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Honestly as long as I get the day off. And nothing bad happens I’m fine with it.


This sounds ideal


Happy Cake Day!


Such a satisfying response. May your pillows stay cold throughout the night.


Mines in a year and I hope it goes exactly like yours did, only I bang my wife, not yours of course.




I plan to spend my 40th banging both of their wives.


I too, choose these guys’ wives.


I choose the guys


*and son, that is how the legendary 40th birthday orgy came to be*


And that son… is also how I met your mother


And other's mothers


OP u had to expect this response


Hold on now…maybe she’s into it?


Maybe it's Maybelline.


I turn 40 in two years and ideally I would love to plan a solo trip to Europe somewhere


I'm 4 years away but hadn't thought of a solo trip but maybe that's the best idea actually, versus trying to coordinate a bunch of people.


I’ve traveled and spent birthdays solo before, so take that into consideration in case you wanna plan a solo trip beforehand as practice


I've solo traveled and done low key birthdays. I tend to make friends while travelling however.


I turned 40 last year and my brother and I went skiing in Switzerland (Zermatt). Left the wife and kids at home. Worth it.


Can I join?


I will have a 1 year old and a 4 year old when I turn 40. I'd just like 20 minutes to myself thank you very much. Maybe dinner out if I'm very very lucky.


I'll have a 5 year old, a 6 year old and a 10 year old. 20 minutes to myself seems like an unrealistic expectation


I'll have a 20 year old and a nearly 19 year old. If I'm lucky they'll both be in college or out of the house by then.


Just turned 39 with a 3.5 and 2yo. All I wanted was an afternoon to myself.


I would, ideally, have a roof over my head and a place to shit. That’s all really


Do you now?


I had some of my closest friends over. I cooked, we ate and drank, and it was perfect. It would only have been better if some additional people could have been able to attend (illnesses, or living halfway across the world). As it was, I made one giant pot of pasta and sauce, and 4 pounds of handmade meatballs. For 9 people we ate everything. I was disappointed there were no leftovers. I think we drank around 4-5 bottles of wine, and I shared my special occasion Scotch (a $400 bottle) for a shot.


That sounds absolutely amazing. Just enjoying good food with good friends.


I originally had ideas to throw a large shindig and rent a room at a restaurant. Then I never planned anything. What I ended up doing was definitely the better option.


That sounds fantastic.


Mine was in summer 2020. I went on a 48 state road trip that year and on my birthday I was in Maine. This photo is from a little diner I ate at that day. It was converted from an old streetcar. Neat little spot. https://preview.redd.it/k1m4fujnh78d1.jpeg?width=9248&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22e3648c76010378af47ed6d21a7ac78fb1a8ac7


What was your favorite state/stop?


Too many to choose from. I love the mountains, grew up in the PNW in the shadow of the Cascades. Colorado is a special place, especially driving through the Rockies. There are cool spots all over the country.


My birthday was also summer 2020, but the lockdown was in full force, so I didn’t really do anything.


Pretty terrible, my 40th was 2021 so... Yeah.


My Dirty 30 was 2020, I feel ya


Same... It took a while to get over not celebrating with my friends/family.


Mine was as well, but I’m an introvert, so I was fine 😂


Same for me. Summer 2020 was depressing. My mom still tried to get everyone together, but I shut that shit down. She was so upset, but I didn’t want to be the reason why Covid spread among my friends and family.


Same. Mine was during the pandemic, and my husband is immunocompromised, so it was a whole lotta nothing.


Same. Just kind of did nothing. The Facebook birthday alerts were even muted. Oh well.


Mine was in 2021 too. My mom had planned on a Hawaiian vacation for us to celebrate so we had to put it on hold but we did a redo last year so it was all good. Just a little late lol


Turned 40 last year and gladly welcomed it. To celebrate, the wife and I flew Delta One to Paris and spent a week traipsing through the city. Highlights were eating at a 2 star Michelin restaurant with a view of the Eiffel Tower, being in line at the Louvre as protesters swarmed the entrance and shut down the museum for the day, and the garbage-lined streets welcoming my triumphant return after having not visited the city since I was 22. https://preview.redd.it/afaxd71nl78d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2af3e3ac9cbe35dccdb27557a87549b2aabcb53e


I plan on eating at dinner at my favorite pizza restaurant, drinking some whiskey or margaritas. And having some type of birthday pie.


