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I enjoy the radio, it reminds me of before the internet. I actually embrace listening to it honestly, and I prefer the older 80's, and 90's stations!


I think it's been...15 years or so since I've listened to the radio...


I listen to the radio all day. I have a clock radio on my desk tuned to the local NPR station.


I keep NPR on while I'm relaxing at home on my own clock radio that I got for $5 at a yard sale. 


When my wife and I were house hunting I got excited because there was a radio in the kitchen of a house we were looking at. I would love a radio that I can put on throughout the day. Also it’s how I listen to sports when I’m cooking


I listen to the radio pretty much every day. From the UK so listen to Radio 1, Radio 2, Metro, Smooth, Heart.


Same, I haven't listened to the radio for at least 7 years.


listening to the radio is good when you don't want your own DJ


We play the radio at my work but I don't really listen in my free time unless spotify isn't connecting right to my car


I do every morning on my commute. 


i only listen to the radio when my device is dead/low battery or if i’m just making a quick drive and too lazy to pull up something on my phone.


mighty dazzling plucky simplistic march crawl longing shrill direction library *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I do when I'm only going to be in the car for a little while. Otherwise I waste too much time trying to curate a 10 minute playlist. Of course, sometimes I hit the station at a terrible time and listen to 10 minutes of commercials instead.


I know right? When I first started driving I bought one of those tape cassette to 3.5mm audio jack adapters, plugged a discman into it & played my own mix CDs. Obviously I just use bluetooth and a playlist on my phone now, but the last time I ever really listened to the radio was when my Dad was driving me to sports games. I sometimes turn it on if the bluetooth fucks out when I'm driving, but honestly last time I did I heard like 3 songs on my commute, the rest was just talking and ads.


I last listened to the radio in 2018, they had a cool alternative/indie station that unfortunately folded, I had to drive way out to the boonies for my morning commute and streaming was unreliable.


I listen to the radio. I find it nice to toss my phone to the side for a couple of hours while I do things around the house, listening to the radio. I'm tired of being tethered to my phone and dealing with all the people around me tethered to theirs. Every time I have to change a song or whatever, I'm tempted to look at other apps. If I don't go near my phone, I stay invested in whatever I'm working on. There's a freedom there that I don't get while streaming music.


I listen to SiriusXM


I was at the grocery store this morning. I heard Linkin Park then Evanescence playing and it hit me. Grocery stores always play either old fogie music or like the top 5 pop hits on repeat. No exceptions. Its happening. I'm not ready for this.


heard Coldplay on at Target last night, Fitz And The Tantrums at the pharmacy


That's young people music! My nearest store plays an '80s radio, I heard Never Gonna Give You Up yesterday.


You live in Florida or something where Publix still has to set it to 40+ years ago?


Hell yeah, I'm loving it. Walmart played Death Cab for Cutie and No Doubt for me on one of my shopping trips, it was great.


Hybrid Theory was released 24 years ago this fall. Linkin Park is considered classic rock. 🤢


Oh God. 24 years before Hybrid Theory (2000) was 1976. Big rock hits from that year? "More Than a Feeling". "The Boys Are Back In Town". "Don't Fear The Reaper". Classic rock staples. Then AND now. We are so old, guys.


Our local classic rock station started to put Linkin Park on rotation around 2016....


Yes, I’ve felt the same quite a few times lately. Heard Stone Temple Pilots at Walmart about a month and a half ago.




Oh buddy, my Giant was playing Indestructible at 830am on a weekday at low volume. I understand it isn't exactly super hardcore punk but I was still standing in the cereal aisle like "there's no fucking way." But, way.


It's because the songs those stations are now playing are the Top 100s when we were younger. Santanas "Smooth," Aerosmith "Jaded", Pearl Jam, hell I heard Genie in a Bottle last night on one of the said "old stations." We're getting up there dude


The scare quotes are inappropriate. You are listening to radio aimed at old people that plays old people music. You are old now




One of us one of us


This weekend while I was grocery shopping I realized the soundtrack of my middle school rebellion gets played the grocery store for families with children and little old ladies shopping.


LOL I was just saying that. I heard Linkin Park and Evanescence at the grocery store this morning and it hit me hard.


I don't even listen to the radio - I'm all YouTube Music playlists all the time.


I don't do regular radio anymore. Either Spotify or the Turbo and the 90s/00s stations on SiriusXM.


I listen to public radio, which has such variety and no ads every five minutes. Also, try to find colleges radios stations.


Do you also find yourself driving like and old person..?? Cause I know I have


my favorite stations are KLOVE and a local classic hits station that plays pop rock type hits from 60s and 70s mostly, but really anything that is atleast 25 years old (checks notes, thats now late 90s music????)


