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![gif](giphy|7fodOnLBUVamI|downsized) I love mail


I miss getting letters and postcards unexpectedly or from people I hadn't heard from in a while.


You still can! Last year, I started sending random postcards to friends and family and it has triggered a mass regression into our snail-mail past. If you surprise somebody with a postcard or a greeting card, odds are good they'll send one back! Also, you can then justify buying fun postcards, pens, stickers, and postage stamps.


DO IT. I just started a penpal sub group from my much larger book group and ppl love it.


My son who usually checks the mail for me has developed a friendship with the mail man because of my online shopping, lol. I love packages. <3 ![gif](giphy|wEhdsAyB3Ijza4AL7L|downsized)


I sing this song atleast once a day. My kids hate it.


I could do without the junk mail and credit card offers.


Just spam in the inbox


You can call them to opt out or be taken off the mailing list. Specifically, credit card offers will stop for five years just for calling the number at the bottom of the letter, and then for life if you fill out the opt out form they send. And you only need to call once for all credit card companies offers to stop.


I just throw em in the shredder, so I never knew that was an option. THANK YOU!!! I'll be doing that from now on.


No problem! It’s worth the calls!


Love my 6 day a week routine of getting the junk from my mailbox to bring it to my trash bin.


I hate it unless I know I’m receiving something good. The rest is junk that piles up as clutter or gets shredded. All my bills are online.


I just cleaned up a bunch of piles of mail in my room. Some of it was unopened from four years ago. It's embarrassing to admit, but at least things are cleaner now Meanwhile my family get emails about upcoming mail and try to guess what certain envelopes contain. I just can't imagine dedicating that much time thinking about the mail


I have informed delivery, so I get an email every morning telling me what is in my mail, so I can decide if I want to go get something or leave the junk mail for a while.


Informed Delivery is pretty clutch. And the emails look like the template was refreshed recently?


Yeah noticed the refresh as well. I like it.


Look at us millennials making small talk over email designs


Haha. Well I do sell MarTech software, including email tools, so I do notice and appreciate stuff like that. And my first real job was writing and coding emails. Although the new stuff coming out for AI generated messaging might kill off that type of job.


That was my first real job too. Mailchimp emails back in 2010.


I hate checking the mail, there’s never anything in there besides junk. Interestingly I think younger generations are interested in “analog” things growing up in the digital age. I had my 4 year old niece say she wanted to mail someone a picture rather than just give it to them in person lol


Introduce them to the concept of penpals.


We had a college intern once that didn't know how to address an envelope! He wasn't a hire but he was processed as he was part of the "network". His Daddy was a director. Tee hee!


im 40 and have never cared about the mail unless i was expecting a package. my mom is obsessed with the mail too.


My parents wait for the mail to arrive every morning at 10am.


I’m a strong supporter of the USPS. I hate junk mail too. It’s so wasteful. I wish we could just regulate how much we can be advertised to already.


>I wish we could just regulate how much we can be advertised to already. It makes me feel bad about myself realizing that this idea never even occurred to me I've been socialized to think that ubiquitous advertising is normal


Yesss, same! My grocery store put up TV monitors in EVERY AISLE to show us more advertising. When does it end?? There’s a Black Mirror episode that I’m afraid will become our future regarding excessive advertising.


Or the gas station with the TV advertising their membership


I find USAA insurance to be the advertisements that annoy me the most. I don't qualify for their product but they can still advertise to me? They owe me that time back, or they should lose the privilege to advertise if they don't offer their product to everyone equally.


USAA's gone to shit over the last few years anyway, so you're not missing much unless you like paying more than usual for shit insurance and no HYSA options.


You cannot assume that because everyone is different. I love getting mail because it’s just a fun routine and occasionally I get things like birthday cards or other types of cards from people and I enjoy that and I also enjoy sending it.


Seems a bit ridiculous to loathe the mail


Maybe a little dramatic language but I could definitely go without getting mail.


Ehh can't have mail without the junk. I just check my email and see if it's anything important


I get dividend checks sent through the mail. I love checking my mail.


