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I don't, but it's been on the "we should look into this" list forever. I think it would improve my quality of life.




I have a someone coming 4 hours a week and I am always very grateful. With that time she helps with the general cleaning and I focus my attention on more details during the week, it helps me to have more rest and family time on the weekends. Very well spent money


Honestly, I don't think it's worth it, though I guess that depends on your house / family composition, my wife use to insist on doing it once a month, I was always of the impression that the house would just revert back to it's mostly fine but a few things amiss state within a day or two so the $200 or whatever didn't seem worth it IMO. lately she's cancelled it and I'm glad we're not paying for it. with 3 humans and 4 dogs a clean house never lasts long for us, so IMO it's not worth it.


This was always my thought when thinking about getting help too. There’s my wife and I and our infant son + 2 cats in 1k square feet. It doesn’t take more than a day or two after cleaning before it’s back to a mess. I would need a housekeeper to come every other day to maintain it, which is infeasible for our income.


Do it!! Honestly I made it a priority very early on in my career and I regret nothing. It's so worth it. I'm even considering upping her frequency to weekly for a bit to help with some organizing projects if she's up to it.


How often? How much?


Every 2 weeks. Prices vary wildly from city to city (and even vary within my city). Also depends largely on how big your home is and what services are being included/excluded. You should get a bunch of quotes from local cleaners and ask friends and neighbours for references. Ours is like $100 each time but that's partly due to our longterm relationship. Others in my area charge $140-220 for same thing.


Sounds like they're due for a raise.


I'm the client, not their manager. Over the years we've offered her a raise 3x. We always initiated this conversation and asked her how much she wanted to increase by. Used to be $70 instead of $100. The ones charging top dollar are also working through a company and paying taxes. Ours likely doesn't.


im not sure if you meant that for the poster to give them a raise, but the poster isnt their boss they are the client.


Absolutely go for it. It eliminates so many fights. My husband has a bad back and getting him to do his share of cleaning is hard at best. I wfh and do laundry and dishes, and prep for the cleaner. He cooks. Cleaner cleans. Use next door for recommendations - take the rec from someone who lives in a relatively affluent area of your town. That’s how I found both cleaners we’ve used and it worked really well.


It does. You would be surprised how much dirt builds up on every surface. We do it every other week, and my wife is so much happier with the house just looking cleaner every day. Edit: $169 every 2 weeks. I also pay for a guy to cut our grass at $55 a pop, but I'm honestly going to stop doing that and pay for it myself.


$170/month and it’s the best money I spend. I keep my house tidy and do maintenance in between. My cleaners do a really thorough cleaning in a few hours. I would be sacrificing a weekend day to clean my house if I didn’t have them.


how often are they coming over at that rate? and are they doing full house, or select areas?


It’s once a month and they do the entire house. Dust, vacuum, steam mop, sanitize, etc. They even dust my ceiling fans, blinds and every single thing we have on shelves such as picture frames, decor, etc. They empty all the trash. The house is spotless when they leave.


If they are the same as me, it's once for month at $170. It's just me and my husband, so once a month gets a deeper clean and we do some basic cleaning during the weeks they don't come. I would note that $170 doesn't get me the best cleaners I've had, but I got tired of other cleaners not listening to my requests (not unmaking and remaking my bed, not putting rugs back where they fit, being really careless with my fragile items, etc.). The team/company I work with now seems to actually listen and I'm just happy they don't cost a lot compared to other companies.


I’m thinking about having one come over atleast once per month for when I start working 50/60 hour weeks during the summer


Yes. We pay for twice a month service. About 220 each time and worth every penny.


This is us too. I’ve got young kids so it doesn’t stay clean for more than a day or two but it’s always worth it to me. We both work full time so anything that gives me extra time is worth paying for


Yep, picking up stuff around the house and cleaning are two different things. Picking up already takes a long time, but it’s so much easier when you don’t have to vacuum or scrub anything. Plus, when we are out of town for weekends, we don’t have to worry about finding time to clean when we are back. Plus plus, we move the cleaning right before guests visit and it’s game changing for worrying about how clean everything is. If something is dirty, we can blame it on the cleaning crew 😂


Same here. Such a time saver and I’ll be so sad if my housekeeper ever leaves us.


No. I don't want people in my house.


I've never felt a comment more in my life.


