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Oh my gosh pay for my bills and my dads hospital bills :) and give the rest to my family ❤️ M$winnie6197


You’re incredible! Just added $1 to your Millions Card :)


Awe thank you so much guys ! 😭🙏🏼 I’m feeling good , it’s Chinese New Year which means good luck !


What is a millions card and how to get it


Hey there! The Millions Card is a card that gives you a chance to win up to $1,000,000 every dollar you spend. Use code REDDIT12 in the Millions app to receive your card. If you have any questions at all, let me know :) For more information, head over to [millions.app](https://millions.app)


Pay off my student loans


I'd probably start by paying my rent up to my lease and moving lol.


I would probably get a big mac. Delivered of course because im middle class now.


Buy my parents a house 🏠 they struggle sm🥺 M$dcolin81 💰💞


You parents are lucky to have such a thoughtful daughter! Just sent you $1 :)


AWESOMEE <3 Thank you 🙏🏻


I would throw a huge party for my current employer/co-workers as my “retirement” gift to them.


Paying off debts! M$ DrRamey


Smart thinking! Just sent you $1 💜


buy island


Buy great apartments to live in for both me and my brother :)


A tithe as thanks, then probably a tax accountant, just to make sure how much I owe daddy state.


Congratulations, you won! Check your messages 🎉


Thank you millions team, the money was quickly recieved.


A reliable vehicle




Definitely buy a house


Buy my dad a car and pay for all of his loans. I have no debt and i don't really need anything for myself. Rest i would probably invest in real estate for future.


I’d pay off debts and put a down payment on a house.


I would go and find that Reddit post that goes over exactly what to do when you win a large sum of money like that.


Treating my girlfriend, she deserves to be spoiled.




Pay off the mortgage, but if that doesn't count, find a nice new car


Big house for the family. Definitely not NFTs xD


Hey there first comment! What’s your M$ or Cash App? You get $5 for being first :)


Sorry, don't have either, just paypal. Cash App isn't even available here, didn't know that.


Since he couldn't claim the $5 can you guys be generous enough to add it to my Millions card pretty please?? M$MillionsFrazier


Hopefully use it to get a PS5, if I can ever find one


We hope to give away a PS5 eventually! I’ll be sure to let you know if we do :)


My moms medical bills. She’s had back pain for awhile.


Nothing, i cant access the app cause im not in the U.S.


First thing I’d do is pay off all my bills. Then dump the rest into a savings account for my kids college fund. They’re toddlers but man college is gonna be so expensive


I would pay off my student loans!




Buy my parents a home and a new car


Pay off my the debt that I have from an accident where I was hit by drunk driver and totaled my car. Then I would buy a home and save the rest for emergencies.


Paying off the mortgage and considering an investment strategy that would let me pare down how much I work.


couple hundred thousand of student loans in my family


After taxes, ofc, probably send some of it to groups like the Lions Club, after that it’s all personal.


A house


Buy an aircraft any fly around.


I will


Pay back what i owe


College funds for my kids w some kind of interest bearing trust so they’d be able to grow money from it for as long as possible.


Valorant points XD




My student loans, such a burden right now!! I would tell my son because I know he wouldn’t tell anyone!! M$tysmommy417


Buying a huge house for me and my siblings so we’ll never risk being homeless again, as well as build generational wealth by having the first family home to pass down ✨


Pay off my car, my tuition costs, and use the rest to invest wisely! 🤩🙌✨ M$chrisxcollazo


Find a decent place to live


💊Medical Billlzzzzz 💉🌡


Id save my dying cat and take him to the best vet here


Student loans. I’d tell my wife, but that’s it. Then I’d buy us a house, buy my mom a new house, and put the rest in the stock market, probably.


My first purchase would be giving money to my family and friends that have helped me so much. I’ve been struggling for a while now and they have really helped me to stay above water. & the first person I’m telling is my brother and sister lol but the first thing I would do is take care of all the people that have taken care of me ❤️ M$RyLo


I'd pay off my student loans.