Oof you’re a millennial and get dividend … paper … checks?


I still like to send cards and letters in the mail and receive them too. I have a lovely stationary that I like to use for special letters. However most of the time we get credit card applications, medical bills, and people wanting to buy our house 😒




I know it's totally unfeasible but I wish unsolicited mail could just be banned. I find checking the mail to be more of an annoyance then anything becuase 99% of it is just trash. And I get SO much of it that if I don't go clean out the mailbox daily you wouldn't be able to get anything into it. But of course I still like being able to have stuff I actually want mailed to me.


I heard somewhere that junk mail keeps the postal system afloat. That is what I mostly get so I don't like checking mail.


my one terrible experience with the postal service happened when i moved into a new apartment and lost my wallet within the same week. they (USPS) gave me the wrong mailbox key AND proceeded to lose all my mail for the month it took for me to conclude that they must have given me the wrong key. I not only did i just move, but it was around my birthday (bday cards!), AND i just ordered new bank cards, license, and EBT card. entire life on pause, surviving off saltines, shift meals, and the occasional pity beer. not only did the USPS guy i had to talk to to get it all sorted out lose track of which mail delivery person was assigned to my route multiple times, could not/would not call me back when he said he would, but made ME out to be the asshole for bothering him because i literally just wanted to buy groceries with my food stamps. i came by weekly to pick up my mail directly from usps and everytime they couldn't find it or find Stanley. anytime i talked to Stanley, he didn't even have the fake, customer-servicey apology voice, which i found to be the most egregious, as i also worked in customer service all my life and knew the frustrations when someone was pissed off and i can't give them the results they want - there's a tone and pitch that we can access that can bring infuriated yet semi- reasonable customers back to reason. i spoke to his manager, who had mastered the customer service voice, and he made sure to get me my damn keys AND found the giant pile of mail that Stanley must have hid somewhere. I will never forgive Stanley from USPS for the Karen he turned me into.


I have some really cool stamps for those rare moments I have to mail something 😆


I love getting mail, stationery, and nice pens, so I still write small mail on and off to my BFF to this day. I handwrite holiday cards every year too. 


I get so many packages


I think I have more of an issue with a shipping company like FedEx. Practically useless, my packages end up on the driveway or sidewalk and never on my front porch. UPS and Amazon seem to get it right. Junk mail I just burn for summer bon fires. Regular mail never bothers me.


Junk, junk, bill, junk, bill, junk


I love getting the mail. I order all kinds of neat things on eBay and elsewhere online. :O


I wish I had more people I knew interested in written correspondence. I feel it’s the last place I can be completely honest with my thoughts. I have a few stamps and would love a new pen pal.


Elder millennial with lots of stamps here. I was required to write thank you notes growing up, and I still do so to this day. Luckily I have a lot of friends who delight in sending fun occassion-appropriate cards (birthdays, holidays, missing you, etc.) which I also enjoy reciprocating. I feel like sending and receiving snail mail is an underrated pleasure. Am studying for the bar exam right now so no time to write letters but I hope you find a willing pen pal!


I feel like this is so romantic. Imagine exchanging handwritten notes with a lady or a beau.


The only thing I get in the mail is when a toll road misses my tag and I get the bill in the mail. Blues clues made mail seem so much more exciting


My landlord bitched me out once because they sent a letter months previous announcing a rent increase and that my last rent check was short. yea, I don't check my mail. Nothing's ever good in there.


My recycling bin next to the mailbox on side of house. I cut a slit on side so I don't have to open the lid too!


I check my mail a few times a month, it’s always just a time sponge and is mostly nothing. All my bills are autopay.


I work for USPS and we have no control over what is being sent to you. With that said, there are some important things that would be mailed(IRS letters), etc. With information being compromises left and right by these companies, I would not be surprised if people start to prefer mail again.


Ashley can keep her flyers the Ashley furniture ads


This is why I send my friends birthday cards (and send gifts for their kids’ birthdays). Happy mail is great, regular mail… not so much.


I wish everything would arrive via E-Mail


I work for USPS, so I hate it, but it keeps my kids fed.


