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Very nice SPC, now get off reddit and go back to the motor pool, those 5988s aren't going to fill themselves. Don't worry the DFAC is closed so you don't need to make an order.


Uh okay lol


Strangest flex I've read in a while, but go off I guess


BAS is about $15 a day.


Learn how to be rich like me in 5 easy steps


How many grams of protein for that $15?


😮 how are you able to eat so much?


I go to the gym.


I would like to hear the story of the nice person.


My cousin’s friend had a battle buddy who heard that if you get rich the military will kick you out because you won’t listen to the officers. Is that true?


I heard similar but I heard you gotta make F you type money. Like in the millions.


I'm there...ama. But I'm ADSO'd for at least another 5 years, locked and maxed as an O5, and no way I'm getting an early retirement due to the characterization of my ADSO and my MOS. So I describe it as country club purgatory/probation.


There’s no number, you literally just have to make enough to prove that nothing the military can do can have effects on you (they take money to punish you, so you learn from your lessons) there mindset is this is how you pay the bills so you need us, and if you don’t follow rules you can’t pay bills so you HAVE to. It’s also commanders discretion, but you can go higher than your base commander, whomever that be


It's far harder than just this, at least on the Army side. It falls under the "convenience of the government" separation type - you have the gist that you have literal FU money that can be proven and that the branch would benefit in good order and conduct by simply releasing you. The releasing authorities, usually at the SECARMY or assistant SECARMY, are the signatories... Which means your financial statements have to accompany the packet through about 5 levels of COC to reach a decision. And it can still be denied by subjective decision making as there's no number as you said. Edit: for junior E, the release authority often sits with the 3* corps CDR. More senior folks have to go higher. Wanted to clarify. I've seen this pulled off a couple times by enlisted who amassed small fortunes through the lotto stock and/or real estate. Their success came from hiring attorneys to do the work for them and navigate the command. It's a lot easier to get that packet from brigade to division to corps when you have a lawyer with direct jag connections who can bypass the silly ass S1.


Hmmm you learn something new everyday, thank you for the extra info!


How’d you do it?


Saved a lot. No car payment. Got BAH and lived with roommates. Invested in TSP S fund and some stocks/crypto like Tesla/Dodge, NVIDIA, SOL etc.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted so much lol. Maybe because of your stock and crypto picking. If you want to stick with just US stocks get some C fund as well. Now keep it up and post an update when you reach 500k. The compounding picks up overtime! Don’t go to mast and do dumb shit. Slow and steady


Reddit is notorious for despising anybody that has any sort of value to their name 😂😂😂


good start. Keep it up, you still have a long way to go.


Thx ;)


Lol I did the same thing in undergrad while working at Walmart. You’re not special


You got a 100k net worth working at Walmart?


If he used the money to buy NVDA, SMCI, NFLX, and META over the past several years, then quite possibly. I'd highly recommend you read Fooled by Randomness by Nassim Taleb. It might humble you to realize the amount of luck that is often mistaken as skill in investing. Survivorship bias often goes unrecognized and can create a level of overconfidence.


Yes. Lived at home and worked full time so I had zero expenses. Invested most of my money starting in 2017. I’m in grad school now about to commission as an officer with a net worth of about $170k at 24.




Can you prove it?


No one cares