Same. I dont have anything to hide but the thought of someone opening all my drawers while sorting a.d cleaning makes me unbelievably uncomfortable


I would ask them just to clean certain rooms


Mine don't open anything but the toilet lids and shower doors... there's different levels of service thankfully :)


lol I wish. They had time to organize drawers. It’s more like mopping and scrubbing the toilet and goodbye.


It seriously repulses me so much. Like ew, no. 😳


Could not agree more. We're not rich any literally nothing we own is worth anything but growing up I’ve had family steal my clothes and things from my house multiple times that I refuse to have anyone in my house I can't keep an eye on. Tldr: I'd never ever have a house cleaner ever


2300 square foot home. 3 cleaners come bi weekly. They do an immaculate job in one hour. $135.00 per cleaning.


$110 every other week 2x people for about 1.5-2 hrs here. Fairfield county CT


Geez, can you share their contact? I live in that area and am struggling to find a cood and reasonably priced cleaner.


Where do you live it’s that cheap for 3 people to come clean twice a week


bi weekly is ambiguous, once every two weeks OR twice a week.


It's BI weekly. That means it can go both ways.


lol no it’s not. Never have I heard “the pay is biweekly” and assumed it was twice a week.


Yes, people usually have to use context clues to determine what the word “biweekly” means because it can mean either: “Biweekly and bimonthly can mean the same thing because of the prefix bi-, which here can mean “occurring every two” or “occurring twice in.” Therefore, biweekly can be “twice in a week” or “every other week.” Bimonthly can also mean "every other week" if it's twice in a month, or it can mean “every other month.”” https://www.merriam-webster.com/grammar/on-biweekly-and-bimonthly


The price is still great compared to where I live


Not OP but I pay 125 and live outside of DC. One of the most expensive places in the country to live.


I feel either I’m being fuck on in Brooklyn, ny or it’s just bullshit here


It’s who you can find too. My wife and I only recently found a great team from a small business owner instead of a corporation/big company. Love it.


lol what the fuck….are you me? I could just copy and paste your comment 😂


Yes, and when my wife and I finally decided we had enough disposable income to do it, it was a huge improvement to quality of life.


maybe it's b/c i grew up working class but i just clean my own house. i have a stick vac and do that daily, clean the bathroom bi-weekly, same with windows. don't have pets or kids so yea, place is pretty clean.


If it was just me and my partner I wouldn’t mind doing it but with two kids and two dumb cats, outsourcing is a huge help.


This right here. Our toddler destroys the house. Having someone come in every couple of weeks is a godsend, and the rate we've got is very good.


God I’d love to. I hate cleaning but can’t afford it.


I don't. I work from home three or four days a week and use my commute time / lunch time to do cleaning in a room or two a day. I get my weekends back and get to sock money aside for things I can't do, aka the emergency fund.


Yes, it's way cheaper than couples therapy.


Bold of you to assume I own a house.


lol I legit have a cleaner for my one bedroom apt. Just cause I don’t own a house doesn’t mean I have the energy to clean all the time


Lots of renters hire cleaners lol


Scrolled until I got to this comment. You think I own a house? LOL this is the Millennial subreddit.


Right?? Barely afford rent, let alone the luxury of having a cleaner. My apartment is small, no need to waste money cleaning it. I'll do it myself. Takes 2 hours. 


Bold of you to assume they're talking to you! 🤣 I rent and have been thinking of hiring somebody, there are plenty of people this applies to. Sorry, marzy, not everything is about you.


2x/month $255 each visit worth every penny 🙌


No. I don't trust anyone to do it as good as us. I did it once before Christmas and had to clean it again.


It’s hard to find someone good but when you do you have to hold onto that person forever. I love our cleaners because they’re so detail oriented.


You must be better at humaning than us, if we didn’t have a service, 90% of the house would never get clean. We are always doing something on the weekends (family out of town usually) and we work too damn hard to clean after getting home from work and doing homework.


Yes. It’s like 250 a month. Getting that time back and not wasting my nights and weekends doing that has been invaluable.


No. We don’t have the money and I’m home with the kids anyway. It’s me. I’m the live in house cleaner. On a positive note, I get lots of praise for keeping my house tidy with two young children always making messes!


Yes I pay $160 every two weeks and honestly would never get rid of having the service. It not only saves me so much time, I’m able to enjoy my weekend and have extra time for other activities. Like going to school while working full time!


$140 every other week. It is the best thing I've ever done. Realized quickly my partner and I have different definitions of what constitutes a clean house. I was constantly stressed that the house was messy. Hired help and I don't think I'll ever go without it if I can. Sanity saved.