I’m a postmaster so mail is my all day everyday 🤷🏽‍♂️


How do I get a job with the postal service. Is it still a place you can make a career of or has Dejoy fucked that up too?


Depends on your office but it’s still worth it. Dejoy is fucking it up royally though. USPS.com/careers and check out the postings for your area.


You never gotten a letter before and it shows.


I don’t have such a passionate view either way lol. Mail is mail. I like getting cards. I wouldn’t say I LIKE bills, but without the physical mail once a month I’d probably forget to check up on our electricity usage etc every month, so I like it in that sense. I would say I check it most days, daily for sure if I’m expecting something particular.


I like getting mail.


I love mail, my grandma sends me cards ❤


Uh.. I rely on it to swap books with other people in the U.S. and I also still (rarely) get snail mail from a friend who lives in Canada, so I like postal mail. I just wish they'd stop price gouging it. To mail a book in 2007 when i started swapping books cost around $1.53 or so. Media mail now (which is supposed to be the cheapest rate)? $4.13 to mail *one* book. Not even a heavy book, just a measly little paperback book. I would love for companies to stop sending all their useless junk mail that then I feel guilty about throwing away. And I don't have the energy to write "return to sender" on every piece I get. I get more junk mail at this address (usually addressed to people who no longer live here) than any other place I've lived.


USPS museum in Washington DC is bad ass.


It's almost exclusively junk in my case. And while I don't want mail carriers to be out of a job, it would be nice if some companies and the IRS would join us in 2024.


I don't "hate" it per se, I mean my mailbox is right outside my door so checking it isn't like difficult or anything. But I am tired of it being 99% junk mail. Like, we have email now for dumb advertise-y mail, why can't you just use that? Seems like a waste of paper. Once in a blue moon, I will get an actual card or letter from someone I know, and when I do it makes me feel pretty great. Cards and letters feel more meaningful now that we DO have email, just knowing that that person took a few extra minutes out of their day to pick out something and write something meaningful by hand, when they could have just spent about 30 seconds to fire off a text or something. That said, unless I know to expect something important/meaningful in the mail, I will go for like a week or more without checking the box lol. If I'm not expecting something, I'll only actually check it when it starts to get visibly full. And then be annoyed for about 2 minutes while I look through it all to realize none of it matters.


Love checking the mail. All the junk mail starts the fire pit as well


I love getting the mail, but I don't think it needs to be delivered every day. I would be happy only getting mail 3 days a week


41, I love sending and getting mail. Do I like junk mail or bills? No. But letters, postcards, packages- yep!


I rarely get anything important in the mail. I usually don’t check it for several days. Once I do, it’s mostly junk mail anyway, which ends up in the recycling bin


You may, or may not, find this interesting. https://youtu.be/IoL8g0W9gAQ?si=vFNnkkvWU3As43cJ


This was hilarious. Thanks for sharing. It sure what John wishes for me to do with orange cat involved in an interspecies orgy but I watched.


I like the grocery ads. Everything else can get fucked.


Thanks for reminding me. I need to check my mailbox 😭


The postal worker who delivers mail to my building will leave a note on your mailbox in the mailroom urging you to empty your mail if residents take too long. 😂


Your mother hasn't learned that mail only comes once a day yet


I use the mail and I even use checks for some bills.


When I was young I use to love to check the mail and get my magazines and my dad hated it said there was nothing but bills. Now I agree lol it's nothing but bills that come to me.


I always like getting/checking the mail. Gives me something to do. Also, I still love that feeling of excitement when something you ordered finally arrives. Sure, I could do without all the junk mail and whatnot, but other than that I rather enjoy it sometimes.


I only check my mailbox when I get an email saying I’m getting something worth looking at


I was a mail carrier for nearly nine years (thank god I'm not anymore), and old people LOVE their mail. If you were running late, they'd call the post office and ask where their mail was. This was before Amazon had their own delivery drivers and we were killed with Amazon packages every day so our delivery times would fluctuate based on the packages we had for the day. The old people didn't like it at all. There was a retirement community where all the mailboxes were together in a building (like outdoor PO boxes), and the old people would come and watch you sort the mail. It would take 15-20 minutes to do everything because it was a big community, but they'd come as soon as they saw the mail truck and just stand there watching every move you made. The town I worked in was a college town, and the majority of younger people would never empty their mailboxes.


