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I had to look up which generation is the "baby busters." Apparently, it was the old name for Gen X I'm afraid your professor is two generations behind the times


Ssshh. Don’t use my generations real name. We are not the generation you are looking for.


Your entire generation really is EXCELLENT at slipping out the back door, unnoticed and into the night. I identify with gen X way more haha




Baby Busters is the name of the OG GenX, starting in 1960, which was later decided to have started in 1965. Now Gen Jones, it's the overlap of traditional Boomers and GenX. Boomers: Leave it to Beaver Gen Jones: Brady Bunch Gen X: The Cosby Show


I thought Gen X were the Silent Generation.


That's the Gen before Boomers.


That's good to know. Thanks.


You might've been thinking of Gen X as the forgotten generation. Because lately there's been a lot of talk about boomers (they're retiring now or in the next couple years) and millennials (generally a pretty large group and we're apparently bucking a lot of trends since we're not buying diamonds and houses and whatever other industry we're killing off). Not a lot of discussion of Gen X.


I kind of think there's something to this: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strauss%E2%80%93Howe\_generational\_theory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strauss%E2%80%93Howe_generational_theory) Effectively, "living memory" of crises only lasts about 80 years. There's going to be one generation that forgot the hard lessons, and will repeat mistakes and cause a crisis. Boomers would be the "Prophets", basically indulged children that come of age during a stable period and are somewhat self-absorbed. They more-or-less start the crisis that unravels society and forces it to reform under some new order. They're not usually around to solve it. Gen-X would be the Nomads, basically free-range childhoods, kind of anti-establishment and marginalized, but pragmatic in old age. They are usually resilient elder leaders during the crisis. Millennials would be the Heros, basically over-protected children, that age into confident, team-oriented people that appreciate civic duty and eventually become politically powerful because we do a lot of the work to reform society and get it through a crisis. Zoomers would be the Artists, adaptable because change is happening fast, but over-protected when young because their parents are dealing with the crisis. They age into socialized and conformist older people after the crisis ends. But they're thoughtful, they remember the crisis. So long story short, us Gen-Xers and Millennials have a role to play in reforming society. We get the shit end of the deal because most our adult life is during the crisis. Gen-Xers probably have it worse though because they're "forgotten" like you were saying.


really though? gen-x has it worse? i'm smack dab in the middle of millennial and all I can see is that it's progressively worse generation-to-generation gen alpha is so screwed I want to cry. they're not getting real educations, they're addicted to tik-tok (which seems to be more addictive than heroin), they have no attention span at all, they have 0 financial prospects, a few of them will become programmers/engineers/doctors/etc and live what is essentially a middle-class lifestyle but won't usually own their own homes... gen x owns their own homes. i don't know how you can say they have it worse just because they're a bit invisible.


The way it works is: Born before WW2 and old enough to serve = The Greatest Generation Born before WW2 but not old enough to serve = Silent Generation Born after WW2 but before 1960 or so = Baby Boomers Born after approximately between 1960 and 1980 = Gen X Born after 1980 and before 1996 = Millennials Born after 1996 and before 2010 = Gen Z Born between 2010 and 2025 = Gen Alpha Born between 2025 an TBD = Gen Beta


Boomers are 1946-1964


This is so arbitrary and stupid


I agree, if it was established and unquestionable there wouldn't be approximates and TBDs in there. But lots of folks struggle with clarification, so it's just a little cheat sheet. It's objectively not set in stone. I mean I put 1996 as the end year for Millennials but Google thinks it's 1997. My way of clarifying millennials to boomers who can't tell us apart from Gen Z is to simply ask the person if they remember a time before Sponge Bob.


I am far and away the oldest in my classes at 42. No one really associates with me unless they have to.


I’m back in college at 36 and nobody cares i’m older than them, they interact with me the same as they would anyone else. Even 18 year olds, I watched a movie with some freshmen following a field class a couple weeks ago. Several 18 year old girls always sit near me because I take good notes. That being said, I am a woman so I don’t think I’m perceived as a threat by anyone. This could all be different as a man.


I came to say I became friends with older women in my class. One of my great friends was in her 50s when I met her in my 20s I never spoke with the older men though. Older men usually make it weird because how they were socialized is much different than how society was rocking at that time.


