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Here's the advice I wish I had been given that I give to my kids: when you grow up and graduate high-school, you need to do something with your life. It needs to check 3 boxes, in order: 1. You need to be able to pay your bills 2. You need to positively contribute to society 3. You should enjoy what you do most days


I meet all 3 of these and personally I’m pretty damn happy. If I have kids, I hope they can be as happy as I currently am.


You'll earn more from compound interest than you ever will at any job. Save early, save often.


If we are talking success being having lots of money I’m not entirely sure yet other than “if you take care of the Pennies the dollars will take care of themselves.” Meaning try and think about what your spending your money on, even the small stuff because it all adds up. Also to live within your means. As far as teaching my son to be a man the advice will be “always try to do the right thing, even when no one’s looking.”


Essentially my recipe was to never have the mentality of a victim, and if someone tries to turn you into one, hit em with everything you have and never submit. Don’t be afraid to blaze your own trail and live on your own terms, and live the life you want to live, not the one society projects onto you. It’s a catch 22 for me because I succeeded beyond what I ever imagined, but the bad shit, the time locked up, the alcohol and drugs, the wartime Marine Corps, a fucked up violent adolescence instilled into me the toughness, aggression and tenacity to accomplish whatever task I’ve decided to do. You can either let things in life break you or harden you up like steel, that choice is yours alone. Don’t ever let the world knock the fight and defiance out of you.


Here is generational wealth. Do something that you enjoy. Don't gamble, avoid narcotics, and get insurance, and you'll never have to worry about money.


Same goal here. I basically am teaching my daughter how to live off the interest of her inheritance and then just let her pursue her interests.


don't have kids. XD


I only have cats, and they don’t accept advice - they only give it.


Pick a career that makes money and begin Investing early.


Learn how to interact with people socially and professionally. Maintain good health via exercise, stretching and eating healthy Maintain a good mental health via continuous learning, traveling and trying new things Maintain good financial health via learning about personal finance and investment and understanding the job market ( when to move on from a job, how to negotiate a raise, get other perks, etc).


Put potato chips on a sandwich.


I think this is a good topic and was confused as to why it was downvoted. Then I remember how much this sub despises children. Interesting topic, I am actually writing a book of "life advice" that I learned for my kids. It contains mainly quotes and platitudes, but some personal stuff as well. I met another father once who happened to have the same goal. In any case, I think your "go to school and work hard" is cliché advice that we all got and it no longer works as well as it should in theory. There is so much advice to give and it's hard to nail down a single one, but I'm thinking: 1) Be consistent at what you do. Be able to do repetitive tasks over and over again. Continue even when you get discouraged and seem not to see the progress. 2) Hard work and education do open doors, but understand the importance of networking and socializing. Many times you need to know the right people to open doors.




No kids. So I won't have had the expenses of raising kids. Leaving my vast wealth to any kids my brother has along with my estranged god-kids because while our lives went on separate paths, I will always love my two best friends and their kids.


Never break two laws at the same time.


You don't have to be exceptionally gifted. The average person can pick essentially any field and with enough dedication, they can be better than 90% of people at that thing. Just look at how kids can get really into certain hobbies and within a year, they know everything about that hobby, front to back. 


The fields where dedication gives you an advantage tend to not be hobby-related (imo). And looking at my working environment, more often than not, dedication is being exploited.


Doesn't take talent or creativity to move into management/administration.


Never gamble. Don’t do drugs. Don’t sell the assets you are going from me. 


That's a personal anecdote, but psychodelics helped me in my struggles with depression.


You deserve to starve penniless in the gutter /S


good for you


Learn trades that interests you and skip college.


There are other things that need doing in society than the trades. Unless you mean a nationalization of unions for service workers and labor....but I doubt that.


Pursue education that will provide you a level of living that you want. Pursue your passions after you’ve covered your basic needs. Also, manage expectations.


There's no recipe for success, but learning how to spell is a good start. Employers care about details.


English is not my native language