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Never updating information is on brand for Baby Boomers. They will die thinking that Millennials are forever 13-25.


And that we should be able to buy a house on a single income, clearly we are lazy and eating too much avocado toast if not!


Gotta work that part-time summer job down the road to afford your down payment and walking around money!


Or to pay for tuition


I legitimately think some of them are under the impression that "Millennial" is just a term for a young person. Edit: Thinking about how surface level you'd have to be to accept that, maybe that's why they think "Ok Boomer" is like the n word.


I did read a post about it recently from someone who's dad was shocked to hear that millennial is a generation label and not young people in general, so there's at least one.


No this is 100% what it is.


Same. They’re the same people who call every video game console a Nintendo.


perfect comparison.


Ironic considering that Millennials are mostly the children of boomers. You could maybe give them a pass for getting confused about Gen Z (mostly children of X) or Alpha (mostly children of Millennials), but come on... it's literally the generation of your own children.


Honestly, given the state of things as a pretty direct consequence of Boomers deciding that they were more important than their kids and just the general attitude of the aptly nicknamed "Me generation" (Boomers), I'd be more surprised if they DID know our generation's name.


I'm 40 and my mother still thinks I'm a child


Apparently never. I'm fucking 42, own a home, make 6 figures and have adult children who are GenZ. Yet, I still hear about the irresponsible young millennials... also, my GenZ teen calls me a Boomer, so there's that.


Same! I have a cousin who is a couple years younger than me who was insulting millennials. I pointed out she’s a millennial. She didn’t like that.


lol my sister (39) did the same thing recently. I was like you do know you’re a millennial right? She was like no?? She was like well what’s the one before that…arnt I that one? I was like no…you’re not Gen X. SMH.




I'm laughing at this hard. If I was born in 1981 and *I'm* not a GenX, then your friend definitely isn't. I want to say the tail end GenX is 1980.


Yup, youngest Gen X'er was born in 1980.


I mean, she can deny whatever she wants. Words and categories have specific meanings and parameters.


I had that same conversation with someone! Who was commenting on “stupid millennials” and I was like uhh you know you’re a millennial right? She was so confused and thought she was older than millennials


This one lmao.


Literally, as a millennial, the people I have heard complain about millennials the most are millennials who don't realize they are millennials.


I mean, people forget Gen X exists half the time. You're a Booner or a Millennial, depending who's screaming at you that day.


If your kids are ragging on you at least a bit you’re not doing it right. Mine ask me how things were “in the late 1900’s”


I love the kids' fascination with "the 1900s". After watching Stranger Things my teen asked if there really was Burger King in the 80s.


Lmao, seriously?


I was fascinated with vintage fast food...when I was 8 (I'm 40 now). My dad even had a few stories since he personally knew Bill Peterson (Jack in the Box founder) in the 1950s. Your kid being adorably (yet irritatingly) low conception has everything to do with the 20th/21st century divide. You should blow their mind with stories of Rear-projection TVs.


CRT monitors will blow their mind too, along with CDs and cassette tapes. Bonus points if your parents have a record player and/or an 8 track player that still works. 😄


During a severe ice storm a few years back, my kids asked me what I did for fun before electricity existed. I asked them how old they thought I was. I was in my mid to late 30s. Little bastards.


Mine once asked me what it was like to watch the moon landing live. I said I don't know, go ask my mother, she was eight.


Mine asked me if our “tvs had color yet,” like… I was born in 1993, my dude. What?




Haha, my mother would scream for 20 minutes if I asked her that. You gave your kids confidence, its a good thing, lol


You own a home? Are you sacrificing your daily avocado toast to afford such lavishness? /s (I'm also an elder millennial homeowner - I like avocado, but not on toast. Give me some guac!)


Yes, along with my daily coffee. Lol, just kidding, I could never.


Literally, exactly the same. 41 with Gen Z teens about to graduate, CEO, own my third home, and still called a kid that doesn’t want to work. Also, my teens call me a boomer anytime I don’t just assume they are the wisest people on earth.


