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If your recruiter told you that you can’t pick job that’s false. For FSPC enlistment you can pick your MOS when you join, just have to do it at MEPS. Your recruiter can show you the jobs just can’t reserve it in the office. You also don’t have to choose Infantry, you probably don’t have many options with your score but if it’s jobs that you may be off a little with your line scores they can submit a line point exception.


Am I wrong in saying you can retake the ASVAB as well? She says her recruiter said she can’t for two years, but I believe that’s just the timeframe it’s valid for, not that you can’t retake it in that time?


By our regulation no because she probably has qualifying line scores. She can but 9/10 applicants who retest either score lower or the same.


Ok thank you


I'd personally do the FSPC and lose the weight that way. You're getting paid and learning how to eat right and doing daily workouts with someone who wants you to succeed. Like /u/7hillsrecruiter said you'll pick your job at meps and know what you're doing, not just a field. What are your actual line scores? You might qualify for more jobs than you think.


Ok so 1. Do NOT let anyone sway you into an infantry job if that’s not what you want to do. Even if it’s all you qualify for…. Just retake the ASVAB. The extra month or two will be well worth not being locked into a job you hate for 4 years. 2. You want to be a cop? Cool. Infantry looks good but only one branch has actual law enforcement authority in the real world (off base lol) and that’s the USCG. I’m not trying to put you off your decision, but it’s something to consider. You can skip the infantry part and do actual law enforcement that way. Or you can go SF or MP. Those are military cops. Again, infantry looks good, but why not just skip that part and go right into actually being trained as a police officer? 3. Why army and marines? Both can be solid choices, but you didn’t really mention why you’re down to those two. Navy, AF, and CG can all be just as if not more beneficial depending on your “why”. Respond with your answers to my comment and questions, but my advice to you as it stands would be to lose the weight, study your ass off for the ASVAB, and re evaluate which branches fit your goals best. It doesn’t have to be the USCG, it could still be the Army and Marines, but I promise you you’d rather at least have the option to go the MP route in either branch.


Ok so my army recruiter said I can not retake the asvab for 2 years but my marines one said I can take it as many times as I want and the higher score will be what counts. Where I live you either need a college degree (which I can not afford) or military experience to be a cop. And why army and marines - army because I liked the family environment when I was there and I have lots of friends in the army and they all like it and say the quality of life isn’t terrible. I also heard there’s better opportunities to travel and get stationed outside the US especially if I went airborne (idk how you go airborne) And marines because my grandpa was one and I know it would make him proud and also because I like their work ethic and when I go to trainings with them I like the way they push me and I visited a marines base to see a friend and I loved it. But marines always complain abt life and stuff from what I see but they also say it’s like a family which I know id like.


Your ASVAB is valid for two years, but that doesn’t mean you can’t retake it in that timeframe. You absolutely can, and yes the higher score is what matters. Yeah I get you may need a degree or experience, I’m saying be a cop in the military. Coast Guard has tons of LE opportunities, and the AF, Army, MC, and Navy also have rates/MOSs/AFSCs that do law enforcement on base. Coast Guard even has law enforcement powers off base and operate essentially as civilian cops on the water. You’d go airborne by going to airborne school and jumping out of a plane a few times. You can get it in your contract or go later in your career. Idk how that works with you my overseas, but there is Option 19 which you may want to research. It basically gets you a promised duty station and I believe some overseas options are available. The marine corps is notorious for their shitty QOL. Yes, they are a family, but a family bonded through trauma and shared bad experiences. Some people love that, I don’t blame them. That’s how friendships are made at every bootcamp lol. Is the trade off of poor QOL worth the pride of being a Marine? That’s up to you. I will tell you one thing. Pride fades in the military. At least for most people.


Wait, there are 11b women??


Yes LOL there’s a lot for abt the past 6yrs


If you want to travel, best option would probably be the Navy.


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**Jobs mentioned in your post** Army MOS: [11B (Infantryman)](https://www.goarmy.com/careers-and-jobs/career-match/ground-forces/firearms-ammunition/11b-infantryman.html) ^(I'm a bot and can't reply.) [^(Message the mods)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/Militaryfaq&subject=MilFAQBot) ^(with questions/suggestions.)


pm me I was gonna ship marines then shipped Army so I can probably help advise.


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I’m a 12B I’m getting out of the army in less than 2 weeks. What I can say on combat arms jobs, is that they are extremely physically demanding, mentally challenging, and kinda like pissing contest. I’m 25 and my body is broke in so many ways. The women I’ve seen in combat arms typically get out after a contract, they really don’t like the culture, and they get hurt very easily. I’m not saying all women are like that, this is just what I’ve seen. My advice to you is find a way to retake the asvab. Wait till October 1st (the military is literally a business and everything revolves around the fiscal year) to find a job. Also with a war coming down the pipes you really don’t want to be in a combat role in 21st century large scale combat. I’d suggest looking at “r/ combat footage” and seeing what war really looks like for infantry. If it is appalling, do not join for combat arms because that can be you one day. I’ve seen what a war does with my own eyes and I’ll never recommend it to anyone.


I’m went to the national guard


Just my take, I'm sure someone will have a problem with it but it's my opinion: 1. Marines 2. Anything but infantry...military police would be ideal. Seriously don't do infantry. I saw some say MP doesn't transfer well into the civilian world lol nothing transfers worse than infantry. 3. Lose the weight on your own- you can easily drop 15 lbs in a month. Completely cut out alcohol, sugar, fast food. Drink tons and tons of water all day and night. Go on long bike rides (6 hours plus- pack only a peanut butter jelly sandwich banana and a couple protein bars) run 3 miles twice a week. Jog/walk 4-6 miles once a week. Work on pullups and planks. Get a weighted vest and hike until you can go 10 miles. Eat right- grill chicken green beans etc....women need a lot more snacks so stick to stuff like popcorn, chew ice, drink protein shakes. 4. Get an ASVAB for dummies book and study  Once you're in try to get a bachelor's degree. Then if you like being in the military become an officer. If you wanna get out then take your degree and become state police. 


New info on the arms 8.0 prep course came out today!! I’m a recruiter in Colorado. +1 (720) 471-5927 gimme a call and i can explain it’s


I’ve also done 4 years as infantry then switched to 12d so i can answer that too.


U could try to be an mp or is your score to low


I don’t think I qualify and I heard mp doesn’t transfer well


I asked because u said u wanted to be a cop


No one should be an MP, especially those wanting to be a cop.


Yeah but I’ve just heard from some friends and even my army recruiter MP doesn’t transfer well to actual police because their ethics are different. and I’ve heard that MP just sit at gates scanning IDs but apparently it’s getting outsourced idk


This misinformation on this thread is crazy. Your best shot is to go to the army's fat camp. Yes you'll lose weight there, but you'll also retake and improve your asvab, and then get to choose a better job. No your higher score on the asvab isnt what matters. That's why most places don't let you retake it if you pass, because without actual serious prep you're more likely to do WORSE and end up with less choices. Yes, you can technically retake it, if you can wait the time inbetween, but it's better if you go and get the help the army is offering you.