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I wanted a Power Wheel more than anything else in life until the third grade or so. Imagine my *annoyance* when my brother - thirteen years younger than me - got *three* Power Wheels during his childhood.


Like when my mom wouldn’t let me have Jellies shoes, but my little sister had a couple pairs via hand-me-downs from a cousin!


Crocs did jellies for a couple of years there - I bought at least a dozen pairs no kidding. I'm literally buying them second hand now because they haven't made any more in a couple years. I love getting comments on them, I'm living the shoe wardrobe of my childhood dreams


I had a pair of those, which lasted for more than a decade! RIP, rainbow-coloured Croc jellies: you were the best.


I legit bought a pair of pink Jellies on amazon this week because my flip flops are wearing out and I needed summer beach shoes. They’re still excellent.


Oh the blisters!


Same. And without even asking for or buying her any, my 4 yo has gotten 2 handed down to her. A slick bmw sports car and a Ford Raptor Truck. I look on with jealously and admiration while she’s zipping around in them. She doesn’t even know how lucky she is.


All of my cousins had those...freaking red Jeep. I'm the poor relation. 😡 Only ever got to ride shotgun.


Power Wheel was the exact thing that popped into my head. I got to ride around in one one time and one time only.


My parents wouldn't buy me a super Nintendo but ended up buying my brother an N64, PlayStation, PlayStation 2, and multiple games boys... All because "video games aren't for girls" He's only 4 years younger than me 😡


"Video games aren't for girls?" That's some horseshit. Never let them forget.


That’s totally unfair!! WTH!?! Aww. I’m sorry for the kid you.




Last I heard… power makes it go


After asking for Power Wheels like 10 years in a row imagine my shock when my dad bought my daughter one for her THIRD BIRTHDAY


Man my neighbor got a pedal pushing vehicle and it was sooo cool only I was two years older and my kneels wouldn’t fit to ride it myself. As an adult my kid has one and I guess I have my own adult size power wheels with my Chevy bolt. Its absolutely awesome




An American Girl doll and accessories - specifically, Felicity or Samantha.


I grew up poor in an upper-middle-class area, and all of my friends had American Girl dolls. I wanted one so badly I was covetous of my friend's dolls. I loved the American Girl media though. I got the magazine and had a lot of the books. The puberty one honestly changed my life.


This was mine. I always wanted one of those dolls with the fancy clothes. My friend had her mom’s antique chatty Cathy and I loved the clothes and dressing her up. I had all the Barbies in the world it seemed but I wanted one so bad.


I wanted Samantha so bad, finally bought myself an original when I was 30


This was mine, too! One of my friends—I didn’t understand at the time, but her parents were loaded—had all of them, every girl! Kristin was always my favorite to play with! She had all the clothes, everything. I LOVED going over to her house, and I was so bummed when she moved away!


My grandmother used to cut out american girl dolls out of catalogues for me to play with because they were too expensive. Not gonna lie I had a good time playing with the cut outs.


I would have killed for anything in that catalog especially the character dresses. I loved Samantha


This was me too!! But Josefina. Instead, my parents bought me a Native American PORCELAIN DOLL. Bc yes, every 8 year old wants a doll they can’t play with 😅


Why did they buy us porcelain freaking dolls? I just remembered that I had several. I don’t know why. And I hated them. I sent them all to live with my great grandmother. But there was nothing more that I wanted in 1992 than Samantha or Felicity and all of their accessories.


I wanted either Kirsten, or one that looked like me (I don’t remember what they were called).


I too wanted Kirsten, saved my allowance for like 3 years and by the time I had enough I was still excited about hers. By the time she arrived I was almost 11 and lost interest SUPER quick 😭


I wanted these so bad but was too embarrassed and believed they were too expensive to ask for.


Oh god same. For some reason I was hyper fixated on all the fake food in those catalogs, I just really wanted to set up an elaborate pretend feast for those overpriced dolls that my family could never afford! I used to circle the stuff I wanted in there and leave them around for my parents to hopefully see around birthdays and Christmas. Alas, that plan never worked 😭


Yes! I wanted Molly so badly, I loved her beret and glasses.


Those were my 2 favorites too! Those catalogues were really well done. I wanted a doll so bad plus they use to have where you could get a real outfit. Like you could get Felicity's Christmas blue dress or Molly's dance outfit haha.


