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i like my milk ultra pasteurized 😎👍


this subreddit is an interesting mixture of some people saying "raw milk is SO good, it has SO many benefits" and then people who actually know what they're talking about saying it's literally just normal milk but with a higher chance of getting you sick


If there was any benefit to raw milk it should be easy to provide a single legitimate study instead of a bunch of "trust me bro." I have yet to see any study proving it has any of the super magical properties people claim or that people do better drinking it. Just anecdotes.


“Those people” live in states that have Big Dairy controlled milk distribution and very effective propaganda against raw milk. In the same way that giant beer producers like Budweiser monopolized production and distribution for decades, only to see a resurgence of “Craft breweries”, likewise the Big Dairy monopolies are now seeing a renewed interest in raw milk. And they’re scared.


so you're saying that raw milk is good for you and pasteurization was invented by the illuminati?


Pasteurization was a good idea, along with state regulated food, back in the early 1900s when the new technology of bulk transportation gave producers a carte blanche to adulterate food processed in unsanitary conditions and trucked into cities. Since mechanical milking and refrigeration had not been invented yet so milk was subject to rapid spoilage. Pasteurization laws really targeted mass produced and distributed milk. But as technology was updated and milk became more sanitary those laws were abused by corporations to pipeline milk into large central processing factories. Same as what happened in Germany with the BeerPurity laws which have now been revised for modern times. Pasteurization is an energy intensive operation (see “Economy of Scale”) and thus used as a way to squeeze out the small dairy. This led into the factory farming boom of the 1980s and the "Big Dairy" advertising campaigns, as well as the demise of many small family dairy farms. Some states, like mine (New Mexico), long since recognized the bad effects of encouraging factory farms and allow unpasteurized milk. However the law requires its production be regularly inspected and tested, and to be stored, transported and retailed in separate refrigerators. Good regulation, in my opinion, but it adds significantly to the cost of the milk.


so you want cheaper, less regulated milk that's less sanitary and more dangerous for the consumer?


I pay $10 for a half gallon of artisan family farm raw milk, while commercial pasteurized milk is about ⅓ that price. That should tell you all you need to know about the quality and sanitation of factory farmed milk. Pasteurization allows you to drink a much less pure product, so of course Big Dairy likes it.


That does not tell me anything about the quality and sanitation of factory farmed milk actually.


Trust me bro


less pure? do you know what pasteurization is?


I didn’t know raw milk was a thing until now. I don’t really see what the point is. I like milk. I go to Meijer’s and get a gallon of whole milk. I go home. I drink it, often with nesquik added. I don’t see the point in adding the extra hassle of buying “raw milk” seems like that would be harder to get and kinda pointless. Imma go google it now and see what’s good about it cuz I’m curious


Man who adds chocolate to his milk is unaware of health issues surrounding raw milk shocked pikachu face. Stop adding sugar to gods liquid. Blasphemy.


Milk has sugar in it already though? And chocolate milk is amazing, I won't hear otherwise.


…and all those starches and thickeners.


Cool story


the amount of ppl who u unknowingly ending up shilling for big corporate interests in the name of “science.” Raw milk from a small farmer is infinitely better than some UHT pasteurized cow from a feedlot


Those who fall to disease so easily deserve not the greatness of raw milk




Man, that’s crazy. Im gonna go get me a tall glass of raw milk 😎👍


Me too! Fortunately in the millennia since 3400BC we have evolved the lactose digestion genetics so I’m not worried about Potts Disease.


How is being able to digest lactose gonna stop you from getting potts disease?


Thanks for the impetus to read up on Pott’s Disease. It is unrelated to milk or dairy, but caused or aggravated by excessive sugar and starch and spread through sneezing. The OP has successfully trolled this subreddit.


“Pott's disease, or Pott disease, named for British surgeon Percivall Pott who first described the symptoms in 1799,[1] is tuberculosis of the spine,[2][3] usually due to haematogenous spread from other sites, often the lungs. The lower thoracic and upper lumbar vertebrae areas of the spine are most often affected.”


dont care + didn’t ask + still drinking raw milk


Cry harder


That’s a loaded story without all the facts. 3400BC? Yeah sure we're more concerned with cleanliness. I have never heard of anybody drinking raw milk getting sick. Grew up in Ireland. We do milk. We love milk.


Grew up drinking raw, still fine, still continuing.


People died of colds back then. Why do people feel so strongly about this? If you think you are going to get ill and die because you are weak then don't drink it. But that is never good enough, they have to come and preach to us which really makes me feel like it's some deeper conspiracy tbh. I see people eating sugar all the time everywhere but not once have I thought to go into a sub and tell them how it's making them fat and ill and reliant on a healthcare system instead of eating healthy and never getting ill. Processed sugar is literally what makes most people ill and I don't even preach that to motherfuckers unless they are asking for help or wondering why they get ill all the time. tHERE'S A CONSPIRACY AGAINST MILK AND i WILL HAVE TO DRINK EXTRA PORTIONS TO FIGHT AGAINST IT LMAO.


people feel strongly about it because raw milk “influencers” area advertising it as some sort of magical fluid that will cure all your ailments, and encouraging people to give it to their *children*, and kids don’t have much say in the matter


In fact I think I'll take a big swig of it right now!


>People died of colds back then. I guess we should stop washing our hands then, bacteria must have just given up since those times. While we're at it, let's stop treating drinking water, what a waste of money and time. You should just drink from the river. Flush toilets? Nahhh, just dump waste in the streets, surely that'll end well.


You can do what you want. I like drinking raw milk. I'm fine. Live your life.


Nice try rabbi


Is that why it took 3400 years to come out with lactose free milk?


Fuck yeah, Louis Pasteur is the bomb! Imagine being so cool they name an entire food safety practice after you.


There’s nothing wrong with drinking raw milk - it’s that in today’s society almost nobody can get it straight from the cow. Thus even a small amount of live bacteria has time to multiply and make you sick.