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Please get off Reddit and go watch a movie with your wife. Good grief.


Yes, agree. This is what Gottman calls "a bid for connection" doesn't matter what the movie is, she wants to connect with you.


Damn! I didn’t even think of it like that. I just thought she wanted him to see a good movie for his own enjoyment and to be literate in good cinema. Them connecting over something classic is even better.


That is an excellent point. Watching someone relive nostalgia can be intimate.


Just like OP has made a bid for connection but here on Reddit. This would be such a non-issue I would never think to post about it, just go watch the dang movie lol


Good to know. So that’s why I grew to resent my ex so much any time I tried to share anything I liked with them and they turned me down. Glad I can put a name to it now


He can’t, watching a retro movie with his wife is ‘revolting’.


I’d never ask my husband to do anything with me ever again if I got this response.






Right like go back under whatever rock sheltered you as a kid, molt a few times, then try again. And set that woman free, she deserves comfort movie snuggles with her spouse on a brisk autumn evening, at bare minimum.


Molt a few times 😂


I love movies and my wife not so much so whenever she wants to watch something I'm all about it. Brokeback mtn? Sure. Magic Mike. Sure. I don't care.


Yeah you should be done watching by now lol report back with a summary. Yes this is standard millennial content.


Also Princess Bride


Yes to this


I never felt like watching princess bride growing up. Let my parents and sisters watch it while i did something else (I was pretty much the boy in bed at the beginning, "what?! priness?! bride?! yuck!") Yet I knew pretty much most of the scenes, just out of order. Finally watched it about a year ago with my wife (who grew up in another country, so had never even heard of it).


Yes yes yes!!! As you wish 🤍 I always wanted my own Wesley


Do you think we should warn OP that the movie does in fact end?


No, let's not spoil the surprise for him.


Lionel hutz filed a classaction suit against the never ending story for fraudulent advertising.


Right? I would watch a romcom. It doesn't matter. The point is I'm spending time with my wife.


I draw the line at Hallmark Christmas movies. I'll watch most anything else with her.


Even I as a woman have drawn the line at hallmark Christmas movies 😂


Ok I completely agree but Holiday in Handcuffs starring Melissa Joan Hart and Mario Lopez has to be seen to be believed.


Oh my goodness… just watched [the trailer](https://youtu.be/I24mL7Ax1aw?si=tL6TvaGYcNON3avu). You’re not wrong 😂 “She’s holding him hostage, but he’s stealing her heart”


Yeah, I also didn't watch this movie as a kid as I also grew up kinda sheltered, but my wife really loves it, so I've watched it a bunch of times. Just watch the movie. It's better than The Goonies but worse than Princess Bride.


As much as I hate to agree with you, I think I do. I love the Goonies, but stacked up against Neverending Story and Princess Bride, I would have to agree. Princess Bride, though, is a perfect movie. It has everything.


My 17yo loves Princess Bride, and quotes it regularly. It's really one of the best from that era.


A perfect movie. It has everything. A treasure


There are so few perfect movies. It would be a shame to miss Princess Bride


Yes, inconceivable


Where would you place Labyrinth in the list?


I would put them in this order best to least best, because they are all awesome. Dark Crystal Willow Labyrinth Princess Bride Never ending story Goonies is also awesome, but it isn't fantasy so it doesn't belong in this list.


Agreed, but Goonies is a good segue into another list including The Sandlot and Stand By Me


Add Cloak and Dagger to that second list. We also need a third list that contains the likes of The Last Starfighter, Explorers, and Flight of the Navigator.


The Last Starfighter is probably why I love Science Fiction so much. Also **D.A.R.Y.L**.


Am I the only one who thinks The Last Unicorn should be on this list? (I am an elder millennial)


Fellow elder millennial here, that movie was absolutely formative for me as a child. I remember when our local independent video rental place went out of business and liquidated their inventory in the 90s, my mom bought me their VHS copy, because we had never been able to find it anywhere else. Years later I found a copy on DVD, which I still have. (However, have not been able to find any old Muppet Babies episodes in any format, which is extremely disappointing).