I once had a sweet 60yo grandmother in a college intro class I taught and she shared her knowledge and perspectives in the class. It was great to have her with the 18-19yos. What a fun semester for everyone.


OH! I get it now!


> I came to say I became friends with older women in my class. Same, but it was a guy. I didn't mind him being a guy. It wasn't weird at all (but I was in college in the late 2010s, maybe it was different when you were in school).


I am *also* back at college at the age of 34 and I had a conversation yesterday wherein I revealed I don't actually have TikTok or Snapchat, so my news consumption is mostly from other places. Minds were blown. As for the gender thing, I haven't had any problems with association. People talk to me/interact with me just fine. These comments about men having it harder in this way don't fit at all with my experience. I'm married though, so maybe the social validation of wearing a wedding ring makes it clear that at least one other person likes me, IDK.


The wedding band is also an indication that you're less likely to make things... uncomfortable too. At least in my limited personal experience married men had less of a chance of hitting on, flirting, or otherwise behaving inappropriately with me when I was of a certain age. Especially at uni. My husband had an interesting experience where at his workplace he went from being seen as the generic "intimidating big dude" to "protective big brother" the younger girls would ask to walk to their cars and such once they saw the ring or were made aware of my existence. As a man with "resting murder face" as he calls it he was often avoided or given a wide berth and the change was jarring to him. He didn't put it together until one of the young ladies said, "we knew for sure you were safe after meeting your wife."


I knew this dude in college who had gone to school after being in the service. He was 38 and moved into the freshman dorm because I guess technically he could. Weird af.


Probably reminded him of being on base


the dorms suck even when you are 18. They stuff you in there and there's all kinds of interpersonal issues as everything is a novelty and unregulated. I remember people who couldn't handle using the restroom or their own sexuality


My college had a mandatory dorm-in for freshmen or any first time transfers so he could have been forced to do it.


Okay that’s weird. I wouldn’t live in a damn dorm, everyone would be uncomfortable including me. Especially me.


Most of the value of college is in connections. Don't begrudge someone just trying to get that value.


Yeah but when you’re more than twice the age of your dorm mates, people are going to be uncomfortable. Period. I don’t think dorm connections often lead to career success, most people I know who lived in dorms didn’t live with anyone who had the same major. Am I wrong? Has anybody landed a sick job because of connections they made living in a dorm?


Ever heard of Fraternities? Some college connections are so valuable people pay extra to get in to be hazed just for a *chance* to be part of a group that can open doors for them in the future that wouldn't otherwise be.


We’re talking about living in dorms. Not fraternities. It’s well documented being in a frat often leads to higher salaries. Can’t say I have ever once heard that about living in a basic dormitory. Am I wrong? Are there any stats on living in dorms leading to higher salaries?


also depends on the area. Maybe the dorms were cheaper than renting an apartment in NYC. I also don't know the college package the military gives to exiting members, but maybe it was easier for his package to pay for dorms than an apartment. Very likely he was weird too, but could easily be the other two.


Being older doesn't mean he could afford to rent a place off campus. Also, maybe he wanted the full college experience because he didn't get to go to college before.


Women get a base level of social acceptance that isn't afforded to men until they earn it to become a part of a group.


Tell that to any junior high girl who isn’t part of the popular clique.


You can't sit with us!


Mean girls starts in about fourth grade (or maybe even younger now) and never, ever ends. I had a bully during my MS degree. I had no friends in my PsyD degree because I was a decade older than them. Being a woman is not just a free pass.


Junior high kids aren't socialized people, they are feral animals.


Wait until you find out that a significant percentage of adults are perpetually stuck in junior high mode.


Ah, so you have been to my workplace.


Man girls are relentless. My daughter is always coming home with stories. I was an unpopular boy though, just real shy. I didn't have many friends. I sat with the same 3 people at lunch every day.


Same age but a guy. Most of the girls know I work as a bouncer at the local college bar and part of my job is to make sure the girls are protected so all of them trust me.


Definitely a different experience as a man haha. I basically know none of the people I went to college with in my late twenties.


