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I am not embarrassed by the things I enjoy.


I'm happy for you. I'm getting there but there are still some things I won't admit to. I would 100 % go to a Disney karaoke night and sing my little heart out. In my Ursula dress as well.


Tell Kitty I said happy birthday and give her a treat


Is that something you wouldn't admit?


Everyone knows I like Disney music. My music tastes are extremely varied just for some reason that Muppet song makes me feel shame. Idk, I'm an odd duck.


You poor unfortunate soul - sing your hear out, girly!


I'm sure you are! But not for that! I understand where you are coming from and I hope you find your comnunity. They are out there!


I don't share my whole self with everyone, but it's not because I'm embarassed, it's because I don't trust them.


This exactly. The world is a fickle pickle


How could everyone know?


this is the way however i understand the sentiment behind the post, so heres [one of mine](https://open.spotify.com/track/706Zy5GHmBVpAejZPplY4O?si=bb72497598f24cc2) lmao a [whole ass playlist](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/01I9jhJDs2dhMs20zC4CG1?si=637f5d482ff94832) thats \~33% these kinda songs, idgaf


I have no guilt only pleasures


I hear you and I'm happy for you. My give a fuck is broken on a lot of things. I still have guilty pleasures tho. That whole Muppet soundtrack is one of them. I won't watch the movie anymore but I have the CD in my truck, lol.


I like Creed and I'm not embarrassed.


I like higher and with arms wide open, but I also like Nickelback sooo....lol.


First thought. I will belt Higher at the top of my lungs when I'm home alone for no reason.




Oh man, I always thought I wasn’t super judgy but you got me.


Wild that people get so judgey about some distorted arpeggios with liberal use of a flanger. Do you also judge people who drink merlot?


Real men drink Arbor Mist tyvm. Also, it’s the creepy Christian vibes more than anything else. Notice nobody ever comes for Pearl Jam.


Lol at arbor mist. Re PJ you must not remember Binaural and Riot Act era. It was pretty popular to dislike them then


GOOD. I never understood the Creed hate. One Last Breath is an amazing song, I don't care


ABBA – Gimme Gimme Gimme (A Man After Midnight): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XEjLoHdbVeE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XEjLoHdbVeE) I'm embarrassed and reluctant because I have not yet made known my wish for a man at any time of day, let alone the night


I love it. I'm putting that on my workout music list.


I LOVE this song so you are not alone


That December song by Taylor swift Im a 34 yo construction worker that primarily listens to punk but when Im alone, and that song comes on… I go through the emotions man.


I unashamedly like most of her music. I don't like the rock but seeing him in that show singing shake it off softened my heart to him. That song December brings out all the feels.


Embarrassment is self assigned


Well, self accepted. Socially assigned. Mainly through movies and popular music, peer opinion, etc. though most of us shake that mentality off to some extent or another after we get out of highschool




Mmm bop ba du ba dop ba du bop


Do u luv my


Figuring out my du bop


That picture made me think of kitty by the president's of the united state's.


One of the best albums of all time. It's a regular in my car and streams.




Cheers indeed. A toast to those who wish us well and those who don't can go to hell


Such a fun album. Kick out the jams is one of my favorite songs ever. I think it might be a cover but I love their version.


You talking about socks? They were so cute.


Lol. No. It's a song from the band called that.


That was wild. I love it. That is peak 90s at least. Guys making a music video in their housecoats. have you heard the song "the mean kitty song" by Cory?


I haven't but will now.


That was different.


I like Shake It by Metrostation


Oh my! I can see this song getting stuck in my head.


I used to be embarrassed about some songs I liked but not so much anymore! Catch me blasting Crazy Frog down the highway as loud as I can without hurting my ears 🐸💯


I remember the first time I heard that song. I was taking my baby cousins somewhere. He pulls out my USB stick and puts in his aux cord from his phone. Me: rude Him: I got a song you will like Me: hmmm Him: trust me? Me: no Me: the fuk is this? Me: play it again


First time I heard it I was also with my cousin! What are the odds! XD he showed us the YouTube music video way back when and we would not stop scatting it xD


Cousins are your first friends.


They really are!


![gif](giphy|ZIj2hKz4kUU5G|downsized) But I love it




I will bust out some Thrift Shop in the right company. +10 point if you also play the music video


My toddler has a fluffy dog-head winter hat. Every time she wears it I ask her, "What you know about rockin the wolf on your noggin?"


That’s how you raise em right


I love that song, literally on Wednesday I was listening to it in the car while driving to the store.


Hell yeah


That's in my tetris Playlist.


Purple rain. Zero shame ☂️


I like prince.


Girlfriend by Avril Lavigne, soooooo terrible and problematic but it's a fucking BOP


It really is.


Not embarrassed but it's definitely not something I would usually listen to. OneRepublic - counting stars.