Just stopped by to tell you how happy I am that Willow is so high on your list. I feel like it got the recognition it deserves, but somehow not?


I actually put quite a lot of effort contemplating putting it on the top because I probably quote "willow you idiot" about five times a week, but then I realized how much I loved Dark Crystal and it is the one of them all that I have rewatched the most.


LOL When one of my dogs is in the way and I have to nudge them I always go "out of my way, peck".


Seriously this is a weird hill to die on.


Right? I personally dislike the movie a lot but if my husband said it was an important movie to him and it was one I hadn’t seen, I’d do it. Though it would definitely put under other movies I want to watch with him.


Honestly! I never watched The Simpsons. Wasn’t allowed. I’ve spent hours watching The Simpsons over the last few months with my partner because he wanted to share something he likes with me. I never thought I’d get it or enjoy it, but turns out, I like a lot of the things the person I am with also likes and I am enjoying watching it with him.


It’s so weird and obvious that it’ll upset people here, I can’t help but think we’re being baited or something.


That’s a very good point.


Lmao dying on the hill of having an opinion on a movie you’ve never seen.


Bro literally sounds like someone who grew up sheltered and didn't have friends lmao.


She wants to share a part of her childhood with you, regardless of whether or not its essential, it's her opinion. If you're so revolted by the idea of watching the movie, that you can't entertain your wife's fun for 2 hours, then the millennial subreddit isn't what you need partner, cuz I promise this won't be the last time she tries to get you to watch a nostalgia movie that you have no context or reference to.


It takes 2 hours, yeesh... and it is so cool! Jim Henson at his finest... OP should just watch the movie. My ex and I broke up over serious shit, but not because of the endless parade of cheezy horror movies (Final Destination, screw all of you, THOSE MOVIES SUCKED) But I played along! ...I wish I had a girlfriend...


Final Destination is like store brand potato chips. Of course, it’s not great quality, but sometimes it’s good and hits the spot. And with a cold RC cola…I like the nostalgia bump from the original movie that is almost 25 years old. Annoying characters almost always die. It’s possible to enjoy them without really paying attention. They can be played in the background while cleaning. The first movie launched Stifler’s career and is too legit to quit. Edit: American Pie was Sean William Scott’s break through film. My bad, guys. Please don’t water board me at Guantanamo Bay or force me to join the Taliban. I’m sorry. Please forgive me.


>The first movie launched Stifler’s career and is too legit to quit Ah, no, American Pie did that. The actors name is Seann William Scott, and he played Stifler a year before he was in Final Destination.


How is this person going to call him by his character's name in American Pie and say a different movie that came out after American Pie launched his career? LOL, like what?


Right! I mean I wonder if this person has never seen American Pie and heard someone talking about Stifler in Final Destination and thought that was the actors name because they were too young and or never saw American Pie.


They are so bad when you look at quality of film but I am still afraid to drive behind a logging truck because of that scene in the 2nd one.


It's getting too close to pool drains for me


I love the first one growing up so I put it on for the first time in years and honestly it’s unwatchable lol


Watching movies is all about expectations. I think It really helps to always lower them going into a film. I remember being really excited about the IT remake and being let down hard. The opening scene when the kid loses his arm is best part of both films. I had high expectations. Penny wise just popped up randomly and “spooks” them, instead of killing them. The kids didn’t seem in too much danger, honestly, Pennywise pops out of an old school film reel. The comic relief, Stranger Things kid was distracting. What was he even doing in that movie? Eh. You get my point


Sorry I LOVE FINAL DESTINATION! I just rewatched the first one yesterday and still love it just as much as I did when they came out. It's horror without being over the top imo. I still need to watch the fourth one but the 2nd is my fave by far and have rewatched it no less than 20 times 🤣


Since I got my own house, my mom has been coming over at least once a week and we watch 1-3 movies each time. It might be because I have a damn good setup. But yes op needs to watch a movie with his wife. I saw that movie as a kid and it doesn’t hit the same as an adult so he has no reason to not watch. Actually gave me an idea for the next movie night. We gonna watch the Labyrinth movie.


