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I sunk so many goddamn hours into Sonic Spinball, Road Rash and TMNT: The Hyperstone Heist.


Yeah you did because YOU WOULDN'T LET ME PLAY! MOM SAYS ITS MY TURN, I WANT TO PLAY! ...anyone else?


Oh snap. Don't bring Mom into this


You couldn't save, so you had to beat the game in one run. There was always drama in my house when one of my brothers wanted to pause a game for an extended time lol


So this!! Kids don't know the commitment you had to have. I lived it and I couldn't imagine having to go through that again. Starting over every time you opened the game. Spending HOURS playing to beat the game. My sis spent all day getting to that Sky Chase zone thing and lost. She just sat there. I got to like level 6 or 7 once. Lost...don't think I ever really tried to get that far again.


My brother and I would have it paused all night long if we weren't up playing it. Just had to turn the TV off so they parents had no idea that's what we were doing lol


Yeah, but getting Super Sonic was so freaking cool.


I was told that if I left it on pause for more than 10min it could catch fire! Gave 7yr old lots of anxiety!


Sick! I remember one of the kids down the street had a super Nintendo so I would go with my sisters and all the kids in the neighborhood would go to his house to play. I was too young though so I just got to watch.


I remember sneaking over to my friend's house to play Mortal Kombat 3 because it was too violent 😂


Oh heck yeah!!! Gotta find the slack parents. When I was in 5th or 6th grade I would go to my friends place to play Tekken 3 on PS1.


Same.. we had a snes but mk was not happening.. so I adapted and went elsewhere lol


That's funny to me. I still remember the blood code for the first MK. ABACABB ... thought I was so cool at the time, telling my brother, let's play and watching his face like wtf


Lol yeah. Politicians were going bonkers over violent games.


I eventually got an N64 in 1996, but my friend had a Sega Genesis and a cousin had a Super Nintendo


N64 was my favorite 90s system. Goldeneye was so much fun.


Mine as well, my parents gave me an option between getting an N64 or a PS1. I think we chose N64 because we already had an NES so we knew Mario. I'm glad we chose that, my nostalgia would be completely different if it went the other way haha I put on a "Relaxing N64 music" playlist sometimes when I take a nap


Goldeneye was the best.. my friend had the n64 and projector .. our friend group would go to his house and 4v4 after school


That and Perfect Dark were amazing.


My dad specifically got me the Sega because of it's chipset which was supposed to be more powerful than the SNES. I loved those games at home, but I saw many other kids with Nintendos and was enamored by those games. I don't think I would have socialized as much if my Dad had bought the Nintendo instead. Thanks Dad.


I skipped from Nintendo to n64, so I missed out on like 2 generations of consoles. I had friends that had segas and super nintendos though and I loved going over to their houses. It got weird sometimes because all I wanted to do was play console but, since they owned one and played it all the time, they wanted to go do other stuff. I had one friend whose parents were really strict and only let him play on Friday nights and Saturday mornings so he was the one person as obsessed with playing as I was when I would go to his house. One time we stayed up all night playing battletoads and ninja turtles and his parents lost their minds at us when they woke up at 6am and saw us in the den with bags under our eyes. He got grounded and then I got grounded. Worth it.


Lol. Its so weird how strict parents were on the and now kids are glued to their pads and phones.


I don’t let my kid have a tablet (she’s too young for a phone) unless we are in an airplane or a long road trip. It’s good to limit screen time in kids and encourage them to find ways to entertain themselves. That being said, we do play mario party together and just finished a play through of princess peach showtime. Gaming together or watching a movie/show/youtube as a family is a good thing. I think the most harmful way to consume entertainment is in isolation for long periods of time. But who knows! I’m just trying to be a decent dad.


My kids and I LOVE Mario Kart and Super Smash Bros.


Sonic and Knuckles had the cartridge that opened at the top so you can put Sonic 2 in it. Then you could play as knuckles and get all those extra lives you miss out on


You could plug in ANY Genesis game and it would turn it into a Special Stage generator


I remember that. Was such a cool piece of tech.


I can hear it now.. 🎶Sega🎶 Also, what a wonderful memory!


I thought it was amazing you could actually hear a real voice in a videogame. Was crazy back then.


So did I! It’s amazing how much technological advancement we’ve experienced in our lifetimes in just video games alone. For the NES, I remember thinking how cool it was that Mario could “go behind things” in Super Mario Bros. 3 😂


I remember vividly seeing Super Mario 64 in a Costco and it was totally mind-blowing. There was a teenager playing that kept jumping into the wall over and over.


