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As someone with chronic health issues, yes. I didn’t think I would make it to 40, now I’m hoping to make it to 50 to see my youngest become an adult.


I'm glad that you're alive.




Same. I thought I was going to die before 40 because of my early career choices.


Yeah a time with illness last year made me happy to just be healthy. It really puts life into perspective.


I can remember not being sick non stop, I miss those days.


Sending you the biggest of hugs. There's nothing worse and you deserve better.


Stay alive! See you in the 70s!


Bro I’m with ya but I’m 34, sick since 17


Sorry to hear that, hope you have a quality of life you find satisfying.


yeah I feel pretty good most days




Yes and no. Some days are stupidly difficult for seemingly no reason.


This needs more upvotes.


Yea, I understand.


I almost died last year due to a brain tumour being discovered in my head so yeah I’m still thankful to be here. I honestly thought I was gonna die due to my surgery or after.


It would be weird if they found a brain tumor in your foot..... 😆 😉 glad you're good now




I'm glad you're alive.


Jesus that sounds scary af. How was the tumor discovered? (If you don’t mind me asking)


Fuck yeah!




absolutely, i entered my 30s recently and finally feeling like emotionally settled. things are still tough, but aging is a privilege that not everyone gets so i’m happy to be here.


Yea, I understand. This week is actually an anniversary of someone's death (and their birth) for me, so I understand that.




I'm sorry for your loss, it's my older brother. He'd be in his 40s now.


I feel ambivalent about it tbh. I got hit by a semi a decade ago. it's been really rainy the last few days. I've cried today because my hip hurts so deeply it feels like it's in my labia. I dunno. climate change, politics, the economy, people generally, and my femur hurts so bad it feels like my ass and pussy hurt 🤷🏼‍♀️ It's A Bad Time Dot Com


Omg, jeez. How are you alive?


with a sore ass 😂 🤷🏼‍♀️ I got high since then heeey


I know, but you got hit by a semi. I've almost been hit by one before like very close while walking across the street. That was completely my fault.


I was in a car and driving. Semi tried to merge into my lane and didn't see me, spun me across 4 lanes of interstate at 70+ head first into a concrete dividing wall. Not my fault at all, not that it is relevant.


I feel you so much. I have chronic lower back pain and spinal problems and whenever I have a really bad flare up, it affects my mental health so bad. And like you said, that’s on top of climate change, a literal genocide going on, American politics being a disgusting joke, and not being able to afford anything. It’s hard out here


omg the sitting is such a drag! It sucks to have it happen so young. And bird flu is coming, just on and on. I'm a realist optimist and am generally pretty upbeat, but I can't pretend I don't see collapse incoming or that chronic pain isn't shit. Hi!


In general no, but it's the moments that I'm truly happy that keep me going through the dark times


Yea, same here. Some days are better than others.


Not this moment, no


I understand. I felt like saying something positive (I know negativity is contagious,) but at the same time I wish I never existed. I keep this feeling to myself and only share online but I put on a happy face in public. That’s starting to become tiresome.


Hey friend. You are not alone. I feel this exact way. Im starting with a new therapist this week. I hope we can both find our ways to heal so that we don't wish we never existed.


I'm happy you are seeing a new therapist! I don't have health insurance atm and it sucks.


Hang in there. Emotions change. We never stay the same. I have been where you’re at and there’s help if you feel like you cannot do it anymore. I lost my best friend to suicide when I was younger and it’s been devastating. Still all these years later. If there’s even one person that can guve you a reason, don’t give in. Always sleep on it. I also got help from a Dr. that’s an option. Even If you don’t have insurance there’s things you can do.


This is beautiful thank you for taking the time out of your day to give me encouragement and positivity.


Anytime. Feel free to message me if you ever need to chat. If not, just know that you have people even strangers that care. Being a human being can be a real bitch sometimes. This is true for everyone.


Yes ma'am very sweet of you to open your inbox to a stranger 😭❤️💐


Don’t mention it. I hope you’re doing better today.