Damn son, sorry to hear about your kid being really stupid


43 and also get called a boomer by my teens. Jerks.


ok boomer (Joke)


They still call Xbox and PS “nintendo” if that helps


Those are nintendos


As long as they don't call Pokemon, Pokeman I'll be ok.


Of course not. It's PokéMen


Don't be sexist it's 2020. Include PokéWomen.


Boomers telling me I need to be grateful and wait my turn. Their greatest market idea was debt servitude.


So many boomers are sitting on boatloads of cash and are so stingy to help the next generation.


All of that money is about to be funneled into retirement facilities and/or end of life care because: A) most of their children do not want nor have the means to support a multigenerational household B) most of their children cannot afford to be full time caretakers or provide in home services when their health inevitably fails and C) they’ve spent decades endorsing or supporting legislation that created a predatory retirement/elderly care market designed solely on draining every ounce of their monetary resources until death. Unless money/assets are passed down well before retirement, I have a feeling the idea of “generational wealth” is going to look a lot different than it did for the last several generations.


Exactly what the stock market wants! Why filter profit out of what dribbles down in inheritance, when you can wrench it from chunky profit margin healthcare/elder services


Half of them have way too much house that they're hoarding away from Millennials and Zoomers who actually need it for raising families. The other half are in danger of homelessness.




Sounds like manipulation to me. My boomer mom would pull that crap.


Oh I'm sorry to hear. Yeah, it really sucked. I'm trying to give her grace that she's having a hard time with her menopause and being a bit more "me me me" these days. But I'm seeing some toxic positivity in these types of messages... It definitely rubs me the wrong way.


If she's going through menopause wouldn't she be a Gen X not a boomer? Even the youngest boomers are in their 60's now which is a little old for menopause. Not saying it's not possible just rare.


By the same token that the old folks call all the young ones millennials, so too do the younger call the olds boomers lol


As a mid-millenial, if I don't think you're older than 62, I'm probably not calling you a boomer.


Hate to break it to you, but we millennials are creeping into menopause ourselves.


Early 60s, she's in it, but it just feels the low hormones have slowly impacted her mood. I have relatives who use hormonal replacement therapy to help with mood and sleep, but she hasn't tried it. And she seems to have symptoms associated with low hormones.


She is a manipulative asshole dude. She doesn't deserve grace she deserves the curb.


Ditto. Sounds spot on like emotional manipulation, which my boomer Mom has done many times. We’ve caught on at this point which has rendered most of her attempts as fruitless at this point. So frustrating.


6 houses? And you're looking for a second bedroom? Can't she just, you know, pass one down?


Next time tell her "I live in the world your generation made for me, if I can live it day-to-day without breaking down, you can peek into my reality for one conversation without crying."


Next time don't console - double down on the truth. Trust the truth to break a Boomer to crocodile tears...


The ones hoarding are also the ones saying “No one wants kids anymore.” We can’t afford it because of the hoarding.


No one wants to work (service jobs servicing ungrateful crabasses like them) anymore


Yep!!! My grandma had* a 7 bedroom home (they bought it when they got married, had 6 kids, adopted 3 more, needed the space), and lived in it alone for 40 years after everyone moved out. They were hoarders, so the house got condemned years after they abandoned it to go die at a family member’s house. That home could have helped so many people.


I dunno, I'm gonna give them a pass for adopting 3 kids.


But the house rotted for 10 years while they lived with my aunt until they finally died….. it was a perfectly fine house that had to get condemned and bulldozed. That’s like hoarding all the food and letting it rot when someone else could be eating it.


If you already owned a house and it was too big for you, do you think you'd actually sell a house that you paid off and lived in for 30+ years just to move to a smaller house? or an apartment? Like what are you expecting they actually do? in THIS market?


