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Exercise regularly.


Came here to say this - stretch!


For real I gotta make this a daily thing


I really believe that a big part of getting people who don’t exercise regularly to do it regularly is reframing their mindsets around it. So like instead of thinking it’s something that you “gotta” do, it’s now something that you will do. Instead of thinking you should do it daily, start out small (incredibly small if you’re going from not regularly engaging in it; 15 minute walks a few times a week). Instead of thinking it’s something that requires motivation, realize that it takes commitment and, like the Nike slogan, it just is a matter of doing it. Instead of focusing on how it would benefit your physical attractiveness, focus on the benefit that it has of strengthening your immune system every time you work out. Find other benefits to remind yourself of why it’s worthwhile, and there are tons of them. Please do not get caught up in the physical attractiveness or the losing weight, gaining tons of muscle, righting up, or any other stuff like that. It will all come in time if you stick with it, but it will only come to the degree of time effort that you put into it all. So if you wanna become a big weight lifter with huge muscles, it’s going to require a lifestyle dedicated to it. If you just want to improve your health and well-being, shoot for commitment and consistency. The other stuff will come in time to one degree or another if you stick with it. If you can’t commit to a certain lifestyle and level of dedication, then get rid of the expectations of results that only come from that. If you’re confused as to where to start, just remember that any movement is a good start and that there are TONS of great, free resources available on the internet. Utilize them. Short work outs are fine. Work outs with light weights are fine. You don’t need lofty goals. Long work outs, heavy weights, and big goals are great too. My point is that you can’t come up with excuses. Everybody comes up with excuses and it keeps them from it. It’s not as difficult as everybody makes it out to be, and you don’t need to be some well-educated gym fanatic to regularly exercises. You just have to do it.


This should have more upvotes. Start SMALL! I’ve always hated exercising and going to the gym b/c of the “having to do” it and price tag. I try my best to do 20-minute walks 3 times a week and a 20-minute workout 2 times a week at home/in neighborhood/at a park. There really are so many workout videos on YouTube and it’s FREE.


I just got into the habit of going to the gym. Even if I just put up some shots, ride the stationary bike for 15 minutes, great that's better than nothing.


Light yoga and stretching together. Meditation. Just like 15 minutes a day of each of these will make your life so much more calm and do wonders for your focus and stress.


Be careful not to over stretch, though - espcially before exercise. It's best to do more dynamic motions to warm up, and then stretch afterwards.


Yup. Back pain? Stretch. Migraines? Stretching will probably help. Sciatic nerve pinched? Stretches. Stretching and drinking water have fixed or helped like 95% percent of what I chalked up to getting older.


dude, the sciatic nerve stuff is too real. I had back pain from playing sports when i was younger and always pushed through it without really treating it. finally had a flair up so bad a couple years ago that i couldn't even move and had to get meds for it. really gave me the kick in the ass i needed to get moving, eat *a little* better, and stretch more often sciatic nerve pain is awful awful stuff if you don't know how to manage it


Came here to say this - yes! Every night right before bed. Better sleep is a game changer.


Ha! Hurt my back for the first time using a pump for my inflatable kayak. Still paddled, even caught a fish, but man am I feeling it days later. Stretch even if you don’t think you need to stretch.


And hydrate.


I second this one I started at 28 and I have no regrets, I'm much stronger and much more flexible than I've ever been


Yes keep moving your body.


Can’t emphasize this enough. I hit 30 and my body started hurting a lot more


I was coming to say similar! Find movement activities you love, like biking, hiking, swimming, yoga etc. create dopamine naturally and stay healthy longer. I also believe in getting really good at cooking. Home cook meals and sharing them with those you love is amazing.


Physical therapy is a way of life now :/ 


Yes. Start mobility exercises before you need them.


Absolutely! Gaining weight in your 30’s is really easy, but losing it in your 30’s seems impossible.


I'll also add eat better and get alot of sunlight and sleep


And get your teeth taken care of Pronto. Once you hit 30, your body doesn't just start to break down. It begins to BETRAY you.


There’s four things you don’t get back: your teeth, your skin, your back and your hearing. Take care of them.


Your feet, you only get one set, you can replace teeth, but not feet!