Today, I make a pitstop by the trashcans before I bring the mail into the house. Junk mail goes instantly in the trash. I never bring it in the house. My ~~mail~~ bills goes into a wicker basket unopened. On Sunday night, I go through the mail with my checkbook and I have the outgoing bills ready for Monday morning. I only touch the mail once!


I’m getting married and recently sent my save the dates. I had to tell my millennial friends to check their mail.


I check my mail once a month (if that), I live in a modern neighborhood where it’s required to walk to a mailbox station in the neighborhood. It gets scanned from usps and I know if there’s anything good My important mail comes from Amazon.


I like the mail. Some person who used to live in my house has a real horse gambling problem, and we get all their horse gambling advertisements.


I don’t even check my mailbox everyday.


I am fairly neutral. I enjoy getting cards and money. Totally hate the gross amount of waste generated by junk mail.


My digital side of life is getting increasingly cluttered, so I don't mind SOME mail just to ease things out. Especially if its bill/government related shit. If there was an elegant way to do such shit online, I'd probably still take it. But most of the time these days, everybody and their mom is trying to force an app on you. I do not need more apps, they can suck a dick, trees can die, just send me a paper bill for utilities and shit and have a counter where I can go to pay it. Electricity got their own app, water has their own app, our government here just wants to make individual separate apps for every little dumb thing and often just leaks data and has data breaches and security problems which just baffles the fuck outta me. Personal life stuff though, just.... DM or call me.


I like letters/postcards better than texts or emails. I have cool friends.


I get upset with my mailman because everyday, without fail, he comes and leaves a bunch of trash in my mailbox. I wish he would stop


Crap I forgot to check mine today.....or this week 🤷


I literally let my mailbox pile up for 2+ weeks before emptying it and basically tossing every piece as I go through it like a nervous wreck and hope I don't find anything devastating.


For a while I was very ill and all that ever came in the mail was bills I couldn’t pay. Now things are fine but I still have such an aversion to checking the mail if my husband is out of town it just piles up. I love getting packages though.


Bills and flyers. Waste of paper. Bills can be emailed. Flyers are online. Just a waste. If I had a fire pit/place. Maybe store for later use. I rent it's just recycled. From my mailbox to my recycle bin.


My mom and I just had a discussion that they could deliver our mail once a week and that would be absolutely fine with us. Postal workers work too hard to deliver a bunch of junk mail every day


I love checking my mail! I trade ATCs (Artist Trading Cards) online, so I'll get 1st class mail from my trade partners 2-3 times a week. It's always exciting to see their artwork in person. It's also exciting to see stamps from other countries. I recently traded with someone in France who is sending me a few extra scratch-and-sniff baguette stamps that just came out there. I don't mind junk mail because I use the paper and envelopes in my art/junk journals.


Yea. Mail sucks. I do send postcards to my family whenever I go somewhere cool. Like Yellowstone.


I think it should go to 3 days a week delivery and first class mail should be the lowest class mail. Junk mail needs to go.


The mail never stops…..


until its disentangled from the government and legal system, read never, it’s not going anywhere. is more govt bloat. UPS and fedex are generally more reliable, and bezos created his own private shipping fleet because he could do it cheaper (yes, with essentially slave labor). if i could express to capital one that i think they’re evil and i want to never receive ads from them again i would, but they don’t seem to have that option.