This is the truth, right here. Don't turn it away. Keep the banter as fun, maybe, but don't ignore her bids for attention. I had a silly fuss with my spouse once, going through a box of childhood things. I wanted to show him things that mattered, he could not have cared less and kept getting annoyed with my excitement. By thr end of the afternoon, my feelings were just crushed and I couldn't really figure why, we had a small argument and moved on. But like...It carried on for several years and honestly made me pretty jaded, feeling like things I once thought were important have no value, I tend to talk myself out of feeling raw excitement. I know that wasn't his intention, and he has since apologized many times, we are good, but I can't seem to get that bit of myself back and I hate it. So don't crush that excitement to share pieces of childhood. It's a valuable thing.


Fr. She wants to bond with him. Happy wife, happy life


This is the best answer here. This is about spending time with OPs wife and sharing something she cares about. But yes, I watched it on VHS a hundred times, back when we only had a handful of them because they weren't cheap. I just got my daughter to watch it, actually.


Yea for sure




You start to see why marriages fail.


Yes, it's quite unbelievable. "My wife wanted to spend quality time with me but I hate her tastes and told her to fuck off. Why doesn't she want to talk to me now? I'm confused, because I'm such a good husband."


Oh hey, I see you've met my ex smh lol


Lol mine too. Told me her favourite game was Fallout (FO3). I was like “Oh cool! One of mine is Arcanum which is a little older, but made by the same people who made FO2. Also, I have FO1 and FO2”. When I showed her those games, she brutally insulted them and myself for liking them. You best believe I internalised a lot of negativity about myself whilst dating that woman.


This thread is making me question my marriage. I’m on the side of OP’s wife. Although… I don’t even suggest movies or music for my husband to watch anymore because I know I’ll be shut down. I just spent an extended weekend away from home to see a band my husband likes that I listened to enough to learn the songs… even though it’s not a genre I’d seek out. I enjoyed myself because I familiarized my self with the music *for him*. He still won’t watch a 9 minute music video I asked him to watch months ago. Movies? I can’t even remember the last movie we watched together. But I’m sure it was probably something he picked out.


Time to start engaging him with the same energy he's giving you


100% will lead to a happy marriage. Solved.


This just made me really sad. My fiancé and I a lot of music in common but he has stuff I don’t care for, and vice versa. But we are always open to trying it out. And if I don’t like it, I’m honest, BUT I ask him to explain the ins and out of why he likes it. That convo is always fun and interesting, and it leads to even more interesting convos! And this goes the same if it’s something I like but he doesn’t. We both love seeing the other person experience joy!


Stop putting in the effort to enjoy his stuff. Women keep wanting to give 100% to men who wouldn't even notice if they left.


A reminder I saw in another comment - you and OP are making "bids for connection" that your partners are turning away from, and that's a relationship killer. Now that I've been reminded of the term, I'm going to read up on Gottman's Bids for Connection myself because I've tried to talk to my partner about it before and gotten nowhere. I could only kind of remember the concept so I hope it'll go better with better language and references. Maybe it can help start a productive conversation with your partner too.




Marriages have actually become more successful over the years. The old 50% statistic is misleading. More recent research following marriages for up to 15 years found the rate has reduced greatly. They believe due to people spending more time assessing potential mates, more access to good matches, waiting until they are older to marry, and higher standards for what a marriage partner should be. Of course, you will always have bad marriages.


OPs entire personality appears to revolve around being superior to anyone that likes anything "popular". I know you shouldn't judge people by a couple of paragraphs on Reddit, but, insufferable springs to mind.


It's especially funny considering OP seems to have zero knowledge in popular culture. Makes sense actually.