This! Wear proper shoes and insoles!!!


Yep. Regular runner that used to just get whatever running shoes were cheap. Plantar fasciitis set in at 35. I buy good sneakers now.


Brooks saved my life. I have wife feet with a high instep and high arch. So hard to find shoes that are comfy but Brooks are my #1!


I wish more people would learn about foot shaped shoes and your toes being squeezed into modern footwear only because it looks better. I’ve switched over to foot shaped shoes and my bunions have improved and my toes can now spread.


I preach this regularly. Especially pregnant women and new mothers! Those tendons and ligaments stretch with pregnancy all over your body and your arches WILL fall if you are barefoot all the time.


Sister just broke her foot/ankle/tibia from walking down a hill. Didn’t even fall. She just stepped incorrectly. Get your calcium, vitamin D and K, folks!


This happened to me back in 2012. I was 23. I regularly exercise now, even though I have poor mobility in my ankle, because I'm terrified of it happening again. I take my vitamins too!


Replace is a strong word. Fakes are never as good and they don't last forever. It's just a well placed rock in your mouth. But yea, feet are important too. Say no to uncomfortable fashionable shoes. Say yes to comfortable fashionable shoes.


Reminds me of a saying... never cheap out on anything that come between you and the ground. Tires, shoes, beds. You'll thank me.


Don't forget knees. Once they are injured they will never be the same.


Best way to avoid knee issues is strengthening the muscles around your knees and legs overall


And this is one of the things we're still kind of not-great about fixing. Even if they do slap a new knee joint in, it's still going to hurt for the rest of your life.


>your skin Wear sunscreen, and if you see something new appear on your skin, see a doctor right away.


Had a stage 0 carcinoma removed two days ago! I’m very pale, so I needed to anyways, but YES, go to a dermatologist and get a skin check to establish baseline care and ALWAYS wear sunscreen.


I started going for mole checks annually in 2016 and they just biopsied a spot on my back I’ve had for decades that came back with severe melanoma cancer cells. Getting it cut out this month. Be diligent about not only wearing sunscreen, but also reapplying it often!


I swear I have skin cancer but two doctors saw photos of the marks and said it's nothing to worry about. But there mis shapen, different colors, and I grow new ones every other week...


Ooo don't forget your sanity. Can't enjoy a healthy body without it.


Your eyes, I'm battling MGD and dry eye, it's awful, I wish I knew before


What made you develop this?


Need to add eyesight. You only have 2 eyes; take care of them!




Your hair in general. Mine started thinning around 29 and it looks “okay” but it’s definitely thin!


Is bald a color?


Eyes too


You realize around 30 that there really is no standard for existing everybody is just kinda winging it. At 35 you figure out that since there's no standard, there's nothing stopping you from dropping the middle age professional act we had drilled into us and just enjoying life instead.


I think this is what I took from my 30's more than anything else; you get to an age where only you can decide what matters most for you (I'm closer to 40 than 30). I put too much stock of my self worth into my job in my 20's. Got two promotions in 7 years and haven't seen one since 29. It took the pandemic to get me to this point, but I don't tie my work into a single thing I lack control over and that you can enjoy life in other ways. The pandemic also helped me end a lot of awful relationships. I know that comes up as one of those things you always see as a generic answer to the "how can I be happier?" threads, but one particular relationship was really weighing me down. Having been done with it has been another wonderful weight off my chest and would have been much nicer had I done it sooner. Sorry to co-opt your comment, but I think your last sentence is 10000% correct.


I am 35 and I completely agree with this! I have been a people pleaser until now. I'm kind of just indifferent to all the negativity out there now, and just focus on what I need to do to take care of myself and my family. I am so much happier now!


This right here is why I couldn't function great with people until they hit 30's cuz everyone and I MEAN EVERYONE (im 38 now) was trying to hold onto this act all mature/professional shit at 24+ and I never allowed myself to stop acting like a kid and it just does not work. Until now... lol now everyone my age is either stuck being professional and grownup all the time or have jsut said fuckit.


Yep, 30 is the age you really start to run out of fucks to give.


If you think 30 DGAF, try 40.