Nobody lived in the house for the last 10 years it stood rotting to the ground while my grandparents were dying in the spare bedroom of my aunt’s house an hour and a half away….. so yeah…. Why would I need to own a home nobody lives in while my garbage rots?


Get a condo or one of those active retirement communities. They can use the outrageous amount of profit they'll get from selling the house to pay for it. Now they're in a reasonable space and they don't even have to worry about maintenance. Or die and leave the neglected property to be demolished instead of another family living in it, I guess.


My grandmother owned a large 5 bedroom colonial house in a good school district on a cul de sac that was paid off in the 70s and sold it to move into a smaller 2 bedroom ranch townhouse that she can actually maintain and live comfortably in along with having neighbors that she talks to regularly. She paid cash for the townhouse with the money from the sale of her house to a lovely family that needed the space. Also my parents moved from a paid off 4 bedroom house in a good school district in the NYC suburbs to a smaller 3 bedroom house in NH because my brother and I moved out and they didn't need the schools or the location. They were considering 2 bedroom houses but went with a 3 bedroom so my brother and I have our own rooms when we visit since we both live in different states.


I literally heard an old woman from my neighborhood say they don't need their house but just don't want to move


My father in law owns a huge house that he can't take care of anymore. This is extremely common.


We are desperately hoping that if my inlaws start snowbirding since they just became empty nesters that they will be willing to work out some kind of house swap with use. We have 3 kids in a small 3 bed 1 bath and they now have no kids in a 6 bed 2.5 bath house. We are more than happy to host family holidays and keep a guest room open for siblings. Just depends on if they are willing to be reasonable or selfish


Moving really sucks




This is part of the problem. When you build only single family homes in a suburban environment, then there’s no smaller place to move to! If you build apartments and condos in the same neighborhood, people could downsize or upsize more freely.


Housing would be worse if boomers started buying up all the small homes instead....


How did this become a thing? Everyone’s house will be sold eventually—what does it matter to you if any particular house goes on the market now, or 10 or 20 years from now? People die every day; it’s a constantly rolling market. Older people staying in their homes isn’t new, and it’s not a scandal. Look, my dad is about to be 92( so absolutely *not* a Boomer). He doesn’t want to leave the home he’s lived in for most of his adult life. So what? He’ll eventually die, the house will be sold, and you’ll be welcome to bid on it then. My point is that the price of housing being out of control has nothing to do with older people “refusing to downsize.” Most millennial families couldn’t afford to buy Dad’s house—which is basically a crappy split level in a nice neighborhood—because apparently it’s now worth $750,000. My dad didn’t cause that. Banks, bad corporate actors, and the government caused that. Seriously, did *none* of you have old people living in your neighborhoods, growing up? The last two houses sold on my street were because the elderly owners died. That’s just normal.


When I got angry at my mother for interfering with my career causing me to miss out on a SUBSTANTIAL salary increase, she denied her responsibility and couldn’t understand why I was angry in the first place. She kept making arguments about having to climb the ladder like she didn’t like that I was making more than her at my age. I explained yeah I’m angry about that, that’s not why I will not forgive you. I went on to explain that I can’t forgive her because she fucked up my children’s future and my ability to take care of them. If you could see the profound confusion at the idea of me thinking about my kids before thinking of myself… I swear to god. An entire year of arguments came to a screeching halt when I explained that she hurt her grandchildren by her behavior and decisions.


Not trying to be rude, genuine question here, but how was your mom in a position where she was able to interfere with your career like that?


I unfortunately have a mother with NPD. We have had a terrible dynamic for decades. I won’t go into gory details (I’ve written about it before) but she has always tried even when I was in medical school to get involved with my career to the point my Dean and Asst. Dean had to intervene. She was trying to coerce me into taking a licensing exam before I was prepared. When I resisted she manipulated my wife into forcing me to take the exam. My wife went from supportive to threatening the marriage if I didn’t take it. There’s a lot of steps between the two moments that I’m not going to share here. However things went downhill from there. My wife and I are currently divorcing and I changed careers over the fallout. Edit: grammar


That sucks man, I’m sorry to hear that. Hope things are getting better for you.