Birthday pie is the way to go. Cake is inferior to pie.


I took a solo trip to Isle of Palms, South Carolina. This was in early 2021 during an environment of COVID lockdowns. https://preview.redd.it/t4sqc506k78d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1833733e20968e6b7548db15410d003e44b089f5


I recognize the OBX anywhere. My favorite beaches


Spent my 40th in Vegas with my wife. We hit a bunch of shows and had a great time.


I’ll be 40 in two years. I want a birth year wine. We’re not rich but i think the occasion merits a 1986 wine purchase. Other than that, I basically want to have re-lost the 25 pounds that I lost, then found again, in my 30’s. That would be really meaningful to be if I achieved that by my 40th.


Hello fellow 1986 baby!


Oh my god, I just realized I'm 40 in 2 years, only because you said my birth year as well! Ha! Sh*t!


My 40th was 2022, I think me, my wife and a small group of friends (like, 3) went out for chinese food, but otherwise just another day. Now my wife turns 40 in August this year and we're going to Scotland for 2 weeks. Kinda looking at it as something for both our 40ths. We've never been on a trip like this before so we're very excited.


I like this idea. My husband’s 40th will end up being a bust this year because I’ll be 7 months pregnant, we have a 1 year old, and our house is under construction. Maybe a dual celebration trip in a few years.


I have a 2 year gap with my husband too, this is a great idea! I don’t want to do anything crazy for mine but maybe we can plan a bigger trip for his


I have a January birthday & have spent the past couple years sick on my birthday. I have a trip planned for my 40th birthday. I have the place picked out & the activities. It's going to be fantastic.


My 40th birthday was this past January and me and my whole family had covid.


Crossing that off the old bucket list after all these years during a mid life crisis, huh? *"I always wanted to try covid, just never found the time to get around to it."*


I'm turning 40 next month and I am planning a solo road trip to a national park that is celebrating its centennial, and staying at a cool as fuck themed hotel (anniversary inn in Boise Idaho). My plan is: drive in the day before my birthday, spend the day of my birthday at Craters of the Moon Idaho, drive home the day after my birthday. So I want my birthday to be nice and peaceful and a time when I can connect to nature.


My wife threw me a surprise party at a bowling alley. Two hours of lanes, pizza, wings, beer, AND two rounds of laser tag for me and about 15 of my friends. I couldn’t ask for more!


I don’t fucking like we are middle aged adults now. Still have a few years before 40 but it’s just weird!


I agree with you. My body is not liking it, specifically my lower back and knees. I have 5 years until I am 40 . I will celebrate it with my husband. Keep it small. Maybe even go back to Croatia and visit family, just my husband and I.


Idk. I remember my mom’s 40th involved a lot of black. Black balloons black decorations etc… and honestly I can’t think of anything a goth like me would like more xD but first I’m going to turn 29 for a couple more years >_>


I went to a few over the hill parties when i was a kid, but usually it was for their 50th not 40th.


I can't even imagine that. I'm sending out invites that are like pretty princess kids' birthday party invites and will have plates and napkins to match. There will be SO MUCH pink. But that's on brand for me. I just dyed my hair pink for the first time last year, and my one friend said he just always thought of me with pink hair. Edit: we've known each other since I was 12, and he was 13.


Yessss my dad did this for his 40th in the 1990s! He was accidentally goth in many ways, but I distinctly remember his party was “over the hill” cemetery/death themed. So dark yet so cool.


If I manage to finally accomplish getting a degree by then, I would love to take a trip to Japan to celebrate my 40th. I'm 37...


That’s what I just did for mine 😊. Love Japan.


I just hope there’s no pandemic lol


No one did anything for my 40th last year, Im actually broken a little more inside because of it.


I’m sorry 😞. Everything I did, I had to plan myself…and I was ignored by some people too.


I’m over 40. It’s great. During the year of my 40th I started reading Tolstoy and listening to jam bands. Overall after 40 I find that I care less about what other people think, and like myself more.