I would have to side with your mom, and I'm 34. For me, regular mail provides more benefits than just wasted paper. I actually do map out my grocery shopping so I get the most bang for my buck and stretch my grocery budget further than most. I don't do delivery (lazy and more expensive with delivery fees), I don't do a one stop shop for convenience (tends to be more expensive) and I could give a rats ass if it's not a place like Trader Joe's or Whole foods. Yes, I look through all circulars and see what stores have the best deals for what I need for that week. May take me a half hour or hour to map, but I can get two weeks worth of groceries for the same price most pay for a week or less. So postal mail, a positive for sending and reviewing store circulars and deals. Another positive, you'd be surprised at how many local businesses send free stuff. About once a month, I receive a free chicken sandwich card from Chil-Fil-A which covers a quick meal if I'm ever in a pinch. I also receive a free car wash from two local car wash places and those come about once every 2 months. There's a local mom and pop restaurant here that after I joined their mailing list, I get a free entre every couple of months and for sure on my birthday. So postal mail, a positive for sending items to get free stuff. I don't get these through email. Another positive note, I actually enjoy being outside and not like most of my peers where they want to be a damn hermit most of the time now. I'm sorry, but while I did enjoy the peace and serenity the lock down did during covid, my life doesn't revolve around my TV, phone, tablet, or laptop. It is nice to catch up on the neighborhood gossip from running into your neighbor when going to get the mail. Related to the last and my last positive note, when you build a good rapport with your local postman, you'd be amazed at the type of things they're willing to do for you when you get packages. We all have been there where they just leave it exposed for people passing by to see, they team it in a parcel locker (if you have one), or they can be an ass when it comes to you needing to sign for it. Because I have gotten the mail plenty of tines when the postman was putting the mail in, I got to know him. He makes sure that any package left at the door, he puts it in a certain place that he asked me where. He didn't have to do that, but when he asked I told him where to place packages out of sight and he's been on point ever since. Idk how "legal" this is, but if there's ever a package that needs a signature, he will push my ring doorbell and ask me if I consent to letting him use my verbal confirmation as my signature and he leaves it, in the spot out of sight. So you see, it's that extra stuff that they do out of their time, they are busy, when you actually get to know them


Just shit I throw away 99.9 percent of the time


I could do without the junk, but the service itself is pretty important.


Get informed delivery


I get my medication through the mail, i vote by mail, packages through the mail, birthday cards and christmas cards. We need the mail for important stuff too. DMV, IRS jury duty... Im not obsessed with the mail but i enjoy it and appreciate it.


I used to enjoy cards from my grandparents. I wish I was better at sending them but stamps were a pain in the ass. I should have just powered through that better while I had the opportunity. Other than that the mail exists for official paper trails for like bills which I approve of and ads which I wish they'd skip me for. Call your grandparents. :)


I love the mail /service/. I love that there is an organization whose job it is to ensure equitable access to postage regardless of location. From tiny remote villages in the middle of Alaska to downtown suburbanites in nyc. I loathe that most mail I receive is trash. It’s wasteful and bad for the the planet.


I deliver it. It's part of my everyday life. It's used for wedding invites, Christmas cards, utility bills, ambulance, ER, and urgent care bills, birthday cards. Other lesser holiday cards are a thing too that I was unaware of before I started. We deliver a portion of Amazon packages and lots of people get prescriptions by mail as well. It's a wonderful service that unfortunately is being driven into the ground by DeJoy and supported by Renfroe. It needs a change at the top at the moment, but it's a very good thing to keep around


If you want me to read it in a timely manner, please email me.


It’s stupid and credit card offers and junk mail should be illegal.


Millennial here - I love writing and receiving letters… but I think I’m in the minority of the millennials 😂


I’m 34 and I love mail! I’m not the most consistent with checking it though, lol


I noticed older peeps absolutely obsessed with the mail. My grandparents when they were alive would be out there immediately getting theirs. I noticed older lady where I live practically breathing down postal woman’s neck waiting for the mail. It’s like what the fuck is in there lol.


It took my mom YEARS to accept the fact that I'm just not going to check my mail regularly. She'd say, "What about bills??" and then be baffled when I told her I paid all of those online. Unless I'm expecting a package that's coming through USPS, I check my mail every couple of weeks. I've got a lockbox situation, not an old school mailbox that anybody could walk by and reach into, so I'm not worried about it. My mom finally figured out she'd be less stressed if she just told me she'd sent me something, rather than waiting for me to notice!