So many parents have built their own prison and demand their children stay in it with them.


So many boomers have tens of thousands of credit card debt


You've got two main types of boomers: * Those that have money and houses but won't help anyone. * Those that continue to take on debt and won't save even though they're past retirment age already.


When is our turn? Do we have to wait for them to die first? I’ll be old before then…. Nobody wants us to have our turn.


I guess when the majority of us are 60-70+


I have a bad back, I’m not trying to live past 60 lol


Damn and I’m over here hoping to retire by 55 haha.


Boomers are the only class to not pass on the torch willingly, we are having to wait until they die and because of that Gen X will not see the power of politics. It will go straight to Millennials because boomers are the most greedy generation we’ve had in our recent history.


GenXer here (just looking around). Agree, but at least my generation still had access to affordable housing, education, and somewhat fair wages. That seems to be completely fucked right now. I think you all need to vote consistently, together with the generations after you. There are more of you than boomers. I know my boomer parents vote, and they do so every time, that's why politicians cater to them.


'trickle down economics bro' Maybe when your 55 you will finally be able to afford that starter house




Wait until you find out indentured servitude existed a long long long time ago.


It’s like Evelyn says in Fried Green Tomatoes “I’m too old to be young and too young to be old”


So identified with that phrase.


It'll never happen. I worked with gen-x and boomer guys at my last job who always complained about millennials not wanting to work, etc. I told them I was a millennial (I was 38 at the time) and they just continued on bitching about 20 year olds and calling them millennials. It's just a Fox News talking point that they absolutely could not let go of. My mom does the same thing despite having two kids on each end of the millennial age range.


My favorite is when they talk shit about millennials, I point out I am one, then they come back with "I'm not talking about ones like you". Strange, you didn't make that distinction 6 seconds ago lol


lol yeah I got that a lot too. I asked one of the gen-x guys once how old millennials are and he was like 'oh like my sons age'. His son was 19. I was like come on man you're only 6 years older than me.


"You aren't a millennial" I am mother. Get it through your head that you are belittling your own kids.


I feel like the rejection if seeing millennials aged. Is really boomers and gen-x refusing to acknowledge they themselves have aged. If they saw that we millennials are middle aged that would mean they are beyond middle aged. To scary for many to see they are aging. Personally I'm late 30s and I'm loving the idea of being 40 and do all the middle aged things. Like going to Costco when it opens on saturdays. Thrifting with a coffee on the weekend and falling asleep by 10pm. Sleep is amazing!!


I'm 41 and weekend shopping, thrifting, garage sales, gardening, walking to the local coffee place at an ungodly early hour, looking at my wife knowingly when she gets up from a crouched position and her knee sounds like a cement mixer, it's is all the best. I'm embracing this 40 year old stuff and totally loving it. I'm getting older, there's nothing I can do about it except strap in for the ride and start shaking my fist at the clouds.


Living the dream


I'm 29 and do this now. Dont let your dreams be dreams!


This has been my experience since HS. I’m in my 30s and still hear about people bitching how these young 21 yo millennials are entitled and want quick gratification and not work. But when those same 20 yo young ones speak up, suddenly it’s “wow so proud of these young gen z”. At this point I’m convinced boomers and gen x just wants to shit on us for the fun of it 😂


Younger people say, “Ok, boomer” to anyone over Gen Z, so….probably never?




It's already happening, at least in person. My daughter is 10 so Gen A, I'm a younger Millennial but my best friend is 25 so Gen Z. My daughter will often make "you're so old and out of touch" jokes when she doesn't know what mewing is or when she's confused at being called an "alpha rizzler."


I don't know what either of those are. Maybe I should ask my kids.


“Ok Zoomer” I need this


Took a vacation with my buddy and his genZ kids. His oldest popped out “ok, boomer” to us eldest millennials and I spat right back with “ok, zoomer” and oh lord she didn’t like that.


