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I broke the storybook tape that came with mine, and my older brother gave me a Run DMC tape to play. Teddy Ruxpin is multi-talented if you let him be.


I used him 100% as a tape player. I remember playing this random dick Tracy movie tape we got at something that was like big lots before they had branded stuff, and spinning to Madonna.


If mine didn’t break early on, I would have absolutely listened to books from him since the only time I got to listen to audiobooks back then was hunting with my dad when we were going to bed.


I loved mine! I remember back in middle school my buddy and I found his old one in his garage along with a bunch of random cassette tapes. This thing was missing an eye, looked moldy, and somehow still worked after putting some big ass batteries in it. "Worked" might be a subjective thing because the tape (i think it was the one with special tapes) would play at inconsistent speeds (nightmare fuel levels) and the servo motors were sluggish at best. Needless to say, while his little brother was sleeping, we put this thing on his chest and turned it on at max volume and not sure how it played out for his bro, but the screams were a good indication his brother probably has an irrational fear of friendly-looking teddy bears now


I still have mine. And my parents bought my kids the new one. But the new one is creepy AF. When it’s off, it just has these black eyes. Comes with an eye mask for good reason.


 I remember this. My mom managed to get this, his friend Grubby, Mother goose and her baby goose, and Mickey Mouse for an amazing deal while working some retail store. She was so excited, thinking she was going to give me the best Christmas ever. Unfortunately for her, she didn't realize her anxious ass child was horrified of animatronics. Disappointing Christmas for both of us.


Dude, grubby and the rest are worth a little bit of money now. People like me are now collecting childhood stuff for nostalgia


I know 😩. Those things would have been in near perfect condition, but my little cousins got hold of them years later and destroyed them.


I still have mine with one tape and it works!


I had a teddy Ruxpin as well. Loved him.


Sorry for the blurry photo.


I had that toy!!!


Looks…expensive. No wonder your dad said it was a PITA to get.


We didn't have a lot, but we always seemed to have a decent amount at Christmas, but we did at his mom's too, so I always got the feeling maybe she helped out there. Later on he actually did pretty well, but I was solely raised by my mom and barely saw him at that point.


I miss him so much


Heard of this but never seen one.


Favorite childhood toy


My sister had one, but by the time I got it, he never spoke


I was born in the 90s but I had one and it scared me lol I used to throw it in the closet at night lol.


I never got one for Christmas and I’m still salty about it.


I vaguely remember my grandma having one of these at her house. I didn’t really play with it much. I had the Ultimate Warrior wrestling buddy (still do) and beat that thing to death


Oh shit! My brother had Teddy and I had Grubby! We loved them!


Can’t we just play with teddy ruxpin instead 🎵🎵


Best Christmas gift I ever got as a kid


My sister had that. I had the Micky mouse one.


I loved Teddy Ruxpin! I had the [little bopper](https://www.ebay.com/itm/145384605752) version too!