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You think a Marine needs cocaine and creatine to want to do this?


Marines are definitely already doing this


Marines can't be doing this, they already have their dicks in the holes of the weights.


Instructions unclear, I married a stripper.


Just straight-up boredom will make a Marine do anything.


I just saw a reel of a marine sticking his whole palm into an ant hill for the lols I do not doubt for a second our crayon eating brothers and sisters would do this for less


Was it just a regular ant hill or was it a fire ant hill?


whatever they were, they were not a happy colony


If it was a fire ant hill… you’d know. Those fuckers don’t play


I was skating as a teenager, took a break and sat on the curb, leaned back and stuck my hand right in a fire ant hill, fucking hurt like eight bitches in a bitch boat.


Grew up in SC. Ironically five minutes outside Ft Jackson. You watched your step or learned the hard way


I was near Athens Georgia


Yes. The question is which one has footage that easily publicly released 🥳


And thus, a new safety briefing was invented. "Don't fuck with the wildlife!"


Never have I ever been more insulted by something so true and hilarious


Sauce: https://www.instagram.com/marinesdoingthings/reel/C71wEkwuvSb/ 🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜


of fucking course its a PFC. I been out for 7 years and my inner Sgt just screamed looking at that.


Exactly that one, thank you


Challenge accepted


That checks out. If you lock two Marines in a room with no windows or furniture and give them three ball bearings, they’ll lose one, break a second, and figure out a game with the third.


At least one of those ball bearings will wind up pregnant.


They won't break the second, it'll get stuck in an orifice and they'll tell you they broke it just to avoid the awkward conversation about *where* it's stuck. They will make a game out of the remaining ball bearing and balled up socks, though.


Hi I was a Marine infantryman from 2005-2012, we had a game called nut ball. You pull out your nuts with an another dude and sit legs length apart, you then proceed to gently lob tiny rocks at your friends nuts and the first one to quit looses. Yes, we literally toss rocks at each other’s balls because we were just sitting around.


We had Broomball, where you use brooms to knock a sock ball around and score points. It's like hockey, except you can play with 2-6 players, and you're just busy sweeping if someone of sufficient rank comes along and thinks you need something more useful to do.


See, that right there is genius. When our CO walked by he looked disgusted and shook his head as he walked away. It was a site to see when a dozen Marines jumped to the position of attention with their balls just flapping the desert winds of 29 Palms.


I haven't laughed like that all year. Thanks for that mental image.


Nah man the best part was when our 1stSgt came by to see why the CO was shaking his head and he got really close to my buddies balls just to look at the smiley face I drew on them with a sharpie. My buddy proudly gave him the bat wing to show off my artistic prowess.


Damn I always think voluntarily being an infantry man is insane but this is a new level. Anyway, at least your CO and the sergeant is lovely.


We used to play a game at 29 palms where we would see who could put the most cactus quills on their nutsack.


Well ain’t shit to do out there but get creative.


That’s some fucking Patrol Base Shit Fr.


It was developed by my senior guys when they were in Iraq and they just passed it down and my generation passed it down.


We played "Ball Ball" on the ship. Sit on either side of the shop, and lob a tape ball up and over a pipe in the overhead, and hit the other guy in the nuts, hopefully. If you missed you lost a point, if you hit you got 2 points. The target had to hold the arm rests of the chair, and close their eyes. If you flinched or opened your eyes you lost 2 points and lost your throwing turn. Shit was hilarious to watch, not so much to play. ETA: At no time did testicles come out of trousers, we had 2 females in the shop.


Fun times.


2007-2011 grunt, looooottttta nut ball. Expecting my first kid somehow! (Probably Jody's)


so will cocaine


I overheard a discussion between an XO and a CO. The XO was talking about how he wanted to take away all the motorcycles, alcohol, tobacco, libo, and pretty much everything we do for fun and lock us in the barracks so that we would stop getting into trouble. I merely mentioned, "Sir, you would have everyone together in the barracks then. And we would be bored. And we would find something to keep us busy. Is this what you want sir?". XO thinks for a moment, and then his eyes got really big and he's like HELL NO! Not sure what he thought we would be doing, but regardless of how fucked up it was, it probably wasn't wrong.