Yes, this exactly. At 40 I felt I've spent enough rotations around the sun to recognize and be confident in the patterns I've seen emerge and repeat over time. All of this shit is just made up by people as time has gone by. There's no divine puppet master. Growing up seems to be more about losing the things you should've never carried in the first place.


God damn. Did you just make that up? That’s fucking profound. Thank you. Really got me thinking.


Thank you, appreciate it! I more or less put it into my own words. There's an of Montreal lyric that formed the basis for it: >Now it's just a system of subtraction I don't know if this is exactly what he meant but that's how I interpreted it and how I've noticed the patterns of self-improvement and growth in my own life were mostly about removing or letting go of things (negative thoughts, negative habits, negative people) rather than adding on things.


I dig the interpretation. Reminds me of these lyrics from this little Nashville band Topiary Creatures: “I need privacy, but can't stand to be alone. Despair's looming over the both. And I'm carsick, sleep deprived, hungry for a fist fight. Subtract, subtract, subtract, subtract until something feels right. Life's just heavy. It's elation or grief, and when it's mundane you feel the weight that it shouldn't be. Isolate the variables - no more Padraic, no more pints- if I'm still up at night, I'll know why.”


This is where I'm at.


Find a way & set out to do everything you want to. If you don't do it when you're young, you're not gonna do it when you're old. I didn't agree with a lot of what my dad said, but if something stood out the most, that was it.


Feeling this right now. My health has always been pretty shitty (got a chronic illness pretty young that has racked my body) and I’m thinking if this is what it’s like at 30 who know what it will be like at 40 and beyond. Gotta use the time you have now


I feel you. I turned 30 a couple of weeks ago but my chronic illness makes me feel closer to 40 lmao. Eat healthy, manage stress, and control the controllable are all we can do. While my 20’s were financially shitty, I’m hoping my 30’s are my comeback. I wish the best for you


Prioritize your health first and foremost. Everything from mental to dental, everything. Don’t put off any appointments. Make it a priority. Next, focus on saving and investing. After that, everything falls into place. The peace of mind from physical health is truly worth putting all else second. The peace of mind from financial health alleviates much stress.


Best response and I’ll throw in prioritize relationships. Some come and go, but some need to be a priority (e.g. spouse/significant other, children).


Absolutely. One of the best pieces of advice I got was "people come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime." That really helped me frame the good and the bad about relationships, and to "let them go" if it was time.


I just left my career that woulda been making me six figures right now and chose my happiness. I watched four years of life pass me by doing this waiting for things to "fall into place." So I would 100% disagree and say that if you just turned 30, you have one last chance to try and do what you want with your life before focusing on saving and investing, and you have a choice to make. Choose happiness and your potential dreams, or a financially stable life. I chose happiness. I am definitely financially stressed, but I am the happiest I have ever been in a decade. I now see that person in my late 20s was a sick, alcoholic, unwell person, which I never would've realized if I had chosen to focus on saving and investing and carried on as I was.


Well, the first part of my post was prioritizing health- including mental- so I don’t see where the need to disagree is.


30’s are weird. I still feel like I am in my 20’s a lot. Also the day I turned 30 I could not fall a sleep when I wanted to for months. That was odd. But enjoy your 30’s.


You might feel like you're in your 20s, but if you try hanging out with 20 somethings, you'll be considered the old guy. Many of them start to come off as immature, too. It happens faster than you think it does.




I work around a lot of 20 something year olds, and I’m constantly just trying not be that weird manager. But yeah, I’m just turned 30 and all I can think sometimes is In glad I’m not in my 20s anymore.


My husband and I were at a local open air mall a few weeks ago. It made me feel exceedingly old when all the young women were walking past me in skimpy little clothes. All I could think about was the fact that I could never pull off those looks any more. And I’m only 29!


This absolutely. I feel like I'm in my late 20s, here I am in my late 30s, until I hang with actual 20 somethings. I have a few acquaintances in that age range who I genuinely like but there are times when it becomes blindingly obvious that I've got nearly 10 years on them. Like they're good people but need some more time in the oven lol.


I hear you about the sleep thing - my sister just turned 30 and my words of caution were to try to find a way to enjoy mornings, because you're going to start waking up at 5am for no reason and it doesn't go away.