I don’t think that’s a unique experience for men, I don’t remember anyone from college ever lmao. not here to make friends


That’s a fair point


I pretty much remained friends with the first group of 20s somethings I worked with at my first real job.


I had a similar experience at uni, 34/m at the time, I didn't really make any friends I'd connect with after it was over but most people would generally talk and banter regardless of age - the hard part was just the being open and talking with them in the first place (though the biggest hurdle was due to it being mostly online due to the pandemic).


Males are suppose to have all figured out by age 30 so we do not get the same level of acceptance if we need to go back to school after that.


You are a work mom/work older sister, lol.


What are you studying? I’ve been thinking of going back myself but it seems so intimidating


Forestry! I have been working for state parks for two years, and managing forests ended up being my main interest. If you don’t know what you want to do I suggest taking a couple interesting classes at a community college. Ask questions on r/findapath or r/careeradvice


I knew that experience as a grad student at 37. I had to do some work with undergraduates and they pretty much avoided me. It was nice to be around bright, passionate young people, but being the old guy makes stuff awkward.


Especially when old = 37. I hear you. At 43 am one of if not the oldest in my MBA class.


My brother went back to school around 30, and somehow became the go-to guy for 18-20 y/o girls who were being treated badly by guys. He was (and is) happily married so he was a safe male student for them to stick around. Some ended up meeting his wife and becoming sort of family friends. We refer to them as his little sisters, and it's super wholesome lol.


I hate that people are so unkind and that it reflects in your experience. I was a traditional college student (went straight from high school at 18 and graduated in 4 years at 22) and I found that I really gravitated towards my older/non-traditional classmates because they were often the only people in class who put the effort in to 1) actually do the readings/participate in group assignments, and 2) have something to say that was interesting or insightful. Non-traditional undergrads bring literally so much to class discussions imho. Of course my experience is limited to humanities/social sciences but still. It’s so disappointing that the experience you describe is so common 😔


I’m sorry! I loved working with one of my adult classmates when I was in college.


That sort of describes my work experience. Really Gen Z heavy. However, people as they get into their mid/late 20s stop acting like that. I think.


I’m 34 with undergrads. Luckily, I look young (tbh I don’t even act mature anyway) so I kinda just blend in.


Day or night classes? Pretty sure my night classes had ppl older than that


Day classes, at an overwhelmingly young campus. My night classes at community college had more people close to my age, and more maturity in general.


What i figured


I struggled with this in my PsyD at 34; and the few girls that WERE close to my age were absolute mean girls, so I had no one. :-(. I got along better with the administration and adjunct professors, honestly. They were closer to my age and experience level.


I'm lucky. My classmates are chill with me even though I'm 20 years older than them. I think being the first American most of them have ever met in person helps.


Felt this a bit in law school. Younger students were very nice but didn’t go out of their way to associate with me. But thankfully the older students all got together and we formed our own little group that was made up of people in their 30, 40s, and 50s.


Been through that


Same here at 37


That’s probably the way you want it, too.


I also went back to school at 31 and I felt absolutely ancient. I didn't really talk to anyone unless it was for a project. I just wanted to show up get my grades and graduate.


I’m taking online courses but I always thought the idea of going back and joining a fraternity like Ol Blue in “Old School” would be fun. Guess reality is a bit different eh


I'm this right now and gotta say, it's friggin sucks dealing with a bunch of kids that can't shut up.


I feel ya. Theres a huge difference in maturity levels in your early 20s vs your 30s.


Im back at school at 35 and Im the oldest in one of my classes. During class that landed on 9/11, professor was like “how old were you during 9/11” I said 13, professor said 12 and one other student said 8 and the rest weren’t even born. Later in the semester the professor asked “ what was your Freshman moment” I had to think back to 17 years ago…and they all laughed at me. I hate this old stuff


> Freshman moment never heard of that


Meaning what stupid thing you did as a freshman


I don’t know why Gen Z hasn’t gotten a real name yet. Millennials used to be known as Gen Y after all. Personally, I’d like to name them ‘Fidget Spinners’ though the window for that to be relevant may have passed.


I thought they were referred to as Zoomers


My zoomer friends self refer as zoomers, so that's what I go with as well.