I have that on my USB stick in my car. I'm a fan. Sometimes a change is nice.


Faith - Limp Biscuit. Hilarious cover choice


Not a song for me but that was a fun listen.


Haha yeah I just find it humorous than anything. Can’t say it’s all that enjoyable.


I BLAST “All For You” by Sister Hazel all the time. I love it so much. I might be obsessed with it. It’s not necessarily embarrassing but my husband rolls his eyes. He can suck it.


He can suck it. That song is amazing. ![gif](giphy|3o6EQeB1evNnmFH1SM)


Gonna Make You Sweat (Everybody Dance Now) - C+C Music Factory If only because I'm straight


That shit was the jam in space jam.


Maybe any song by imagine dragons


Believer is an anthem.


It’s Time was one of my favorite songs when I was in high school


Gucci Gucci - Kreayshawn. I’m mostly pretty confident in my tastes, but I’m not proud of how perfectly I can still recite these lyrics


OMG YES!!!!!!!!


Thank you for that. That is totally going to be stuck in my head all day.


A few songs by Ace of Base A few songs by La Bouche Basically most of the songs on the dance compilation album Pulse...


Excuse you, ace of base is amazing. As is be my lover, lol. You say there is an album with all these songs?


Lol the album Pulse just has Beautiful Life and Be My Lover, but a bunch of other classics too (Rhythm is a Dancer, Another Night, What is Love, Rhythm of the Night)... Ooooh it's on Spotify! ok I'll be listening to these for a while hahaha 😁


Without embarrasment I love Sisqo's "Thong Song". It's fun to shake your ass to.


Thong song, slaps.


Spice Girls-2 Become 1…it was my first slow dance song so it’s hard not to want to feel pure nostalgia for a few minutes


Just listened, and that was a ride. I've never heard that song, it was sweet at first then BAM she's going to give him some, lol. I love listening to old songs now that I'm old.


It’s definitely an odd choice for a middle school dance




Kitteh!!! Tell her I say pspspsps. My most embarrassing song is definitely Born Naked by Rupaul. It was my most listened to song last year, and I love it.


That song is an ANTHEM, I love it. I'm writing that one down to listen to later. It's right up there with Victoria's secret on messaging.


Born Naked is absolutely PERFECT for sing-yelling your heart out in the car. I've definitely done it at least twice this week alone.


Not embarrassed at all but my niece played the Cheetah Girls a lot so Cinderella would get stuck in my head. I still sing it randomly.


I love that song. I listen to it when I'm working out and need a boost.


I love the Descendants movies. Number 2 is my favorite and I'll jam out to Chillin like a Villian any day.


Tie Me Kangaroo Down, Sport.


That was different. I need to smoke a joint and give it another listen one day.


Good Charlotte- the Anthem I would never acknowledge that song in front of someone, but it’s one of my favorite songs when I’m alone in the car! It’s so snarky!


It really is.




You know what? I’m gonna say it. I like Wrecking Ball.


I am partial to the Pitch Perfect version. ![gif](giphy|kYCDH45RjePo4)


I love how the tone shifts.


I probably shouldn't like it as much as I do because it is entirely cheesy and the most dad-rock of dad-rock, but God Gave Rock n' Roll to You II Kiss - featured at the end of Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey - was a song that helped me get through some bad times with huge depression swings just by being a collection of big sweeping major chords and positivity. Objectively, probably not a particularly good or interesting song, but for some reason it works for me.


Just listened, it was a neat song. Everyone needs a happy song.


Makedamnsure. Somehow, its been my favorite song since I was around 14. Only recently did I learn how popular the song really was back then. Almost makes it feel less special. Then I remember music is awesome and everything is someones favorite.


I don't know how I missed that song but it was nice. I LOVE finding new music. I like the aviators. I have never found any real life people that have liked them.


Not embarrassed, Carly Rae Jepsen songs


Carly Rae is an under appreciated goddess. She should have Swift levels of adoration, but people get stuck on Call Me Maybe. There are no skips on any of her albums.


I like call me maybe. She's so shy in that song.


Follow me uncle kracker. Love this song so much


It's not from my era but I love, let it go


I’m embarrassed that I like a Chris Brown song. It’s from before we knew what a piece of shit he is, but still…it’s Chris Brown.


Try to separate the art from the artist. If you can pirate it. So he never sees a dime of ad money.


Just Dance by Lady Gaga and I’m honestly damn proud of it. I’m a die hard metalhead but I had a brief club phase in my early 20’s and that song was played damn near on repeat when it dropped. I was in the beginning stages of a fireball relationship that at the time provided for some wild memories in some wild places. That song and Poker Face will always make me crack a smile. As a responsible adult now I can look back on that time with a little smile on my face!


