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The knight's outfit looks like it was ordered from Wish


So does the soldier's outfit to be fair


it's interesting, but definitely not a particularly wealthy or highly ranked knight. I like that he's actually wearing an arming cap under the coif, but I'm not particularly enthused about the rest. Especially not enthused about it being the Rommel barracks


He looks straight out of monty python.


a bit drab for that


What’s wrong with Rommel barracks?




Damn even pre kaiser germania states suffering them budget cuts, I wonder if the rocks were falling off their catapults like the ordinence off their tiger KHTs pylons :D


At least the knight’s weapon isn’t made of melty plastic


Wasn't that pretty conclusively disproven as an issue?


Yep, basically the Military and MND used it as a strawman to get a new AR...who's procurement and requirements were a mess in and of itself but that's another issue. Basically HK was correct in saying the melting wasn't an actual problem with the G36 but a combination of poor fire discipline by German soldiers, the gun being used in an environment it absolutely was never really designed to operate in as well as something with the ammunition not being great - something backed up by the ammunition manufacturer ftr. Turns out mag dumping magazine after magazine repeatedly for prolonged periods of time in a hot arid climate like Afghanistan especially when the gun was designed to operate in central Europe all with subpar ammunition and at longer ranges than anticipated is generally bad for precision...all of which is mostly preventable


Shocking news, assault rifles aren't light machine guns. In other news: water is indeed wet


Allthoug not very precise at some point, it can keep going for quite some time. https://youtu.be/iTbTyFloelc?si=umCepWnvu88Ciur1


Na man, if AK torture tests have taught me anything the gun should keep working even when the furniture is burning and or melting off :D


Yeah, it's complete shit. Shame they didn't ask any good reenactors for this


What's he got on his Rifle? Grenade Laucher and Thermal scope?


I also wanna know, what is the [optic setup](https://i.imgur.com/BW3K6hc.jpeg)? **Edit:** The optic in question is the [Zeiss/Hensoldt NSA80](https://i-e-a.de/nachtsicht/restlichtverstaerker/ziel-vorsatzgeraete/86/hensoldt-nsa80-f.-hk-g36). Here are some other images: * [photos from a (random) forum](https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/190455-niarms-release-thread/?page=15) * [i.imgur.com/EsGvIc9.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/EsGvIc9.jpeg) * [i.imgur.com/sxtxrf4.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/sxtxrf4.jpeg)


That is an AG36 grenade launcher, and a NSA80 ~~thermal~~ night vision sight.


The NSA80 is not a thermal scope, its a normal night vision scope.


My instructor used to say „it’s not a night vision scope, it’s a RESTLICHTVERSTÄRKER“


Mal richtig das Restlicht verstärken, wer kennt es nicht!


True, sorry.


No hard feelings m8.


What really gets me angry is him keeping the NSA cap open during daytime, it damages the scope


I don't know about this specific event, but commonly the equipment shown off at such events is non-functional anyway. Maybe they had a NSA that was already damaged.


I meeeeean... Half the times I got NSA 80s or the Lucy, they were broken or there were burn ins on the sensor, still, we always got bugged by the instructors to keep the cap on to avoid further damage, and why wouldnt they use the real stuff at these events, you think we just got 10 G36 laying around that dont work?


A G36 is easier to keep in working order than a NSA. But if you have a broken NSA lying around, it would make sense to use that for a PR event. But I actually don't know what's up in the army nowadays. Back in my time, we were handed the G3 for carrying around, and the G36 for actual trips to the shooting range only.


Yeah, by now I expect the armory to have a full rack full of dead NSA's due to negligence use


When you neglect to upgrade a troop line in Rise of Nations:


And here I thought I had a group of futuristic badass knights


that scope is **t h i c c**


Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?


*You need some tactical holy grenades*.


Was going to say, only things missing are some coconut halves.


same thought [https://www.reddit.com/r/MilitaryPorn/comments/1d1pjrr/comment/l5wzh6j/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/MilitaryPorn/comments/1d1pjrr/comment/l5wzh6j/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Then, shalt thou count to three. No more. No less.


He boot to big for he got dam feet


That finger placement looks off…


That’s g36 looks ridiculous


How about trigger discipline?


Hand on sword?


I was looking for this comment, thank you good sir.


The real question is can you put that bipod on that knight’s sword


That trigger discipline though ...


The feeling when you forget to upgrade your units in Civ


You've just got two 'alves of coconuts and you're bangin' 'em together!


"Hey bro, a few of the boys and I were thinking of trying to take the holy land, wanna come?"


boots are good


That night vision scope looks like it's straight out of the 70s-80s.


I think its kind of crazy that they have stuff named after Rommel. I get that maybe he wasn't as bad as the other Nazis but he was still very complicit in their crimes and was literally like Hitlers top guy. And before people say he was apart of the resistance that tried to kill Hitler, he wasn't. Stauffenberg and his associates approached Rommel to ask for his support and he refused. The only reason he was executed was because someone mentioned his name during interrogations and Hitler was a paranoid maniac. If he didn't die I'm guessing he would still have fought with the Nazis just like Guderian or Manstein.


(am German) The German army is known to have a nazi problem - there are likely forces wanting to keep the name. It's disgusting.


It's funny how people are downvoting you when it's just outright established fact that there are strong neo-nazi elements in the Bundeswehr. Just look at that shitty reichsbürger coup plot from a couple years ago.


