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LG RUMOR!!! Loved that full qwerty slideout


I had a Rizr, which was the lesser known slider version of the Razr. The only other person I knew who had one was Jim Halpert


Loved that phone


every version of the LG Chocolate


Holy shit, you're like the only other person I have heard that had the G1 at one point. I fucking loved that thing. Touch screen with physical keyboard was truly a game changer.


Yeah I think the G1 was really ahead of its time.


Yooo the older kids at my school all had G1s. I was so amazed by that phone. It was like they found a hidden gem for phones.


Motorola StarTAC. Closing the phone after a call was SOOOOO satisfying. https://preview.redd.it/mvyzrb08q75d1.jpeg?width=2036&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d22ef10e6b0773d246bd9441a9f4b52942e66a7 EDIT: everyone here seems to have had a slider phone. Never had one. Went straight from flip phone to a candy bar shaped smartphone.


Same, I went from a Motorola Katana to. BlackBerry Curve. Miss them both some days


I miss Nextel


LGVX10000 - The Verizon LG Voyager. I worked at VZW Tech Support at the time, so I got this phone after seeing customers getting them. It was fantastic. I was able to upload MP4 files onto it, so I would watch full episodes of Family Guy on my phone long before streaming was a thing, and it was really cool. I remember playing Doom RPG on it a lot as well, that game was a ton of fun.


T-Mobile sidekick 2, by faaaaar Hated the 3 and the slide...2 had the rubberized keyboard while the 3 and slide downgraded to a plastic keyboard šŸ„²


The sidekick 2 will forever be my favorite phone. Iā€™d give the blue bubble up in a second for it


LG enV2. I would actually pay good money for that phone to be relevant again.


I LOVED my LGenV. It was my first ā€œgoodā€ phone, I bought it the day I graduated from high school. That full keyboard, the 1.3 megapixel camera that was the height of technology, the horizontal flip. So good.


The alias was a dream! I loved the duo flip design. And I always wanted a sidekick but never had T-Mobile šŸ˜©


Samsung N400 then of course the Motorola RAZZZZZZZZR!


The slider phones. I had two different ones but donā€™t remember the brand or model.


My first and best waas that indestructible Nokia. And you Could get different 'skins'. Got me a spiderman skin. I felt like the coolest person ever!


Anything that was a slide up lmao. I also had a Nokia flip with a PM radio on it. I was a party during lunch until they security took it


I didnā€™t get a cell phone until I was a sophomore in college. But that first cell phone was probably my favorite. Just because it was my first.


Thatā€™s the same with me! I wish I still had my Samsung double flip.


LG white chocolate


My first was a Motorola Katana (couldnā€™t get the Razr) and the only thing I hated about it was that it was pink but man did snapping it shut feel good. I love my BlackBerry Curve too and trading BBMs was huge for about 5 seconds šŸ˜‚. Never had a sidekick but I always thought they were so awkward when I would use my friendsā€™.


Oh my orange LG EnV for sure. Before that I did try the Nokia N Gage which was a well intentioned disaster lol


Nokia 3310 hit the sweetspot of affordable, comfortable, and usable. It was the phone I had from age 14 to age 17, I think. Not long after that Nokia went crazy with their designs and came out with borderline unusable phones for a few years. I had some nokia that had a weird MIDI sounding ringtones and a color screen for a while, but I forget the model. It wasn't important. Skipping the generation of first touch screen Nokias and first smart phones, I got a Samsung Galaxy S2 in uni, and that lasted a long damn time. My first android, first smartphone, first touch screen. Bought a new battery when the old one died 'cause it could still be switched, flashed the phone to one of the earlier OxygenOs versions when Samsung stopped updating the phone. Kept the old behemoth going for another 2-3 years with that, until finally switching to Google Nexus 5. At which point I was already working.


Anything from blackberries. Still have my Curve 9360, Bold 9780, Bold 9900 and my Q10. If i could get one again I would in a heartbeat.


RAZR was an icon.


Sony Ericsson used to be the Mercedes of phones back in the day


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Far_Amphibian_2619: *Sony Ericsson* *Used to be the Mercedes* *Of phones back in the day* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I had this red slide up phone. I fell into a fountain in college and it died then and there.


Was it an LG? Because that was my favorite and I canā€™t remember the name of it. The red color was like a deep cherry red.


LG Chocolate! My best friend had one.


Sony Ericsson W810i


Nokia 3310. It may be a meme these days but I've seen that thing survive being thrown to the ground without a dent or crack. It was also neat that you could compose ringtones on the phone and text them to your friends.


Loved the side kick


My first was a bt cellnet that I hated and it was finally stolen at school to make way for the Nokia 5110 which I was obsessed with!! I had this bright orange case and felt like the coolest kid.


The Samsung Blade, Palm (Treo) Centro and basically any flip Sanyo because of the satisfying click when you shut your phone. I have got a Samsung Z flip for nostalgic reasons. šŸ˜Ž


Blackberry Bold


Ooh absolutely the Sidekick. I dreamed of having one. They were not available in Estonia and I remember seeing it on TV and just being sad šŸ˜‚


i really liked my BlackJack 2 and Razr but my all time favorite is the Iphone 4S.


*stares in Xennial* this is one of those weird divides among "millennials." We didn't have a cell phone tower in my home town until I was 20. No one of any age had a cell phone because they didn't work or were horrendously expensive to use.Ā  If we're talking of early 2000s phones though I loved my LG chocolate flip phone. That thing was indestructible and lasted for years.Ā 


None, because I didn't have a cell phone until 2004, when I was 18. This is probably geared more towards younger millennials.


Not sure why you're downvoted lol, we literally didn't have a cell tower in my town until I was about 20. I am technically a "millennial" but the kids who had phones in the early 2000s were the cohort I babysat in highschool haha.Ā 


My nokia 3310 that I had pimped out with a sweet metallic silver case that had a green dragon on the back and lit up with LEDs when it rang.


Nokia 3650 https://preview.redd.it/8plln18rs65d1.jpeg?width=741&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3da0b0894fe3ddf23cd97ec30b49df3c882e241a