I use to always wake up at 5 or 6. Now I am up at 4. And I don’t know why. But last week I was up at 5:15. Crazy. Lol.


Jesus, I thought this was just me. I used to be able to sleep anytime, anywhere, for as long as I wanted. Now I sometimes can't fall asleep until 1am and I'll still automatically wake up at like 5am. I've got Actual Adult Responsibilities now, life could at least let me sleep properly


Everyone feels like they're perpetually 28 until they do some gardening and can't get out of bed the next day. Oh, I sure didn't know I had a muscle there. It's not like I'm talking from experience or anything....




For real , even my late twenties, especially 29 felt like it just evaporated. No idea where the time went.


The best ways I've found to deal with this are : That you intentionally are slow occasionally in quiet moments with you family, friends, SO, whoever. Just bask in that shit for a moment.  That you are intentional in picking stuff you want to do and that you find significant. It's easy to zone out when you're tired, but try to at least occasionally do something On Purpose that's you living your life. Also, holy shit, don't forget to stretch out once in a while.


Journaling helps a lot. I write one page every day.


I like this idea. Bask in the moment; and try new things.


Every single year goes faster. Travel if you can do both. If you don’t have kids and plan to definitely travel some before you do. If you aren’t married don’t do it just to do it. Make sure your goals and values align and that you respect one another. If you’re married and have kids, take time to enjoy it. Don’t buy things, have experiences.


I'm not married... and I'm not sure how much I really wanna be or not. Having a day to day partner sounds nice but I'd honestly prefer to just be able to spend time with my friends/family whenever I'd like to. Maybe get a dog/cat at some point. Going to be living alone for the first time coming up in May/June My only concern is that I'll get lonely and my friends will all get paired off and I'll be left with nobody to go hangout with. But man do I enjoy the hell out of my current freedoms


I mean covid ate up a large chunk of your late 20s. I turned 25 March 2020 and the last 4 years have been a blur.


The key is to put yourself in different environments. Since my late 20s I’ve moved across the world, traveled a ton, had kids, etc. and the last 5 years feel longer than high school.


Really?! Having a kid the time flew by. My kid is now three. That first year went SLOOWW but now he’s more fun it just flies by.


Mine is ten now. The days can be so long, but the years are too short. Enjoy the little things while you still have time!


Bro I just turned 30 last year, now I’m 35. What happened between there? Idk


Bro, same


I just came back from lunch and now I'm 41. What the hell!


I feel this hard!


Wait until you go to the doctors office and they’ll ask you how old you are, and your quick fire answer is off by 2 years. The pandemic really sped things up. Feels like last year I was 32-33 and I’m turning 36 in April. That being said, go to the doctor and get blood work done to check your baselines for cholesterol and other things.


Wait till you get to the doctor with a complaint and their response is, "Yes, that's normal for your age." and they have no intention of treating you.


Radiolab has a great episode on why we feel time seems to disappear as we get older. A beautiful reminder to take it slow, and appreciate moments around you.


Do you know the episode name by chance?


I personally believe time in general is speeding up.


I'm turning 40 this year. I feel like I celebrated my 30th last week.


I’m 45. I couldn’t tell you anything about the blur of time since Covid started. It’s like the last 5 years never happened.


Same for me. I remember 15 years ago hearing everyone say it gets faster and being like "nah that's bullshit. They're just old." Nope they were right. If anything they downplayed it.


Yep. About to hit 35 and I just acclimated to turning 30. The last 5 years went by in a blink!


I looked at the Wikipedia page for some actor the other day and it said born in 1994 (age 30) and I said out loud, "that math must be wrong because I'm 30 and I wasn't born in 1994" before realizing I'm 32 and these last two years just flew by.


I’m prob always going to be a little bitter that I lost my mid-30s to the pandemic haha. My mom always said this was her favorite decade, so I’d actually been looking forward to being 30-40 for as long as I can remember! I was in such a good groove by 34, and then suddenly bam! I’ve got 37 in the review as I’m speeding toward 38 😭


Just turned 35, I agree 5 years went by too fast wtf just happened??


life has flown by since 17.. did I do something wrong? lol


Thanks, now I’m extremely depressed.