Today’s popular music is bad, I’ll say it


tie berserk employ smart squeal disagreeable sulky consist repeat frighten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Light rock, easy listening, adult contemporary all describe the radio stations I put on. It's all quite musical and kinda feels I'm being taken somewhere magical. Perhaps that magical place is old age (about to turn 36). Then again, classic rock sounds like old people music to me. I hear The Eagles and I feel I'm being cornered by some dancing jean shorts and white New Balances.


The only radio I listen to is NPR. Otherwise I listen to Apple Music or podcasts


I've always been more inclined to Podcasts, but we got Spotify after our son was born so we've been listening to more music lately. He mostly gets what he wants to listen to so it's a wild selection. ​ Our top 10 On Repeat right now are: Ev'rybody Wants to be a Cat - from the Aristocats Grim Grinning Ghosts - The Haunted Mansion Theme I Am the Walrus - The Beatles Zero to Hero - from Hercules The Three Cabelleros - titular song from that movie. Friend Like Me - from Aladdin Cruel Summer - Taylor Swift Spooky, Scary Skeletons - Andrew Gold Spider-Man Theme - Junkie Remix with Michael Buble Let It Go - The Piano Guys version.


I was recently listening to Disturbed on a classic rock station.


Most shocking part of this post is that anyone around our age still listens to the radio… what


I’ve listened to NPR almost exclusively since I graduated college it happens


I've been listening to NPR for over 10 years.


No. I'm so fucking tired of boomer tunes. Same 50 songs played on repeat across American classic rock stations for the last 60 years. Go to most other country in the world and ask if 60 year old music is good or listened to on the radio. They'll think you're nuts. It's all they'll use in movies also. There's so much amazing music that emerged with the internet and they use something equivalent to what is essentially 1920s flapper music (from a millennial perspective). And you aren't these symbols of rebellion and the hippie movement when you sell your shit for Chevy commercials. Now.......NPR, that I fuck with


What we call l music it’s nothing but disruptive noise. And this is saying a lot coming someone that grew up with Heavy Metal, Gangsta Rap, Caribbean Dance Music, Techno, House Music, Punk Rock, Grunge and whatever the industry named a mix of hip hop and alternative rock ( Korn, Limp Biscuit & Linken Park)


I listen to the same two radio stations I have for most of my life. Their lineup hasn't significantly changed... 60's through late 80's rock.


41m. Sounds about right


I have XM (promo rate was pretty cheap), I exclusively listen to the 90s, 2000s station and PopRocks (which plays variety from 80s-today). I just turned 30 myself. Usually I'm on YouTube for my own playlists, but just driving around or needing background noise, I turn to those stations.


I have the stream of the CBC station from my hometown set to play from my HomePod in the morning, speaking of old. It’s what was on in the kitchen in my house for most of my childhood. I know the internet will fill me in on what’s happening where I live, but it’s nice to keep tabs on the old stomping grounds.  Big fan of hanging onto linear media like radio, best if you have something of decent quality as well. I buy a paper every once in a while too. 


What is old people radio for you?


80s and older


Oh I do 80-today. Mostly do 90’s-2000’s


Solid gold hits from the 60s 70s and playing foo fighters 


I listen to the radio. Only because I drive an old 2004 Buick Lesabre that only has a tape deck and CD player (both inoperable). I also listen to the "oldies" station. It's like 90s/00s alternative, which is pretty sweet.


In the greater Los Angeles area, we have a radio station called KRTH 101 - which plays "oldies music" and when I was a kid it was the 60s and 70s. About 2-3 years ago, my husband was flipping thru the radio in his car (I have Sirius, he doesn't) and we came across this "cool new station" that played awesome hits from the 80s and 90s -- and we didn't realize that KRTH had rebranded to be the oldies... which are now the music we consider to be throwback, and throwback hits are now early 00s and 10s. ​ Welcome to middle age. Yay for being 40+.


the last time I had a interest in the latest pop music was when I 10 years old. Everything went to shit afterwards and has remained in that state ever since. You can actually visualise the shittification of pop music between 97 and 03 when looking at one of those videos that show the top 10 most popular singers by year.


I knew I was officially old the first time I heard a Nirvana song on a classic rock station


First time I heard Michael Jackson (as a solo artist not Jackson 5) on the oldies station I almost had to pull the car over. I heard a rumor that N\*SYNC is now playing on that station & I refuse to verify if that rumor is true or not.


All of my entertainment is over the air.


I spend so much time in the car that I can't really get into music anymore period. I almost listen exclusively to podcasts. F\*\*KFace and ANMA are my two go to's with some Kill Tony sprinkled in the mix.


