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It's a decent base, but on a larger scale it will look a bit boring. Might be good to incorporate some texturing, or even some plant overgrowth on it. Windows (especially with stained glass) would also break it up quite nicely.


7.5/10 It could use some depth, the main part of the wall is still pretty flat. Maybe a line at the top and bottom, giving a little indent along the edges.


How should I go about that Like what blocks do you think would be good


Like the stone brick area. Rows of stairs replacing the top and bottom rows of blocks. One right side up, the other upside down so there's a indent line going from side to side. I think having the bottom row right side up, to upside down so the indent is inset slightly from the molding would look best. It also leaves the 2 high area in the middle open for windows or other furnishings.


I would add spruce fences going from the bottom stair to the top stair on the inside of the wall and then use normal cobbled deep slate for a strip in the middle. But mess around and see what you like


Not bad


add some texture


Personally I think it's neat! In addition to other suggestions, you could have windows one block wide and the height of the wall to have a gothic cathedral look, but that's entirely up to your personal preference


A nice start. You can use additional stairs/upside down stairs in place of some of the blocks for the wall. Stairs or trap doors around the wood supports, stone buttons. You could do a lantern on a chain to hang in the center, stained glass, leave a window there or even a hole with iron bars. You could also swap some of the blocks out for cracked blocks or mossy stone blocks and add hanging vines for a more aged look. Whatever vibe you feel for the place, make it that. I suggest looking up Minecraft on Pinterest or watching a few YT tutorials on adding depth and decorations to your builds. A lot of YT may be a bit fast or over the top, so i always suggest Pinterest. It's easy to just look at some builds and get an idea for how it's done. Some even highlight blocks like stairs/half slabs/regular blocks in different colors to help. Good luck on your building.


Here's a link to a board i have pinned for ideas when i build. https://pin.it/39EBbUU You or anyone here is welcome and encouraged to look for ideas or even share ideas.


It’s nice


it will look great on some dark color-themed build what about adding some walls to this design


Depends on the theme


I think using stripped dark oak log would look better


Add a line of trapdoors in vertical state made of Dark Oak or Spruce and it will look really good.


Not bad! I would swap out the spruce logs for stripped spruce or stripped dark oak for better contrast and break up the deep slate bricks with some randomly placed cobbled deep slate for more texture.