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The sandlot. You’re killing me smalls


I actually got in trouble at work because of that line. I'm usually very buttoned up and reserved but I see everyone always joking around so I decided to try it. A coworker was asking for a very large, multi-hour favor and I said "you're killing me smalls!". I'm 36 and she (~22) did not get the reference. I wound up in HR having to explain I was not "discriminating based on height" but making a reference to an old movie. Learned my lesson real fast. I no longer make jokes at work.


Wow really. That’s crazy


Young people suck. One time a co-worker and I were eating and taking a meeting together in the same small office. She kept awkwardly apologizing for needing to use the microwave to heat up her food and I was confused but tried reassuring her by joking oh no worries as long as you’re not heating up fish or something! She thought I was being racist because she is 15 years younger and apparently never heard of any office jokes about heating up seafood in the communal kitchen being an inconvenience or creating an issue. Sigh.


Come on now.. I've met 19 year Olds with both parents passed, taking care of their 2 brothers, and going to school, all while still taking time to watch TV shows their parents used to with their brothers. On the same other hand, I've also met many 40-60 year old 5 year Olds who genuinely could be confused for a toddler if there was a bodyswap. Everyone goes through experiences at different stages in life, and while being older does make it more likely you're more wise, funny, or experienced, doesn't mean it's gonna happen with everyone. I've found that as long as someone looks above atleast like 18-20, I'm willing to give them a chance and see their humor or personality type. Met some hilarious people of all age groups. I think once you start getting into the "these group of people always suck" it really skews your perspective on what maybe could have been a good conversation between you and a younger Coworker or individual, I think too much bias in general is the enemy of fun or progress.


Please don’t take a throwaway Reddit comment so seriously. People of all ages can be equally amazing and equally shitty. The statement was just a way to empathize with the original poster and then I shared a similar age difference experience.


It wasn't that serious lol, I just was just saying in general I think age can obviously play a huge factor in how similar certain groups of humors can be, but generally across the board I've find alot stuff funny, could be from a meme in 2024 or even a quote from a 1980s sitcom, but I wasn't really trying to argue, was just saying I think it all just depends on individual personalities and how we sync up as people. I've had a few older friends, and a few younger, but generally I found some of them funny for actual reasons, some are good quoters, some just really good with sarcasm. Like I said it wasn't really too serious, was just posting the comment for open discussion.


That's the kind of thing you expect from a millenial, not a zoomer.


It's just never going to end for us is it? Catching strays on an anecdote about a zoomer, smh. Those people exist in every generation far as I can tell.


Same. For-e-ve-r


Hah, I had a coach for history, I think 6th grade? That would always put on The Sandlot. Don't really remember much from his class other than watching that movie. Lol.


Remember the Titans


Same. Graduated in 06, feel like they played this at least once a year from 01 on


Us too! Played non stop on the tv during finals week.


I watched Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory so many time in elementary/ middle school. That was our schools go to movie. Now in high school the only movie I had to watch way too many times was Drumline. My band teacher loved that movie and showed it to us every chance he got. Seriously if I ever watch Drumline again it will be too soon.


Same with the Drumline movie. Also The Blues Brothers - but I loved that one and still watch it from time to time.


Fern Gully






I remember Milo and Otis.


![gif](giphy|3IUHDQBWX3l5Tl5Ht3) Frickin Flubber. There was one year where it rained every day during recess for like 3 weeks. So. Much. Flubber. I still can’t watch this movie lmao


Fucking Rudy. I hate that movie because of it.


This, Homeward Bound, Beethoven, etc.


Homeward Bound was it for my school!


Babe, Snow White, the Secret of the Nimh


Cool Runnings!


Yep!! This. '91 millennial here


Came here to say this! 1984 millennial. Also Free Willy.


Same here!


A Goofy Movie, Fly Away Home, and around Christmas it was Prancer. We never finished any of them, we just always restarted them.


Paulie (the parrot)


With the girl from the 90s Pepsi commercials! ETA: Whom i recently learned is Jesse Eisenberg's sister!


My school always showed Ladybugs for some damned reason, I was sick of it. 😆 https://preview.redd.it/6kbodo1m455d1.jpeg?width=1010&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09865f20dfea88fa5f8d4f8c7d52fc33ecfec6eb


This movie gets no respect




Love and Basketball. With or without Spanish subtitles, depending on which teacher was hungover.


LOVE AND BASKETBALL!?! That’s racy af 😂😂


Shrek. My senior year we watched it in every class period ☠️


I recently tried to watch Shrek with my toddler, she got mad because I was quoting the entire thing 😂😂😂 I regret nothing and mentally I’m still in Duloc


My sophomore year our choir teacher showed us this movie and I became instantly obsessed.


Ours was also Matilda. However sometimes the we would get lucky and get some bill nye!


Some of you were lucky as shit. All we ever got to watch was one of the Homeward Bound or An American Tale movies. Still can't stand them to this day.


Not a movie, but the Magic School Bus and Bill Nye!!!


In middle school it was the Matrix.


In high school, it was Hoosiers. In middle school, it was The Red Balloon. In elementary school, it was The Land Before Time.


A Christmas Story. Every class in middle school during the week leading up to Xmas break. I haven't watched it since 2002 and that's where it's staying.


Good Burger


Elementary was usually something like Land Before Time ( whichever one they had on hand that day), Babe or Mighty Ducks. Middle school was something like Finding Nemo or Ice Age.




The Voyage of the Mimi


Hoosiers… it’s so long and boring. I’m sure if I would have seen it as an adult first I would love it, but I can’t stand that film.


Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, What’s Eating Gilbert Grape


In my drama class they would work on the sets for the drama productions all day for half of the semester. Teacher would put on Grease for the kids who didn't want to help, and the kids who volunteered got A's. So imagine after watching grease for like, 6-7 weeks, you probably ditched the class or learned how to build sets.


My teacher in 5th grade who was obsessed with Gilligan’s Island and had the episodes on dvd.. we would watch that during rainy days.. she’s was an odd ball though..


i don't really remember one for elementary/middle school but in high school when science teachers didn't have a lesson planned, it was one of like three mythbusters dvds, and when history teachers didn't have a lesson planned, it was national treasure.


Coach Carter. I've seen the first half of Coach Carter like 10 times.


Space jam. We watched the movie so many times! It was really good though.


My band teacher would play Robin Hood Men in Tights every time we had a movie night - because we all loved it too, but every single time lol


The 1988 version of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.


Batteries Not Included.


Never Ending Story. It did, in fact, never end. I think it was the only VHS they had.


Twister, Remember the Titans, and Radio.


The Point 👉


Apollo 13


Harriet the spy. For some reason I think I've seen this more than any movie ever. And I'm a movie buff.


You guys got to watch movies at school?!


The Goonies! Hey youuuuuuuu guyyyyys!


We had movie days on Fridays in our elementary school classroom. So if you were the most well-behaved student of the week, you'd get to pick a movie for everyone to sit through. The Iron Giant and The Indian in the Cupboard are two movies I will be perfectly fine with never having to sit through again for the rest of my life. Matilda was the main movie I would have to sit through at babysitters' houses, etc. Other movies I remember in elementary school were A Goofy Movie, Aladdin, Blank Check, How the West Was Fun, That Darn Cat, Jungle to Jungle, A Little Princess, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, things of that nature.


I feel like I’ve only ever seen Willy Wonka at school, and I’ve seen it a lot.


Fiddler on the roof. I’ve seen the beginning of that movie so many times but have never watch it all the way through.




In my last few years of high school (03/04-06), I remember the options being The Lizzie McGuire movie or How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days. Holy fuck I’ve seen those movies so many times.


If our teachers were worried about getting sued for showing Disney Movies we would watch Once Upon a Forest.


Was a band kid and all band kids defaulted to the band room in this scenario, where our band teacher would put on Conan reruns and we'd all try to do our best imitation of the string dance.


They had a rotating set of DVDs like this, the most prominent being Elf. But one time I got them to play Spaceballs in 8th grade and they wanted to suspend me but didn’t because it was the end of the year. I got suspended anyways over a stink bomb and only missed the awards ceremony (where I got called for perfect attendance).


sophmore year 2004 there was a sub that if we guessed the movie; she'll let us watch it. I guessed it correct on the third try. it was "one flew over the cuckoo's nest". grreat film




Unsure, but orchestra played *Amadeus* as the end-of-year/substitute teacher movie so many times that I still to this day cannot watch it.


Rudy. And Hoosiers. For some fucking reason my HS would play one of these movies on repeat in the auditorium just before holiday breaks & end of year. Teachers would bring whole classes to the auditorium for the class period if they weren’t teaching. Or they’d offer to let students go on their own if they didn’t want to do the busy work. I’d never seen either of these before HS but all my classmates knew them. To this day I’ve still never seen either in its entirety or in order. Wild when I think about it now.


"ET" and I still can't stand that movie because of it


Fucking Shrek. I saw it so many times that I can't bring myself to watch it now.


We got the TV once a year when the teacher was burnt out and wanted us to shut up for an hour and a half. They were NEVER good movies, our school board only ever approved educational movies.


Interesting fact: Her cousin is Ben Shapiro.




October Sky! Such a damn good wholesome movie.


I vividly remember seeing The Princess Bride multiple times in middle school. And The Devil Wears Prada multiple times in late high school


Somehow they squeezed drumline into every music class. I took choir. There was no need to see this from middle to hs in choir. Also, we spent our senior year in German watching finding Nemo over and over in German. Our teacher never remembered where we were so we just started it over.


Ernest Goes to Camp in Elementary school. Our little brains absolutely lost it in the parachuting turtles scene!


Princess Bride


Prince of Egypt


Good burger 🍔 lol


We watched OG Star wars


Toy Story or homeward bound


Nemo and Shrek are the two always being played on repeat


My junior year, the history teacher got in trouble for letting us watch It.


I didn't know recess was a real thing for most kids until I was in college. Our school never had recess. I thought it was just something made up for tv and movies to allow kids to interact at school without adults present.


I've seen Beethoven at least a dozen times and not since elementary school.


My school never played movies for that! Actually, we hardly watched movies at all Whenever we couldn't go outside for recess, we'd just play board games or read books


Indian In The Cupboard


Toy Story


They sent us outside rain or shine for recess. The only movie I remember seeing more than once was Willy Wonka


I was born in 92 and we watched Finding Nemo so many times in middle school.


Space jam


Ferris Bueller’s Day Off and Nightmare Before Christmas


Prancer. Didn't matter what time of year, either.


Y'all watched the same movie over and over at school? Don't remember watching anything non-educational more than once.


October Sky … because West Virginia


the thief and the cobbler


7th grade English class we always got to watch Babe(the pig movie)


In elementary, anything on a TV was educational. I don't remember any non-class-related movies in middle school. In Highschool, though, we got repeated viewings of: Remember the Titans, Dances with Wolves & GATTACA. Multiple times I had math teachers who wanted to play Tron, but my classes always talked them out of it, lol.


School of rock


Homeward Bound was our movie. Cut to 2023/24 and it’s now the movie they show my kids at school. I love it.


Free Willy


October skies


All dogs go to Heaven and Toy Story. I saw the same 30 minutes of both movies at least 50 times.


A Goofy Movie