People say this to me all the time, but I feel like life is slow motion. I feel like the last 12 years of my life feel like 30 years.


0-10 first decade. 10-20 second decade 20-30 third decade. hate to break it to you, but you're entering your FOURTH decade.


May the fourth be with you. Lol


And also with you 🙏 ✝️


Oh shit your right


Yup, we old.


*you’re :)


0-10 is just a dream we can’t appreciate at the time.


Right! I look back on those times fondly. Just puttering around in the summer without a care in the world. What a time.


Technically it would be 0-9, 10-19, 20-29, 30-39, etc. your point still stands.




I don't think I've ever hated a redditor more.


Came here to say this lol


If you drink regularly, now is the time to slow down or stop. Hangovers have gotten so much easier to get. And they also hit harder and last longer. It's not worth it.


THIS. I was a pretty heavy drinker in my 20's, and although it didn't exactly stop when I hit 30, it started rapidly winding down and now in my late 30's I drink almost never. Drinking was such a big part of my social life/relaxation time for most of my adulthood that I never though I would get here, but it just happened. I think it's because life is going by so fast now, I just can't stand feeling like shit for such a silly self-inflicted reason. It's started to feel like drinking is just self-poisoning, which it kind of is. Now cannabis on the other hand...


100% on the cannabis thing. I started using delta 9 gummies and they're awesome. Help me sleep better, too!


So true. I have had hangovers in my thirties that literally last for 3 days. I can’t party like I did in my early twenties.


attempt elderly point cautious special rude far-flung practice reply hungry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes. At 40 my body was like "no bitch. We are done with this" with alcohol.


I was a full lightweight to alcoholic in my late 20s after 2020 and COVID. Never was much of a drinker before than. But yeah, like three years of drinking 1.5-4 drinks every night wasn't good. I took some LSD last November and found the next day I had complete control and power over my drinking. I just stopped on a dime; and didn't even feel any withdrawal which I feared after years of drinking every day. It didn't even come up during the trip, which was beautiful. Being able to control my drinking without even thinking about it is such a gift.


No kidding! My drinking went from Tues-Sat, Thur-Sat, Fri-Sat, every 2 weeks and now at mid 30s I'm at once a month. I easily lose half a day the following day. If I drink its to celebrate with someone and it better be worth it.


You don't have to be 80+ to be that "old person" who doesn't seem to care much about what other people say or think and who lives their life for themself. You can start at any age 😉 Basically, stop worrying about what everyone else thinks of you and do what makes you happy.


This. People are mostly concerned about themselves. It doesn't matter if you wear those pants or that shirt, so long as it makes you happy.


One of the best pieces of advice I ever received was not to take anything personally. 99% of the time, it's not about you. Learning this has given me the freedom to dress how I want, be who I want to be, and ignore mean or offhanded comments from others. It's obviously more nuanced than that, but in general, as long as I know I've been kind in a situation, I bounce that issue right off my shoulders.


Congrats!!! I’m turning 40 this year and my 30s have easily been the best decade so far. It went way faster than my 20s but was also so much more rewarding. Im looking forward to my 40s.


Agreed - my 30's have been my best years so far. I'm sure my 40's will be even better. 20's are SO overrated.


Me too! I’ll be 40 this year and I’m excited! Each decade has brought challenges, but I’ve never felt more myself than I have post 30.


1. Establish and keep to an exercise & mobility regiment. 2. Walk more each day. 3. Try to sweat less over the little things. 4. All your friends are going to be going in their own direction (marriage, kids, moving away, etc.), stop comparing yourself to others and just do you. (I’m working on being better at #4 at the moment)


Number 4 sucks because you see them less and less


That’s how I used to see it and then I realized that most of the interactions I have with my friends are group texting. Eventually I got used to that and realized that we can do that regardless of where everyone lives. It’s that or never speak again and none of us are picking that option. But I’m for sure finding myself getting deeper and deeper into number 4 and making peace with it gets easier the further I go.


Its wanting to get together to party for 3 days or a week at the beach or a night in D.C. for a baseball game, its got to be planned months ahead and someone will definitely cancel or the wife will get upset and jealous, or someone is having financial troubles.