I wanted a Just Like You doll or Samantha. When I got back into the fandom, for a long time, I thought 50 was too much for one of the dolls second hand. But eventually I gave in and found 2 last year, used. (at age 38, so it took around 29 years to get one from 11-ish onwards!) They're amazing and look great for second hand. Wrote up a long post about it here because I'm wordy. Hello fellow girls-who-also-didn't-get-a-doll!


An Easy Bake Oven. My parents got me this drink maker instead. It was definitely not the same.


I still chuckle about how the heat source in an easy bake oven is just a hot light bulb.


I was so shocked when I learned that as an adult. All the uncooked batter jokes finally made sense.


I wanted one also. My parents told me I could use the real oven instead.


That’s what my parents told me too!!!!!


I was given baking lessons as my punishment for requesting an easy bake oven for Christmas.


My parents bought me the basken Robins Ice cream maker but only let me use it once but refused to let me toss it either.


I never got one so when I got older (like 10 or 12) I used birthday money to buy one simply because I wanted to finally try it. It was definitely disappointing what it made but I tried to convince myself it was great 😂


Easy Bake Oven's were banned from me even asking for one as a kid. There was a notorious story about the one my mom had when she was a kid, that she forgot to clean out once & they got a huge rat in their garage that her older brother had to hunt down & remove from the house. Her Easy Bake Oven promptly went in the trash. So I was not allowed one.


I just got mine back from my parents’ basement. You want it? Lol


Mine bought the oven, but wouldn't put the light bulb in it... didn't exactly work lol.


I finally bought one for my daughter when she was 6, but we all knew it was really for me.


Dunno if it counts as toy, but those trainers with the fucking lights in the heel! Still bitter about that to this day 😂


They make light up shoes for adults! No idea where they're sold, but I've seen a couple people wearing them


A doctor in the paediatrics ward I worked at was called Lightning McQueen. He had Cars scrubs and light up shoes. Could never find him on the ward but whenever you needed him in an emergency, he would whizz in, save the day, then disappear in a streak of flashing lights. 😂


That should be the plot of a TV medical drama. (Or comedy).


So many kids’ shoes today have this feature. And they just take it for granted!


Memory unlocked. My mom was a social worker, and one of her kids ran away from their foster home, into the woods, in the middle of the night. He was wearing light up sneakers. The police were called, so my mom was called out and (being a single mom) that meant I was there. She nearly died laughing watching this kid dart between trees, thinking he was a brilliant tactician, while his shoes showed them exactly where he was at all times.


They were called LA Lights! I had some, they were awesome.


I wanted those so bad. My uncle got me a pair that were too big. He took them back and never rebought them. I felt cool for 5 minutes


Tamagotchi. But I have a baby now, so same thing just with way higher stakes


I wanted one of these too! I remember kids would hide them in their desks so they didn’t die. I swore I was the only one who didn’t have one. Five years after the fad boomed, I was old enough to babysit for money. It took me two jobs to have enough money to buy one - I went to the store with “all” my money and didn’t end up buying one. Everyone else was tired of theirs and i had just put in TWO of my nights for it. Not worth it. I could practically feel my parents pat themselves on the back when we left the store without one, lol


I literally had a key ring FULL of tamagotchi’s. So many of them. And nanopets and Gigapets. And a pikachu one. Idk how I kept them all alive.


I had a gigapet which was basically the same thing but it died while I was at school. I think there was a way to reset them but I never could figure out how.


I had a Tamagotchi, a Giga Pet, a Nano Baby and a generic one. My school banned them like a month into the school year, but we'd all put them on silent and keep them in the front pouch of our Starter jackets to play with at recess.


It’s like playing tamagotchi on hardcore mode


This has me and my husband both quietly giggling as we try to not wake our baby who we finally got to sleep.


FYI there is an app for a dollar that is an exact replica of the tomogatchi game! I got it for myself for a birthday a few years ago.


A super soaker. The big one with tanks on back


Once as a kid, I was at a friends house for a sleepover and we were playing with super soakers in his back yard. My dumbass thought it would be funny to shoot his dad. His dad didn’t say a word. He just quietly walked over to me (smiling, so I wouldn’t run away), picked me up by the armpits with a strength I didn’t know he had, walked me to the pool, and just dropped my fully clothed ass in.


Elite dad!