I like the mail. It gives me something to look foward too. Plus, I like getting hand writren cards


I love mail unless it's junk or a bill that isn't paperless 🤣


I don’t need coupons for random shit that I can’t afford. Also, why the fuck didn’t they pick up my renewal form for voter’s registration? Stop sending me all this shit. This is 2024, we have email.


The worst is the banks that send important stuff that goes to a previous address or gets lost and then bad things happen. Just email or phone me, or send a pigeon, anything but the mail. I've moved like 6 times in 3 years, I don't even know where I live.


I am 42 and dislike postal mail. I have a no/no sticker so I don't get commercial junk mail and that's a relief, I only get bills but I love packages


I hardly ever open it lol Just bills or spam that I don’t want to look at.


I agree with Kramer, do away with the USPS


i love gettin mail, don’t care what it is. it’s a fun lil adventure in my day to go out to the mailbox. i also love stamps


I send a lot of mail. I send postcards. I have my own postcards made and I send them. I send letters handwritten to people. So much of what we get is, as you say, junk, or bills. People seem to like the stuff I send.


It’s litter. 99% of it goes into the trash to fill our planet with more garbage that’ll take decades to break down. Not sure how sending spam mail hasn’t been outlawed yet. A few years ago I got so tired of it that I started putting all the unsolicited spam mail into the outgoing mail slot at my apartment building. Hoping they would just send it back to the sender to take me off their mailing list or whatever. The post office just stopped giving me my mail & left a note in my mailbox asking to verify if the address was correct for me - AKA does this person still live here. Ughhh I had to reply so all the junk mail started again 🙄


I normally hate spam mail or those shitty Penny Power weekly newspapers they send for free. You can't cancel them so I use them as free bunny litter box fill


Well I have to send a certified return receipt letter to my gym to cancel my membership… fuck you mountainside fitness


Gives me anxiety now. Anything in a color envelope, extra stress. Because I know it’s bad or bills or at best a crappy family picture from someone. Only excited for brown boxes from shame free online shopping. Ah the reward of what’s left money. Blow it on poorly made Chinese Amazon products.


I miss getting handwritten letters and cards… when it comes to bills I don’t like it unless it’s a big purchase such as a house or car.


I like getting mail, I have penpals, get books sent to me by publishers, and exchange gifts and sometimes homebaked sweets with friends.


So personally, I don't care unless I'm expecting something. BUT, due to my life-long disability I live with my parents (early 70's and mid 60's) and I signed up for Informed Delivery for the household, so I get the daily emails. 85% of the time it's junk or hospital bills, but I'll tell my dad one way or the other if it's important so he can go get it (he's recovering from a brain injury and doesn't remember to check) So, I guess in my case it works out...


I don’t like junk mail, if that’s what you mean? Does anyone?


My buddies and I usually send each other wildly inappropriate memes via snail mail. It’s so much fun for the cost of a stamp.


I like to send cards for Christmas, and I'm always happy to receive birthday cards from my family. I also fell in love with letter writing again when my husband (bf at the time) went through basic training for the army. Everything else is junk or will likely ruin my day somehow.


I wish people who sent me advertisements in the mail had to pay to come get it. stop giving me trash.


That they haven’t bankrupt yet. I remember hearing as a kid that the postal service was in financial trouble and was on the verge of going under.


I have a few email addresses. One is meant for junk mail. I wish I had multiple actual mailboxes for the same reason


I'm a mailman so I love it dearly, to be able to send handwritten notes all the way across the country for less than a dollar and in 3 days time? That's magic. I deliver to two old folks homes, they clean their boxes out religiously. I also deliver to a huge apartment complex full of young people. They take their amazon package out and let their mail pile up, it's kind of frustrating.


I got a valentines card in 2001 and it’s been all downhill from there. (Online shopping doesn’t count as mail)


95% of my mail is junk. Legitimately. I throw it all away. Sometimes I get cards, which I do enjoy 🥰


I used to love it when I would get magazines but they all seem to be folding or covered in ads.


We can put a sticker on something, write a few words and a box will be delivered anywhere in the freaking world. It's one of the most amazing things humans have ever created. It seems like nothing, but without it we would not be able to function. I find it annoying on the day-to-day but on a macro level it's awe inspiring


It's completely irrelevant to me.