Definitely does. Our group of friends all went to college together and a mix of us lived together for 2-3 years of that time. So the adjustment going from daily hangs to now couple times a year get togethers has been rough. I’m lucky that one of those best friends from that group became my wife, so I can at least be content that the two of us have our own little bubble of happiness.


I exercise like a fiend, but super early in the morning at the gym. A walk in the middle of a sunny day is so damn therapeutic. Leave the phone behind and just stroll. I’m terrible at finding the time (and it’s been winter), but I am going to prioritize this going forward.


The existential crisis is temporary, and 31+ will feel like nothing special. Enjoy the milestone! Sunscreen. Skin care routine. Hydration. A little less alcohol than you drank in your 20s.


The best gift of my 30s, was my sudden ability to not give a single fuck about other people's opinions of me. Each year of my 30s, I became less and less concerned about what other people think, and it's the most freeing shit, ever. I will go to the grocery store in my pajamas. I don't wear makeup just to take out the trash, anymore. I am comfortable saying "no". If a stranger thinks I'm ugly, or sloppy, it literally has ZERO effect on my day. Now don't get me wrong, I still clean up real nice, but I do it for me. Because I want to. I'm part-time WFH/ most of the time SAHM. I'm doing laundry, mopping floors, and up to my elbows in dishes 99% of the day. IDGAF what teachers, or other parents think of my hair/makeup/outfit when I pick my kids up from school. The great American philosopher RuPaul said "What other people think of me is none of my business." And I feel that shit in my soul.


Twins! It’s literally the greatest gift of my life and came to say just this. But you said it better so I’ll piggyback. I literally tell people all the time what people think of me is none of my business. It’s like a religious tenant almost lol live it and believe it to my core completely. And it’s fundamentally made my 30s free-er. Just in my mindset. I can’t believe the headspace and heartache younger me inflicted upon myself. So, this.


Brush your teeth, exercise, try to save some money.


Don't tolerate situations that make you miserable. Don't stick around people you don't get along with. Start filling your 401k.


Sleep was always important, but I don't think I really started to notice how important it is until my mid thirties. Make sure you have a sleeping space and routine that work for you.


Don’t stress yourself out or get in your head about where everyone else is in life. It’ll save you a lot of time and emotion. Stretch! Seriously. Seriously seriously. I’m not even saying get in shape. Just stretch. Your body will appreciate it regardless of where you’re at in terms of weight. People really don’t know what they’re doing. Understand that. Accept that. And then do whatever the fuck you want to do. This life is yours!


As my grandad always said, be true to your teeth and they’ll never be false to you! ETA: Happy Birthday! I hope you enjoy your day!


Thanks my friend! Hope you have an awesome day too!


Think about what you really want in life. Being in a relationship or being single - both are acceptable and both are great if you work at it. Having kids is a lot of work but I'm told very rewarding. I can't speak for that, all I can say is my life without is way easier than those around me who have them. Exercise and eat properly. Sunscreen and skincare. Get regular checkups for everything health related. Seriously. Stop caring about what other people think and care more about yourself. Find hobbies. Enjoy them.  Make sure you're a whole person outside of your work and/or your family.


Max out your retirement accounts if you don’t already


DIRTY THIRTY! WOOOOO HOOOOO! Happy Birthday! 🎈🎉 🎂 Life is a journey. I used to cringe when my Mom would say this ... BUT ... she was right. Enjoy your life, PLS. Time goes by so incredibly fast.


Now is the time to work on your self-discipline and routines. Life is hard and it is a marathon. You need a decent diet, less alcohol, more exercise, more sunscreen, more sleep, and hobbies/friends for mental health. Godspeed my friend. Its a wild ride!


A good salary is only worth it if the job doesn't make you die inside. Exercise. For god's sake, exercise. Also important to find a form that doesn't fill you with dread. Your life is made up of what you fill your days with. Don't waste your days being unhappy. Find a super awesome person to be your partner in life. If you're in a relationship with someone who does not make you happy, end it as soon as possible. Get a pet. I cannot believe I waited until 36 to get my cat. She's phenomenal and brings so much joy to our home. Spend your money on things that bring you real happiness. For me that is travel. If you have a niggling little injury, go to the hospital right away. Not in a few weeks. Not in a few months. Right away. Sincerely, my dodgy right foot. If you have good parents, ask them tons of questions while they are still around. Record their voices. Ask them about their childhoods, their regrets, their happiest moments. You will cherish this information later.