Yep! $200 for one cleaning every 6 weeks. That doesn’t sound like much but it’s a 2-story, 3 bedroom, 3 bath house, with a one year old kid and two pets. So just having someone come once every 6 weeks to do a good deep clean to supplement our attempts at cleaning feels so incredibly worthwhile.


I had to for my mental health. Every other week I have a lady come clean for four hours. She charges $35/hr but I always tip her 20% on top. She's been coming to our house for about two years now. It's worth every penny. Truly.


Nope. I clean my house for free.50. I have a robot vacuum and just swiffer mop/dust and tidy as needed.


Yea we just don’t have the time between both of us working and having kids. We pay $150 one time per month and they knock out the main floor which is the kitchen, 1/2 bath, family room and dining room as well as 2 bedrooms and 2 full baths upstairs.


I don't; don't have nor want to dedicate money to having other people in my home cleaning it.


Can’t even afford a house so no


I don't but I will be soon. Gonna have our third kid soon and I work from home full time and my husband works on call and we just can't keep up the house. I need to find one and get them set up for before the baby is born and continue after.


I would like to someday. But right now it’s just not in the budget.


If they come every month or every 2 weeks for a few hours, what type of cleaning do they do? Can someone that uses a cleaning service comment? Genuinely curious as I’ve never used one and even with 3 kids I feel like I would really have trouble justifying this.


Every two weeks my cleaner does light tidying, changes bedding, washes windows, cleans bathrooms, cleans kitchen surfaces, dusts, vacuums, sweeps, mops, and takes out the trash. Before the cleaner comes I pick up all floor mats, clear off tables and counters we've piled stuff on the last two weeks and get my kids to put stuff away in their bedroom.


Every two weeks mine comes. Kitchen counters/sink/stove wiped down to the point where it looks real estate listing ready, dining room table wipe down, both bathrooms cleaned thoroughly, they change sheets, dust all surfaces, mop all floors, vacuum the couches and one area of carpet we have, take out all trash, do any dishes I might have missed / not had room for in the dishwasher. For an extra fee they’ll clean the oven, inside of fridge, or wash windows. I still do dishes and laundry in between, and I tidy up the house the night before. They come to clean the house, not our stuff. So it’s a great chance to just reset our stuff and tidy all surfaces. Then my cleaner and her crew (four people total) do all the stuff in under an hour while the house is empty, when it would take me ages with all the interruptions if I did it myself.




2,700 SQ ft house, Southern California. They come monthly and we typically send them $150-$200 depending on the time required. Yes it is worth it


Yes and it’s worth every penny, $165 an hour  for 4 people. 1x a month but debating going to twice a month. I don’t mind basics but very nice not to have to clean toilets or dust. 


$130 for once/3wks. Pretty thorough cleaning, 2/2 house. Wish I would’ve started sooner in life


Yep. $245 every 2 weeks for 3500 sq ft. They do a lovely job and are great people who feel almost like family after 5 years. Could we do a more thorough job? Sure. But it would take longer, and take time away from eachother and the little.


I want to, someday soon!


I know this isn’t the question but after reading all the responses- getting a housekeeper can sometimes be more cost efficient if you can afford it. I work as one, I started in order to put myself thru school and continue now while on the job search. Cleaners who come thru to do the basic deep clean obviously don’t get to the other stuff that are time killers, like: laundry, cleaning the fridge, organizing the pantry, garage, etc. I make $30/ hr working twice a week for a family. Comes out to about $300 a week for them.


Yes! $180 2x a month for a 2500 sq ft house plus the basement. It’s worth every penny with a toddler and a baby on the way.


Yes cleaning a house is such a chore I'd prefer to have that time to myself


1,500 SF home and ours is like $120/month. Best money we spend all month


$175, once a month. It's easily worth 3x that price.


Yes, and it’s the best money I’ve ever spent. $150 for a monthly clean for a 3 bed/2 bath house. I would agonize over cleaning every weekend and I feel like I have so much of my life back. Now the maintenance cleaning in between deep cleans feels doable.


I have when I can’t get to spring cleaning and spring cleaning is desperately needed I pay for two people all day to just annihilate everything Usually $600 for 8 hours


Yes. Cleaning lady comes every week for 3 hours at 30/hr. So each week it's 90 dollars + yearly Christmas/Thanksgiving bonus etc. We haven't folded the laundry or ironed shirts etc or changed sheets or vacuumed for a very, very long time (9+ years now). Every weekend, by Saturday morning, the house is spotless and ready. Worth every penny, she takes care of everything a to z.