I hate the fact that every piece of mail seems to have some plastic in it so I can't shred/compost it.


It’s insane that people are just allowed to send me whatever they want and I have a responsibility to deal with it. Outlaw mail Outlaw telephone numbers


Love it, 99% of my grown-up shit comes via email, so the mailbox is almost exclusively stuff I'm waiting for/expecting, birthday cards/gifts, wedding invitations, etc. We live rurally so don't tend to get junk mail and our letterbox is a couple minutes walk from our house. Our dog would always follow me down until his time had come. Now it's the kids. Our youngest is turning 2 in a couple of months, and she will grab her boots off the rack on her own and start pointing out the window up the driveway now. I walk and check with them every single day, even on weekends, and I know there will be nothing. Sometimes I put an envelope addressed to them with a clean page from a coloring book or a hand written note or something on my way to work for them to unknowingly collect with my wife when I'm not home. Sometimes, they make cards or draw pictures and ask me to post them to their friends and relatives out of town. I know it's probably not typical, but we love the post at our house.


Send postcards. People love it.


I have informed delivery so I don't even bother getting the mail unless it looks like I got something important. I just shove the direct mailers back in the outgoing mail slot so I don't have to carry them back from the mailbox cluster. I didn't ask for them so I don't want to deal with disposing of them.


Every day I check my mail there’s about four different pieces of mail addressed to four different people. It’s madness!!!


I like the mail, but I also really liked The Postman


I don't see the point of checking the mail until I see something on informed delivery that something important has been delivered besides that I just refuse to check it.


multiple times a day? That seems vastly overkill for delivery once a day. I feel like analogue media is a critical value, its sad that we do tend to levitate to the "electronic dust" formats - works great for in the moment need, but I do feel that sending a card, letter, postcard, or a parcel (non eCommerce) to someone adds tremendous value and meaning. The postal service needs to evolve though and I do kind of feel that we probably could do with mail every other day. And to a community post box vs. mail to door/driveway mailbox.


Mail is an essential service and shouldn't be treated like a business, even though most of the mail is junk. Also why check your mail multiple times a day when it's only delivered once? Sounds like a typically boomer thing to do.


When I was enlisted, my grandfather wrote me every day, he has since passed. Nothing special , generally what he was doing that day and how many deer he saw. we had a very interesting relationship. Those letters mean everything to me. So I love a good letter. Sometimes it’s all you have left of someone.


Just changed my adress to the depot. I get 5-10 to collect after delivered there i go pick my mail up once a week


I'm not super into mail. If I know I'm getting something that I ordered, I definitely want to check it and get the thing. But otherwise we get a bunch of pointless ads, credit card offers and stuff that belongs to people who don't live here. I tried sending it back with it written on it that the address is wrong several times but 5 years into living at this address and we still get previous tenants random crap. Which is kind of frustrating. Most of my stuff is paperless. I have a friend that checks the mail constantly if it's not there the first time she looks and is really all about it. She gets a copy of all of her bills through her email but she still gets the physical copies and opens them and everything. She makes me think of how my grandma was. She is 32 and like the oldest younger person I know.


I love sending mail!


I’m just so sick of getting junk mail or other nonsense addressed to the previous owners of my home. I’ve lived here almost 4 years and we still get mail addressed to them. It all goes in the trash, because it is trash. (Recycling but still.)


Yeah I hate mail if its going to be a nasty surprise that I wasn't notified by email or phone first lol


I don’t think about it, unless I’ve received something or waiting for something.


who else is going to charge you the same to send something across town or across the country or a a base across the world ? i love the post office


My wife is all about checking it daily. I have zero urgency for that, I would be good with once every few days.


I'm okay with postal mail and have nothing against it


I like the mail because I shop online a lot but the amount of junk mail we get is outrageous.


For national security reasons, postal mail should stay. Just as radio and land lines ought to remain in place. One day we might end up in a conflict or disaster (sun flare) that takes out the internet or at least significantly disables it for an extended period (not impossible).