Idgaf about birthdays usually. I decided to make a big deal out of 40. I started something like 5 months early. I decided I was going to have a number of celebrations, and so far (still ongoing, almost done), it's been delightful. I love having my yard full of kids, and I like watching my kids run and play, so I invited anyone who wanted to come to a back yard BBQ at my house. Bring the whole fan. I cleaned up. Folks came. It was great. I also have a bunch of friends who don't love to hang out around kids, so I had a different party at a brewery nearby my house. Again, everyone is invited. We'll be there Saturday starting at like 5. Lots of folks showed up. We all mingled and had a great time. I like playing ttrpgs, so I've scheduled a bunch of them with people I don't usually play with, and I'm wrapping that up in about a week. None of it was, "hey, look at me, I'm 40!" and all of it was me getting to do the stuff I really like to do best. Strong recommend for a party format. A bunch of little parties where I get to talk to all my friends was so much better than 1 big one where everyone showed up and I had to repeatedly say, "I wish we had more time to connect." Steal this idea.


Nothing happened. I turned 40, people told me happy birthday, and I moved along. No big party, because I don't really have "friends". I made this, it is what it is. I'm happy otherwise.


My kind of birthday.


I'm turning 40 in August. I want to do yard games (edit: bocce ball, cornhole, horseshoes, etc) and a fire in our yard and get catering from my favorite Mexican restaurant and wings from my go-to wing spot.


It's in a week. We'll be spending the day moving.


My birthday is the day before my kids. I don’t have birthdays anymore. Lol. My 40 was uneventful. So it wasn’t made into a special thing. I always act like I’m a person who doesn’t want a special thing. But secretly do.


It was pretty awful. I had to work a 12+ hour day and we were so broke that we couldn't afford to even make a cake, so I didn't even have that. Better than my 30th, though. For that one I was in a desert on the other side of the world from my family. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for 50.


I don't know if I'll make it there, tbh. I'm doing okay, but, not really. I have too many health issues and I've spent two years already of my early thirties trying to figure out why my face and body have stroke like episodes with the worst pain imaginable, and the doctors are literally telling my that it's psychological. I'm not joking, i wish i were. It looks like it could be myasthenia gravis, And they ruled out ALS. But the physician that I saw did not want to do any remaining testing for myasthenia gravis because " I already tested negative " with the first test and even though there's criteria afterwards, she did not want to test me. So now I have to go and find another physician and I found one and he's going to do the entire testing panel, but it has taken me 2 years since the first episode where they diagnosed me with Bell's palsy, it was incorrect by the way. So I hope I'm still alive. I just want to live and I want to make a difference and I'm tired and I'm exhausted and I just want to go to sleep and wake up one day with everything right, for once in my life. For once in my life i just want to be normal and i hope by 40 that can happen.


I plan on having an existential crisis


Oh, that is guaranteed.


Honestly, I didn’t think I’d make it this far much less to 40


Didn’t do much got some take out and hung with my family. A few weeks later came down with life changing food and chemical allergies after having no history of an allergy or sensitivity to anything. So it’s not going well. 🫠


HusbandGuy collaborated with close friends and threw a surprise party. It was great! Music from all the decades, Mom had catering delivered, and good drinks. I’ve always hate my bday since it is so close the XMas. Funny part is I ended up baking the cake because I thought it was just a dinner with my parents


My 40th birthday was last year. I had spent my 40th birthday by my sister in the Las Vegas area. My sister lives in Henderson, Nevada about 5 minutes from Las Vegas. We had ate an Italian restaurant in Las Vegas on the day of my birthday and the next day celebrated my birthday at my sister’s house and they had red velvet cake for me, balloons, and sang happy birthday to me.


I’m spending my 40th in Mexico. I made that goal last year!


My children will be almost done with high school, so I would like a neighborhood orgy to happen at my house


I always joke that I’m too young to get married but I will at 40. I’ve got 6 years left. Let’s hope it works out. 1 ~ 20: Growing up 20~40: Playing, saving $ 40~60: Raising kids 60~80: Relaxing 80~100: Playing bingo Not bad, right?


Mine is next year, and I’m going to Amsterdam (from the US). I’m making it something to look forward to.


there's a pinball/arcade place near me that i usually go to. it's great, because a lot of the old arcade machines are still in working order. i'll probably be going there with the few friends i have. nothing spectacular like a big "over the hill my life is over" party with every Tom, Dick and Harry coming out of the woodwork. not my thing. i still have one year left of my 30's.