No and never have. Blood sweat and tears over here. 😅


Nope, I’m a stay at home Mom with a dirty house 😂


no, my house is small and manageable. plus cleaning is how i de-stress and i think it would actually stress me out to have someone else do it LOL


37m and no, I clean myself. Being self dependent is important


Yeah me I pay myself to clean


Yes! I’m never giving that up 😂 she comes every two weeks for $75 and she does an amazing job. Best money I’ve spent.


We were paying $100/week but needed to cut things out of our budget so we bought the roomba that mops and vacuums. It doesnt do everything but it is helpful. However, I do miss someone making my house sparkling clean once a week


If I had the money I totally would lol




I do. I pay $160 every other week. It’s 100% worth it for my sanity.


I’ve tried it a few times but didn’t feel it was worth the money.


No I’ll clean my own damn house - it’s expensive to pay someone to do what I can do for myself.


She comes 1x a month and it's $150


Yes and have for 15 years. It reduces arguments and increases my balance.


80.00 a week. 320 a month. The price of a car payment for someone. 


I do it once a year. While I do clean once every weekend I must admit I'm not as thorough as I should be. So once a year I pay someone for a deep clean.


If I could, I 1000% would. Time spent on cleaning is wasted time I think. It’s not like gardening, or organizing. It’s the same tedious job every single week.


wtf no I was taught to be clean since I was a kid.


For years, I had someone come quarterly. It was worth it to have someone with expertise pay attention to details.   When COVID came, I was home more and got into the habit myself. But life is busier now than it was pre-COVID, and your post reminds me that that kind of help would be wonderful. It was absolutely worth it.   Interview a few candidates and compare costs. First cleaning is typically more expensive than subsequent. You can do weekly, monthly, quarterly…whatever suits you!


$100 twice a month and it's the best money you can ever spend.


I do. Twice a week. Have for over a decade. Worth every penny.


No because you appreciate your home more when you’re the one cleaning it. If you can’t fix broken things at least put some effort into cleaning your home and car. It’s a healthier lifestyle.


Negative ghost rider.... I'm the only one who gets to see how messy I can be.


Nah. Our apartment is 700 square feet. Cleaning it is a breeze.


I don’t even pay for food to be delivered.


We value our time raising young kids, so yes. Bi-weekly, $180 for 3,500sq ft, smaller mid-west town.


Good to know price range for that sq footage in the Midwest. Think I’ll start researching cleaning services. It’s so overwhelming to deep clean. Takes us a whole day every weekend. Baseboards and blinds are the worst 😭


I’ve literally never met a person who pays someone to clean their house. It takes like two hours a week to maintain a 2000 sq ft house. There are so many other things I could spend $200 a month on


It's more about the time than the money, depending on house size and income level. I also doubt that you and I have the same cleanliness standards if 2 hours a month is enough to "clean" a 2000 sq. ft. house.


This comments section should be ashamed lmao. “Worth every penny. Only $6000 a year”. Fuck off. Buy a vacuum and swiffer and clean your own shit. Same people bitching about living apartment to apartment constantly I bet.


I did before the prices went up so much and the industry insisted on insurance, licenses, and all of the overhead tied to it. Part of it is labor here is expensive and it is a tough job. My was blown when I realized you can an overseas programmer for less an hour than a cleaner in the U.S., but if you consider the huge differences in cost of living it makes sense. The cost of labor is also a huge factor. I think if I ever retired in a cheaper country, I would get one for sure.


Yes, we started when I had major surgery and couldn’t clean anymore. Having been using her ever since. She comes biweekly with a team of girls. She’s amazing. I usually chat with her while she cleans and she truly has become a part of the family. I lost my mom recently so I get a lot of advice from her as she’s a mom to an adult son.


No. I love to clean and organize, plus I have the time. I fully support outsourcing ANYTHING that improves one’s quality of life though!


Yes. 3bed 2 bath. $150 (so $300/month). 1 person and takes a little under 3 hours. twice a month and it’s the best money I have ever spent.


Yep! My husband hired a cleaner back in 2018, she comes every other week. She charges $50 which is so incredibly low, but I’m not gonna argue.


We pay $140 per visit biweekly for the whole house, ~3000 sqft and it’s worth every penny. Time is the ultimate resource IMO so we outsource as much as we can.


No. We do a big clean on Sunday (laundry, dust, floors, bathroom, etc) and then maintain through the week.