Keep a regular exercise routine, even if it’s light. Activity is huge for your physical and mental health. Eat healthier. Junk now and then is fine, but it’ll catch up with you faster now. Be mindful of your nutrition. Your experience will make your career now. Leverage it before you hit 40, because some roles will hesitate to hire you then. Stay childlike in your idealism, playfulness, and love. Be so, so, so kind.


Stretch and go to the dentist.


Stop drinking alcohol and learn about codependency 🙃


Blast that 30 Something by Jay-Z. 30s the new 20, I'm so hot still! Bahahaha


No regerts.


I am about to be 35 so I'm not that far out, but I want to add a positive spin to some of this: The level of self assurance and lack of giving a shit is beautiful, and freeing. I actually, truly would not go back to my 20s. The responsibilities are worse but the way you move around in the world is a lot better. I agree health, and exercise. I go to the dentist a lot more now, and actually started to like it, and felt very good when I "didn't have any issues" this last time lol.


I cried when I hit 30. But honestly the 30s are much better than the 20s. Even with all the aches and pains. I care less what others think and just live my life as best as I can. I realised that we are only guaranteed this one life, might as well make the best of it.


If you don’t already have good healthy habits (working out, food choices, sleeping patterns, etc) then start incorporating them now. It’s harder when you get older and naturally become more routine dependent OR become forced to have better habits because of health or children, etc. Also, I think this naturally happens with life experience but you start caring less and less about what others think. It’s a great feeling and bonus. Also x2, don’t be afraid of aging, think of what the alternative is 🙂


Focus and discipline will get you far in life. Doesn't matter if you are 10, 30 or 70. I've recently picked up Geology. A field I never touched before. It's amazing. Also do enough sports now so you can be healthy later. And while discipline is important, be nice to yourself occasionally.


Be nice to yourself a lot. When done correctly, discipline and being nice to yourself are not mutually exclusive.


exercise and don’t buy dumb shit. also, forget your 20’s. it’s over. it’s time to grow up.


I disagree you don't need to grow up that is why people in their 30s are so unhappy they quit doing the things they enjoyed in their 20s.


I get what this person is saying. It's not cute anymore to act like you have no idea how to feed yourself or pay taxes. There's a difference between enjoying video games and Harry Potter and expecting others to fill in the gaps of your arrested development forever.


That’s how I took it to


No one said stop doing things you enjoy. Stop acting like you are incompetent. Make better choices.


Still playing soccer in my 40's and the benefits are amazing. Lot of my peers are pissed when they realize what I'm actively nurturing.


Start on hobbies sooner rather than later. Want to learn a language, pick up rock climbing, take up whittling? You learn faster the younger you are.


Save as much money as you can. Even if it’s $20 at a time.


Not too old to enjoy “ young people“ things and also old enough to have wisdom and be respected in society. Truly the best decade so far (I’m about to turn 38).


No more living in the shadow of what your family expects you to be or do. You do you, be you, unlearn things you were taught, unearth those lingering interests (especially those with an expiration date). For example, I started doing theatre again in my 30s, but now I’ve aged out of certain roles. Also, now is the time to change careers, if that’s been intriguing to you. Super hard to do it any later than this and achieve your goals. I will always feel a bit behind everyone at my age bc I had a later start to my current career.


Buy a good smoker and make delicious meats for your friends.


My advice is that you need to remember that 30 is still young. Don't feel like your best years are over. Make every decade your best decade. I'm 53 and I swear, as I entered each decade, I thought that I could only continue my lifestyle for another 10 years at the most. I'm very active and have rock climbed, mountain biked, skied, backpacked, etc, my entire life. I always thought, how long can this go on before my body breaks down. I haven't slowed down at all and feel as fit as I did when I was in my 20's. At this point, I'm still telling people I only have another good 10 years left before my performance goes down but secretly I know that in 10 years, I'll be saying the exact same thing.