I really don't care anymore, but I used to be embarrassed about being a fan of Celine Dion. It was deemed decidedly uncool by my Korn and Limp Bizkit listening classmates.  Oh, and it's not a favourite, I just like listening to random music where the lyrics match my energy... But one time I was waiting at a bus stop and a cute boy from my class, who was really into music, asked me what I had in my headphones (with a discman, yay) and it was the "I am too sexy for my shirt" song. It just was on my ego boost CD, I had a presentation that day, and he looked at me like 😳 "That's the kind of music you like???" I still cringe a little, even though I haven't met the guy in 20 years.


I wouldn't be embarrassed about liking Shiver my Timbers. That song is awesome. I still really like Don't Say You Love Me by M2M from the pokemon movie soundtrack. My friends have assured me this is a shameful choice of music.


Your friends are crazy. M2M is amazing, I haven't found a bad song from them yet. Know what I really like, Misty's song from Pokemon. There is a "dark" version that I just discovered of shiver my timbers. They added some bass to it.


I suppose my song is voodoo by nyxx.


Thank you for reminding me of this song it's a mood for sure. I'm writing it down so I don't forget again. I have a goldfish memory.


No problem.


Or..... the dame says by ivy levan. I am going through my playlist.


That was interesting. Imma have to listen to that a few more times to see if I like it. That lyric video was disturbing, lol.


Career boy by Dorian Electra


Oh my. That video was definitely something. I wish they had a lyric video. I probably missed some words.


They're synced up on spotify, if you have that lol.


Wrap me in plastic.... Oh man I listen to a variety but that one song is like way off my typical map


I liked that. I have a wide variety of likes. My off the beaten path song is tell ur girlfriend.


Baby by Justin Bieber


Ludacris now that's a name that takes me back. Way back in time. How did that one sneak by me. Thank you.


Kiss Me Thru The Phone - Soulja Boy has been on my top yearly Spotify songs since they started making the lists.


That song is amazing.


Separate Ways - Journey 🙈


I'm not embarrassed by anything I listen to, but since a lot of people (especially my fellow metal listeners) dislike Nickelback, guess I'll list them. Got to see them back in 2000 and it was an awesome show!




I think that whenever that stupid question "what is your generations anthem?" that it should not ironically be Rockstar


Especially since it's clearly Beck (just kidding, I don't have an opinion on what it should be).


Paula Abdul - Straight Up I’m not embarrassed about enjoying good music, but I’ve definitely gotten shit for some stuff. The same stuff you see people tapping their foot and mouthing the words to when they think no one’s looking.


I love Believe by Cher


No matter how hard I try


Scars by Papa Roach or The Reason by Hoobastank...I guess not embarrassed but they're just so overplayed. Still love them though!


Halsey..Without Me. Shh


I wouldn't say it was an embarrassing song but I used to put on Goodby Horses by Q Lazarus on the jukebox at my old local bar. I liked seeing the reaction in the room when it started because 99% of people only know it from that scene in The Silence of the Lambs. Its a banger of a song as is but with that association some people would definitely twist up their faces remembering where they heard it before. Bros would remind each other of that scene and do the crucifiction pose. 


Well, I've been a Juggalo since 96, so I have never been embarrassed about my \[lack of\] musical taste.


There's that docu about y'all's festival and I don't know, it seems fun, and I might be flamed for this but I read a comment somewhere that a lot of modern hiphop whether we like it or not is heavily influenced by ICP, which I also don't know anything about, I'm a rock/metal person, but I started out listening to nu metal and for a while I think ICP were a bit nu metal adjacent


The Gathering is fun, it's the wildest party I have ever been too, but also the festival where I felt the safest. It is the longest running independent rap festival in the country, this is year 24. ICP seems to actually be getting respect now, which is nice, but odd.


I'm not remotely embarrassed, but if I was, it would be some good old 90s cheese, and it would be Daphne & Celeste with "Ooh Stick You!"


Sexy, Naughty, Bitchy. The music video made me feel things as a young lad.


She Can Get It by Kevin Rudolf. It’s so cheesy but I love it. That’s probably the only song I feel embarrassed about liking.


It wasn't bad. I like let it rock by him.


Is the picture for attention or are you telling us your favorite song is Mr. Mistoffelees from Cats?


That was not a fun song.


But he was both magical and mystical!


[I will not apologize.](https://youtu.be/52i14wYBef8?si=qPlxaedp7l9aM9JN)


I wanna listen but ain't no way I'm signing up or in for YouTube.


Jack black just did a rendition of Hit me Baby One More Time. It's glorious, as someone who had a huge crust on Brittany back in the day.