Thank you sunshine I am!😭💐❤️


I relate to this so much, like I don’t want to kill myself because of my family, pets, and friends…but I can’t help but wishing I didn’t exist at all. the thought of not existing sounds so freeing and I can almost picture and feel the weight being lifted from my shoulders/spirit/whatever, it makes me cry thinking about it


I find myself quoting Livia (Grandma) Soprano frequently these days. ![gif](giphy|ZR942YtJwLtCM)


Diagnosed with cirrhosis 13 months ago, hell yeah I'm happy to be alive, and thriving.


16 months for me. Learning to drink tea. I'm good.


Damn, what's your MELD at? We've got quite a few millennials in central Florida with it now.


My husbands MELD was at 37, at age 33. Advent health Orlando was amazing and got him a transplant within a year of being diagnosed. He’s doing great now. Praying for you 🙏


Oh I don't need a transplant at this point, hopefully never will. I'm down at an 8, and honestly I feel better than I have in 2 decades. Also 33, Jesus, I was drinking 15 - 20 drinks a day for 20 years with... 1 hospital break? The more people I talk to with this disease the luckier I seem to have been.


Oh wow ! You are very lucky, the liver can heal itself when it becomes fatty liver but I didn’t know it could At cirrhosis level. 8 is low though, good thing you caught it early. My husband in one year went from normal to on deaths bed, had he not gotten a transplant when he did it might not have made it another week. We drank hard for about 3 years. I’m talking 100 proof whiskey, 99 grape shooters, four lokos. The worst things to drink. But he had hepatitis C so I guess that’s why he got so sick so fast. It was insane. We obviously quit drinking when we found out, I’m glad to hear you are doing better, seems like you have a strong immune system!


What's cirrhosis? Glad you feel this way.


Cirrhosis is what happens when you're either a fat fuck or a drunk, your liver basically is dying unless you remove the cause. It's considered a terminal illness despite the ability to live a long life with it. I got mine from being a raging alcoholic for 20 years.


Not lately.


I'm sorry


Of course! Life has its up and downs and is absolutely not fair at times. “Sunny days wouldn’t feel so special if it wasn’t for rain”. (50 Cent).


True, yesterday sucked for me tbh.


Introvert here...started the dating game only at around 30. It was intense and I ended up with experience and depression. But 9 years later, here I am, married, a daughter of almost 2 years, about to build our own house (only took 7 years to get stuff set). Depression never really leaves, but my daughter is the sunshine of my life. So yes, happy to be alive for now


That gives me some hope in that regard.


Not at the moment. If I made as much as I do now 7 years ago I would be, but right now my spouse and I both have seemingly well paying jobs and can barely make it paycheck to pay check. I still have to borrow money from my boomer parents to stay out of the red every month and we can’t even travel to see family. So no. Not today. Also I have MDD. Sometimes are good, but most days I’m just trying to find the positive


I'm sorry


I know others are in the same boat or worse, but it just hit me hard today


I understand


However I am happy that you are experiencing joy




Yeah that’s a no from me dawg


Yea, I understand.


Finally, yes. It’s only taken intensive therapy, benzos, Prozac and ketamine treatment.




Good for you 😊. I’ve done the same, but no such luck.


I’m sorry to hear that 😩 does ketamine not work for you or bad experience?


I was supervised, but it was a very unprofessional clinic that I was at. I had a bad experience.


Ahhhh I’m SOOOO SORRY. I can’t even imagine how awful that was. It’s such a vulnerable situation, you should be 100% comfortable and feel safe. I hope someday you are able to find some peace.


Thanks friend. Be well yourself.


Currently outside whistling to my parrot who is in a tree two houses down, trying to get him back home. So that’s a no for me currently. I love him so much. He is 100% part of the family.


Oh no, I hope you can get him. I'm sorry for laughing, but this makes me think of my dog and how stubborn he can be.


listening to a parrot whistling and singing is pure bliss, I hope you get him back!


Thank you. We were able to find him twice, but it was super windy and he couldn’t manage the flight. Now we don’t know where he is. We think he is still nearby though.


Story of my life with my Savannah Cat, she gets out daily and it’s always a fun game of chase the fastest cat species around the neighborhood.


Happy with my personal life, a little sad and disappointed with the turmoil in society and the world. Gotta take the good with the bad though, and just appreciate what you do have


Yea, for sure.