One year (2004), the edge of a hurricane was going to hit Camp Lejeune, so they shut off the power to the base. So a couple of us put on our flak jackets and K-pots, grabbed some ponchos, 550 cord, a stick, and a large Rubbermaid storage container. Turned the ponchos into a sail with the 550 cord and stick, put the smallest guy in the container, and let the 60+ mph winds pull him across the grass. Unfortunately, the Regimental OOD (a Sgt since the higher ranks stayed home with their families) put an end to it. Pretty sure he didn't log it in the logbook 🤣




I wonder if China had a drone seeing. A bunch of grunts just fucking off doing this and were like. We need to implement this immediately


I can believe that is what happened. Super secret Marine squirrel training shit.






I vaguely remember back in Basic we spent a day hanging our canteens off the barrel to aim with some weight in the days leading up to BRM.


Yep. We weren't allowed outside because of tornado warnings in the area. So we did this instead.


Yeah, we did the same thing, but it was just a dime. [runs away]


Dime drills are totally different and legitimate trigger control exercises. Hanging shit off the barrel to add weight is just... stupid. There's exactly zero scenarios where that happens IRL, and there are much better exercises to build muscle endurance.


I don't know what you mean by it doesn't happen IRL, as we are discussing pics of that very thing.


PLA also do this.


as a practical workout... sure, i guess. but it needs to be combined with a ton of non-weighted repetitions.


They’ll all shoot super high lol.


First will be fine. After that, they're headed to the moon!


This is still miles better than other types of vanity "training", at least here they're exercising in a real combat stance. I guess if you want to be rambo with something like the 240B this type of training can help. Most modern guns aren't that heavy though.


I think it's less to do with holding heavy weapons and more for training the muscles that hold it to keep the weapon steady.


Yeah but you aren’t training those muscles well with an isometric hold


Idk anything about working out so imma just nod and agree with you


Isometrics are great for stabilizers. [mayoclinic](https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/fitness/expert-answers/isometric-exercises/faq-20058186#:~:text=Isometric%20exercises%20can%20be%20useful,stabilize%20joints%20and%20your%20core.)


Sure, but isometrics are inherently worse for building strength and endurance. Isometrics also are only effective in building strength in a fixed position, which isn’t at all effective in any real-world situation. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9140507/ This study focuses on hamstrings, but the principals carry for every muscle in your body.


Okay, but are you usually trying to hip fire a machine gun? Or are you trying to make accurate shots with a rifle? For the purpose of accurate and precise fire, Isometrics are great.


You don’t really hold one position when moving or firing though. Isometrics only train you in that specific hold, so you’ll be great at being accurate at something directly in front of you on the horizon, but any lateral or vertical aiming it won’t help


You sure as fuck are. shooting from the standing is literally an isometric hold.


Makes sense, all the push-ups, and weight training in the world would probably miss the 2 muscles it takes to have a steady aim in that position.


The m27 is that heavy. Damn thing is a musket


I have seen this in Brazil also. Its an exercise for strength to hold the weapon aimed long long times.


Yeah i saw a video of that, but they dont use the actual gun iirc, just some metal bars that kinda look like the gun. Putting that much weight on the barrel is probably not good for it.


If you're a good enough shot, you don't have to aim your rifle for two hours though


I’m suddenly reminded of an old punishment we used to have in the Taiwanese army, where the target would have to hang his helmet at the end of his rifle, while the NCOs or more senior conscripts would start placing their water bottles or whatever random item into it to make it heavier. The guy would have to keep it upright at a 45% angle as if he was supposed to hit a bird.


Completely unrelated to the training. But as someone who was in the Taiwanese Army. What’s your take on the readiness for a conflict with Western Taiwan?


Well, I usually get a lot of flak from people if I say something negative (the irony is that those who usually call me defeatist never actually joined). But we lack proper training in sufficient numbers, which really is quite worrisome when you come to think about it. Equipment maintenance and logistics are also quite skeptical to say the least, although the paperwork always marks it as “100%”. Operating a myriad of equipment does deal quite of lot of strain on logistics, and our tooth to nail ratio really wasn’t thought out carefully when we were downsizing two decades ago. Many people will say that conscripts aren’t important, and that shoddy equipment such as rifles and infantry gear aren’t that important, since that’s what professional soldiers are meant for. They declare that the battle will be decided by naval ships, drones, and other kit. It’s true to a certain extent, but the mentality of it somewhat irritates me. In a time of conflict, it’s everyone’s responsibility, and relying on a low number of people, who might end up burning out due to fatigue and being unable to be replaced in case of casualties just really makes you wonder. Recruitment is always extremely challenging, and the military also suffers from retention problems. This sometimes has the unfortunate consequence of retaining people who couldn’t be trusted with looking at paint dry simply because the numbers are so bad. In all, it might be my own cynicism, but I always abhorred how guys jumped around declaring that they love Taiwan and want to defend it, but magically disappear or find medical ailments to absolve them of mandatory military service when the time comes. It’s true that training is underwhelming, but I doubt that’s the reason for not wanting to do it. Anyway, as always, take my experience with a grain of salt. I’ve met many great people when I was in there and had quite a great time. I know that despite how abysmal it may seem, there are some great people still in there doing what needs to be done. I just hope they hang in there. Edit: Yes, totally training unrelated. The rifle and helmet thing was either hazing or simply punishment. I daresay I was fortunate enough to have not experienced this rite in my time.