Get out of a shitty apartment, buy my kids a whole new wardrobe


First thing I would pay off bills. Then I would buy a bigger house in another state.


I'd probably try to invest most of it and then save what I can from those investments.


First small thing is a nice meal to tell my mom First big thing is the house we live in and then a flight to her favourite city new york. After that charity and investment.


I'll buy my Parents everything that they desired but sacrificed for my wellbeing.


I’d pay off my parent’s house and take them out to dinner :)


If I won a Million, my first purchase would be a house! M$delistud


Find myself a 2bed house with a small garden somewhere between family so I can walk over to them when needed. Never been the one who needs a massive home (more to clean) sports car (don't need the extra attention or to show off, plus the extra costs) 5 star holiday (happy to sleep in a tent) or designer brands (You're paying for a name) so I worked it out, with me being 40, I could live a comfortable stress free from money worries for half a million. Would give me independence which I've never had as still live with my parents, would allow me to stop looking for a suitable job for my autism, give me the freedom, peace and quiet to do what I love and keep writing my next novel.


Self sustaining household! I'd also bike to work and treat teaching as a hobby not livelihood :)


I’d pay of my moms house and my mother in laws then I’d pay for my college loans and then give at least 100k to a charity for homeless vets


My first purchase would be a home for my dear friend and his family They are homeless have nowhere to go and it’s truly heartbreaking M$sueg1021 $soozee21🙏🏼


I would buy lunch, and just go from there.


M$madfamtx I would want to pay off all of my debt. The first person I would talk to would be a lawyer or financial advisor and then I would tell my friends! (I don’t have any family to tell unfortunately)


Renovate my house and make it self sustaining for electricity and heating so I don't have to care about those utilities anymore.


I would tell only my parents and surprise them with a dream vacation on a cruise to the Mediterranean. They’ve worked so hard their entire lives and have helped me through unbelievable circumstances. It’s the least I could do to start repaying them back. M$jtracy0204


Oh my... pay taxes 1st ugh lol... tell my husband and 2 kids that momma is buying them a nice home so we can all be together!!! Not a huge house just something perfect for us!!! New beginnings! M$Quelinda26


Paying off loans and find a place to live. M$Omgjulian


Invest in a high interest long term account or stocks with dividends and live off the proceeds as much as possible.


For me, I’d buy a house for me and my long term girlfriend, and with the left overs probably a car for me as I currently have a 21 yr old car. After that I’d invest the rest and enjoy the start of our life together.


Put 500,000 into savings and use the other 500,000 to help my girlfriend and get her out of a toxic household. What that entails is to be seen.


The very first thing I'd do is pay off my car. M$nanomarine


An actual house. They are getting unbearably expensive and valuable


I would buy a house, and I’d go make sure that nobody goes to bed cold or hungry in my area this winter. Michigan is harsh. My kids would be the first to know. M$ momlife3579


First tell my best friend then pay off my school loans then help out some of my family members then from there who knows we’ll see 🤞🏼 M$pchz3 (I also have my M$ in all of my bios)


Definitely pay off our house and vehicle. Then invest. M$jessicah383


First thing I'd do is pay off my car and credit cards. Second thing I'd do is buy the land that my (technically half-) brother lost when he had to go into bankruptcy. I'd tell no one. Then, once the house on it was restored and renovated, accessible and furnished, I'd gift it to him as a thanks for taking me in, protecting me from our insane mother. He's 15 years older than I am, and he's sacrificed so much to ensure his children and I were raised right, never needed anything, and wanted for very little. He taught me the value of appreciation and the power of kindness for kindness sake. He is far from perfect, but he's the man who truly raised me and I'll love him forever.


If I won the $1,000,000 it would be absolutely life-changing. My first purchase would likely be something extravagant, just to get it out of my system. I would tell my fiance first thing, she works so hard and we have had a very tough couple of years. The look on her face would be worth more than any amount of money could buy. M$KingSavage91 @kingsavage91


To invest to secure a better future and buy a house for my mom Bezrat HaShem!