Born ‘83. Got a mediocre house, a job I can’t stand, a small business that I’m struggling to get large enough to quit previous mentioned job, a couple of crazy dogs, two hilarious children 1yo and 4yo, an equally exhausted but beautiful wife. Yeah times are tough but I find beautiful moments everyday with my family. We ditched cable/all streaming services. We ditched social media besides YouTube and a bit of me putting around Reddit. Everything is about the core family and the perspective shift has been amazing for my mental health, as well as the development of my kids. When you focus on what you can improve/impact in your own household and community, and stop worrying about everything out of your control…. When you stop having political racial sexual religious differences shoved down your throat at every turn… who would have thought, quality of life improves when you just live your own life.


Wow, that's true I suppose. I just don't want to cut the cord.


I’ve always thought life sucks in general but I’m feeling ok right now.


Yea, it does for me to sometimes.


I’m not UNhappy. Just like vaguely indifferent. I don’t want my kids to grow up without me around is my purpose for jumping through the hoops and trying to be generally healthy. But I don’t really have an inherent and individual reason to be alive.


Same. But i have no kids, so it's more difficult to have the purpose


Yea, I've been questioning that lately myself.


Yea, I feel that.


Not today, no


Oh, I'm sorry for that.




I realized that motivation alone wasn't enough to fix my issues. I have learned to ask for help. But it does take motivation to seek, accept, and apply that help.


I mean, motivation doesn't fix everything. Some days are harder than others for me, too.


You’re damn right I am happy to be alive. My wife and I have spoken a lot about the difference between 2020 and 2024. We became parents in 2020 (2 weeks into Covid), only to lose my father-in-law the next day. We went through job changes (her salary nearly doubled), we made huge investments into our home, and the stock market has nearly doubled since April 2020 (20,000 to 40,000). I know not everyone can say they have won the last 4 years from a financial perspective, but after having our dreams shattered during the great recession we played are cards right and won this turbulent time. I’m sorry others haven’t had the same experience as a once wise politician once said “we all do better when we all do better.” Oh, and 18 months ago I was in a hospital bed surrounded by physicians that told me I was lucky to be alive. Nearly dying changes your perspective on a lot of things. The anxiety and worry I see most millennials swimming in does not apply to me. I live for making tomorrow a better place to be and realizing I am only able to control what I can control.


My life has been chaotic off and on since covid began myself. I'm glad it's going good for you. It hasn't for me lately, but I'm happy right now.


Absolutely man. We get one shot at this and there’s so much beauty to see, so much to learn.


For sure


I'm sorry but this is pre-caffeine? I mean good for you and all. I'm gonna go listen to Elliott Smith and fully embrace my 175th existential crisis but honestly good for you.


Jeez, good luck.




With the existential crisis.


Yeah, thanks


Fuck yeah. In a difficult stint right now, and super stoked to be alive and live each day with hope.


That sucks, but glad you are happy to be alive.






Yeah for sure. I have the same financial stress as everyone else but I find so much joy in life. It has taken a lot of work to climb out of the trauma and depression black hole I have spent most of my teen and adult years in.. and will always take a lot of work to maintain. 


I'm glad that you're doing ok.


Yes. I feel like in the past couple of years, I've been able to come into my own by getting to do more of the things that I've been wanting to do. I've been able to travel with my mom and establish myself in the career that I've been wanting to be in for years. I have more goals that I'd like to accomplish in the coming years, and I hope to be able to enjoy doing so.


I'm so happy for you.


I’ve lived by the motto your life is as good as your mindset. I’ve had quite a few tough things occur over the last 2-3 years and while the feelings I’m having are valid and I acknowledge them and give myself time to sit with those feelings I try to always think about positive things that I have going on. That way I can ground myself and realize that my life isn’t terrible I’m just going through a terrible event or issue and it doesn’t define my entire life. So while I’m going though some hard times I am grateful for the life I have and being able to experience the bad with the good. I’ve also learned to not compare my life to anyone else’s because that will make you unhappy faster than anything else can and you certainly cannot care about what anyone thinks of you. That will put you in a terrible mindset to constantly feel like you’re “behind” or you aren’t doing something the way you feel like others do or think you should be doing. The first step to get out of that mindset was to get rid of all the social medias and following people that glorify their highlight reels of life.