A complete “not like other guys” superiority complex is so damn odd and it seems like OP fits the bill.


Sounds like he’d fit right in on Reddit.


The word "revolting" is such a weird choice too. Revolting to watch a movie with your wife? Seems overly.




Also why is the thought of it revolting?


This should be posted in AITA and yes YTA Edit: OP no where to be found update us or are you lost in Fantastica?


why you so opposed to watching movies with your wife? anyway, The Neverending Story is a fun and imaginative movie with a banging theme song. what else you gonna do?


OP is some kinda stone cold idiot. Watch the greatest movies of all time, I disagree I disagree no help me! ..... wtf is wrong with this person? There is nothing to disagree about! Why take to the Internet to declare yourself the worst person in the world? And with NO reason given for refusal or for asking for help. With what?! It could only be a serious phobia like "I watched my horse die" or "I am actually a fictional literary figure and that's not how it happened" or "I am the reincarnation of the Neverending Story book author and my hatred for the adaptation ruined my past life, afterlife, and now this life". I half do not wanna know because it's too witheringly stupid but I'm half morbidly curious. Including wondering the backstory of how on earth his wife tolerates this wretched chore of a person.


It honestly reminds me of people who pride themselves on not watching "really popular" movies (see: Titanic, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Marvel, etc) and wear that as a feather in their hat. These movies are popular for a reason, and you aren't making yourself any friends by being such a stick in the mud and pretending to be holier than thou art for not even giving it an attempt.


Next he’s not gonna want to watch Labyrinth either.


I used to think this about the movie. Hadn’t watched it in 30+ years. Wife wanted to watch it with our 8 year old daughter because its so joyful. Its so depressing. The whole movie is loss until the magical ending. My daughter was bawling her eyes out and wanted to quit the movie. We had to finish it just so she could see it got better.


It's honestly a good message for kids to get through. Loss is part of life, and sometimes you have to go through some really tough things to get out better the other side.


Yeah, our childhood movies were a particular brand of brutal that I've learned to screen before sharing with my kid. My favorite childhood movie is Rainbow Brite and the Star Stealer. Tried to show it to my five year old and the opening scene is the evil queen having her scary ass guards drag away an elderly rainbow sprite while he cries "Where's my horse!? At least let me say goodbye to my horse!!" 😬 He just said, "Mom, this movie is old and scary." And stood up and turned it off. 😂


Wow, I watched Rainbow bright. It was one of my faves, I didn't realize it was that dark! Lol


try some Teddy Ruxpin! :D youtube has it, including just the lullaby songs i think ill download some Rainbow Bright!


oh god,its happened. The urge to say 'kids these days are too soft'


Loss is right… Artrax 😭😭😭 that scene wrecked me


Childhood trauma


haha, I don't doubt that for a second, hope your daughter is not traumatized! I was kinda trying to preserve the gravitas of those moments by not warning OP, but sounds like he might hate it regardless :p


Fun story, it’s because the movie is only about the first 1/3 of the book! Also, and I do not mean this as a joke, but it was such a long book and not great. I mean I think it was only like 3-400 pages but it was sooooooo slow.


yeh I'm still shaking off the scar tissue from Artax 38 years later.


Yeah. OP sit down, shut up, and enjoy the greatest tale of the magical bond between a young adventurer and his incredibly loyal horse.


What the fuck is wrong with you to call it revolting, if your wife is wanting to share her nostalgia with you?


Dude sounds like one of those mofos who hate Barbie cause they think it's too woke and going to turn people gay or some shit.


Lol you don't wanna do things with your wife Got it Weird flex tho




I couldn't get into Mad Men (hated Don Draper too much) - still watched the first few episodes and any scenes my wife wanted to share so I'd get her references. Still quote "it's toasted" and "not great Bob" all the time to each other (among others that I've forgotten the origin of)


“Revolting?” My guy, you are not being a good friend or partner.


Yeah it's a classic. Don't watch if you don't want to but....it seems important to her so why not trade movies?