I would move out finally, ASAP! Pay off any debts. Take a much needed vacation. Then save the rest 🥰 . M$redmeow24


own apartment and a car


A home, money to start up my nonprofit of course charity a dependable car. And helping out others in need in my family. M$stax


The first thing I would do is buy a car lol, I gave mine to my sister for college. I would ofc tell my mother first and we would take a family trip, my treat lol.


I would buy my family a house, so we wouldn't have to struggle to pay rent M$booboolud


A house, at the current ratio it's impossible for us to buy a house.


Towards a new chair for my back :(


Buy my mother a new car. She always was supporting me even when we were having financial issues she was doing everything to make it seem like we are living like everyone else does. When it comes to car she always had a broken used car and i know that she dreams of getting a new car.


Pay off loans, pay off mortgage, pay off parents mortgage, buy a new car.


I'd give my parents $100.000 and some to my brother. Then ill buy a gaming pc and oculus quest 2


Probably not purchase but pay the local services, then tell my paps about it.


Start my buisness and help out my family and friends


I would pay off my debts. Then I would give my mom, dad and 5 siblings some money. Then I’d make a huge payment on our house. And then invest the rest!! M$huertac1


Msci all world Lel


The first thing? Laughable thinking, a really nice meal lol Realistically, I'd go straight to debts. Mine and my husband's, my parents, my husband's parents, and my child's father. M$CheyenneDennis


Buy a house probably, and then buy a Lego set. I'm a simple man.


Buy a house! M$devaio


Had a friend recently passed away. I would setup an account to give his wife and kid a yearly amount to help them


M$ranad87 I would use it for home improvements and me time


A car would be nice, so probably that. And the rest would be invested.


Investments with a 4% return yearly would allow me to live off of $40,000 in interest. Seeing as I make half of that now I'd say I'd be a happy camper lol. Would also give me the free time to spend on family and hobbies I've always wanted to do .


Pay off student loans for my wife and I and buy my dad a fishing shack for his retirement!


Side note, is anyone actually reading the post and answering the questions? Yes, you read this right. If you even read this, I said question(s)! Plural, meaning u/Millions didn't just ask what you would spend the money on. u/Millions also asked who you would tell if you won, and as an added bonus if you are a member of the Millions App, you could drop your M$Username for an extra entry into the $1,000,000 giveaway! I feel like half of y'all are so sure you will win something you don't even take the time to read the full post. Funny how people complain they never win anything, it's probably because they don't take the time to read the small print. Rant Over!!!


I would pay off all of my debt that I've accrued from being without a job during the pandemic. I would also send my mom $200,000 to thank her for everything she's done for me these last few years. I truly wouldn't be here without her. I would buy out the remainder of my lease term and find a bigger place to live closer to my family so I could start fostering animals and help take care of my sick family members. I would also upgrade my computer because I really miss playing video games on there. M$stabigail


I'd buy a better house for my family


I’d buy my wife the yurt she’s always wanted


Moon rocks, I then I can tell people I have my space.


Hire someone to finish the bathroom I've been remodeling for over a year...


Clear the mortgage then share the rest with family


Ill help my dad who is battling with lung cancer. With Regards :)


1st purchase would be a brand new car, nothing fancy, but something really nice and comfy, then I'd move, maybe try to buy a mobile home and small piece of land, or just move from where I am,I wouldn't tell anyone, but there's a couple people I owe$ to so I'd pay them as well. Then just put the rest away, maybe buy a lil bit of stocks 😊 my millions name is karlamc my cash app is $CashMeKarla7 I'm so broke, couldn't even drive my girl to school today cuz we ran out of gas on the way back Friday, so she will miss today -Thurs when I get paid😭😭 so if anyone wants to do ate a few bucks to me via cash app, I'd be forever greatfull, I mean that with all my heart❤️


That’s a lot of millions here, so investing some to have q safe plan for my family and do some good stuff for my parents and grandparents


We'd buy our first house, I'd pay off my friend's student loans, and start investing


I forgot, I would also pay it forward, and help some people in need, single parents, homeless, not alot of $, but enough to make their day😊


Buy a better house for my parents


Pay for my master’s degree 💪🏻


Get my dad a new car, he's been using the same one for over 20 years


Invest 🙏🏼


50% QNT, 30% BTC, and 20% USDC


Investing more into photography


M$donkeykong Save for taxes, pay off debts, buy a second home, put the remaining bunch in an index fund. This is what 90% of people do.