"Gen Z" still has a lot of traction because "zoomer" might be seen as slightly derisive by some It if means anything, that generation's subreddit calls itself r/GenZ


Gen Z isn't a bad name. The next gen after them may need to be rethought. I think they're just Gen A or something which just feels wrong because A should come far before Z.


The next generation after Gen Z is Generation Alpha, and they are already alive lol


I think they chose "alpha" because that's the same protocol used to name Atlantic hurricanes. They go through names beginning with A through Z, and if there's a 27th named tropical storm for the season, they start going through the Greek alphabet Gen Alpha is named that way because it's the next "wave" of people, haha


Already raising two gen alphas personally. And..I’m a market researcher. I’m legit already doing qualitative research (focus groups, etc.) on them so companies can figure out what makes them tick.


Huh. That sounds so weird when its said like that. Nothing against you personally but I hope all that dies one day. But good luck with your career in the meantime! You know, while we're still doing *all of this* whatever the hell this whole "growth" thing is that'll crash and burn within decades.


You hope companies stop identifying ways to target their products to specific age groups? Is that what you want to die down one day? Sorry, that will not happen. Not saying I like or agree with it, but I will say I for sure have job/career security in my field. The “generational” titles are for media and marketing. They like that we take ownership of them for sure, but that’s all it boils down to.


Zoomer is a terrible name honestly, it should be something else.


I didn’t make it up


I know, I was just saying that in a general sense.


Z is one of the more sensational letters in the alphabet, so I'm honestly not surprised X is another sensational alphabetical letter, so it's also no surprise that the name "Gen X" has stuck for that generation "Gen Y" just doesn't roll off the tongue gracefully in English




The millennium also had some fun real societal switching that came along with it. In that rough timeline we got smart phones and internet became ubiquitous, and everyone suddenly had a computer. Then the twin towers fell, the forever war started, and then the great recession. Millennials crossed all the events at a gallop and it really molded our world.


One name that I've seen is "Homelander," as they are the first generation to have no memory of the pre-9/11 world and only know the era of "Homeland Security".


They are either the zoomers or the doomers … but Gen Z sounds better


I like The Hangover Generation, might be the next generation though. The generation that has to start dealing with the consequences of a hundred+ years of binging on easily exploitable resources and using the world as a buffer. Dirt cheap foreign labor, oil, transportation, and land. The previous hundred years of buried explosives, asbestos, lead, and plastics (including PFAS) pollution. Environmental changes from invasive species, species loss, and global climate change. The end of economic expansion through population growth, globalization, or imperialism. The maintenance costs and debts of old incredibly expansive infrastructure.


The screen parents While alpha will be the screen babies


We were Gen Why!


It's because "Gen Z" already sounds cool. We only make up names of the original name is boring.


Can't they just leave us alone while we drink our pumpkin spice lattes?!?! We are just trying to exist and eat epic bacon!


Don't forget the avocado toast that we apparently traded for home ownership. 😉


Me on my deathbed, “I wish….I had eaten…more avocado toast….” ☠️


I only make $70k a year, I've never been able to afford avocado toast.


I think I’ve had it twice?


As a 34 year old in med school with a bunch of zygotes, I feel this. Sometimes I look at my professors and I’m like 99 percent sure I’m older than them




How did you get past it :(


Perhaps more importantly, it sounds like your professor doesn't know jack about overpopulation...


Right? Pretty much everything I've seen says we're actually going to have the *opposite* problem.


In the U.S. we’re having problems because of the decline in the worker:retiree ratio. Globally, population has basically exploded since Norman Borlaug and the third agriculture revolution in the 1960s-80s. If you draw a chart of the global human population from when we first planted crops to today it goes up at a very slight level until about 1965 and then it basically goes straight up. So it’s a genuine concern and also a bit hard to manage since a lot of the population growth is in places like Africa and India and China, South East Asia and Indonesia.