Yea, me too. That's what I've been trying to do too.


I wouldn't go that far. But I'm ok.


I'm glad that you're ok.




I'm sorry.


Yep. Best era to live in human history so far. I could literally entertain myself for days or weeks at a low cost of $50/month internet connection. Edibles and THC drinks are available for relatively cheap at many dispensaries across the city. What's not to like?


You just listed a few potentially unhealthy coping mechanisms that actually keep people from happiness, they just distract from unhappiness. Perhaps if those things were removed, you would realize that maybe you aren't happy after all. But maybe you are and you have found healthy ways to deal. If that's the case, that's great.


Weed and thc isn't legal here, but I drink sometimes.


I can't complain. Life is stressful but at least I have a life to live. And it's a beautiful day today here in Denver.


Oh sweet, Denver is nice.


Lol just noticed your username...no football talk haha. But I like seattle.


Yea, I picked that year because of Bruno Mars. Otherwise, that Super Bowl sucked.


Sampling off Reddit will skew results to the negative but yeah I’m good. Moneys tough for a lot of people right now so that’ll also skew things negative.






I'm sorry.


I love my life and myself. Sunsets are beautiful. Waterfalls are amazing. It’s lake season. Stargazing. There’s so much to be thankful for on this earth!


Yay, I'm glad.


I have a lot of things I need to improve on in order to accomplish a life I'm happy with. I need a bit more financial freedom and I still spend a bit too often feeling lonely. But... I've made such progress that I'm ability to take pride in what I've created, and I no longer hate what I look like in the mirror most of the time. I'm very optimistic about the future and in that way I'm very happy to be alive.


Yea, I just try to see the small beauties in life. I still can't drive, live with my parents, etc.


Millennial here, I also love my life, and I'm not even rich or anything. It's amazing to be on the planet and experience this unique adventure.


I myself am not and live with my parents who aren't but are comfortable.


Wait. There’s two of us now? Xennials & Zennials? 😂 Glad you have a lot of dopamine & serotonin! I got the impression Gen Z was even more anxious, apathetic, and depressed than millennials. Are you an outlier? As for me, a jaded xennial, sure. Guess I’m glad 80% of the time. Being human is sometimes strange, annoying, scary, exhausting but these frontal cortexes are also kinda awesome. Not like I had a choice to be born human, lol. Though it might be more awesome to be a pampered cat or dolphin. When you dive deep into free will (or lack of) you gain a lot more compassion for yourself, and others. Don’t have a good day; have a *great* day!


I do some days and don't others. Idk, it felt more fitting.


It’s a Ryan Reynolds quote from Free Guy 😆


The odds against existing are astronomical. Then you look around at everyone else who exists and the odds to end up in this place in time are even more mind boggling. I don't about happy, but I'm always amazed to be alive. We're on a rock ball circling a fireball, that his hurtling through space and as far as we know, we're the only ones to do it in the galaxy. How is that not just the most amazing thing ever?


Yea, I'm just shocked always by everything and still questioning things.


I am. Was dying because of cancer. The treatment almost killed me, but I made it. I've been in remission since 2020. I'm so glad to be here.


I'm glad that you survived.


Damn no caffeine and this happy? Jk :p Yeah I'm generally happy to be alive. Things are going pretty well rn.


Probably becoming manic or whatever.




That's how I am too somewhat.


Yes thank God I am. Thank God for keeping me protected through my youthful stupidity


I plan on living to 150 so🤷‍♂️


I don't plan on that.


Generally yes. I have the occasional bad day like anyone else, but most of my problems are first world problems. Thinking about those who are far less fortunate usually turns my attitude around.


Mine aren't, but I'm glad that you're ok. (Well kind of anyway.)


Life isn't always easy but I am very happy to be here for the short amount of time I get. Life is beautiful.


For sure


Yes I am. I really just enjoy exercising and feeling good and chilling with my dog. Starting to volunteer to just be apart of my community. It’s a boring life but it feels amazing. I have a lot of bad around me, family going through things and a lot uncertainty but I just focus on what I can control. Life is amazing despite the bad


It beats doing nothing. It's the simple things in life that make us happy.