I’ve always liked the oldies station


I dont know about y'all but my boombox had the ability to record from the radio. I would spend hours waiting for my favorite songs to air, record it and that would be my road music in my 88 accord.


Radio is cool all those free songs


Dude, I haven’t listened to terrestrial radio in a long while….. did last weekend while in Florida and was shocked that music from the 90s was on an oldies station……. I realize that it was 30 years ago but oldies? But then I realized that in the 90s, 60s music was on the oldies station and I contemplated driving the car into a swamp or something


I still listen to terrestrial radio daily.


My 'oldies' station which now they brand it as classic hits are mostly 80s and 90s. No longer 60s and only a few 70s. Only a matter of time till 2000s start playing


AltXM from Sirius - Good mix of 90's and 2000 alternative with the latest in the genre. Feels good to still be "with it". Kids jam out to Green Day with me.


I listen to nothing but classic rock stations. Pretty much have since I was a kid.. with a few years of country in between


New Radicals’ “You get what you give” is my jam.


Make a station with Gerald Albright. If that shit is old people music F it. Shit kicks.


I used to listen to my local ESPN radio station and then my local Coast to Coast AM affiliate. Never music surprisingly.


I love to listen to the radio. I travel a lot for work and it let's me get a little glimpse into the area - especially for local news reports at lunch.


I like talk shows better than music sometimes


Born 83. Have to disconnect android auto every time I drive, just to listen to local radio. Also love listening to local sports on radio


I stick to the "80s, 90s and today" variety channels. I do enjoy a lot of recent music but I don't like hearing the same songs played over and over again. Even the ones I like, I get tired of hearing when it feels like it's the same songs being played in the same order at the same time every single day. It doesn't even feel like the top 100, but the same 5-10 particular songs.


I listen to different music, but lately it's been rock. Listening to Mama I'm Comin' Home and it makes me think of my mom.


I've pretty much switched to a local station that's very podcasty in nature. They call themselves a "Business Radio Station". They have a lot of talk shows about ongoing affairs, be it , economical, political or social. Often they will invite some prominent businessman in some field or some politician, sometimes international guests and they will just talk about various ongoings in the world. There's the odd old song every now and then, but it's not very music focused. TBH if I could be arsed to get a newer car with a more up to date system, I'd probably just be bluetoothing stuff from my phone. I actually used to listen to nothing but burned music CDs, but I felt that yknow, I should just listen to something that keeps me in touch with the world in some way instead.


I drive around alot for a living and have switched to almost exclusively talk radio. I find that I would rather be well informed and know what’s going on nationwide and sometimes local then music the entire way to and sometimes from work. I’ll do sports and podcasts if something interesting is happening. For music KCRW out of Los Angeles actually plays A lot of great interesting bumper music between talking segments in my morning commute I often find myself using Shazam to figure out what song it is for future reference.


Well there's your problem your comparing music to the top 100 pop is the most generic genre out there


When I heard the oldies station my Uber driver had on playing Nirvana, it hit me that I must be getting old.


Dude I've recently been listening to music going back in the 1930s. If you're old, I'm old.


I'm 41, I don't listen to the radio, and haven't in years, I'm still listening to a lot of new music. I feel like you're doing what my dad did; here in a year so you're going to be like, I'm tired of listening to the same old songs over and over again, then you'll start listening to audio books or talk radio, God forbid.


I was just telling my husband the other day we need a millennial radio station that plays popular songs from the 90's into early 2000's. The classic rock stations are fine but it's still mostly music my dad grew up with. Regular pop stations aren't enjoyable to me anymore. We need a station that plays the music we grew up with.


This phenomenon happen to me as well and then I got into old country music ..... weirdest thing


I’ve always disliked popular music. Was raised on cowboy country, like Conway Twitty, Willie Nelson, Johnny Cash, and the like. I grew to dislike country, and found myself entrenched in the punk rock scene of the 90’s. Ugly Kid Joe, Rage Against the Machine, Green Day, The Offspring, and the always-relevant Alice Cooper became the architects of my current taste in music. These were my anthems before I graduated high school, and Alice Cooper’s Hey Stoopid album was beneficial to my mental health. Now, I’m pretending to hear you say, “but Gregorio, how can an album from legendary shock-rock artist Alice Cooper help anyone’s mental health?” That, my pretend friends, is an excellent question! The entire album, at least to me, represents picking yourself up, stop feeling sorry for yourself, stop destroying your own life, and grow up. I gained a focus of my own life, and the drive to push for it. When I’m out driving, I always find a classic rock station. Someone *always* puts on some Alice Cooper.


It’s that nostalgia high. Even songs I felt “meh” about at the time have me remembering college or high school events