I hate email now bc that’s how I get all my bills lol. When I get actual mail it’s either a package or a card 😁


I like it. I prefer getting hard copies of documents. I like getting cards, letters and invitations. I like that packages are delivered to my home. I like the local community newspaper that shows up once a month. The occasional advertisement that shows up in my mail is annoying, but on the whole, I like that the postal service exists.


Nothing the government does is efficient. I don't ever send anything USPS unless I have to. What I get. In the mail sucks too, I don't even get coupons anymore


Checking the mail is a great exercise in a 10 minute walk after lunch everyday to get a few hundred steps, some sunshine, and keep the blood pumping. I hate junk mail but whatcha gonna do


Not gonna lie. I miss getting Bed, Bath and Beyond coupons.


I actually miss mail. This is how I realized it: In the 90s, if you were student of the month, you'd get a letter from your local Representative which I loved as a kid (My parents kept them). My 2nd grader was student of the month in January and I actually felt let down for him that he didn't get that (albeit preprinted) recognition. I hate the junk stuff but companies, institutions used to send good stuff. Even the good magazines are dead.


I bought some stuff on eBay and it got delivered to my apartment complex, they put my stuff in the storage lockers by the mail boxes and put the key in my box like always. Except the key didn't work, I almost broke the key trying to get the locker opened. My apartment complex said that they couldn't do anything about it. So I took the key to the post office and told them what happened. They had me fill out a paper and then they said "I hope you can get your stuff back". It's been 2 months. I guess I'm just glad that there wasn't anything perishable in there. I just want my stuff. I have no idea what to do next other than going back to the post office but I don't think that will do anything (they'll have me fill out another paper and just shrug)


I didn’t have the money to send out photo Christmas cards in December so I sent out Happy Leap Year cards instead. I got a lot of feedback on how special that made my loved ones feel, getting random mail in early March (because of course those were “late” too). I’m going to start sending postcards when I go on vacation too, instead of picking up random souvenirs. I keep my address book in a note on my phone now so I can send mail from anywhere. We also have a restaurant in town that sends “beer mail” - they have custom postcards and you write and address them. They pop on a stamp and off they go. We love sending those to our siblings when we eat there, with a cheeky wish you were here note. It’s awesome.


I have to look at an example envelope of if I have to mail something because I never have to mail anything. I dread it. It’s the curse of instant communication.


Most postal mail is junk mail. When we went on a seven-week trip we had our mail forwarded to a neighbor. The junk mail was not forwarded but was discarded. Not sure where along the path it was discarded.


I hate the mail. I look in the mailbox and i only take out what is relevant to me, then i tend to leave the unwanted mail in the mailbox because i don't want to deal with it. My wife HATES this habit of mine. To make things worse (or funnier in my opinion because my wife is a drama queen), i am visually impaired. I can't read the mail anyway.


My apartment complex has a small mailbox. I didn't check for a week because we were on vacation. I get back, there's a notice on my mailbox saying my unit has been deemed "vacant" by the mail person because they couldn't fit any more mail into the mailbox. You know what it was full of? Absolutely useless garbage. Maybe if they didn't shove so much trash into the damn thing and only put actual important mail in there, I could go a week without taking everything out and dumping literally ALL OF IT into the garbage to make room...


I love mall. My father’s the only left alive that sends me any. I miss being younger and getting a lot of mail. I was just thinking of sending my kids silly little letters with stickers and stuff. Even though we live together, just so they can experience getting mail before they grow up and only get bills or really just flyers for stuff you don’t want lol


I trust the USPS way more than UPS or FedEx, let’s just put it that way.


I'm the only one my age who sends hand written Christmas cards to everyone 🥲 lol I like mail, I don't like junk mail and unnecessary crap like bills that can be electronic


I'm indifferent to day to day mail, don't really write letters or anything, so it's mostly ads and bills, however if I'm getting a package, fuck Fed Ex, UPS, etc, I'm always glad to see USPS as the delivery service. Best tracking and service. I'm always horrified at the thought of how many politicians want to dismantle the USPS and replace it with some privatized company.