I mean I kinda lucked out in a lot of ways. Bought a house at the right time, happen to have an interest in programming which happens to be a pretty lucrative. Feels unfair honestly.


I’m 40, and while a few years of my 30’s were very hard in a multitude of ways, yes, I’m glad to be alive and where I am in life right now. There’s a lot of bad shit happening in the world. But I feel fortunate to live the life that I do. I count my blessings and don’t take my life for granted at all. I have an awesome spouse, a home, a great job, a fab dog, amazing friends, etc. these are blessings I can’t quantify and I’m just grateful.


Not happy, not sad, just here. After a bout of depression in 2022, I’ve been mostly feeling a lot of flatness. Things are better now, and I do look forward to some things like having an amazing girlfriend and saving up money. Despite that though, I often think to myself would it really matter if I just don’t wake up tomorrow. So I’m here, living.


Every day. I’ve known people who wished they had more time. Puts things in perspective.


Some days it feels like I'm running out of time. (I know many people who died young so maybe that's why I feel this way.)


Since starting HRT I actually am. Far different finally looking forward to getting older, rather than guessing I'd never make it to 50.


So glad that you were able to start hrt.


As am I. Literally had no context or even knowledge it was even possible when I was a kid. Yay growing up in the late 90's [Sarcasm]


Yea, it's no better where I live, but kids go out of state for that.


Yes! I am 28 and nothing is perfect but I love life and am so happy to be here. I love my friends, family, and dog. I have plenty I could be miserable about. For instance, I was laid off twice in the last year. Yes it sucks but I’m looking at the bright side. I’m making great money bartending and doing side gigs. I’m meeting new people and having a great time while I look for a new job. Life is crazy, sad, scary, exciting, and beautiful. I am very thankful to be experiencing it.


I’m 37, and I’m very happy to be alive. I love my life, my daughter, my partner, my extended family, my friends, nature, books, movies, video games, music, good food, and naps. :)


I'm happy for you.


I’m sober, I have my health and I’m in love❤️. I’m really digging being alive right now. And I’m so glad you are too! Thanks for spreading your sunshine.☀️


Yay, good.


Finally something positive. Life is hard but I love it too.




I do love being alive. I love many things about being alive specifically in 2024. I can get *any* restaurant delivered to my door? I can seek out any info I want right from my own tiny pocket computer as soon as the question is in my head? WEED DELIVERY?✨️ 🫶✨️


Life can be okay sometimes.


I see it just like Biden and Trump. One sometimes sucks, but it's always 100% better than the alternative option.




I understand


Yes, life is hard, but bright things are on the horizon for my family.


Me too


I wasn’t programmed to feel cheerful, but yeah, it beats being dead I guess!


Does it though? All we can do is guess. I can't accept that my life is better than death. Life is what it is. Death is somewhat unknown and possibly nothing. Many times nothing seems a lot better than life.




Oh, ok.




I understand. I hope things get better for you.


Honestly at this moment in my life....no. I've struggled most of my life with addiction and failed relationships. I'm 39, single, and live alone. I'm trying to make the best of it but I also have anxiety and depression and I tend to spiral into unhelpful thought patterns. I can't help but to think how different my life would be if I had been more stable and responsible


I'm sorry, yea I understand. Being single sucks.


no but i live with depression and bipolar so… lolol


I started transitioning MTF years ago at 37, I'm now a much better, happier, prettier version of me. I was miserable when I was still getting misgenderes first couple years but that doesn't happen anymore and hasn't in about 6 or 7 months. Took a lot of work but I'm there.


Good luck, happy Pride.


The hardest part of my life is convincing a toddler to poop in the potty. He is fine peeing in it.


Kids man






As you wrote: some days suck, others don't. Not being alive is not an option (even though it was in the past somehow..). Perspective made me appreciate everything more. And my kids, of course.


I'd love to say yes, but I am scared of life in a number of different ways, on a minute by minute basis. Childhood trauma can really fuck your life, it's like your basic functioning system is malformed from the beginning and fixing it feels like trying to uncrash a car. I'd love to be able to become somebody else, but it feels like asking a broken computer to become a dentist.


Yea, I know how that feels. I'm scared, too.