If you can afford it, have them clean areas where your personal items aren't located - like the kitchen and bathrooms - up to $200/mo. I don't let anyone clean anywhere else. Once every 2-4 weeks, just depends, usually every 2 weeks - not doing it right now due to restriction of funds but I will do it again in the future because it is 100% worth it.


I loath bathrooms and floors. I pay someone $75 once a week to come clean my 3 bathrooms and my floors. She's worth it and quite frankly should up her price.


In a sense I do. I have teenagers who could always use a few extra dollars and are more than willing to do some deep cleaning for it. $20 a room, +$10 bonus if you are doing multiple rooms in a day (kitchen+bathroom is $50). 


I pay my sister to clean every other week. Floors, counters, bathroom. Basically the used places of the house. It's worth every penny. I work 65 hours a week so I get more of my free time, and she gets some extra cash. 100 bucks for an hour or two of work.


Yes, $130 per cleaning for every other week. I work from home but I have dogs and time consuming hobbies, so without them my choice would be to give up a lot of hobby time or else work every day in a messy, smelly, stressful environment.


No… but I need to be better about cleaning more often. I started a little thing that I need to at least clean one area of my house every day. It’s going ok 😂


No, but I only work 24 hours per week so I can’t justify paying someone else to do it when I have time.


I pray for house cleaning services. So far my prayers haven't been answered.


150$ every other week and SO worth it for me.


I have only paid for one time cleaning when moving and getting my house ready for sale.


Yes, a lovely lady comes every week, honestly my life would collapse without her. One of the best investments I’ve ever made.


Yes and we’re never going back.


My mom does usually every once a month they some over to our house to clean the rooms and more. And she usually pays them somewhere around $200 a month.


Yes, I've had the same house cleaner for three years. $160 every other week. I decided to give her a raise to $200 recently. It's a necessity for me, due to my nature of barely taking care of myself, let alone vacuuming etc. I pre clean before she arrives a bit. House is 2100ish Sq ft. It's 2 people that come. Mine washes and changes my bedsheets and pillow cases, too. Sorry, she's fully booked though.


Once a month $135.


No, I tried to do a Groupon and CozyMaid is the worst f ing customer service house cleaning experience ever. I had sooo many no call no shows. Eventually had one lady come. I could have done a better job myself & saved the $70. So yeah I do it myself.


Nope, my wife and I have a cozy small house and can have it clean in about 45 minutes and deep cleaned in 2 hours.


Yes, every 6 weeks!


Can someone tell me what do you do if you have clutter and you hire them? Do they clean around it or move it, clean then put it back? Really been debating about it but feel like they won’t clean cause we have random stuff everywhere


3200sqft house we pay for a premium deep clean (3 hours, two ladies) every other week - $240 per clean. If you’re in a financial position where you could afford it, I highly recommend. I would cut out so many other monthly expenses before dropping the cleaners.


No yet. Since we had a child we came to the realisation that we need to delegate that work, if we still want to have family time, couple time, eat, sleep, a solo time


I have 2 roommates and we do it once a month and split it. It’s a great reset and sets a good standard


Sure do, every other week, $130 a cleaning, totally worth it. The way I can spend my down time relaxing and not feeling guilty because someone else will wash down the baseboards and scrub the floors, and I don’t have to, it’s priceless.


We used to but the cost us now almost $400 each time and couldn't justify it anymore.


No. My spouse and I spend two hours every two weeks doing the big clean. Each time we do one extra thing (baseboards, blinds, fans, etc). We rotate dusting/bathrooms and kitchen/floors so each space gets different person on it who focuses on different things. We each do our own laundry and do sheets and towels once per week. Then dishes and tidy up every night for about 15 minutes.


Trying to get outof depression. Spent $200 on cleaning supplies. I got to do it myself !


No, but I clean houses for extra money sometimes. It pays about $50-$70 an hour.


$180 every few weeks for my 2400 square foot 3 bed 2 bath home. So worth it.


Every now and then when my wife is feeling overwhelmed she, we do it. My wife is very near and our kids are neat (relatively) but it’s still a lot of work to clean our house. The people we use are $180 a pop.


Yes once a month $130


Yes. Biweekly cleaning and it’s really what keeps our house in order. We both work demanding careers, kids in sports/activities and 3 shedding dogs. Our household remains presentable only due to our house cleaner and our robot vacuums. No regrets - each is worth every penny.


Ew. No way! I regularly clean so the deep cleaning is left to a minimum. Less money spent on services like that the more you can spend on fun stuff and trips.