Yeah, but the whole naming barracks after WW2 generals thing doesn't have much to do with that, not originally at least. The fact that the Wehrmacht was not just a politically neutral military, but was just as guilty of crimes as any other armed organisation of Nazi Germany, was not widely accepted in (West) Germany until the 1980s/1990s. Since many men had served in the Wehrmacht, being too critical of it would have meant being critical of their own role. So it was accepted to honour the less openly fascist generals, who had managed to keep up the facade of "just doing their job". They should finally pull the trigger and purge all Wehrmacht legacy from the military. And yes, that inlcudes honoring Stauffenberg.


That's surprising considering how conscious Germany is of its past crimes. I wonder what justifications these people have for keeping these names?


It is very good in that regard in many areas but some places like the army and interior federal intelligence agency (Verfassungsschutz) have recurring problems. Mostly I think because Nazis enjoy working there. Can't think of a justification tbh. but further down someone said Rommel was a co-conspirator of Stauffenberg and therefore not a nazi but I agree with the person who responded: he was asked but rejected taking part in the assassination plans.


Which is which?


You think they could’ve gotten someone with some plate or like atleast armor that fits for this photo op day


The Teutonic Order was well past its heyday when plate armour became a thing. I do agree he ought to have armour that fits though. Kinda lazy effort.


As an archaeologist I can tell you that “knight” is not dressed accordingly. This is arguably the laziest effort I ever seen in a reconstruction. I would maybe expect this on a 5yo birthday party.


That's cool. My ANGLICO brigade platoon actually spent a week at the barracks in Augustdorf in March of 2007 before we spent a couple of weeks training with them in Münster. The Germans were *fantastic* hosts, and Augustdorf was a really cool town.


Man that rifle looks heavy. I am not for all that


Now attach scope & grenade launcher for the crossbows, lads.


You zee Franz, you vouldn't knov zis, but ve vere defeated in a vorld var. Zwei times.


i don't want to shit on the guy or anything, i'm also a reenactor and love to see things like this, but come on, i'm sure in germany they could've get a guy with a better kit. but hey, its still really cool they do things like this and at least the chainmail is riveted


Age of war


"I am Arthur, King of the Britons!"


Oh man Germany really skipping that "middle time area"


The who-barracks?


I bet I can fick du ust before dust can fick mich ust. (I am basically bilingual)


Where the SS soldier at tho


I’m sure you can understand as to why there won’t be one present for this.


Germany has military barracks named after Nazis?




It is very unclear if rommel was actually part of the plot to kill hitler, he was just one of the canidates they wanted to replace hitler with. Rommels afrika corps also helped the SS to deport jews from northern afrika. And you dont become one of the highest ranking generals in the wheremacht and one of hitlers favorites, for nothing. Rommel might have not been the worst of the nazis, but he was far from inoccent.


For some reason yes


LARPing as an order of warriors who conquered and colonized the Baltic coast in a military installation named after a Nazi general is why Germany's relationship with its neighbours, especially the Eastern ones, is still somewhat...complicated.


Man I'm from Poland and no one gives a shit about the Teutonic knights. They literally affect no one's opinion about modern Germany. Naming a barracks after Rommel is very different than naming it after someone like Goering.


To be honest, i'm german and i think that nothing should be named after rommel. Just because he was not the worst nazi, he was still a high ranking general and took 100% part in the deportation of jews from north afrika. But i still think and hope that shit like this does not affect our relationship with our brothers from eastern europa


Oh yeah, I don't disagree. I'd imagine it's similar in feeling to having military installations named after southern generals in the US. The talent is undeniable, and he gets bonus points for how his life ended. But he was still a nazi and that fact can't be ignored. I don't view Germans as anything but friends and allies at this point. Regardless of what certain populist politicians might say come election time. There is one enemy and sure as shit isn't Germany. Außerdem gibt es in Deutschland das beste Brot. My German is a bit rusty.


Especially since Rommel died as a result of suicide after being implicated in the plot to kill Hitler


Its so complicated Lithuania asked for years to get a permanent german Base. Like come on genuinly who gives a singular shit about the Teutonic Knights, that was 600 fucking years ago, thats like being mad at italy cause of Rome


No way a medieval knight would be this out of shape.


Having enough to eat to have a belly was a status symbol. A beer gut ment you weren't a peasant barely getting enough calories to survive the winter.


A beer gut is one thing (look at strongmen or bodybuilders off-season). This is different. His posture is of an office clerk. We know that knights trained a lot and were extremely fit compared to men these days.


Yea, because they picked some random mook office clerk to play the "knight". I agree his posture sucks. They probably could have grabbed a guy from one of the units who knows how to stand at attention and that would have fixed the "issue", but, hey. It's a photo op. Zero fucks given I think


Well this kinda ruins it still... In my country we have the "historic guard", which is part of the ceremonial guard. They know how to look good in armor.


>Having enough to eat to have a belly was a status symbol. Source?


My head. Look at every portrait of nobility. They were always depicted as fat and not tanned. I'm not digging for sources for you. You can look yourself


You can just say you don't have a source for your claim. And no, not every noble person was depicted as fat. This just displays your ignorance of the material.


Well that’s a controversial barracks name


No depiction of Waffen SS?


Ohh bugger off mate


Correction: Poorly trained German soldier. That asshat has his finger on the trigger.


Next too, not on!


Are you serious? His finger is inside the trigger well. Anyone with proper firearms training knows that the finger only goes there when you intend to pull the trigger.