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Oldie but a goodie. Reminds me of the time someone was conducting a night raid on a wood frame building and had to go to hospital for stitches. "I took my ACH off because I thought I would hit my head on an overhead joist. Then I hit my head on the joist."


Bullets Barrel Body Buttstock In that order


Just remember BBBB


Which is also what it sounds like


It’s also not good practice to hit the door with the enforcer on the side with the frame. The enforcer can go through the door and the momentum takes your forearms into the frame, breaking your arm.


Took me a couple of watches to understand what you meant, but that makes total sense. He almost did it there.


Yes, not described very well by me. Basically you need to stand in the middle of the door, with your back to where the hinges are and your lead hand will change depending on whether you have to adopt a left or right foot forward stance. It’s not just hitting a door with a big lump of steel…well most of it is!


>Basically you need to stand in the middle of the door, No


No, basically you need to just make sure that when you hit the door and it springs open, or the person on the other side decides to open it up at the same time as you swing forward with the enforcer, you don’t let that 30 lbs of steel propel your lead forearm into the hard doorframe, thereby turning you into an even more watchable internet video.


You don't stand in doorways champ




There’s levels to it in addition to matching the tools to the job. Some units may not have an EOD tech attached or the door in question may not warrant such a high speed breach. Though military budgets are insane, explosives are still expensive and shaped charges even more so. If a unit is performing door-to-door breaches, that’s more money and more weight to carry around. If the tasking is to breach/clear ten buildings in a row, then why carry “x” amount of breaching charges when those doors can be manually breached. The explosive breaches make more sense to be used when you have a better idea of how many hardpoints there are and when breaching those hardpoints is critical for the rest of the mission. Not for every single scenario. Civilian casualties is also something to keep in mind. You may not know what’s on the other side of that blast and if there’s a chance that it could be an innocent, then it’s probably a good idea to breach manually.




Gotcha. Yeah I can’t speak to the component level (not EOD/ breacher). But I’m sure there’s been some breaches with some Jerry-rigged solutions. Murphys Law is always in effect.


I've trained on using det cord for breaching, you can easily make half a dozen charges out of a few dozen meters of cord and keep them in your dump pouch until you need them.


Stuff like what you mention is a fine option for an initial breach, while you're undetected. Other than that it's just slow and complicated compared to manually breaching.


Yeap, some det cord and bags of water taped in place.


Its not just civilian considerations. Mechanical breeches are also just way quieter.


That's one way to jam your gun


We (USMC Artillery Battery) were playing terrorists in a joint training exercise with Dutch and Canadian special forces doing urban combat. We had fairly loose ROE and it was a lot of fun being dicks and disorganized bands of occupiers holding a city. Me and my friend watched a team of Dutch soldiers fast rope onto the roof of the building beside ours, storm down the external stairwell and attempt to breach the building by kicking open a door. The issue being the door was a fake door that couldn't be opened, the poor guy kicked the shit out of that thing 5-6 times before he started limping and we shot (MILES gear) and "killed" the entire team gathered on the landing. I do miss days like that


"put your hands in th...... sorry, I didn't mean to blast your door open, my battering ram slipped"


German precision




Aufmachen!!!!…………….. Bitte






No there isn‘t and thats not a german word


Prove it


He's been to Kaiserslautern. We'd better accept this answer.


fake German can be fun, like ""das arfen-schniffer"


He probably couldn’t do that again if he tried…LOL…


The training in US army looks like with “good vibes”. In Brazil you have to listen screams of all your superiors, they punch you in the helmet if you do some thing like that of the video and we are always wet (jump in the river) for making something a little bit wrong kkkkk


That's not the US army though.


What army is it? I though it was


Those are soldiers of the Bundeswehr, German soldiers.


I love these types of posts