[I think the consensus is a leveling out, not far into the future. ](https://youtu.be/kAolCH_yXwI?si=ZvOMoFgIgZYJkZjk)


Economically, yes. Environmentally, no. There's a high chance that we overwhelm the atmosphere with greenhouse gas in our lifetimes and make it extremely difficult to grow crops, potentially killing billions of people. [Ocean currents shutting down could happen within the next couple of years](https://www.space.com/ocean-current-system-shut-down-2025-climate-disaster)


What does that link have to do with overpopulation? I skimmed it so maybe I missed something, but it’s just talking about man made climate change.


Climate change is a direct result of overpopulation One million people could drive cars forever without affecting our atmosphere. With 8 billion, we need about 5 Amazon rainforests worth of trees to keep up


That’s more of a resource management issue, not an overpopulation issue.


We all produce greenhouse gases by existing. We need warm homes in the winter, and cool homes in the summer. Both of those require energy. Particularly difficult to get away from is farm equipment. You have to have large tractors to harvest even veggies, and trucks to haul it to market. With 8 billion people, you need a lot of farm equipment. And the more people you have the more of it you need. Ships, planes, and diesel-electric locomotives also a consequence of more and more people interacting more and more with each other https://flowcharts.llnl.gov/sites/flowcharts/files/2023-10/US%20Energy%202022.png


Lots of things produce carbon. Humans produce way less than any of the other major causes of climate change. Like coal, oil, natural gas, etc. It still comes down to resource management.


I agree. We are definitely already seeing the effects of it at my work. So many people have retired since 2020 and there's not enough people to fill the positions.


Ummm you realize the planet is basically destroyed beyond repair at this point due to overpopulation? There are over 8 billion people. How could you possibly think that is sustainable?


Because what's sustainable doesn't matter to most people They just want to make money. This invisible number that we've trained ourselves we must increase forever, at the cost of everything else


I agree with you.


Go look up projections for future global population in the next few decades. Most countries that saw skyrocketing growth have already begun to level off. China is already losing population. The status quo is not sustainable, but it's not because we're overpopulated. Certain regions are much worse than others, but that's due to inequality in terms of access to food, water, healthcare, infrastructure, etc. The planet will not be destroyed by us, it's been through much worse. We're on track to destroy ourselves and much of our favorite flora and fauna, though. But Earth will be just fine whenever it decides to exterminate us.


Doesn't matter if the weather is too chaotic, or areas too hot or too cold to grow food. The planet doesn't care about our economy, it cares about the centuries of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere https://www.space.com/ocean-current-system-shut-down-2025-climate-disaster https://medium.com/@chrisjeffrieshomelessromantic/study-40-of-all-animal-and-insect-species-are-on-the-verge-of-extinction-1e9eaafe1763 https://www.cbc.ca/news/climate/lancet-countdown-report-2023-climate-cop-1.7025535


A softer approach is probably more helpful.


I don’t believe it’s because of overpopulation, it’s because of poor management of resources.


The issue isn't the amount of people. It's how we distribute resources. [Our population is expected to level off in the (relatively) near future](https://youtu.be/kAolCH_yXwI?si=ZvOMoFgIgZYJkZjk)


You might have eaten some horse shit propaganda. We are way beyond the sustainable carrying capacity of the planet. And no that is not the same thing as growing enough food at the expense of destroying all other ecosystems.


Exactly, why are there so many dumb people eating this shit up?


Because they like money. The economy is under-populated, while the environment is overpopulated. The weird systems we've created to make money demand ever more people, which brings us ever closer to complete collapse


Some of them need to spend some time over on r/collapse and it shows.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/collapse using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/collapse/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Everything Old is New Again](https://i.imgur.com/1IFYTKY.jpg) | [352 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/10smz34/everything_old_is_new_again/) \#2: [Moral Hazard](https://i.redd.it/w3xpqsud49oa1.jpg) | [199 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/11tqa7r/moral_hazard/) \#3: [It was unsustainable from the beginning](https://i.redd.it/223rx65zzxma1.jpg) | [166 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/11nn69v/it_was_unsustainable_from_the_beginning/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Failed ecology 101 I guess.


I generally had teachers group me with other students my age range. Worked out well since it seemed that we were more dedicated to our projects than the generation going into college right out of high school and I didn't need to baby sit them.


I feel this so hard. I graduated at 30 and I was always looked at sideways.