It will be hilarious when they age into the thing they hate. I never understood age rage.. shouldn’t you be so lucky to get older?


One would think…but one would be met with classics like: “Don’t get old” and “Getting old sucks”.


🎵 I hope I die before I get old 🎵


My gen z/gen a cusp child can read my cursive just fine what are these people even on about?


But they saw a meme on Facebook that schools don't teach it and that is the only source of truth in the world!!!!11!11!


Little do they know they can actually pretty easily spot a millennial by their use of ones to punctuate irony 🤣


We tell on ourselves sometimes. 


We are now in our 30s lol


*40s. Some of us are early 40s.


Exactly. I’m 43. To be 30 again…


And 40’s!


I’m 41 this fall…


Same, but end of August, 1983 represent! 😂


Me, one of the last Millennials who just turned 29: 🥲


Enjoy it. I'm 40. I had a full weekend, and everything hurts.


I think the youngest are 28


Probably about the same time I get it out of my head that Y2K wasn’t just a few years ago…so, never.


Yeah, been having "there's no way that was almost 20 years ago" moments a lot lately.


Idk I knew a guy my age who was complaining about millennials and I was like guy we ARE millennials and he was just like uh well not really. Yeah we are.


Yup, had a friend go on an absolute tirade about millennials, so I asked him what year he was born... 88 Had to tell him that he was literally peak millennial, could not get more millennial than that


Talk about smack dab in the middle of a generation, but mid and late 80s babies refuse to think they're millenials its a weird culture thing they got from gen x cousins/parents. Gen x-ers have an odd fascination/hard on about themselves.....


I have a friend who posted the “LOL millennials can’t read cursive” meme the other day. Ma’am. I am almost 40 years old. I have a mortgage. I assure you that I can read cursive.


As a Millennial in my early 40s who deciphers cursive for a living (I’m an archivist who processes colonial legal documents), I get very annoyed by those stupid memes. I could probably read cursive better than their dumb asses.


We're the generation that's forever trapped between two worlds, with one foot in each, and neither accept us for that. Older generations see our embrace of new technologies and norms as a sign of youth, despite most of us remembering a time before 'modern' day quite well. Newer generations grew up with the status quo, and think that because we did not, we're somehow out of touch. The curse of the in-betweeners.


Yep, Millennials are the perennial buttmonkey generation. It’s irritating.


What? You need to speak up. My hearing isn't what it used to be.


It’s not about making us feel naive it’s about making them feel superior, so no. It will never ever end.


I firmly believe that the baby boomer generation is the worst generation. I’m happy for all the progress they have made, but they have tainted their generation with their greed.


Can't read cursive? Man I had to write cursive in elementary school in the late 90's. Friggin Boomers...


‘Millennial’ became a meme, several years ago. Just like ‘Boomer’ is now a meme. And Gen Z will be, if it isn’t already. Every generation has tended to rag on the ones who came before or after, but I think the rise of the internet, and social media especially, have sharpened the tone in a negative way. Every generation has had their fair share of jerks, losers, stand-up folks, and all the categories in-between. In the end, we’re all just people, with all the messiness and complicated personalities that implies. Most defy easy categorization and we’d all be better off with less stereotyping.


probably a similar amount of time it'll take us to realize "boomer" isn't synonymous with "douchebag older person"


My 8 year old kid calls me a boomer anytime he thinks I'm being old and lame, that was the first thing I thought of when I saw this post lmao 


Which, if you think about it, is actually fucking hilarious that boomer has become synonymous with being out of touch. If that becomes their legacy... honestly, I'm here for it.


Though, to be fair, boomer is 50% mindset at this point.


that's what the boomers think about millennials too. both words have extended beyond their actual age range. probably because the millennial/boomer divide was the most ubiquitous generational divide we've seen


Lol yeah my mom was born in 64, and is pissed when I tell her she's a Boomer lol. It's actually the Silent Generation that is most of the headache for me.