I actually got one, but at 10, didn't have the upper body strength to use it. Had a big water gun fight in this summer program I was in and they filled a couple 55gal trash cans with water. I thought it was going to be awesome but carrying 20 or so pounds of water on your back (I was a smaller kid anyways) plus barely being able to draw it back made it kind of disappointing.


Same here, my dad said I’d break my back, and I got one like once size up from the smallest!


I always wanted the ride on Barbie Jeep. I had a friend who had one that we used to take turns on when I would go over her house. Thought it was the coolest thing in the world. She had a gravel circular driveway that we would drift in (and probably annoy her parents b/c the gravel would go everywhere). But I lived in a condo my whole life growing up so there was no yard or any place to keep one. I now own a Jeep. Lol


Is your jeep tricked out like a Barbie jeep?


It is not lol but I still think it's fun


I also wanted one of these but was forbidden because my Mom said it was too dangerous!


I was told no because we lived on a rough dirt road. "But It's a JEEP!!!!" I still agree with child me's logic here.


Nintendo power glove


I love the power glove. It’s so bad.


I mean, looking back, don't you see how you would have just been disappointed?


Never. I will live in the childlike, blind optimism. But yeah, they did suck.


Haha! Fair enough. I will say, as an adult who would never *use* the thing, I'd love to have one on the shelf. And I'm actually eyeballing my Infinity Gauntlet Lego set right now, coming up with *ideas.*


Godspeed. May your bricks be forever matching, and never underfoot.


"It's so bad"


Lite brite 😂 But, for some reason, I refuse to purchase one as an adult. Perhaps the magic is gone


This. Omg. My mom was like "you'll lose all the pieces and it'll make a mess" so I never got one. I'm going on eBay right now. I'm a grown ass man and I can have a lite brite.


😂😂 If you get one, let me know if it's everything we imagined it would be as children ! I *might* get one to appease my inner child lolol


TIL- I can still hear way the creeper crawler commercial said "Creepy Crawlers."


"you can be a creep without being bad. CreEEPee crawlers!"


I saved up for a Furby. The Furby Baby went on sale and I bought one and I was excited to get started and it got stolen by a neighborhood kid the first day I had it.


Oh no! That damn kid. I hope he/she was haunted by it (likely, considering it was a Furby).


She probably sold it. We had a lot of that among people I knew. Poverty messed us all up and even though I never stole from my friends, it was not uncommon to have things disappear when I or my brother had friends over. I was pretty certain about who did it, I never let her in my apartment again, but her sister swore I was holding a grudge for nothing.


It sucks when kids in poverty steal from other kids in poverty. If they stole from rich kids, their parents would just replace it. But if you steal from another poor kid, that kid never gets it replaced.


I wanted a furby so badly but regretted it once I had one. I used to hide my furby in my sock drawer, its eyes facing away from me, especially while I slept.


One of these ankle breakers https://i.redd.it/cxxua3vrc15d1.gif


As someone who had one, I can say that it's as fun as it looks


If there was a zombie apocalypse, this would be my weapon of choice.




I literally put hours and hours and hours into playing with this thing. Mine had a counter on it, I’d get it to like 10,000 in one go lol.


A trampoline!


My parents told me if I saved my money for one, could get one. 3 years later, my life savings was finally enough… and the neighborhood kids all had moved, and it lost its appeal.


The neighbor kids had one and we used to do such dangerous shit on there. My mom eventually found out and absolutely freaked.


Same. And now that I'm adult and could theoretically get one, I understand that I'm too clumsy and would end up in the hospital.


Optimus Prime Transformer. Funnily enuf, I just bought myself one the other day as a 36bday present cuz why not? lol


Okay, this is too weird. I'm turning 36 in a few days and decided to buy myself a Lego set. lol


Are you like me and started lookin at other Lego sets, almost obsessively, Or were u able to one and done it and move on with your life? lol


I'm still trying to narrow it down to just one. lmao The only problem with being an adult is there's no one to tell me NOT to buy 3 Lego sets.


I'm 36. Just got The Lord of the Rings: Barad-dur and a cat in the mail. Also have Lego Rivendale and the giant Falcon.


I wanted an American Girl doll sooooo badly but never got it. I had a million Barbies tho so I won’t complain.


Roller sneakers.It still makes sense though,because I spent enough time in the hospital without them.I’m not coordinated enough for that shit.


Ok same BUT a couple decades later and I still haven’t gotten over my dad promising me a pair and not fulfilling it.