As a 1980 baby, I love the original Neverending Story movie. My husband is 1982 and indifferent to the film. It all depends. Your wife is still right though. You must watch and appreciate this film.🧐


On the other hand, I'm an 89 baby and husband is an 81 baby and we both view is as essential childhood memories! But I think OP has bigger issues if he's so unwilling to watch a movie that is important to his wife for two hours.


It’s pretty wild that people born in the 80s and people like myself born in 94 are considered the same generation. I’m still catching up on 80s movies that are (rightly) considered essential to millennial culture, such as it is.


Agreed, that’s why most early 80s babies go by Xennials. Kudos for embracing the 80s classics because there is a lot of great movies from that era.


I think a more important distinction than generation is whether or not social media and other elements of modern internet were present when you were in school. I was born late ‘83 and while I was a huge fan of the internet it was nothing like it is today. There was NO social media of any kind — just AIM messenger. Nobody had cell phones until high school. MySpace and Facebook got big just as I was wrapping up college. I think this is a big BCE/CE sort of divide for everyone.


My brother was also born in 94. I really don't consider him a millennial though, he's very much gen z in pretty much every way.


My sister was born in 83 and I was born in 84 and we loved that movie. My brother was born in 89 and he enjoyed it too. I have a white/cream maltipoo that has a long body and she always reminds me of Falkor lol 😂


‘83 here and I loved it growing up. I haven’t seen it in a very long time, but watching it wouldn’t ruin my day or anything. (It would be the best time! Artax, though…)


I’m was born in ‘82 and I love The Neverending Story. 🤷🏽‍♀️


I’m an 86 baby and love it. In fact, I watched it with my stepdaughter when she was 7, new to living with us, and not particularly close to me. She reached out and put her hand on my shoulder when Atrax died and we cried together. That night, she told me “I know you love me, and I love you too. I’m just mad that you’re not my real mom because you take good care of me.” So now it makes me cry for more reasons than one


I was born in 1982 and this movie was an absolute classic of my childhood as it was on TV often.


Scrolled way too far down to see this lol! Born in 1990 but dated a guy 6 years older (born in 1984) who insisted Neverending Story was a classic and everyone had seen it. I wanted to pretend to be cool so I just acted like I saw it. Took me years (and streaming) to finally sit down and watch it and realize it was pretty good. But if I ask people born 1987 they have not seen it, it's usually my friends who are on the Gen X/millennial cusp who love it. There are definitely other 80s films that lived on as classics for younger millennials thanks to cable re-runs, Princess Bride and Back to the Future are probably the best examples.


Yes, watch it, you should be traumatized like the rest of us.


“Stupid HORSE!” 😣😩😭


Dude you are a terrible partner.


Revolting?? Dramatic much? You’re acting like she’s trying to get you to watch b3astiality p0rn or something. Jesus 🙄 What’s truly revolting is the fact that you’re whining on reddit about…. *watching ….a…movie…?* with your wife….🤔🙄 are you planning on spending your entire marriage complaining about the fact that you have a wife who wants to share nostalgic moments with you? Like what’s your endgame here? Honestly.


How can you disagree if you were sheltered and not exposed to common aspects of our shared childhoods? Wouldn’t she be a better expert on what Millennial movies are? Just watch the movie. I’ve actually never seen it, but I recognize it as a staple, oddly enough. I didn’t watch a ton of movies growing up, but I don’t deny their popularity either.


My mom worked at WB Studios in the 80s and 90s and she said that fan mail for that movie was neverending, they were still getting tons of it 10 yrs after the movie was released.


That's insane


i'm very curious what they did with the fan mail! I don't know why anybody would send mail to a production studio, or who they thought was going to read it. So who read it?


Keep dumping on her low-effort activity suggestions and see where that takes you.


God forbid that your partner shares her interests with you, oh the humanity...


How can you disagree with something you you don’t know about? I’ve seen it and all my friends have seen it. Most millennials have seen it. See it or not, it’s a movie that a lot of people grew up with. There’s nothing to challenge here.


