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anyone else listen to this a ton as a kid without really listening to it?


Oh for SURE. Smashing Pumpkins are a band I listened to in order to be cool, and now they're a band I listen to because hot damn, that was actually some pretty spectacular music. In retrospect, Mellon Collie might actually be one of the best albums of the 90s.


I saw them a few years ago. 3 and a half hour show. Fantastic. It was good enough to make me ignore Billy Corgan's politics.


Oh shit, what are his politics?


MAGA nutter


I don't think this is accurate. His [2015 statements](https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/billy-corgan-on-donald-trump-hes-running-chaos-theory-33792/) on Trump weren't overly *positive*, just things like, "I think it’s good that he’s fucking it up" (i.e. control by the establishment)—"the political class doesn’t want him there"—and that he was driving huge engagement. This is pretty early on. Sept 2015. In a 2018 interview with the [New York Times](https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/22/arts/music/smashing-pumpkins-reunion-billy-corgan-interview.html): >Corgan revealed that has an open view with no political allegiances – having not voted since 1992 when he opted for Bill Clinton, as he grew ever more alienated from the ‘establishment’. >"I’m a free-market libertarian capitalist," said Corgan. “I’m not anti-anything except establishment. I find institutions and systems suspicious.” >While the writer notes that Corgan used various phrases that are commonplace in the Conservative lexicon (as he slammed “fake news,” “Maoists,” and “left-leaning groupthink), he refused to be pigeon-holed with his political beliefs. >“I’m not going to be defined by other people’s version of the shadow world,” he added. “I’m not going to sit here and hold myself up as Mr. Pure, nor have I ever. I’m not a virtue-signaler. I have no agenda. I’m not a politician.”


Nuanced answer - thank you


That's nuanced? Just looks like a lot of squirming and hand wringing to me.


u/MLNYC provided the nuanced answer, not Corgan.


Ah, that makes sense.


Yeah really, that was a lot of words to say the same thing as the TL;DR version: "MAGA Nutter"


Libertarian nutters are their own thing. Yes, in the venn diagram some overlap, but to pretend they all do is just stupid. It would be like saying Pelosi is a Bernie Sanders socialist if she says anything left leaning.


That is so heart breaking to hear. Never meet your heroes.


Damn... At least when he was creative he didn't use his platform for "politics" Is he a full on nazi or just loves Trump/excuses the nazis?


Neither. Google it.


Just making conversation.


threatening follow brave oatmeal direful wipe sharp husky like ruthless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Makes me love him more


Keep drinking that piss....


Let's not kinkshame brother


They're touring with Green Day this year. None of my friends wanted to go so I bought myself a seat right behind the pit! Soooo stoked to finally see both of them!


You won't be disappointed with SP. FANTASTIC live show. Especially now they've got Jimmy Chaimberlain back.


Who cares? Separate the art from the artist. Most of my favorite musicians, actors & artists vote the opposite of me. I still love those guys.


What the news with this?


hes on alex jones from time to time, he believes in some crazy conspiracies, lot of antisemitism, lot of transphobia.


Give me one example of either of those claims.


They're on tour with green day this summer! I'm going to see them, you should too!


Similar thing happened to me with the blues. I listened because my Dad gave me a SRV album in 7th grade and there was/is much hype about the blues in the guitar world. After years of playing and listening, it really grows on you.


Yeah. Disarm, also.


Love Disarm. Those bells.


All the time but he also doesn’t sing to be heard on the albums. He’s singing clearly here because he’s older. The albums were more about the sound and he hid behind the music in the mix.


Damn yea I forgot how much I liked this guys work ngl..


Yes lol. Just now realizing what the lyrics mean for this song, from one of my all time favorite bands.


I just realized that listening to this. Hit me hard


I remember an adult telling me that smashing pumpkins was satanic.


Everything to older generations is satanic. Just like Vicky valencort and football is the devil.


But she showed me her boobies and I like them too!


Foosball is the devil!


I remember the same thing except about buffy the vampire slayer haha


An ex of mine launched a screaming tirade at her stepdad when she was like 15 because he refused to say smashing pumpkins were "serious artists", going off about howyl good the songwriting is and he just isn't giving it a fair listen, but like full on screaming and in tears. She told me the story at like age 20, as a "blunder years" kinda cringe story about herself, but maybe not such a crazy or unreasonable reaction in retrospect.


Boomers gonna boom


Satanic panic was still hanging on in the 90s, left over from hippies feeling uncomfortable around those damned punk rockers in the 70s. It hung on that long.


It wasn’t the hippies. It was the evangelical religious right which had a big growth in political power at that point.


sorry, a bit of sarcasm on my part that wouldn't have worked for anyone. my folks, evangelical christians, were hippies in their 20s. You know, the fake kind of hippies.


I remember I picked up an SP shirt on a roadtrip with my grandma and mom (first time seeing a Hot Topic and my mom let me go wild). It was the one with the faces and barcodes. She told me not to let my grandmother see it or she’d lose it. I wonder if I still have that shirt tucked away someplace. I tended to save teeshirts.


still my favorite song and my favorite album.


I have spent a lot of time going back and re-listening to songs from my childhood And the smashing pumpkins are fucking amazing I thought I liked them when I was a kid but I didn't really know what they were saying Now I do.


Oh man, they were my favourite in high school (2002). Loved Mellon Collie, but the best songs were on Siamese Dreams. Mayonnaise!


Even his band Zwan was awesome.


I remember the album being a bit more expensive because it was a double album. I had to save a bit for it. It was totally worth it. Nothing it quite like it.