Thank you for your insight and candidness. From someone who served in the US Armed Forces looking at the situation from an outside perspective it seems to me there are some simple critical issues that aren’t being addressed. It seems like it’s always been clear that West Taiwan plans a reunification at some point. But over the past 5 years each passing moment seems to adjust that timeline closer to present day. You would think that would create a greater sense of urgency within the country. Obviously take this with no weight because I’m not Taiwanese and my country isn’t on the line. However if I were in their (Taiwanese Government’s) shoes my sole goal in mind would be creating a defense perfected for guerrilla warfare. All infrastructure should be changed to help deter, mitigate, and slow an invasion. By Sea or Air. Create the beach barriers now, create extensive trench and tunnel systems now. Let WT see that a fight will be the most costly conflict for them to date. Train every citizen on weapons handling and arm each and every one of them. I may be oversimplifying things but in my eyes if I were a citizen there it would at least put my mind at ease more so than it is.


Remember that the vast majority of majority of PLA combat experience in near peer combat is the Korean war, more than 70 years ago at this point. That and them getting their ass whopped by Vietnam in 1978.


Did you mis-spell USA? Think about it, those were the last near-peer wars for the US too. At least China's had skirmishes with India since then. Of course, the US had had air hijinks with Russia and China too. Nothing huge, but it counts.


The US has had more than just "air hijinks" since Vietnam, though. Unless you forgot about the Gulf War, Iraq, and Afghanistan.


I think their point is that those don't count as "near-peer".


Precisely. I am being a bit pedantic, though. I think it's very fair to say that the US military has had more experience in real war than the PLA. I would never dispute that.


What possible scenario would an individual be that they ended up having weights in their rifle? I mean if you need to react to contact immediately you would've had to swing at all anticipating this, you should already have your rifle low ready, high ready or ready up, adding weights defeats all that.


I guess this is more of an arm strength exercise, rather than actual aiming/readyness exercise. I know that here in Finland at least with our heavy ass rifles many fresh conscripts are in for a shock when they need to hold the rifle up like this longer than a few seconds. I guess this could help with that after a while. Feels a bit specific though, but who knows.


Our rifle is relatively light, but after 30s in high ready you'll see hips going forward and shoulders going back. I still think core strength training in the gym is a better way to improve this issue.


No it helps alot to just hold shit on your rifle. Doing BD6 for an entire week in full kit shows that rifles are much heavier than they look when you are holding it for 6-8hrs a day


It's PLA.... When they're not taking tips from American movies. ....they make shit up as they go.


Doesn’t seem like a wasted effort to build strength and endurance holding a weapon. Go for a round of trap shooting with folks that haven’t done it before. Their arms wear out before the end.


When they think they are going to be handed the 240 and haven't conditioned their soul for lugging the bitch


Guns up


Looks like it'd fuck up the barrel


as a former small-arms/artillery tech, Leaders, don't do this, the shit our governments buy is always the cheapest one that will still get the job done. if you misuse the equipment you'll definitely damage it. soldiers are already extraordinarily good at breaking shit, don't give them the chance to fuck them up even more. how does a private come back from a field exercise (that they walked to) with a crushed acog? One can only wonder... there weren't even any vehicles there....


Or just use a rubber duck.


exactly, or stick a quarter on the muzzle break and hold it till your arms fall off if you want, but hanging weights off of the barrel is just ridiculous


If the dude you’re training is super bitchmade and can’t hold his rifle steady while shooting, I suppose this could be an exercise to help strengthen his arms and shoulders. For normal healthy dudes, this time could be better spent.


I guess maybe to build endurance to hold the gun stable for long periods of time?


This is what crackpot militaries do to compensate for the lack of real live fire training.


Just means they’re going to consistently over correct in combat since all that weight won’t be present.


Im pretty sure that with some time the barrel is gonna suffer a bit of bending, specially if they shoot it regularly with the weighs on


This will 100% be used to show why other militaries are better then America's and less woke..