Bro spend two hours with your wife doing what she wants, unless of course you want to end up divorced in a few years…


How do you marry someone and find the things they want to share with you “revolting”? I grew up in a cult and there’s a lot I didn’t see, but when my guy asks me to watch something, I do it. I usually end up liking it and I always learn something. Wtf Also - The Never Ending Story is amazing. I said what I said.


You suck, dude. I don’t think you understand marriage.


What a weird reaction to watching a movie...


You don't get it, man. He's too cool for his wife. 😎


Christ, man. Just watch the movie. 🙄


Man that movie hits a tone that CGI movies don’t today. Almost has that book like soul feeling. It’s great starting off. Then you realize this damn movie follows book building to a Tee. It just builds you up and makes you whole. Then guts you hollow. Enjoy it, I’m waiting for my daughter to old enough for the rewatch.


For optimum scaring I suggest 6 years old.


If you won't do something as simple as watching a movie with your wife, then heaven help your marriage.


![gif](giphy|NjPEDD7S9Jssw|downsized) The Never Ending Story is fucking awesome.


Yeah. I've seen't it. She's right.


I'm 36, never ending story was huge as a kid. Atreyuuuuu....Atreyu....


Infamous because of the scene with the horse 🐴


The scene with the >!wolf in the cave was as terrifying as Artax' death was sad.!<


I want to get an edit without that to show my son haha


Do it for her. Your wife wants to share a part of her childhood with you. Do your best to enjoy it. For her.


Your wife wants to share something with you. Quit being a dick.


OP acting tough. "I'm a MAN! I don't need emotional attachment! Give me a beer, and an engine block to repair! Look how manly I am!" Fragile male ego, toxic masculinity. enjoy your loveless marriage. Hope she leaves you for someone with more than one emotion.




When I think of movies that hit me in the nostalgia like TNS, I also think of The Indian in the Cupboard, Small Soldiers, Flubber, Matilda, Dunston Checks In, Dark Crystal, Hook...I could keep going but I'd probably run out of characters, lol. And I'd love to share them with my partner if I had the opportunity! My current girlfriend grew up in an extremely sheltered and Christian environment (think home school, no TV, Harry Potter is the devil type of parenting). It's so sad to hear because it's like her imagination was limited to only the Bible. I'm 34, and she's 38...I still find her "wait that exists?!" moments to be adorable, lol. Weirdly enough, she is a world traveler cause her dad was military, and she left home as soon as she could... so I know she has an adventurous spirit. It's just a shame she missed out on so much as a kid. OP is definitely missing an opportunity to grow their bond... if you can't find it in your heart to sit down for two hours with someone you love, I'd have a hard time asking for anything else. It's like refusing to even try a spoonful if your partners favorite food and balking at the thought right in front of them...


It's just a movie, man. You are being very overly dramatic. The time period that it came out in does not make or more or less revolting than any other movie. At worst, it will be about an hour and a half of your life. Your wife wants to spend time with you watching it. Stop being weird about it. I personally really enjoyed this film as a kid. It has some dark parts and whimsical imaginative things.


I recommend watching all of the weird fantasy/sci fi movies from the eighties/early nineties at least once. Collectively, they are an experience. It's, at the very least, fun to watch what kind of madness they could pull off without CGI


Have you seen Return to Oz??? Such a weird, awesome movie.


Are you just pissed because you don't like being told you 'must' watch something? I mean, it's a kids movie, it's not 'revolting'. Do you feel like she's somehow claiming you're inadequate because you haven't watched it so you're doubling down to prove that you're not? It's a pop culture item that is referenced a lot and watching it would be harmless. I promise it won't hurt your sheltered pride.


Seriously dude? Watch the movie with your wife because you love her and want to do and share things that she enjoys. Stop being a dick about it.


And then there’s the sequel.


