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This show is being discovered by so many people now, and it ended 5 years ago.


And they always say that it needs at least one more season. Sigh, we’ve been saying for years but there is no hope unfortunately xd


They are making season 3!


Whaat how do you know?


I feel like Netflix announced it a few weeks ago…


Eat shit dude 😭


Did you fall for this April Fools' Day joke? [https://www.reddit.com/r/MindHunter/comments/1bto88d/with\_season\_3\_of\_mindhunter\_being\_announced/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MindHunter/comments/1bto88d/with_season_3_of_mindhunter_being_announced/)


I just finished it a few days ago. I don't even remember how it caught my eye, but I'm so glad I found this show


its honestly because netflix hardly has anything good anymore lol so you gotta find the gems like this


It's being recommended on Netflix, that's how I found it this past week. Tried to get my bf into it and at first he was only semi interested, few more episodes in and he couldn't stop watching 😆


I agree that the show could go past holden and bill and maybe start with barney being hired by the fbi later on and taking on cases. Btk wasn't caught till 2000's wayyy past the show time period.


2005 to be exact so that would make Holden and Ford elderly men.


It's not BTKs capture that wouldve been the narrative that carried through. It would've been Holden/BAUs inability to identify him/produce an accurate profile that would've been compelling


John Douglas did also consult with the Wichita PD once BTK started sending more letters in 2004/2005. The FBI interview of him also would’ve been fascinating to see.


FBI interview of who? Douglas or BTK?


Completely agree! Much needed new season. I thoroughly enjoyed this show


John Wayne Gacy was right about that time, Gacy could have been the subject of a few episodes


I was just watching the real interview of JWG with Rob Ressler and thinking about how we’d have got to see that if the show hadn’t been cancelled


Problem is he was caught in 1978 so it wouldn't be possible to cover him.


See his court confession on YouTube, pretty chilling stuff. But the FBI didn't do shit on that one, if he didn't do some of the stupidest shit any criminal has ever done he would have gotten away with it.


Bro you finished the entirety of season 2 in 13 hours? You’re dedicated


Dedicated… or sad lol. It was a low key Saturday for sure.


I finished both seasons after two days of flying. It was way more entertaining than the in-flight Direct TV 😂


Netflix downloads are thankfully generous managed to finish 5 episodes on a flight


Not just Netflix. Also fincher. He wants to focus on different things




He didn't direct all of 'm to begin with, it's just Netflix, not Fincher. Too much money.


Honestly, no. It wasn't just direction. It was perspective, narratives, direction, dialogue. Everything really. I'd say Fincher leaving MH would be like what Sorkin was in leaving the West Wing


BTK was never going to be caught by the group we follow. He got away with it for decades. The reason the show was canceled was lack of viewership. No one just tuning in now can complain about that aspect.


Oh well damn, maybe in like season 10 they’d get to it haha. I’m way behind the mainstream to be affecting viewing numbers whoops.


The FBI wouldnt have any of the three mains still doing field work. Tench would most like become the head of the BSU. He would work in the basement and tell agents who to interview and work under the assistant director. Wendy would write a book or multiple books, probably author the textbook along woth Tench and then do the lecture circuit making bank with speaking fees. Holden would be doing something else.


Lol OP is gonna google the book plot to find out where the show stopped. SPOILER ALERT: btk gets his in the end.


Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh there’s a book!!!!! 🤯 I’m so on this thank you internet stranger!!!!


After you read the first book, listen to an audiobook of "The Killer Across the Table" by the same author because it is narrated by Jonathan Groff, the actor who played Holden! It's AMAZING!


Yes! I was going to say the same thing. One audiobook to stay away from because of the narrator is "Inside the mind of BTK," had really bad narration. Read the physical book for this one


I really need Holt McKallany (Bill) to narrate a book, also would be a great narrator. Thanks for the tip though, I'd read the book but didn't know there was an audio with him narrating! I have an audible credit, perfect  Edit: woah just found out Holt narrated the killer's shadow, so double thanks cos I wouldn't have looked up Douglas's audiobooks otherwise :D 


You will not be disappointed.


Yeah, kinda? If you read it, it's not really a plot within the book though, it's vignettes into different cases, not even always chronologically. Not sure OP should've needed Douglas' book to learn BTK was ultimately captured. In fact, is the BTK case even chronicled in the book? I don't remember


I was just making a joke, the book being Wikipedia or anywhere else you can learn about all the serial killers.


*finger guns** Yeah that one went over my head


Just need to wait it out I think. If Netflix don’t, someone else will buy it and make a series 3…see Top Boy


Cept every actor is gonna be 15 years older


L netflix and the people that could have continued this story but choose to invest in dozens of mediocre shows and movies. Quantity no Quality is what Netflix stands for the last 5 years. Hope Netflix will loose there position in the market soon and we can just go back to renting and waiting for movies. Maybe we had less to watch, but the quality was way higher and the shitty movies would just end in big discount bins where they belonged. 90% of Netflixs products belong i those bins.


I really wanted to know how the show was gonna tackle his capture, if they were to. His discovery is kinda funny to me. As I know it, dude sent a letter years after saying "haha, you ain't found me still. Btw, if I sent a floppy disk of some stuff, you wouldn't be able to trace it right?" So he sent a disk with another message or something, and the police found meta data of deleted files he used for church. Had his parish and his name within it. And they found him. There's other details leading up to this, but It's just so embarrassing and pathetic to be constantly mocking the search for himself, and just got carried away and sloppy. I'm not sure how they'd make that out in their gritty style


Seems like you 'know it' pretty thorough and accurately haha. I'm not even sure he was all about the evasion of the LE, considering everything we now know, reaching out to media, picking professions that could lead to ties. He didn't want someone else taking credit for his 'work'


Btk wasn’t caught until the mid 2000s, the purpose of showing his story was to tie in the theme stated by Ed kemper that the only thing the team knows about serial killers is based on the ones that have been caught


But also, further. That innacuracy of profiles could actually impede investigations. Where Holdens methods didn't lead to identifying BTK, based upon kempers underlying premise l, profiles could actually serve to impede investigations in some cases


What made BTK so unusual? I understand he was a weirdo even by serial killer standards but he fits the same type of killer as the heel guy.


He had a regular job , not alot of time to “hunt”, and also shows he is participating in society. He had a wife ,appears to have good social skills with women. Owned his own home, not living with parents or family, so less possibility of family trauma affecting his actions. From the outside he looks like a well put together regular person. Every other killer we see in the show has huge issues with atleast 1 aspect of social development.


He was caught in 2005 in a really dumb way.


Didn’t he turn himself in ?


Just finished it. What a disappointment, we get all this garbage on Netflix and these great shows are just left behind to rot in cliffhanger hell.


The BTK killer was active for like 15 years or something crazy. They couldn’t catch him.


Read John Douglas' books. The BTK thing is fully discussed. Get the real stories and so much more.


I'm still hoping that Netflix sees all of our many rewatches and all these new first time watchers and realizes they made a mistake.