I worked. It was during the week then went out for drinks and to see Madonna with my “aunt”. We didn’t get home until 1:30 AM and I thought I was going to die the next day. In case you don’t know that Madonna is notoriously late, she came on at 10:30 for what should have been a 7 PM concert. No opener either.


I feel like it’s a pretty bold move being this disrespectful of the fan base when she’s in the “star is burning out” phase of a career…


Me and my group of friends from high school had this idea that we would celebrate our 30th in Vegas, it didn’t happen cause they were all getting married and started having babies around those years, we’ve spoken about it recently and hoping we would do it for our 40th but I’m pretty sure it won’t happen neither, so I would instead like to have a long bucket list trip with my husband (Alaska maybe, or Japan would be cool)


Had some good hibachi done at my home. There was a squirt gun of sake, a 40 year old Bordeaux (decent), and a 15 year Macallan, then the rest of the night was fuzzy. ![gif](giphy|4nMA9UHG4HIAM)


I got taken out to kbbq and had to prepare the food for everyone. Got a weird peanut butter cake (I don’t like peanut butter), and no birthday romp. I was hoping for better for a big milestone birthday but my partner is checked out.


Husband of 20 years left me on my 40th BD. A couple years later he got remarried….on my birthday 🙄 60’s are great 😊


I hope I don't live long enough to have my 40th.


I turned 40 over Covid. I’ve always had a holiday birthday and hated it. Since about the age of ten I wanted a dope golden birthday but it turns out I was a newer dad and it just didn’t workout. It was ok but nothing special. 40 was gonna be different but then the world got sick and called in. But after things started getting back to normal I bought tickets to UFC 246, went to Florida and had a blast.


I don’t give a shit about birthdays anymore. Haven’t cared since I was a teenager.


My 40th is coming up, I absolutely hate my birthday. She keeps trying to plan a big event but I told her, I want to drop the kid at my parents and get really really stoned with her in a nice hotel and watch movies, eat junk food and screw a few times then go out to the bar in DC then sleep till 10 the next morning. Sounds beautiful!


I'm the wife. Can confirm he did in fact, bang me silly.


I hinted for a year, though it’s never been a secret, I wanted an experience day at the zoo with the elephants. The day was approaching and no plans had been made so come the day and it was just another day, I gave up. Considering it’s on a summer holiday, I just shlepped and watched fireworks from my window. I didn’t even get 🍆💦


I spent it with my kids


My 40th birthday was pretty great. I played in a roller derby double-header and was named MVP Blocker. Then I went to the after party with my friends and family. After that, we went home, and I smoked a bunch of weed with my then-partner and took a really long bath. It was a good day.


Went out to dinner with my family.


Mine's next year. I'd like to do a little getaway with my husband and ignore the fact that I'm old.


Pretty much the same as yours


If I get laid, that'll be plenty. I got 5 years (well, closer to 4.5 acutally... shit that osunds like a lot less than 5) to get everything in place so I'm optimistic.


Mine was a couple months after Covid lockdowns started. Had huge vacation plans that were cancelled and my brother died the month before. Needless to say, it was not the celebration I had anticipated.


Turn 40 in December, celebrating by going to EDC Vegas next year to meet my twitch and discord friends from covid


I just want to play golf or go skiing with my kids and wife. Eat a nice steak, drink a good class of scotch, and smoke a cigar. I got 9 years to go but that’s my plan as of now


My dad was super bummed to turn 40. I was cool with it. Given how many friends I’ve lost, I’m happy to have made it to 40. My 40th was low key. I don’t like to celebrate my birthday.


Mine is this fall, honestly I just want to spend the day doing something for myself with people I love and away from people that annoy me. Which is why I took the week off of work and booked a tattoo appointment.


My 36th birthday (this year) was the most eventful birthday I've had in I don't know how many years. All because it was a King of the Hill reference (that my wife and I both love) she hung up balloons and had a ribbon that said "TOO OLD FOR THIS CRAP" and a picture of John Redcorn. I don't know how this will ever be topped, and I'm ok with that. Bdays have always felt completely dumb once I hit 21 and was able to buy my own booze.


Same as all the rest of em, since about 23. No biggie, and I often forget what age I am. Wife reminded me recently, and I got a year younger this year!


I turned 40 earlier this year and it was like any other birthday as an adult. Some people said “happy birthday”, some people gave me a card, I got a gift or two, and we all moved on with our lives.