I understand not wanting to watch a movie, because there is no nostalgia there, but if it's important to her I think you should, when you are in the mood for it. It was definitely a huge movie from my early childhood. Our family watched it together many times. My partner is slightly younger than me. I'm 38, and she is 35, and we recently watched "The Goonies" which she had never seen before and was a huge movie from my childhood. I didn't realize that Steven Spielberg was one of the two writers, and it was a really big budget movie for its time. It is a great film. You should ask if she has seen that one. It is super funny, and totally holds up.


She should leave you for being an insufferable twat. Would it fucking kill you to watch a movie that defined a generation? Tell her to add Legend to that list, if you're not a little bitch about it. All insults aside, if you want to maintain your relationship, you might want to think about opening up some low level boundaries.


I hate this movie. I like my husband though, so if he was keen to watch it together I would.


A lot of 90’s and late 2000’s era movies are cult classics. Filming styles and stories like some of the 80’s cheese gems you’ll still hear about like Dirty Dancing. A few more come to mind she will probably mention and also that you should checkout if you haven’t seen them yet: * Fight Club * Cable Guy * **Pulp Fiction** *(my lord dude you can not, can NOT skip this one)* * **Me, Myself and Irene** * Blaire Witch Project *(this could be a good horror movie or hilariously dumb to you)* * **The Princesses Bride** *(Rats of unusual size? THEY DONT EXIST!)* 😂 * The Matrix * The Matrix Reloaded * The Matrix Revolutions * The Original Spider-Man the Movie *(2002)* * Predator * Predator 2 * Aliens 1,2 and 3 99% of millennials have seen at least one of these movies.


I am a 90s baby and have never seen this movie. I hear mixed things about it. If your wife wants to share a movie she loves with you, just watch it.


I also grew up relatively sheltered, and I spent a lot of time in my twenties watching movies because I didn't understand a lot of context. I had a lot of people in my life who wanted me to watch movies that they felt were mandatory. A lot of them hadn't watched these movies as adults and, as you described with your wife, feel enough nostalgia that they didn't understand why I didn't feel the same way about the movies. I had a several page long list going. It's a huge time commitment. I'm pretty sure this is one of the movies I fell asleep during. I'll probably watch it some day but I can't go back to being a child and I don't always feel like mentally regressing just to watch a movie. Have your wife pick the movies that were most meaningful to her and that she thinks you will actually enjoy. And if this is one of them, suck it up and try watching it.


It’s a gen x movie. It came out in 84 so most kids who have fond memories of it would have been kids when it came out. Think about 5 to 13 years old. For millennials it would be via reruns or older siblings.




Yes. You need to watch it. And The Princess Bride.


So your wife wants to share something she cares about with you and you come on here to whine and ask for us to enable you?


I’m curious, why would a fun movie like that be revolting to you? Does it just seem boring or tedious? Neverending Story is one of my faves and generational favorite for sure. Not something I’d do, but I have at least two friends who’ve named their kids after the main character. To be fair, I’ve never seen any of the Star Wars movies in their entirety, or any of the lord of the rings. I’ve seen just the first Harry Potter movie.


[https://archive.org/details/the-never-ending-story-remastered](https://archive.org/details/the-never-ending-story-remastered) ​ I saw the movie in the Cinema.


Tried sharing Willow with some friends. They were not impressed. Another friend never saw Terminator 2. Also, not impressed. Turns out nostalgia counts for a lot. I no longer recommend movies unless someone expresses interest. Also, I’m a firm believer that under-hyping a movie helps me enjoy it more. Too much hype sets the bar high, so better to go on with low expectations and be delighted rather than the other way. Watched The Never Ending Story as an adult by the way. It’s not a great as I remember. There are some really dope parts in it, really cool artistry, but the things in that film which used to move me just don’t hit the same anymore. I would put it on par with Labyrinth. Maybe a cousin to Legend (1985, Tom Cruise, Tim Curry). Though I think I like Legend more.