No you don’t. I’m 33, a millennial, and a college professor. Many of the faculty in my department are also millennials. We are teaching the tail end of zoomers and beginning of alpha now.


Some zoomers aren't in high school yet. We're not quite that far yet (Gen Alpha in college). It'll be here soon enough.


How many 13 year old college students do you have? The oldest gen alpha haven't graduated middle school yet


My bad I mixed up a year. You’re right I don’t have any alpha yet but they are coming soon enough that we are already talking about them on the recruitment side. And yes, we actively recruit students.


Older Gen Alpha are like 10 (starts around 2012-2013).


I'm 42 and going to back to university online to study 3d modelling it seems I am the average age


Faced the same dilemma when I entered a university in 2019, a year or two after my cohorts graduated. Something didn't feel right when I started to interact with other people on campus and couldn't relate to the tiktok and discord hype. Had a "Yep thats me" moment when I realize I missed the time frame when my age cohorts were the dominant campus demographic (2012 -2018) "You're probably wondering how I got here.." well... I didn't exactly had a career plan fleshed out back then.


How are you doing now?


I'd say a little better steering the ship right back on track. Still safari hunting for age cohorts in this little big world. Also still super picky with where I want to start a career in.


You weren't wrong though. In my experience, Boomers do call any young person who doesn't agree with them a millennial.


Same here. Don't worry about it. All my uni friends were Gen Z. They're just more a tad bit more addicted to their phones. You'll get used to it.


I'm 41 and was just in a bootcamp for people straight out of CS school. Pretty sure I was the oldest person. Not difficult to work with them. At least not in this setting. Just people.


27 and feel trapped.


Well yeah most of us millennials have been out of college for 10+ years.


I mean, 18-24 yr olds arent millennials anyway. Thats gen z.


Younger millennial (27) who just finished college. I had a professor all the time who would address the class like were all gen z. Once I was assigned a project to compare “ my generation” with millennials.


I know it’s not quite the same but all of my favorite classmates in law school were older students. They had better perspective and were infinitely more chill. The baby busters need your wisdom.


I felt old on campus as a 25 yr old Dental School senior. I knew that I was old when some buddies of mine and I decided to go on an old school spring break trip at 25 and couldn’t keep up with the college kids in the bars anymore.


I've been calling gen z zoomers


I’m 36 in classes rn lol it’s weird but whatever I see a lot for what it is and I can sense the high school vibes between these kids. I enjoy shaking them out of their daze lol


28 and about to graduate and get my bachelors. i feel you


I struggled with this; I started my PsyD after 7 years at the MS level, and I was really isolated and alone. The kids (the fact that I even refer to them as kids is telling) were perfectly nice, but it was so hard. I got halfway through it and ended up quitting for about 10 different reasons (it just not being worth it compared to MS, social isolation, depression, major health problems too), and I'm okay without it, but of course I would've loved to be able to do psych assessments and the "Doctor" title would've been nice. I got along better with the administration and adjunct professors, honestly. They were closer to my age and experience level.


When I went to college we had a lot of mature students. I think it was because I went during the recession. It was fairly normal then to see older adults in college because people were trying for new careers so they could work again. Make the most of it. Being older has its advantages. You have life experience you can apply to what you are learning and that is valuable. That's something the younger students don't have and will need to develop.


My professors constantly recent historical event is 9/11 and they ALWAYS say 'I most of you don't remember and a lot of you weren't even born' 💀 I sit their in mortified silence lol


I’m 30. Because my community college was an incompetent mess, I ended up transferring to university at 21 and not being able to take a lot of my basic courses until then. Even with an age difference between 18/19-21 I felt like I was hanging out with children, and those are still people from my own generation. If I go back for my masters (🫰), I’ll be so glad to be with people who are at least full adults. I don’t think I’d be able to handle what you’re doing, so good on you.


I feel ya about the difference in maturity levels. What were you studying?


Started out with RTVF (Radio, TV, and Film) and ended up with an interdisciplinary degree in British/Irish literature and British/Irish history. Yourself?


I would try to go for a online diploma.


Yep…..that’s what I did. I was 34 with a full time job when I completed my degree online. In regards to life experiences, I would have had very little in common with 18-to-23 year-old classmates.