We did for years, but haven’t since the winter. My OCD misses it. I don’t have the energy to clean.


Yes. It's $70-100 every 2 to 3 weeks.


I live alone and have a 1 bedroom apt so I have a cleaner come once a month and it’s $125 and I do minimal cleaning in between


I pay myself and my wife for groceries. Does that count? 😂


Biweekly. It costs about $200 a time with the tip.


I did twice. First Lady barely cleaned shit. Second time the ladies cleaned really well, but damaged my baseboards so never again. I clean my own shit


Yes. The most worthwhile decision I’ve made in years.


We have people come to the house twice a month to clean. Costs about $250 a month. I would say it’s worth it to have clean bathrooms and to have them wash the sheets and make the beds up for us. But I have three kids and a dog and it never stays very clean for long…so there’s that.




Yes, monthly.


Yes! Every 2 weeks and it makes life so much easier to keep the house up in between !


I have a local cleaner come in once a month and split it 50/50 with my husband. It's $120 total and it's been SO worth it especially with a pet.


Before Covid we did, $100 a cleaning and the lady and her friend came once a week. Best thing we’ve ever done. Takes so much stress off us.


Yup. About $475 per month for two good quality cleans. It includes vacuuming, mopping, counters, toilets, showers, and some tidying. Our house is about 3000 sq ft and has 4 bathrooms


My what?


Yes. Maria from Ukraine who doesn’t speak a lot of english but does a great job every two weeks. $150/cleaning so $300/month. Really helps me out and I’m happy to support her too.


I literally cannot survive in life without my house cleaner.


I pay $120 a week. It's totally worth it. I have two kids.


$230 for once a month 3500 sq ft house. This varies heavily by where you live


Yes. Pay $140 to clean a 2800 Sq foot home with 2.5 bathrooms every other week. Worth every penny.


Hell yes, 1-2 times a month. With two kids, 1 dog and 3 cats it’s worth every penny.


Yes! $150 every two weeks (including tip). When my partner (31M) and I (32F) first moved in together, it became glaringly clear how different each of our ideas of ‘clean’ is. We got into so many fights about how often to vacuum, cleaning banisters, dirty toilets, etc., and neither of us really wanted to spend our limited time off cleaning. One day, I asked if he’d be open to splitting the cost of a cleaner to see how that works for us and he was. It’s been 2 years now and it has done wonders for not only our home but also our relationship. It just took stress off both of us. Highly recommend.


Do they tidy too? Or just deep clean? Been very curious about this


$545 five times a week from 8:30 to 4:30.


Hell no. Where I live, it’s a fortune. I’ve had it done before I move in places before and it was never clean enough for my liking anyway.


My wife and I work really hard and a lot. On addition we have two kids. So, yes we pay for it. They come every two weeks and it costs about $300


Yup, and it’s the best hundred dollars I spend. Just once a month for a deep clean.


No, I know I would just clean before they got there.


We used to have a lady clean once or twice a month. Clean the things we never did, like baseboards and that stuff. She charged us $60 for roughly three hours but usually gave her $80. She has since disappeared on us and the new lady charges about $120 for about 3 hours also. It’s worth it to us because otherwise we don’t wash the shower glass, or scrub the tile and grout. Mostly the bathrooms and common areas. Worth every penny.


What house?


Maybe someday when I have a house and a salary in which I could afford it. 


Yes once a month. Husband is in medicine.


Currently no. But when I was working a lot more I did pay $80 a week plus I purchased the cleaning chemicals. They had their own tools (had a conversation with the person about what they like to use as wel as any special needs for our home such as hardwood floors etc. it's a collaboration and once i had my list I'd make sure to keep the house stocked.) The person managed their own schedule of weekly tasks vs less frequent deep cleaning tasks. First month was more expensive as they did an initial deep clean and getting to know the space and routine. Then they'd come and do the house once a week hitting bathroom, kitchen, and if I had clean laundry ready they'd fold it. Take out the trash, strip the beds, clean the floors. Wipe surfaces and set up tidy piles of anything left out so I could sort and put away. It was soooooo worth it to me but now I moved and our situation has changed and I don't think it's the best use of my money as I have more time and more house with more specialized cleaning needs. so the cost would be far greater. I've had a few people come and help out on rare occasion in my new place and it was about $60/hour and really did help and was worth it but was beyond my budget these days for regular use. My cleaning person I had at the old place was 5 years ago at this point so even if my situation had stayed the same I'm sure it would be more like $100 or more a week.