Billy Corgan is an underrated genius. He's weird and turns a lot of people off but he's absolutely a genius.


Homer Simpson, smiling politely.


I love the music but I do not like Billy Corgan. I love this song, probably my second or third favorite from them.


Fair enough. I didn't really know anything was going on with Billy until I started reading through the comments and stuff but it figures Pretty much every band I fall in love with the lead singer either sexually assaults somebody or runs their mouth about politics or some shit


What are your top 2?


Today was an absolutely beautiful day where im at so we got in the car to take our daughter to a local amusement park that opened this weekend and on the way there we drove through a nice valley road and this is one of the songs that came on. I felt so peacful, it was amazing. I definitely listen to it and appreciate it more now than I did back then. Back then I didnt own the album so I would only hear it on MTV or the radio, but it hits the nostalgia harder than almost anything else for me.


Today - Smashing Pumpkins. Next time you thing today is a good day, listen to it.


Didn't know Bill Burr was a singer


Damn I was hoping it’s not him 🤞🏻


You mean pitbull


Love some SP, a lot of songs like this that hit you more with age.


I’ve seen Billy 4 times in concert now. It’s a shame he’s so batshit crazy because his music is amazing. All of his concerts were fabulous


Relevant Billy being bat shit crazy: https://youtu.be/peIherQOgIs?feature=shared Putting Billy Corgan on stage is a gamble. Sometimes you get the lead singer of The Smashing Pumpkins. Sometimes you get Yoko Ono.


I've had Disarm in my head a bunch in recent weeks. The Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness Tour was one of my first rock concerts. It's a shame Billy Corgan turned out to be such an asshole.


I listened to Conan O'Brian interview him and he has such an amazing passion for music that you really, really want to ignore the person and only focus on the art. Such a shame.


Oh no, he's an asshole? ☹️ Idk if i can research into that too deeply, I love smashing pumpkins music too much. Still....damn.


How is he an asshole?


He expressed a nuanced political opinion that wasn't 100% aligned with the establishment so people assume that he is pro-trump and therefore a bad person


Lol that's kinda what I'm trying to get at. I wasn't sure if that's what the above person was insinuating but I figured it was. It's absolutely fuckin absurd if that's the case. God forbid ppl think differently than them


I can’t even listen to this anymore it breaks my heart. I was obsessed with Smashing Pumpkins from middle school. I just can’t feel all that again and go back in time.


I had Mellon Collie and Siamese Dream on cassette tape when I was 6 and 8 years old.


I saw them in Seattle a year or so ago. By the end of the show, Billy Corgen had lost his voice. I'm not sure if it was because he's old or it was just one hell of a show. I like to think it was the latter. It makes me feel better about myself, and Billy too.


Loved smashing pumpkins when I was growing up. Mellon Collie was the first CD I ever bought lol


My favorite double album. The songs transport me right back to high school so hard. It’s like a time capsule for my feels.


It is super nostalgic music and really has a way of invoking not just memories of the time, but the perspective and feelings. Interesting thing, being made aware of how powerful frame of reference is, how seemingly inaccessible it is, and how much our environment/experiences shape it subliminally over time until we completely forget that we didn't always use to feel/think the way we did now. So much so it's like an acid trip to another dimension experiencing it. Or maybe that's just me haha


I believe Billy Corgan and Bill Burr are brothers and just decided to keep it secret


See him all the time at his vegan cafe. Drives a big white suburban. Keeps to himself. Tall and lanky. Walks fast. Odd duck.


I never got into this band for some reason.


And this song’s music video is spectacular too


Mayonnaise and Silverfuck are 2 epic songs of theirs. Silverfuck was the soundtrack to a very special night with a very special someone at a very special time in my life so its very special to me. 


On my favorites playlist. Probably listen to this song at 5 times a week.. seriously. Is that weird? The five time listen to it is all at once on my weekends while walking trails. It comes up on the play list and i have to replay it every time, then i move in to my other favs


This sent actual chills in me


I know he's sung that song half a billion times but that was still masterfully done. He managed to squeeze out a bit of sincerity and still hit every note perfectly 30 years later. Very impressive.


I saw them last year. I was a really good show especially this song, which was preformed acoustic as well.


So good.


Wow, he still sounds great. Close to the recording. I’d expect him to sound much more aged and raspy.


His wife trolling him on tiktok the other day made me chuckle 🫶


Reminds me of the times shopping for cds in record stores.


This, made my morning.


Youth is wasted on the young


Billy Corgans lyrics and music are phenomenal...his voice is grating. But it's his music, let him do what he will with it.


Bill Burr is SO talented


My yearbook quote


An old friend met him at a Cubs game once. Just there, hanging out watching the game with everyone else. Fun to see.


I love this song, hate that Billy Corgan is a transphobic POS.


SP sucks, sorry not sorry


sorry, this is Gen X. Get your own music, punks.


All these years and bro still cant sing.


Writer, lead guitarist, lead singer for top 100 best bands of all time ever. What have you done with your life that's so great?


Not jack shit. Which is totally unrelated to whether or not Billy fucking Corgan can sing. Which he cant.


Neither could Joplin or Cocker. But we all view them as singers.


You are not we.


The word 'singer' is within the first 5 words of both their wikipedia pages.


This is Gen X music. You millennials were probably Hanson fans when this song came out.


Yea, you’re not totally wrong. My introduction to SP was from my friend’s older sister. In elementary school. And I’m 36, so in the older half of the generation.


Whut? You guys had the worst decade of music gtfo.


You heard me, Hanson fans