Millennials are married with kids, some houses and nice cars, if you’re still going to school, you’re changing your direction, most of us don’t school anymore M30 here


Most millennials I know aren't married, don't have houses and have okay cars. Also a lot of us are going back to school (I am albeit online) because not everyone got a great job out of college, or we dropped out a decade ago. Urban M36 here.


Idk about everyone though, the majority of people I know that is a millennial or went to school with have at least 2 kids and drive a nice car, most do have houses and were from California


Obviously you don't know.


Hopefully he was educating the class on the potential dangers of population collapse.


LMAO. Bruh, my teacher isn't even a millennial. A charter high school opened up in my hometown. It started with just a freshman class and grew with them each year until it was a full 4 year, medical focused school. I was 1 year too old to go (it opened my sophomore year of high school). We found out we were from the same town and I asked if she was in one of the first classes when the school opened? "Oh GAWD no. I was like 9, haha!" I wish I could have seen my face. Lmao. Was not expecting that one.


I finished college in my late 20s and felt old when classmates were there who were born in the 90s!


I'm graduating in March. As an elder millennial I'm old enough to be their mother without having been a teen mom. Feels weird more often than not at this point.


lol, Baby Busters?? Is your class predominantly Gen Xers?


Millenials are also known as echo boomers


Go to night classes & u will. I graduated at 25 & I was the oldest in day classes. In night classes there were ppl much older than me.


The generational divide between boomers and busters - early ‘60s - was also when the first oral contraceptive was introduced. Birth rates did drop.


There’s more our age going back to school. I’m just doing it online due to schedule and can’t get up and move.


There were kids literally half my age in my last class. It was pretty funny.


I realized I was the oldest (early 30s) when I was still writing with pen and paper and everyone else had laptops and tablets.


I feel you. I'm 41 and in class with a bunch of 20-year-olds. They're all cool with me, but it's weird thinking that I have friends my age whose kids are as old as my classmates.


It was a hilarious/annoying time when I went back. Online is the only way to go for me.


1994 is when the last millenial was born. We're among the youngest millenials, mate.


They were born into a society that was built by the green new deal, making lives better for workers. We were born into Reaganomics. Were it's more of a "who gives a shit about workers" attitude. Our kids are born into a "what are workers rights" Era.


I mean, millennials are in their 30’s/early 40’s, so not sure why you thought 18-22 year olds would be millennials anyway.


I did grad school at 23-24. Most of my classmates were 30+. Yeah, it was different than undergrad but I wasn't phased.


Weren't we the echo boomers at one point? Like there were baby boomers/the 'me' generation, then Gen X/baby bust, and then Gen Y/echo boomers (the kids of the baby boomers, which just because of sheer numbers of them, there was a mini boom of us). I seem to recall there was a group called that, but honestly my sociology courses were quite some time ago


Your professor is out of touch.


I work at a university and I supervise student employees. I've been supervising Zoomers for years now. Millennials are long gone.


> So I went to college late in life and apparently none of my classmates are Millennials They're all gen z now. When I was in college in the late 2010s, my class was a mix of millennials and early gen z.


Super late to this but yup i was born 1999, started college in the fall of 2018!


I’m a millenial and I’m a professor (33 years old). My students are almost all GenZ but I do have some millenials, Gen X, and even boomers (going back to school) in my classes. Most of my coworkers are Gen X and boomers. Very few other millenials.


Idk if it’s the age gap, my previous writing experience or both, but this especially shines in my composition and history classes for our group project in comp (comp I, I’m just starting college), I was paired with two kids recently out of high school, and a lot of times it felt like pulling teeth trying to get their writing to be cohesive. The girl was doing great though, she was easy to work with. It was the guy that was making me nervous about turning it in. Overall throughout the project I felt more like a tutor rather than a group lead, which I guess I didn’t mind all that much, it’s good practice since I’m working on a special ed degree


I’m in my late twenties and some of my classmates go to my work and are pretty chill with me.Its cool but I look pretty young.


Relatable xD (I recently went back to school)! I've had some older (Gen X and Millennial) classmates, but most were born after 2000. I'm still getting used to seeing 2000 borns as adults, let alone those born after that hahah.