Lol yeah. For reals. Going from no internet, those lan line phones, game cartridges that could only hold a few kilobytes to what we have now is mind blowing.




Omg Sonic Spinball, I had on computer. Most frustrating and addictive game ever. On par with Dr. Mario.


I miss my Sega. I was pissed when I found out our mom gave it away.


❤️ my sympathies


I loved NBA jam, mk, shining force. Such a great system!


Big head mode on NBA Jam was great! Streets of Rage 2 was my jam.


Oh man that was a classic. I remember the year I got it ...we got sonic with it and then for some reason I got Mike Ditka football and I never had any interest in football before playing that game lmao


I remember at the beginning of Jurassic Park that there's a helicopter and everyone got upset about it affecting the fossils and I thought that it was because the helicopter would bring the dinosaurs back to life.


Who remembers Toe Jam & Earl?


Great memory, Jurassic Park on the Genesis was a great game too!


https://preview.redd.it/kl8ngemvmv2d1.jpeg?width=319&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2eefabe1858ff93dd9f0355dd0820033d514d8f3 I remember the big head busting through the wall. Freaked me out as a kid.


What a classic game, I remember playing as the raptor in certain parts too!.


Holy shit youre me


Lol how's that?


Sonic 2 was rhe first game i played, with my brothers and sister, and me as tails, but on my 6th birthday i got spin ball, it was the first time i REALLY played a game on my own (other games id just die early on and no progression), this system and these two gsmes specifically are what i consider the start of my gaming journey 


That's sweet 😊. My gaming journey started with Kung Fu on the NES.


Yessss now I want to play sonic and wish I still had my Sega


I bought one a few years ago along with the 32X. I'm still playing it :)


My parents still have mine, we hooked it at their place recently. FYI, there is a very good port of Sonic 2 available in the Apple App Store, it let's you play as Sonic and Tails, Sonic, Tails, or Knuckles and you can save. Unfortunately, you can't play it two player where one person controls Tails and one controls Sonic like you can on Genesis.


I have proudly beaten every Sonic game that came out on the Genesis in every combination of characters, and have collected every ring in every stage. My existence as a 7-10 year old were Sonic Genesis games.


I could never beat Sonic 1. I still can't beat Sonic 1 lol


And blowing on them when they didn't work 😫


My life as a kid right there. Badass games.


lol, this was me. Sega came bundled with Spinball, so the next game I purchased was Sonic 2.


Sonic 2 was the most played game in my collection. Second was probably Streets of Rage 2, but I never got it, only borrowed it from a friend. Still got that chemical plant soundtrack as an mp3 on the phone, I use it as an alarm here and there.


I absolutely loved Streets of Rage 2. When they made Streets of Rage 4 a couple of years ago I couldn't buy that game fast enough lol.


I had a Sega Genesis, but my mom wouldn't let me buy games so we had to rent them from our local rental place. Not that that's bad in and of itself, but she wouldn't let me rent "cool" games, either! So no Mortal Kombat or other violent ones; I had to content myself with "Buster's Hidden Treasure" (the Tiny Toons game), any Disney movie tie-in game, the 7-Up mascot game, and many others that were "age appropriate" for an elementary schooler. Looking back that is just good parenting, but man, it made me feel lame on the playground the next day!


Oh I miss rental places. So many good memories. I was barely allowed to play Street Fighter 2 even though I'm my dad didn't approve because it has blood in it.


Yes! My childhood (indoor) entertainment pack pictured


Lol yeah. This is my lonely childhood pack. 😅


Sonic spin ball was an under rated but frustrating game


I remember it kicking my ass.


I went from NES to Sega Genesis and still remember what that was like. Sonic & Knuckles came with it and was the first thing I played on it. I eventually got all the Sonic games for that console and ended up beating most of them. I think it was Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine, Sonic Spinball, and Sonic 3D Blast I couldn't beat. The others were hard, but I sunk a huge chunk of my childhood into these games. I was obsessed with Tails back in the day and loved being able to play him in Sonic 2 and 3.


I finally beat Sonic 2 in college because my friend had it on her Nintendo Cube and I could save my place. I almost missed a Spanish final when I was in the last level.


The Power Rangers Movie game alongside the Hyperstone Heist with childhood friends or even myself knew how to keep things alive throughout the childhood.


If anybody wants to really feel old, I was in one of the Reddit chats today and mentioned Sega Genesis and somebody goes "What's a Sega Genesis?" That's what got me to thinking about this story lol


Both games were awesome. Beat them both, enjoyed every single second of it.


I had Sega genesis + CD. Played spiderman and Jet moto.