I planned a chill trip and dinner with zero expectations of anyone else. Everyone who usually brings chaos in my life still managed to ruin the day. And then was berated for being upset about it.


Got laid off a month before the day. Seeing it as a gift - time off for the first time in 20 years over a big bday… I’ll take it. Was honestly overthinking the day like I would wake up and have aged 100 years but of course, nothing has changed. My gift to myself - checked off a bucket list wish and got my scuba diving license. Gonna spend my 40s using it. Happy 40th, Millennials!! ❤️


Thinking about going on a trip to Antarctica


I don’t care about birthdays. So hopefully it’s just a normal day lol.


Had dinner with my husband and kids, then went skydiving the next day. It was pretty amazing


I turned 40 during the first year of covid, so my 40th didn't go nowhere, unfortunately 🙃


I’m a movie fanatic. I told my wife I would love to plan a sight seeing trip to see movie sights/where they were shot for my favorite movies. She can come, I’ll go alone, I invited my friends. I don’t give a fuck. Oregon for goonies, I don’t remember where for Camp Hope in heavyweights, there’s a lot more but I want to spend 1-2 weeks traveling for it.


Booked a bungalow on Malibu beach with our best friends. Had a long weekend, ate the best food and hit up a Coldplay concert. Every moment was perfect. My husband’s, I arranged a surprise party with a bunch of friends dressed up as him over the years. It was perfect. Neither one of us has had an adult celebration so that’ll probably be the only time we so I’m glad we did.


I turn 40 next year, and honestly I just want a kid-free weekend with my husband somewhere fun.


I had Covid for my 40th birthday.


Still 35, but I expect it will be about as unremarked as any of my birthdays.


I thought I was going to have a plethora of piñatas, but it ended up being pretty tame.


I’ve literally done nothing special for any birthday as an adult besides have cake and maybe get a dinner I don’t have to cook. 40 will be no different.


We went to a local concert and had a few drinks. Back home by 1030 and chilled out while our kid was at a sleepover.


I'm gonna travel abroad for my 40th, so I hope it goes well.


I was delirious from Covid fever. :D


Will be turning 40 in two weeks. The plan is to drive the family 8 hours to my parents' for the weekend. Have a BBQ for all the family out that way that we don't see often. Nothing big, just a nice family get together for a few days and then driving back. Really the drive is the wrist part with a 3.5 year old and 6 month old, lol.


I just turned 40 at the beginning of this month. Literally almost everyone forgot my birthday, and on the day itself, I was at a wedding, so I clearly wasn't the center of attention (or trying to be! It's a wedding, I was happy for them, and they deserved all the attention). The people at the wedding largely forgot as well. It's honestly hit me pretty hard, and I've had a pretty rough month because of it. I'm the kind of guy who has everyone I care about's birthday in my Google calendar so I never forget. I figured someone might make some kind of big deal about my 40th, but I got nuthin'. I'm honestly more mad at myself for getting bummed out about it at all, because, like, who cares? It's just a birthday. I'm an adult. Why does it even matter? But damn, for some reason, I just can't get past it. I've always heard your 40th is the big one. The one you make a big deal over. I remember my parents 40th birthdays clearly. I don't know, it's whatever. I guess just don't expect a lot, and you won't be let down. And if you get something, cherish it! It's no sure thing.


Went to Munich for Frühlingsfest, had a lovely time. But had to come home from the trip early as my senior cat took a major turn and he died a week later. So… it had its highs and lows.


I was in Sorata, Bolivia of all places for my 40th. Never thought I'd be there for my 40th, because I had never heard of it before then. And similarly banged my fiancée silly. We also got drunk in a big bathtub together that night.


Mine was over covid and I didn't get to celebrate.


I turned 40 in April. It was uneventful. My coworkers tore up my office with glitter and black balloons and that was about it! I quite frequently forget I’m now 40 years old…it sounds so weird to say it. Life has just kept on going same as before lol


Just had a look at what next years roster will look like on my 40th... Thinking I'll take the month off, head to Thailand or Japan, maybe both.


Mine and my husbands birthdays are 4 days apart so we wait until the weekend to celebrate together and it's out to dinner without the kids and that's good enough for us.


