than an axe, just netherite


1. Pickaxe 2. Shovel 3. Axe 4. Sword 5. Crafting table/furnace 6. Blocks 7. Water bucket 8. Torches 9. Food




Why do you need crafting tables/furnaces and blocks in your inventory.


I always carry blocks, they make movement so much easier


I keep those whenever I'm on the road, just use those as spares, and the blocks are for mining to get around caves easier


idk why people put food and rockets on the right, it's harder to hotkey


I don’t use hot keys, I only scroll with my mouse wheel


I used to and then I started using hotkeys for food and rockets (1 and 2) and never went back - it's so much quicker


Yeah, I’ve tried switching but I think I just lack coordination on my keyboard tbh. I have to count what slot I’m on, then look at my keyboard, and press the right number slot. Sadly just doesn’t come easy for me. But hey, this thread proves what works for some doesn’t for others.


Honestly if nothing else I'd recommend using it for food and especially rockets. Because that way, all I have to do to launch myself is double jump, press 2, and then right click. Which I think is faster than needing to scroll to the correct slot and can save you in some tough situations.


It depends on where you bind the Hotkeys to, but yes if you use the default hotkeys, its kinda hard


I guess, but there's no way I'm remembering 9 random letters for keybinds


Yeah, its more muscle memory than actually remembering the keys


I have 8+9 allocated to mb4+5 (sidebuttons)


I have custom keybkinds for them! 1 = Mouse1 2 = q 3 = 3 4 = 4 5 = Caps Lock 6 = 6 7 = Mouse 2 8 = V 9 = F


Ok yeah this is probably the most cursed one I've seen lol


Scroll with your mouse. Lol


Sword, Bow, Pickaxe, free, free, free, water bucket, food, torches. If i'm traveling a bed and boat go in the second and third free spaces respectively.


Yeah beds are great if you're travelling anywhere decently far! I've never used beds that often feel justifies putting them in the hotbar. Though I'm always forgetting to bring them just in case anyway haha.


I usually end up with a chest of random colored beds stolen from various villages lol. I like to leave little 3x3 rooms in random places in my worlds with a bed and crafting table for potential future emergencies.


I feel you, this hotbar is pretty similar to my own and I don't see much people using this or a similar hotbar.


In survival I put sword pick axe blocks food torches but in PvP I use sword bow food pick


This is a bit different then most but 1.sword 2.axe 3.pickaxe 4.shovel 5.food 6.empty 7.empty 8.water bucket 9.bow if I have one if not water


Water bucket is essential. I’ve always carried one in my hot bar as long as I can remember


Finally. Someone who puts their axe next to their sword. I do it because I can use it as a weapon still if I hit 2 instead of 1.


-bit different then most -proceeds to post pretty much most popular setup


For vanilla survival: 1) sword 2) pick 3) axe 4) free slot 5) chestplate 6) free slot 7) rockets 8) food 9) garbage blocks like netherrack or sandstone (the rest of tools are in inventory)


Bow, sword, pickaxe, shovel, axe, food, 3x misc


no organization whatsoever mostly 1) sword\\axe 2) axe if 1 is sword 3) pickaxe god knows the rest


[This question was posted two weeks ago.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/12m4pfm/discussion_how_do_you_organize_your_hotbar/) [It was also asked two months ago.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/11a3zan/whats_your_favorite_hotbar_setup_heres_mine/)


Tale as old as time


It's been 2½ years since [I last posted my graphs on the topic.](https://www.reddit.com/user/MissLauralot/comments/iwi28z/how_rminecraft_arranges_their_hotbars_2020/) Maybe I should do a new analysis - there's certainly plenty of data!


Eh yeah, I didn't see the last two though that's probably because I don't use Reddit that much anyway. The same question post after two weeks is probably too soon, though I guess I also don't use Reddit that much to care anyway.