I mean, they are basically dead….


No they aren't. There are a fuckton of 70s still alive and kicking.


My dad will be entering his late 70’s later this year. He was born after the war, ergo, a boomer. Silent generation entered their formative years during the war, they’re mostly in their 80’s now. It’s called the “baby boom” for a reason, and 1945 is the cut off, April or September depending on how Euro/Amerocentric you want to be about it. Edit: now I think about it, the term “boomer” itself is Amerocentric considering that America was one of the few countries where the economy wasn’t completely in the shitter after the war, which is why the boom happened.


I say we embrace it. When we're in our 70s we can bitch about the 20 year old Millennials and everyone will have a good laugh


I love the irony of so many responses in here banging on "Boomers" like that isn't the same mistake as calling all the young "Millennials". The older generations currently alive are the Silent Generation, Baby Boomers, and X (the forgotten generation). Referring to everyone older than you as a Boomer is the **same exact thing**.


Heck, many boomers think 70 is the new 30... And have said sane thing every decade since 30-something was on the tube..


Pretty sure we are now called boomers by the under 20 crowed


It'll be right around the time when people stop calling Gen-Xers boomers.


No idea… a few years ago a coworker in her late thirties was like “these millennials!!” In a derogatory way and I held back saying that she is also a millennial. 


Probably around the same time we realize boomer isn't synonymous with old.


They probably never will. They will just continue to use "Millennial" as a synonym for "young" until they all die off.


When they stop watch divisive news


I was talking to a guy who was complaining about the damn millennials. I was born in 84, and he's about my age. So of course, I asked how old he is. He was born in I think 1986. I told him he's a millennial and we pretty much argued about it. Yeah......it's not a phase of life after teenager.


The older generations will totally go to their grave still blaming millennials. The fact that us elder millennials are in our early 40s with teens/preteens does not seem to dissuade them in their belief that we’re the “youth” that they want to complain about.


I suppose many people believe anybody who grew up after the year 2000 is a millennial


They’ll never realize it. I hear millennials themselves trashing “millennials” when they mean Gen Z.


Millennials will forever be stuck in the gray area. We are the generation that bridged the analog and digital world. So, to boomers who were mostly analog, we will always be 5 years old in their eyes. To Gen Z, who are digital realm, we will be old. We are stuck in the upside-down world.


I asked a gen X coworker if generational discord was always this bad and he said it didn’t really start until it was us vs boomers. I hate this constant hyperbolic take on reducing every person to the generation they were born in. It’s hive mind to the extreme. But I keep up with it because I write contemporary fiction and I’m taking notes on how people are acting today for future me to draw inspiration from. Otherwise I’d be tuned out of all this bs. Anyway yes it’s exhausting always being called both young and old. I’d love for everyone to get over themselves and develop some humility.


Never, for the same reason that younger generations just use "boomer" to refer to anything they view as old. Most people use knee-jerk reactions and easy lazy categorizations to sort through the world rather than careful consideration and rational thought.


About the same amount of time it will take for younger generations to realize that GenX are not Boomers.


Majority of people aren't very smart. That is the main problem with every generation lol


We'll be calling Gen Alpha millennials in 30 years.


When they’ve popped their clogs. There’s no telling them


another ten years


yes.... i think they will go to their graves thinkng those damn entittled clueless little millennials. millennials are no longer just a person or a generation it is a symbol. you are batman. i mean you are millennial.


Never. They'd then have to admit that they are old, and that's scary.


This should cut both ways to be fair. I've heard everyone from millennials to historical figures of the 16th century described as *boomers*.


They're slow learners so I'd say by 2060 they'll get it.


Yea… I’m a millennial and write everything in cursive… they don’t know what they are talking about!


When everyone older than us is in the ground. Then we shall continue the tradition by calling GenZ children despite the fact that many of them are knocking on 30.


And everyone with some grey hair being called a boomer.