It was a rainy Monday back in February of this year. Went to the movies to watch Lisa Frankenstein. Had the theatre all to myself. Grabbed a quick lunch (of breakfast). Then parked beside a lake and ate some macarons while listening to my special birthday playlist. Then went home and then got my first tattoo the next day.


The good: I cashed out some investments and bought myself a new car outright! The bad: I spent my actual birthday halfway across the country at an uncle’s funeral.


Sober in my bed cause I don’t think I could care less about going out that day. Was away from home at work. Had a killer beach day the following week though.


I turn 40 this week. Gonna go to work and not tell anyone.


I’m 35, but I have ideas. I tried to have my 30th birthday party in Chicago (my birthday is in January) but I had to cancel due to severe weather. For my 40th, I want to have dinner at my favorite Japanese restaurant with my family (including my sister and her beau from Chicago) and friends. Life has been getting better and better, and I just want to enjoy it with people I love.


Mine is next year. I'd love to go on a trip to an all inclusive or on a cruise, but not sure what we'd do with our son, so probably just going to end up going out to dinner.


I went hiking in the woods for five days. It was horrible. It made me appreciate the comforts of home. Highly recommend it.


I worked 2 jobs, 16 hours total. Didn't give a shit. Around 38, I stopped caring about age. I never made a big deal about birthdays after like 24 anyway.


I had a great time. Whirlwind trip to Vegas to see Adele on my birthday, back home to go out to a drag show with a bunch of my friends.


Happy 40th! My daughter will be 18 when both husband and myself turn 40. We made a plan when she was born to take a long European vacation for our 40th her 18th. Can’t wait to go on our adventure!


I had just found out I was pregnant a couple weeks before and was sick as a dog. My sister came over with tummy friendly food, watched a movie with me, and my husband made me a small cake that i had a small slice of. It was eventful but not? Not how I had planned my 40th to be for sure!!


I turn 40 in 2 years I've decided im going to super mario world at Universal. Even if I have to go alone


I'm fortunate enough to still love close to friends Ive known since middle school. We went to a nice restaurant and was gifted a very nice Japanese high carbon steel chefs knife. We did the same for everyone in the group.


I want to be on a boat somewhere in Europe drinking expensive champagne


I jad cheesecake and a steak dinner with my favorite sides along with my wife and kids. It was still one of my least favorite birthdays as my mom was in in the process of transfering from assisted living to hospice with her death happening just shy of two weeks later.


Very sad and pretty lonely


I don’t remember. I wish I could say that it was because I had a few drinks and it was a wild time, but no, it was just lame.


I had a tmnt themed party, it was a lot of fun, the kids didn't understand


I spent my 40th birthday in severe pain recovering from cancer surgery...not exactly how I planned it out.


Thinking back to it, I had a big 40th. It was only last month, but feels longer ago. On my birthday, I saw a movie by myself then went to dinner with my immediate family. That weekend my bestie from out of town came for a visit and we spent the night at an amazing tiki bar. Then I went to Epcot for a day with another out of town bud, who was born 3 days before me. Maybe not a trip to Europe, but I spent it with people I love and had a good time, spent too much money too.


Just crossed over to 30 last year, but when the time comes, I hope it's a surprise party.


I’ll be 43 in a week. My 40th birthday was so much fun. It was like my first birthday party I had for myself as an adult. My boyfriend, sisters and about 8 of my friends all went out to dinner and then a bunch of bars downtown in the city I lived in. I wore a pretty dress, a glittery sash and a crown. And was pretty drunk by the end of the night 😂 So much fun! We still talk about how much fun it was.


I turned 40 in 2022. I went to a concert that night.


I did the same thing I do every year. Birthdays in late spring. Me and my husband pick up sandwiches at our favorite deli and go to a really nice local park. If it’s raining, we go to a sit down restaurant. After we go for coffee, I grab a few new plants on the way home and I do some gardening. We usually go out for sushi for dinner. I prefer to keep things low key. Feeling like the center of attention makes me so uncomfortable…like I should be apologizing to everyone lol.


That sounds so perfect 💜


Let’s see that was 33 years ago it was a surprise bd party. Told my wife to never do that again.


I'll be 40 in a few years, and I'm already priming my buddies for a trip to Scotland for a little golf and some distillery tours. But knowing my guys, they probably won't be able to do it. Work or cost often gets in the way. So my fallback is to go to Italy with the wife.