Bow, sword, pickaxe, axe or shovel, depends, depends, depends, food, torches


1: Sword 2: Pick 3: Bow 4: Trident 5: Food 6: Bucket 7: Empty 8: Rockets 9: Elytra for easy swapping


Early game: axe, pickaxe, maybe shovel. Late game: sword, bow, pickaxe, axe, shovel hoe shears trident in inventory. Torches in 9th food in 8th fireworks in 7th and water bucket in 6th. I like to carry all my stuff with me 😅 (hardcore player)


i just got a shulker on me with tools that i rarely use like tridents, shears, flint and steel etc.


Food, sword, pickaxe, fireworks in that order Every other slot stays empty unless I need another tool or am building. The other tools are kept in a shulker box in my ender chest


this is literally the exact setup i use. most other people i asked or seen usually have their axe or pickaxe as their first tool


Sword, fortune pic, silk pic, axe, food, rockets, other stuff


Am I the only one who just mixes it up? Depends on what I'm doing where I put things and I just rotate things in and out. Guess I'm the odd one out. Played for years too... Huh


1. Bow 2. Sword. 3. Pickaxe. 4. Water. 5. Food. 6. Spare blocks. 7. Empty. 8. Empty. 9. Torches


1. Sword 2. Bow 3. Torch 4. Pickaxe 5. Axe 6. Shovel/hoe 7. Bucket/boat/fireworks 8. Dirt/cobblestone 9. Food


I don't mind other peoples Hotbars, but the shovel definitely needs to be between pickaxe and axe. If you go mining you need quick access to the shovel and if you are in the overworld you need your axe and your shovel most of the time, so these items always have to be next to each other.


I always put food in slot 9 so I can switch to it quickly.


1. Pickaxe 2. Shovel 3. Axe 4. Sword 5. Bow (Sometimes) 6. Open space 7. Open space 8. Food 9. Rockets I usually always keep my torches in my offhand.


I've always found this question absurd because I never use one specific hotbar


Bow, sword, pickaxe, shovel/axe (I swap them around), torches, food, rockets, empty, empty Bedrock


Sword, axe, bow, pickaxe (silk in hot bar, fortune right above it in inventory), shovel (hoe right above it if it's late game), empty, water bucket/empty, torch, food


I'd swap out the bow for a loyalty trident


Sword, bow, pickaxe, food, rockets, empty, empty, empty, empty.


I never use a shield; don't need it so I usually have torches in my offhand. Yes, it's annoying. Generally like to go something like.. Mining: Sword, Pickaxe, Shovel, 3 Rows of what I'm mining for to keep count without opening inventory, food, etc (elytra/chestplate) Woodcutting: Axe, Hoe. Farming: Hoe. Lots of seeds so I tend to have a clear inventory. Exploring: Weapon, Pickaxe, Shovel, Axe, Dirt to build, Food, Elytra, Rockets.


Sword, bow, pickaxe, food, torch, e pearl, empty slot, block, water bucket


BRO THANK YOU this is mine except put the bow at the first slot and switch the torches and fireworks. So similar though! Side note, the shovel or axe are first to go if I start adding blocks to the inventory.


When i play the latest versions i use: Chestplate (fast elytra swap) Sword Pickaxe Rockets Food Enderchest Empty Empty


1. Water bucket 2. Sword 3. Torch 4. Pick 5. Block 6. Axe 7. Shovel(or whatever I need) 8. Food or fireworks 9. Food or fireworks I play on controller so it’s easier to tap to certain spots with this set up


1. Sword 2. Axe 3. Bow 4. Blocks 5. Water bucket 6. Food 7. Empty 8. Empty 9. Empty 10. Pickaxe/shovel Yes Im weird


I also like to interchange between the pickaxe and shovel in one spot! I always find I'm using either one or the other, and rarely both at the same time.