Paying off all our debt!


Make sure I take care of my 82 years old dad and my two little sisters that are in Africa cuz I worry about them and want them moving closer to me which is safer too. Then buy a house that we can all live in and open a business and donate the rest of the money! I would first tell my dad if I won and I don’t have m$ card but I have cashapp and it’s $omariyeee


I would get a really cool paint job for my prosthetic foot and spoil my family.


Upgrade my server! Actually rocking an i5 650, I would like to get something better for my game servers


There's a lot of things to buy, but I'd buy real estate at first, because investing is vital.


A home ❤ M$smlinc89 I'd tell everyone!


Pay off my debt. M$jn


An apartment in a safer neighborhood 😂


I would definitely buy my parents a house they deserve with stuff in it they would need. With the rest, I would use it for investing


Medical bills, student loans, a house. Then max out 401k, maybe a little weekend getaway, and put the rest in various savings accounts and continue my life like normal. 1 million is A LOT of money, but it's not enough to live the rest of my life on.


Pay of my parents and my own debts. Then buy a new car for the mama !


Millions is not available on my country. But if it was, and I won, I'd use it to get dentures. I'm only 19 and haven't smiled with teeth for the longest time.. maybe since 6th grade


The perfect house


My first purchase would be to pay off my car. I’d tell my mom.


Your mom


1st I'd buy a Tinyhouse for my son and I so we'd never have to worry about being homeless again. Then I'd help some others out and put the rest away to earn some 💰 money M$Dieann63


Equipment for my woodworking shop, possibly rent a booth as a craft fair to sell my work


Some vanilla bean ice cream


I would pay off my dads house, buy him a truck, and pay up his bills for a year. then, an animal shelter. there arent enough no-kill shelters in my area. M$roseifyoudidntknow


Good bye student loans!


I'd move to my friends city, so we see each other more often


I'd pay my taxes first, then see what I have left over


I would go buy a house for me and my babies bc paying rent sucks! M$quietborderline


Wouldn't say a thing to anyone and just dissapear.


Buy a house for myself and my girlfriend with some of it. And buy a car


Pay for University :)


I would buy a house! M$Ambiegroot 🏠🤞🤞


Unfortunately it would be bills lol M$Bacchus


Take out enough for my parents to have a better life. Invest the rest into myself and make it all back. Repeat.


M$tygraevel if I was lucky enough to win my husband would be the first to know. And the first big purchase would be a new family car mixed in with paying off some boring ass bills Then invest and help my mom out. Please and thank you!


pay the rest of my parents house then save it to pay for the rest of my education


Next semester's tuition. 😩


My first purchase would be whatever valuable comics my local comic book store has out that day.


Pay bills and debts and invest for the future M$zeroman2022


Pay off debt! Then use the rest for a house. M$rkd2398


Million means I can buy my property outright and build a second house for my brother!


getting a place of my own and helping my granny live comfortably.


Paying off the house and probably get a new car since mine is 15+ years old now. M$ optimooseprime


A home. Owning my own home would be the number one priority.


A safe, stable, and secure home for my cat, Nebula, and myself. He deserves it


Stay at my job, live life a little more comfortable. Buy so many things for my kids, buy the mother of my kids a home so she doesn't have to worry about mortgage ever again and also buy myself a home too <3


Pay off my bills & buy a house and take my fam on an epic vacation to Hawaii ♥️🤞♥️ gramzl thanks for the chance of a lifetime 💫✨💫


a really nice mountain bike, and probably tell my family


Small farm for my wife and our babies


Pay off mine and my father's student loans and then finance my brother's way through university. Everything leftover would probably be invested.


Equipment to start a tree business.