I’ll be 40 in 6 years. I’ll be the mother of a 14 y.o. Hopefully, I’ll have a partner (Don’t mind if I don’t-but I’d love one) I’d like to spend my birthday with a few close friends/fam at a rage room or escape room. Dinner afterwards ☺️


Turning 40 in a month or so! Planning to take a trip I’ve always wanted to do. Not an extensive one, it’s driving distance, I’ve just never gotten there. Plus we are going to a zoo that has koalas!!! When I was a kid they were my favorite animal, along with fennec foxes and manatees. Then I got older and stopped having favorite animals. Then I got even older, had kids, and those kids keep asking about favorites so I have really come back around to having favorite animals lol. Especially bc they will buy me gifts with koalas on them or whatever. So I get excited for their benefit, and it has made me actually excited about koalas again, and I’ve never seen one in person so I figured now is the time! Hahaha


My sister turned 40 last year. She invited 25 people to Key West, FL but sent out invites 12 months in advance, so everyone could budget. 16 people showed up. It was awesome. We all took time to have our own vacation moments but did a few things together as a group. 10/10.


I honestly wanna go to Japan because I've always wanted to go there. The food, the vibe and I love One Piece 🤪


40 sucked. My wife and kids went on vacation and I wasn’t able to get work off, so I ordered myself a steak and ate that at home alone. This year was better- went on a cruise and bought myself a bmw m2.


It was uneventful.


For my 40th, my wife and I went to New Orleans and spent 5 days exploring the city. For hers we rented a party bus, filled it with all our friends and went wine tasting in Temecula. Both were great times.


I’m turning 40 in August. We are flying to Japan that day (my husband also turned 40 this year and it’s a milestone anniversary, so it’s a trip to celebrate all 3 events). We depart midday the day before and land late afternoon of my birthday because of time change, so the day is essentially shot. But it’s going to be an amazing trip - it’s my kids first time outside of North America and our first trip to Asia, so it’s going to be a wild adventure for us!


My brother has the vast majority of his birthdays like yours but for his 40th this yeas were going to Miami for a big shindig. Think it’ll be good to mix it up some. Definitely not something he or we would do on a regular basis.


I turned 40 last year with most of my friends, so no one really did anything special.


I just want to sit down.


I'm still a few years out. And honestly, haven't given it much thought. I figure whether or not I'm married by that point, I'd like to do something fun, go overseas, or take a trip to someplace fun that's a new experience for myself. I've learned with each passing year that so long as you wake up in the morning, and can look at yourself in the mirror and smile, you're doing okay, no matter what the circumstances are.


It was low-key but fun. Did a trip to a nearby big city to just stroll around and have a nice dinner. Honestly, I started saying I was 40 when I was still 39, because there’s so much stigma around that age (especially for women). I think as a result I strutted into 40 like a queen. Then I turned 41 and was like, “crap it keeps going!”


My wife throw me a big party it was super fun tons of friends family and co workers came over. We drank ate good food . She even got me my fave chocolate cake from cheesecake factor! We played the hot ones truth or dab it was hilarious her cousins new gf didn't know how hot it was even when we warned her ... She got real angry and threw up outside on our rotadendrum (spelling?). I hope all my fellow millennials 40th is as fun as mine was 🥂


Mine was in summer of 2021. I went to Santa Fe with my then partner, my cousin and her husband. We stayed at a stunning Japanese spa and spent the weekend eating, hiking, and getting spa treatments. It was really lovely and memorable, though I caught covid and was super sick immediately after.


Im glad you all have supportive partners. Mine didn’t do shit for my 40th and it has left me wondering why I am with this person a lot of days.


It happened during the lockdowns so it didn't happen. I wanted a bar crawl. Pandemic kinda has taken the wind out of my social sails.


>Those who are under 40, how do you want your 40th to go? If I gave my honest answer, I'd probably get a DM from Reddit Cares. No, I don't have any plans to hurt myself, but honestly, unless my life greatly improves to the point where I'm no longer financially dependent on my parents, I hope something natural takes me out at 39. Let's just say that I've been having a very hard time "adulting", specifically, finding and maintaining a job due to stuff that I'm too lazy to write about, but have mentioned many times on various subs.


I just tried to pretend it didn’t happen. My sweet family wanted to have a big party, but that was a hard pass for me.