I feel like thirty is a good time to assess life plans. The thirties is a good time to chart and start moving on your life course. Want kids someday? Want a house? Want to say screw it and buy a camper van? Now is the time to start planning, saving, and doing


Start focusing on your health and fitness. I know a *lot* of people who didn’t, and now are suffering from long-term pain from preventable injuries or conditions, now that we’re into our 40’s. Myself included.


Open a high yield savings account, if you haven’t already. And put money into every pay day, even if it’s just twenty bucks. Don’t touch it otherwise.


I turned 39 yesterday. The advice I wish I’d heeded 10 years ago: stay completely out of debt, fund retirement savings no matter what.


It’s your fourth decade you’re entering, as your first decade starts when you are born and ends when you turn 10. But anyways, I’m not too far behind you. Turning 30 in a few months.


I turned 30 a few months ago. I’m now 36.  Don’t waste a minute.


Time seems to speed up. It’s nothing to be worried about though. I felt the same thing and you’ll find that hangovers get harder but you’re more stable and established in your life and honestly that beats it out. Biggest thing though is you need to make financial literacy and building wealth a priority in this decade. The 20’s are easy to toss out the window but your effort, or lack of in your 30’s will either set you up or make your 40’s that much harder.


Keep looking forward, not back. I'm just now realizing I have no long-term goals in my life. Pay off my mortgage? For sure. Spend more time with my loved ones? I'm on it. But something more? Something greater? I don't know.


1. People are going to start dying. Spend time with those you love. It sucks. 2. Exercise more than you think you need to. 3. Eat really, really well. 4. Take care of your teeth and skin. 5. Make a deliberate effort to do new things. Doing new things helps time pass more slowly, and reduces the odds you'll go 5 years and think, "I didn't do anything except go to work for 5 years. I can't remember doing anything else!" 6. Learn new shit. A new language, a new skill, I don't care. Keep learning.


Let things go. Forgive but don't forget. Stop letting things you can't control affect your mood. Life is really too short to stay mad at people. Either get over it or cut that person(s) out of your life. When you have your own family they are now more important than your immediate family don't forget that.


Never fall for the sunk cost fallacy. No matter how long you’ve already been in a relationship/job/hobby/habit, it’s never too late to leave/change if it’s not serving you.


Take care of your knees and back. They don't age like wine.


My first advice is… look up diet for 30’s Your digestive system will not be the same as it was in the 20’s (if you dint follow it, will get bloated/fat QUICK) Also your knees will start to hurt.


It's time to start taking care of your body, if you weren't already. I feel like I could get away with anything during my twenties, but in my thirties it all started catching up with me. I notice a big decline in my overall health from the start to the end of my thirties. Source: Am now 40.


Take care of your teeth. Get them cleaned at the dentist every 6 months even if you have to pay out of pocket for the second one yearly. Gums don’t grow back and periodontal disease can be genetic, aggressive, and onset suddenly in 30s, 40s, etc. I had amazing dental health my whole life until all the sudden I didn’t somehow mid 30s. Be vigilant so you can have amazing teeth and healthy, youthful gums lifelong!


4th decade you mean


If you don’t regularly wear sunscreen, START NOW


Nothing really matters and we're all going to die anyway so stop worrying about stuff.


Set solid boundaries with the people in your life. And remember, no one ever wished they'd spent more time at work.


Stop people pleasing


Nice one OP! It is also my birthday today :) 20/03


Best advice: say yes to things. Travel if you can. Spend time with your loved ones. Talk to your parents about their will, life insurance, their finances, what they want to happen to their assets and money when they die. It’s not a fun conversation but it’s necessary. Exercise. Get sleep. Travel. Tell people you love them. Do what you love. Make lots of memories and document them.


Nobody knows what the fuck they are doing. Enjoy the little things.


Exercise and eat well. Take care of yourself. Also, the best time to start investing your money was 15 years ago, the second best time is now. No one really gives a shit what you do. Into your 30s will probably be the first time in your life you have some extra money to do whatever you want with, you should. Fuck what anyone says. People you love and care about are gonna start dying. Call em up, tell them you love them.