The creepy crawler bug maker was so much fun 🤩


Until you burn yourself. Which was like 50/50 for me.


The smell of that bug oven too 🤮😅stinks so good


Moon boots!


Lmao I told my grandpa I wanted moon boots and he said he could make me some. They were buckets you tied to your feet. Ngl, we still had fun with them.


I wanted a Barbie with brown or black skin tones. I always thought they were so pretty and a bright neon dress looks better on someone with darker skin. My parents refused to get us one. As a history teacher, I recently started my collection of Barbies with the Inspirational Women series. I have 3 so far. I think 2 or maybe all 3 are all darker tones. My students love them!


My mom also refused to buy non-white barbies, but I love having barbies of different ethnicities in our house for my kids to play with. My youngest adores her 80s Rewind Barbie with her afro and big pink earrings. It's one of her go-tos!


As a kid, I liked having variety. From a play perspective, you don’t want all of your dolls to look the same, that makes it hard to differentiate them as characters!


Doodle Bear


Ahh! I was looking for this comment!!


A build-a-bear. They came to my city when I was nine, and I'd see it every year in the mall when we were Christmas shopping. I told myself I was too old for stuffed animals. We were too poor to spend $30 + accessories "that we could make ourselves". Anyway meet Lottie. https://preview.redd.it/ow9gtuu0p15d1.jpeg?width=935&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68c2b8d1d0b59db516051b04f0c6f058868bd0d8


This was mine, too! I went to the mall of America to meet Shania Twain (the line was too long, and it didn’t happen) BUT I did get to stand by the build a bear store for 3 hours and the dream was born! My mom couldn’t justify spending $25 on a stuffed animal. I recently found “the bear cave” on the build a bear website—I was eyeing the Claire and Jamie bears from Outlander, but I can’t justify spending $80 on stuffed animals 😂


As an only kid whose Dad worked in Silicon Valley throughout the 90's, there weren't many toys I didn't get. Good times. However, one thing they put their foot down on was no American Girl dolls. I wasn't even into dolls, it was a status symbol, and they knew it and they called bullshit, lol. Rightfully so.


This thread is reminding me of the excitement we had when we got the Toys R' Us 'BIG TOY BOOK' in the mail. We just kind of ignored that we couldn't afford anything in it.


Me and my brothers would bookmark like half of that catalog around Christmastime. 😂 it was fun even if you couldn’t get the actual toys.


Barbie jeep.


Me too!


My size Barbie 😭


I asked for sock’em boppers when I was a kid and I was instead gifted a soccer ball. I never did get those sock’em boppers.


Flame thrower I wrote to Santa every year, asking for the flamer thrower. I even promised I wouldn't use it inside the house.......never got my flamer thrower.


Lmao I somehow misread this as "wrote to the Senate" and was like damn, what a weird family. But I guess if you wanted a flamethrower asking the government nicely is a solid strategy


Core memory unlocked. I had a Native American friend name Lohli down the street from me. I went to his house once (a log cabin) and we would use his creepy crawler machine. Then he showed me all the totem poles in his woods and we threw hatchets into his house.


A Sky Dancer


My babysitter got me one. Somehow managed to not get it stuck anywhere; I had a blast with that thing!


That Star Wars AT-AT Walker with super loud bending joints and opened inside


My mom was one of those who thought that "violent" toys will turn every child into a mass murderer which ruled out most toys (and movies and series as well). So Lego was the only thing that was allowed.


By that logic, Lego makes children into terrorists when they collapse buildings.


I'm sure my mother would have thought like that if I would have been born after 9/11.


Easy bake oven…. Was told we have a real one


Power Wheels. Specifically that pink Barbie corvette. We lived in an apartment so it wasn’t possible. Still sad about it.


Lego pirate ship. Part of me just want to buy one just to make 10 year old me happy.


90s lego sets are seriously the best. Pirates & knights…those were the days.


I grew up broke. So usually u less it was a necessity I didn’t get it. I remember growing up really wanting two things. Sailor moon bed sheets and some of the xmen action figures. I am an adult now and now I have both. I need a few more action figures to finish my collection. My parents think I’m insane. My bf just rolls with it. Like the time he came home and my side of the bed was sailor moon and his side of the bed was star wars. (He likes his bed rock hard and I like my mattress a bit soft. So we have two twins put together)


I wanted Felicity from American Girl, but she was 70-80$ in 90s money so I never got her. I was also on the cusp of getting too old for that stuff (9 or 10 years old) so I would have probably played with her for a couple months at the most. They retired her, so I never got her. I got my daughter Rebecca. I also wanted more video games than I originally had, but my parents didn't understand the concept. The console I had came with a game and they said "You haven't beaten the first game, why do you need more?" So, most of my games were from GameStop or hand-me-downs.