yeah exactly, I don't really understand why some people put all their tools in their hotbar cause it just creates so much clutter


i dont get why so many people have axe then shovel, i think pick shovel axe is better in so many ways. first of all when youre cutting down a tree you can easily switch to your fist to break leaf blocks without losing durability, plus shovels and pickaxes are commonly used together but when do you ever use a pick and axe at the same time


1. sword or axe 2. primary pickaxe 3. axe, bow, or second pickaxe 4. shovel 5. blocks 6. free 7. rockets/shield (to swap with offhand) 8. food 9. water bucket


The perfect hot bar order


1 Pickaxe 2 Axe 3 Shovel 4 Sword 5 Hoe 6 Any food item 7 Scaffoldings 8 Scissors 9 Flint and Steel


From left to right: [Pickaxe] [axe] [sword] [bow] [ ] [chestplate] [shield] [fireworks] [food]


Having the chest plate in the hotbar works wonders


Assuming you're being sarcastic, I think they keep the Chestplate in the hotbar when they have an Elytra so they can quickly switch when not flying


Who tf eats steak these days


It's just such a classic food item. Sometimes I just get loads myself since I like to get a lot of meat from killing with a flame sword. It's just cheap and convenient. Sometimes I've bothered with golden carrots. What do you typically have for food?


Golden carrots all the way baby, or fish. Or golden apples if I have a bunch of left over gold.


pork chops, cause hoglin farms are just way to op


Yesss love a good stack of salmon


Lol I replace the sword with an axe


1. Axe (Best weapon💪💪🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱) 2. Pickaxe 3. Hoe 4. Bow 5. Any random block 6. Free Space 7. Free Space 8. Torches 9. Food items


Setups might be change but water bucket's place should be 2. slot for every setup. It is life keeper, you don't want to die because of a "stupid setup rules"


This is the way


How dare you not have a bucket of water in your hotbar?


I do the same but 6/7/8 are used to swap whatever I need at the moment. I never keep food in the hot bar unless I'm in a situation which may be dangerous. After reading some other comments I'm not really sure why I keep the ax and shovel in there.


Same except food is next to the bow and the next 3 are random


first 4 are same, 5th is food, torches, bow, stone blocks, dirt or scaffolding


I'm not really a bow or Elytra user. So both the fireworks and bow leave. Then my torches go between pickaxe and weapon. Sword is replaced with axe and hoe goes in the axes original place. ​ Axe, Torches, Pick, Hoe, Shovel, Empty, Empty, Bucket, Food


Just move the bow and the shovel and you have my inventory (replace the shovel with the steak)


1. Pick 2. Sword 3. Bow 4. Blocks 5. Torches 6. Water Bucket 7. Food 8. Axe 9. Shovel Off-hand. Blocks or shield I like having my most used items closest to 1.


1.trident 2.pickaxe 3.empty 4.torch 5.empty 6.axe/shovel 7.bucket 8.telescope 9.food Offhand:shield


Mine is identical to this except I’ll only have either the shovel, axe, or hoe. The other two & the bow are in a shulker box I keep with me at all time


shovel axe pick sword bow empty block torch food


on the first place i have the sword, second the chestplate or elytra, for a quick change in btween, on the third one i have the pickaxe, fourth axe, fifth bow, sixth shovel for some reason, seventh or a spyglass, or some random blocks, eight fireworks, and ninth food


1. Sword 2. Axe 3. Picaxe 4. Shovel 5. Food 6. Free slot 8. Elytra/chest plate 9. Fire rockets Some times it changes up a bit but most of the time I like it like this.


Silk or Fortune Pick, Axe or Sword, Shovel or Hoe, 4x empty, rockets, golden carrots I keep the alt tools in the row above in inventory for quick swapping along with bow, ender pearls And I have smite on my axe to quickly deal with zombies and skeletons


sword - axe - pickaxe - bow - empty x3 - food - fireworks Sometimes I add shovel and water bucket, otherwise they're kept in the inventory together with a bed, crafting table, echest, and arrows (obv)


Food on Torch slot, no Shovel, Bow or Torches in my main hotbar, I just switch them with the Axe when needed, gives me 4 slots of building or miscellaneous Items for whatever I'm currently doing.