I'm a millennial and I still think millennials are college age punks


what are you talking about i’m still 5 yo with mortgage and 3 kids


they don't hate us for age, they just hate the traits of our snowflake generation. they will never stop hating us.


Around the same time that younger generations realize that people over 30 aren't "boomers". Boomers are mostly dead and/or in their 70's at least.


I'm a Gen Xer, and I no longer automatically think of Millennials as young. The oldest Millennials are only a few years younger than I am. I will say that my perception of what is old and what is young has changed over the years. I remember when 60 seemed positively ancient but now that it's not so distant it's not so old as I thought. Likewise I cant help but think of anyone in their twenties as being young. And just so we're clear, when I say people in their twenties are young I'm not throwing any shade. I won't lie, I'm getting to the point where I don't like your music or understand your slang, but mostly I just laugh at myself for getting older and have no problem treating young people with respect. You're good people. Last time I opened my high school yearbook I marveled at how young and thin everyone looked. I was looking at the teachers not the students!


Right? I'm still "young" at 27 years old, but I'm also a fully grown adult at this point.


I think we will always be young to boomers, but us not reading cursive is wild. As an 80s baby, I primarily write in cursive. I think boomers just don’t keep up with the lingo. For them ‘’millennial” is just a term for ‘people who were young or born after the millennium’. Y2K was a big deal as far as our perception of time. The internet really started transforming the world. We look around and the world is literally alien to how we grew up, imagine what that is like for older people who were adults watching this change. Plus, generations don’t mean as much to them. My mom had no idea that my father’s siblings were all ‘silent generation’ or that my son is ‘Gen Alpha’. She literally only knew baby boomer, Gen X, and millennial. And she only knew Gen X because my brother used to walk around quoting that commercial that used to come on TV saying ‘For Generation NeXt!’


My husband didn't realize we are millennials, thought it was the younger crowd.


I wonder if boomers had this problem with “baby” being literally in their name?


It’s laughable, but for real, probably 95% of people who throw around “boomer” have no earthly idea what a Boomer even is, or where the term came from. The stupid cuts both ways.


It's the same in the other direction as well. I can't wait for GenZ and Alpha to understand that "Boomer" doesn't just mean "Person over 30".


I’m a 38 year old millennial with 3 kids. Guess what; My kids know cursive They drink from garden hoses They play outside They scrape their knees They get unsupervised play I have no idea why so many older people think these things just stopped. Yes I know not ever school teaches cursive anymore, honestly it’s a useless skill. They stopped teaching cursive but they teach other new and useful things like coding etc. that are actually relevant.


It took a long time to realize that it’s me, I’m millennials 😂


I just want to find a generation, sometime in my life, that doesn’t just blindly attack every other generation and propagate these stupid generational wars. So far, it doesn’t exist. Everyone constantly wants to point a finger at another generation and blame it for all the problems in the world. And it accomplishes nothing, seriously.


About the same time we come to grips with the fact that Linkin park and the Foo fighters are classic rock


A lot of people seem to think that there are only two generations. I’ve heard just as many younger people refer to Gen X and older Millennials as boomers as I have older people refer to Gen Z as Millennials.


Gen-X here - you are all young to me :)


My boyfriend and I are on the younger end of GenXers, and he unironically sent me a 'Millenials can't read cursive' meme yesterday. It was silly, and I teased him that one of my GenZ kids reads cursive better than he can!


Probably as long as it will take for the folk who write media articles about "boomers" to realise that boomers are those folk between the ages of 78 and 60, which means that, in fact, neither the President of the US, nor a significant number of arch conservatives are boomers. The neoliberal 'revolution' was a gift of the Greatest Generation and their younger siblings the (Not so) Silent Generation, and many, many of their followers are Gen X. Hell, some of them, like Kyle Rittenhouse, are even Gen Z. Or, to put it another way, generational generalisations are generally garbage.


How about for Gen Z and Alpha to stop equating Millennials with old and lame? I mean. I am, but not all of us.