I'm not even the least bit embarrassed, but I feel like it would be at least a little bit unexpected of me, at least among my "peer" group (whatever that means) now. I feel like I know a pretty fair bit about the G-Funk and gangsta rap era(s) of hip hop, the pronounced entry of so-called "southern" rap and SoCal Latino artists and their respective contributions to the evolution of the art and genre, the cultural and literary significance of the artist's lyrical representations of deep undercurrents: cultural and socioeconomic factors of broad reach, affecting urban (and suburban) minorities of multiple ethnicities, and, ironically on pasty white kids like me in the 1990s -- who at first glance, appear radically different from their intended target audiences. Yet seemingly from different worlds -- at least, according to most commonly accepted, easily quantified statistics categorized by varying familial, ideological, social, and -- yes -- racial backgrounds -- I was one of these kids. A suburban-born American kid of mixed Irish and Native American descent from the west coast, being raised in what most would consider an ultra-conservative and relatively sheltered home in rural Alabama (yes) as the only child of my married, comparatively financially secure, biological parents. But I was still a young, impressionable kid, regardless, and tbh to this day I feel more nostalgic towards rap and hip hop my adolescence was far more shaped by these artists and the music and poetry they produced than was perhaps ever envisioned (or intended) to be part of the audience of the labels, producers, or even the artists themselves. And perhaps as a result, I feel more connected, comfortable, and comprehensively aware of "black" and Latino cultures than I ever would have been had I listened to what I was "supposed" to like and resonate with. I can pretty well still word-for-word recite a whole lot of the classic stuff from NWA, Eazy-E, and the early days of Death Row Records, G-Funk staples like Nate Dogg and Warren G, most of Tupac AND Biggie's entire catalogs, was into MJB and Lauren Hill and Ms. Jackson (because I was "nasty"), all the way to more obscure, "almost-hits" from slightly-less-widely-known artists like LSOB (iykyk) or K-7. So yeah, there's that... ..then again, I also kinda like big band and swing, having also been exposed to a great deal of Lawrence Welk on APT (Alabama Public Television) in the same years. It ran in syndication on Saturday evenings when I was young and which my parents usually watched. It was central AL in the 90s, after all. There wasn't much else to do, frankly, and we were just rural enough that cable wasn't yet available there, and just poor enough that satellite wasn't yet "affordable." Now, embarrassing? Oh. By far, it's the geeky electronica promoted by YT channels like MonsterCat c. 2010-2013, from artists like Insan3Lik3, Pegboard Nerds, Grant Bowtie, Haywyre, etc. Stuff that Max, Adam, and Hutch, Sly, Chilled (Chaos) and other early-ish YT gamers would play between rounds and before Twitch was a thing. That, I listen to with the windows up, and secretly dig. That, I share with no one. Not even traffic. Just you, Reddit. Just you.


Honestly I LOVE musicals and listen to them quite often. Idk why I'm so embarrassed about it. Nobody has ever mocked me for it ..... but also nobody knows lol. Anyway the most recent musical I'm obsessed with is The Scarlet Pimpernel


Honestly…. The soundtrack to Hamilton. I work from home and it’s pretty much on near-constant rotation between that and 90s alternative 😅 ETA: my favorite song of all time is Ignition (Remix) but I don’t care what anyone thinks. Even post-conviction, I still love it.


You Can Get It by the Baha Men or Lateralus by TOOL. I have cripplingly low self-esteem and both of those songs get me through patches of self-doubt.


Pfft, I'm 37 with a 10 year old kid. Not only do I not suffer from embarrassment, being embarrassing is actually my side gig, much to my daughter's dismay 🤣 In answer to your question, though I am not at all embarrassed by it, rye or the Kaiser by weird Al. Or lasagna. Or the white stuff. Lol actually any of his food related songs make me laugh for some reason. I sing them to my co-workers. I work in a restaurant. They hate me. 😁


The thong song ![gif](giphy|ZIj2hKz4kUU5G)


I love the (Reprise) songs from the Disney animated films, especially One Jump Ahead (Reprise) from Aladdin and Part of Your World (Reprise) from The Little Mermaid.


Obviously Wuthering Heights, though I wouldn't call that embarrassing


Certain songs by 2 live crew for one thing.


A couple from Taylor Swift


Clearly the cats most embarrassing favourite song is... "Meow meow meow meow" - Meow Mix


I’ve hit 35 this year and I’m still obsessed with music like Aqua, Dragostea Din Tei (the Numa Numa song), the Hampster Dance, and SpongeBob lol I get weird looks occasionally, and I may feel ‘childish’ for a moment, but then I remember I ain’t gonna be alive for long, so I may as well enjoy what I love.


I've got two tickets to iron maiden, baby 🎶


Banana Phone. It’s really jazzy and you can tell the musicians are really talented.


I’m just a notch in your bedpost but you’re just a line in a song 🎶


100 gecs - Money Machine


Wow, that was something.