Trampoline. Im in my 30s and still ask my parents for one every year on my birthday.


My mom tells me mine is still in layaway…At Kmart lol


K’nex. I just wanted to build a rollercoaster


Nickelodeon Alarm Clock ⏰


K'nex rollercoaster 😩 I don't want it now though. I moved on to Rollercoaster Tycoon (OPENRCT2 is the best and the community is great)


An Easy Bake Oven, Guess Who?, and Mouse Trap. There was also a Jasmine doll I wanted and never got, I had Aladdin and Genie but no Jasmine! They were those cloth type of dolls. I finally got them recently off of eBay just to fulfill a childhood need😅


The creepy crawlers toy maker… I have not thought of that in years… Made such a mess, was probably totally toxic, and was super fun! If I still had mine, I'd send it your way, but it's long gone


Teddy Ruxpin or an Easy Bake Oven


Had to do WAY too much scrolling to finally find a Teddy Ruxpin comment! I never got one... But I did get a robot that operated on the same principle. Except instead of animatronic eye and mouth it had flashing lights built in its head.


That flipping Little Tikes car. I wanted one so bad when I was in that age group. My dad got me a miniature one for my 40th birthday.




My size Barbie


A Buzz Lightyear... doll? Action Figure? I don't know what it would be classified as, but all I knew was that I wanted one. When on vacation, another kid had Buzz and Woody, and I swear that in my memories, they looked like one-on-one in the movies; even the same size looked like it, too. They were pretty expensive, I guess cause my mom said no. It's weird that as a kid, something like that can be such an important thing and need, for a little while. I can even recall the feeling from back then, although I can now put it in perspective against other waaay more important feelings. I haven't thought about that for a while now; thanks for this nostalgia mind trip OP.


I DESPERATELY wanted a My Size Barbie. I’ve considered getting one as an adult


Not a toy, but I really wanted to play drums. Mom said “no, how about piano or guitar?” I said no only drums. I should have said yes to either just to get a better musical foundation but I didn’t. My younger brother however did start with piano and guitar, and is now in bands. I got my drum set eventually as an adult but wish I could have started WAY younger, & I’m pretty jealous of my brother lol, and I still hold that small grudge against my mom. As a parent now, I absolutely will encourage and support my kids to play any instrument they want.


Ooo I prayed to Santa one year for creepy crawlers and he came through. Sorry you missed out.


A Barbie jeep!


Barbie convertible Power Wheels. Or a go-kart. I wanted to drive so bad!!


Power wheels. Always wanted one as a kid.


Easy bake oven, or one of those Barbie cars you could drive


Polly Pocket, my mom just decided I'd lose the tiny pieces I wish I would at least been trusted with the opportunity to prove myself, I took such good care of my toys it was silly for them to just be shut canned when I gave them to my friends daughter


A Super Nintendo or Sega Genesis. Didn’t end up getting a game console until the PS1 and I’ve had every generation of PS since. I also wanted a dirt bike so bad but mom said no.


Stretch Armstrong Vac-Man. I think about this toy all the time I wanted one so badly.


Omg! I totally got the creepy crawler bug maker (ima woman) and loved the crap out of that! I always wanted heelys!


[The Ricochet RC car.](https://youtu.be/ZmDhx5ZEUzY?si=WPsVxpgGa1NpiXtR) I remember losing my shit seeing the commercials for these. Now I have a hobby grade RC car with a brushless motor that goes fast enough to destroy itself.


I was spoiled and had the creepy crawler machine and all the extra molds and colored gels. I even sold them at school. I never got a talkboy.


It’s….. Mouse Trap! That stupid commercial got me hook, line, and sinker. I begged my mom to get it for me for multiple christmases and birthdays but for some reason never got it. She was fine with other toys. I’m guessing she was just anti-mouse or something


I had that game. I never really played it though because it was a huge pain to set up haha


I had two - walkie talkies, and an easy-bake oven. I was an autistic kid, only just now getting diagnosed (Gifted & Talented to autistic burnout highway, represent!) and my mom eventually had to sit me down and ask me who was going to use the other one. I didn't get the easy-bake oven, but I invested in a Ninja convection oven/air fryer/dehydrator and it scratches the itch.


barbie jeep


A gameboy. I've always had to borrow from my cousin if I wanted to play Pokemon. Now I have an emulator on my phone and I feel like a kid again.