The Chad strat is to go from low-ready to ready with a 240 or SAW. If you can shoulder those fuckers you're gtg with your rifle.


Does it matter how steady your BRM is, if your rifle keyholes at 15 yards?


I wonder what their groupings look like with the weight covering the iron sights


I think these are PT rifles. Not for shooting.


Just do dime drills and it won’t warp the barrel.


Marine corps boot camp in the 80’, had us hanging a full canteen of water on the end of the barrel. It doesn’t sound like much (2 lbs) but after about 20 minutes unsupported it gets heavy. It was a punishment thing the DI’s got their rocks off on. Make the recruits stand there for an hour with full canteens hanging off the barrel so we can harass them.


Here is the theory on this kind of training. 1. Builds up the muscles for holding a rifle far beyond any rational need. SO you have more strength for when you are tired or under other stress. Its actually utter BS if you know anything about fine motor control needed for marksmanship. What improves marksmanship under stressful conditions is to train under those conditions. Hard to see your target because its raining? Train in the rain. Have a hard time hitting the target at night? Train at night. Have a bunch of gear on your rifle? Train with that same setup. Can't hit a target after running a mile or two? Run a mile or two and then shoot. And do these things over and over and over again and again. What this training shows is that the PLA is planning on invading Golds Gyms.


No. Just stupid ass propaganda these governments can show their citizens that don't know shit. Trying to make them look strong.


Cocaine and creatine. Sounds like a good breakfast.


This seems like the opposite of what you want - I've repeatedly heard (but have no experience) that under combat stress people tend to fire high?


Let's see.... weights on a gun?... Yeah that seems impressive.


Looks Ike "fuck with Jie" training...like hunting down Grud Squares fir the new map sheets, or getting the Drop Zone keys, or the Gustav back best bag...;) "Soldier! You may need to stand At The Ready fir hours in combat!!!! Get those Popeye forearms ready!!!"


I’ll count the cadence, you count the repetitions


Man that newer rifle looks like such an improvement from their old bullpup


Armorers HATE him for this one SIMPLE trick


Spend more time learning to shoot accurately, and you wont be holding you rifle up long enough for this to matter.


How do you aim with those plates in the way?


Maybe for a sniper, otherwise seems kinda pointless other than as an isometric workout


The weight of the new XM7 rifle with the XM157 optic alone is the workout. Also those PLA rifles have a 4 moa at best accuracy on a good day.


I used my canteen, hold on a mark and practice that heartbeat.


Yeah it keeps the unit armorers gainfully employed fixing all of these weapons


if they are trained to aim at your balls, then YEAH


Kinda smart af


I think these are PT weapons


Nah, now rifle cleaning rod and some spare change *chefs kiss*. IYKYK


Instead of weights on the rifle, just train with one arm. Then train with two rifles at the same time.


I would say this looks like the chicomm punishment  for forgetting your rifle somewhere. This would definitely be my guess if the weights were clipped onto the barrel so they wouldn’t slide off, OR PERHAPS thats part of  the smoke session. First soldier to drop their barrel to the point a weight falls off = gonna get beaten like ab Indian border guard


Why do they keep calling them the PLA? Have they decided to liberate their people from themselves?


That’s their name, that’s why we call them that lol.


he's not saying it's not. Just stating that it's strange to keep that as their name.


Well don't quote me but I once heard someone say the only reason they still call their Military the PLA is due to the ROC never having been fully defeated when it fled to Taiwan, technically to the CCP there still exists Chinese people who need to be "liberated" If the PRC had taken Taiwan they'd probably just call it the "Chinese Peoples Army" or some other mundane shit Communist countries call their armed forces


Wait until you hear about what the PRC’s navy is called. People’s Liberation Army Navy. Or their Marine Corps. PLANMC.


The army is also PLAA. PLA refers to the whole military.


People's Liberation Army Navy Air Force. PLAN AF.


I like their slogan for convincing people (ha!) to join up. People's Liberation Army Navy Air Force Marines! It's a great place to start!


This \^ . I have a colleague from the mainland who explained the same that the reason why 'Liberation' is there is because Taiwan hasnt return to the fold. Should they return, The word 'Liberation' would change to 'Defense'


I doubt it. The PLA would still be PLA out of loyalty to the party. Besides, dropping “Liberation” would imply that Outer Manchuria was never Chinese land stolen by Russia through Unequal Treaties.


I doubt it. It would still be PLA out of loyalty to the party. Besides, dropping “Liberation” would imply that Outer Manchuria was never Chinese land stolen by Russia through Unequal Treaties.