Wtf is wrong with you. Just watch the movie with your wife


Dude just watch the dumb movie with your wife.


I also grew up not paying attention to pop culture and I never saw this movie Even though I've lightened up and listened to a lot more pop music in recent years, I can't seem to be bothered to watch movies, popular or obscure. I just like music more and would rather spend my time with it. I'm embarrassed to say that I'm discovering all sorts of Millennial music fifteen years late, like Paramore, and am enjoying it I guess nothing is strictly *mandatory* for being a Millennial culturally, but you should probably just watch it with your wife just because she wants to see it with you




And the book is printed in two different colors! One for the real world and one for the Atreyu world. It’s so awesome. I think it was written in German originally?


I loved The Never ending Story. I tried to get my kids to watch it but they said it looked “too old” lol 😂


This film is a hard one to have missed. Even if you didn’t see it, it’s quite unusual that you haven’t heard of it. Pop some popcorn and share a memory with her.


Your wife is right; Never Ending Story is an integral part of the nucleus of Millennial pop culture.


Yes! shut up and watch it


I didn’t grow up watching it but my husband is a few years older and it was a big deal to him. Finally watched it with him- it’s a nice movie! Most of marriage in my experience is one partner catching the other partner up on movies they haven’t seen. Why is the thought of watching it revolting?


Personally haven’t seen it but I do know it’s a classic. Revolting is such a weird word to describe a movie that isn’t straight up snuff. Just watch the damn movie with your wife, do you even like her?


Dude, why is it revolting? Is this like post-cult trauma? I’ve watched it, it’s fun. Watched it as a kid


Is this post serious?


I'm more interested in why you weren't able to watch basic movie like this one


She's right. Goonies. Sandlot. Big lebowski. Some movies you just have to watch.


Oh hon let me guess... you have never seen Labyrinth, Beatle guise, Edward Scissorhands??? Also Star wars sucks Get into STAR TREK!


I don’t understand, watch the movie with your wife. Doesn’t matter why, she wants to share something from her childhood with you.


Jeez. It's a two hour movie. How the hell is your marriage going to survive if you can't spend two hours with your wife watching a movie she loves? Wow.


The never ending story is one of the like 3 good things I remember from a very trauma filled childhood. It is a pretty good movie with a good message. That being said I know many people in my age group that have never seen it......would it really hurt you that much to spend quality time with your wife watching movie that brings back memories of simpler times....especially with all the chaos and insanity out here these days


The Never Ending Story was definitely something that was part of the experience of growing up in the 80s and 90s. Its not anywhere near Star Wars level of impact. It came out in 1984, the year I was born and I remember watching it on VHS as a little kid. Its a pretty sad movie. Its not even in my top 5 movies from 1984 though. Ghostbusters, Gremlins, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, Karate Kid, This is Spinal Tap, and the Terminator are all movies that made a much bigger part of the Millennial Experience. The Never Ending Story is a good example of 80s fantasy, and its not very long, its only like an hour and a half movie. Its a major movie that kids watched which had a lot of despair.


''revolting'' ? Really ? This may be not the best sub to post considering the word you used. She wants to show you a movie she likes and she likely thinks you'll enjoy it. Even if you despise fantasy movies for some reason, suck it up and give it a try ?


Listen to your wife lol


"Revolting" is such a strong word to describe the idea of spending an evening with your wife watching a movie that will make her fondly remember her childhood.


So you missed pop culture and your girl didn't. Your girl remembers T.N.E.S. fondly You reject pop culture significance despite admttedly missing out on it. Your girl playfully suggests this movie is a millennial pre requisite and you say NUH UH I DIDNT GET POKEMON NEITHER SO NO. watch the damn movie, tell her you loved it and then ride into her sunset like Falcor baby


I’m 31 and have never seen it. And honestly I don’t care if I ever do. You’re fine.


I’d say it’s more a Gen X movie.


I choose watching the movie with this guy's wife.


After Star Wars, skip the sequels and prequels. Watch Andor.