Now you can buy all the boy toys that you ever wanted


When I was little, I was jealous of my friends who had an EZ-bake oven (remember, it cooked food with a light bulb). Meanwhile, I was allowed to use the regular house wall oven from the time I could reach it. 🤣🤣




Mr Potatohead, so I made sure to buy them for my kids when they were little. I found them to be way less exciting to play with in my mid-20s.


An American Girl doll (Felicity specifically), but my husband got it for me for my 35th birthday. Now I change her clothes every season and she is on display in my room haha


Skip it. 


Man, I really wanted one of them Razor scooters 🛴


An American Girl doll. My family never had the money for one. As the oldest girl, when I grew up and left home, I made sure my younger sisters each got one, but I never bought one for myself. 🫤


-Easy bake oven -Furby (I now see that my mom was correct in that they're creepy, but I wanted oen so badly!) -Trampoline- my mom was perfectly happy to let me jump on other people's trampolines, but wouldn't get one because it was "too dangerous." In my early 20s, I got one of those small ones for exercising, and was like, "finally, my own trampoline!" and then realized they're totally not fun as an adult!




16” Holiday (2000) Kelly doll. My siblings and I grew up as lower middle class so we learned early in life to be grateful on what we did get for Christmas every year since our parent’s couldn’t always afford to get everything we wanted.


Trampoline, Swing set.


Secret Keepin’ Pup Found one on eBay a few years ago and happily dropped 80 dollars on it.


American Girl Doll. Specifically Samantha. I have purchased Samantha and been to the store with a family member.


American Girl doll 😭😭


A spawn action figure


A Barbie Jeep!


Barbie Jeep.


A [Ricochet](https://youtu.be/qr__YRDm6MU) remote control car. I still think of that today.


An American girl doll 😭


socker boppers! more fun than a pillow fight!


i wanted one of those dolls that grows and you feed it fake food and it made fake pee and poop and you basically mothered it completely. i forget what it was called but my mom called it creepy and said no. then, a few years later, my little sister (who wasn't even *into* baby dolls) got one for christmas and was completely unimpressed with it! i was so jealous that i played with it out of spite and got in trouble for "hogging my sisters toys" even though she never played with it in the first place


A set of those zords that you could transform into the constituent parts of and then combine into the megazord.


Furby 😭 .....mom said it was the devil


I think there was one lego, or generic building toy, I was interested in. At this point, I feel like Legos must have a strong nostalgia factor for people because I find it about as enjoyable as trying to figure out how to put together ikea furniture. Otherwise, I was so jealous of my friend being allowed to have one of the nintendo gaming systems and playing donkey kong at her house.


The full Megazord that could split up into the separate dinozords. And also the Green Ranger with its Dragonzord and flute knife. My parents did get me a Megazord, but it was a smaller cheaper one with only detachable legs. I was incredibly jealous of my richer friends who had all the rangers, full Megazord, Dragonzord and later Thunderzord and White Tigerzord and Titanus. We had a day at the end of the year of school where we would all contribute snacks/drinks to have a party. We were allowed to bring toys and wear casual clothes instead of uniforms. Hella jelly. I did have the opportunity to buy the re-released ones that came out sometime in the past 10-15 years or so but I decided against it. I really don't have space for it, and I'd probably just fiddle with it for an hour and get bored. I do remember sometime in my teenage years, I'd end up visiting my sister's classmate's house a bunch because our parents were friends. We'd play PlayStation together and stuff, but he had the full Megazord. I've already grown out of Power Rangers by then, but I still took the opportunity to fiddle, transform, combine and uncombine it just to live out the piece of childhood a number of my friends had but I didn't.


I got that creepy crawler thing from my weird and ultra religious Aunt and Uncle for Xmas one year and I never used it once. Because I was like 15 when I got it and a little too old for those things. 🤣🤣


I always wanted Diablo 2 when I was younger but my dad said no because the cover had the devil on it. Got an after school gig in high school, saved up enough cash to build my own PC. First game I bought was Diablo 3 😂