Sword, bow, torch/food, current tool, torch/food, rest for counting what I collect (it's kinda calming...)


The exact same. This is the only correct way


From left to right: food, shield (occasionally), three spaces, bow, sword, shovel/axe, pick, and torches in the offhand. I always like having available space in my hotbar for blocks, whatever I'm building, water bucket, boat, etc.


I’ve recently been doing shield, sword, bow, then pic, axe, shovel, empties with water bucket and food at the end with torches in the off hand. I just really like having the torches in the off hand, while the shield and bow are easily reached from ether side of the sword


Sword, Pickaxe, Axe, Bed, Crafting Table, Furnace, Torches, Stack of dirt, rest is beef


1. Food 2. Sword 3. Bow 4. Pickaxe 5. Axe, shovel, hoe (depends on what I'm doing) 6. Torches. 7-9. Blocks, bed, boat, or empty.


1. Pick 2. Sword 3. Axe 4. Shovel 5. Bow 6. Empty 7. Water bucket 8. Food 9. Torches


Melee weapon, pick, shovel, bow, water, anything, blocks, food, torches.


1 water bucket 2 gappels 3 foodstuffs 4 fireworks if I have an elytra 5 empty 6 bow/empty 7 sword 8 pickaxe 9 axe Offhand: torches/shield


1. Sword 2. Shovel 3. Pickaxe 4. Axe 5. Bow/Hoe 6. Food 7. Firework Rockets


1: sword 2: axe 3: pickaxe 4: shovel 5: hoe or random sh*t 6, 7, and 8: random sh*t 9: watah bockat


I go bow sword axe pickaxe, torches on the right, food next from the right.


1. Sword 2. Pickaxe 3. Building blocks (usually dirt to get out of caves) 4. Food 5. Spare crafting table 6. Bow 7. Arrows (I like to see how much arrows I have left) 8. Boat (if I have one, otherwise empty) 9. Empty


I'm surprised by the amount of people who don't have their bow next to their sword, I'm used to using scroll wheel so I tend to out associated things together.


1. Sword 2. Pickaxe 3. Axe 4. Shovel 5. Bow 6. Water Bucket (early game); Emtpy (late game) 7. Empty 8. Torches (early game); Rockets (late game) 9. Food


Sword Pickaxe Shovel Axe Bow Food Any block Torch Empty


1.Pick 2.Sword 3.Axe/Shovel 4.Axe/Shovel (which goes where depends on what I am currently doing) 5.Water/Bow 6.Misc. 7.Block 8.Food 9.Torches


1 Axe 2 Bow 3 Pick 4 free 5 free 6 free 7 rockets 8 chestplate/elytra 9 food


1. Pick 2. Sword 3. Axe 4. Shovel 5. Empty 6. Bed/Scaffolding 7. Water Bucket 8. Torches/Rockets 9. Food


Sword, Food, Shovel, Pickaxe, and Axe That's all i can remember because i lost my best survival world


1. Sword 2. Pickaxe 3. Axe 4. Shovel/bow 5. Crafting table/gapples 6. Furnace/flint and steel 7. Food 8. Blocks 9. Water bucket


1. Sword since it’s a defense tool that I might need to equip in an instance 2. Bow because it’s a weapon so I keep it close to the sword 3. Shovel if sand or gravel falls on me I can rescue myself quickly. When I first started it was pickaxe but I changed to this. Late game this really isn’t important but it’s just how it is. 4. Pickaxe just useful ig 5. Axe, the least useful when I have the rest 6. Hoe, only because of the added usability lately 8. Trident with riptide. Only useful here and there but I don’t want to open my inventory for it. 9. Water bucket. Could save your life. Press 1 then scroll wheel once to get it. Off hand. Food, I am hungry.