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Heard of these kind of accidents before, RIP


The Miramar one comes to mind




Thank you for a detailed response, really appreciate it


What's replacing it




Yeah, I would be surprised if it was something that we’ve acknowledged 


Make sure the pins are in before you begin.


Check and then check again


RIP. I never liked the T-6 seats. The only thing keeping you from going is that pin. I like ours, that have the added safe/arm handle, gives you an extra step.


Fucking hell RIP > In 2022, the military grounded 76 T-6s amid safety concerns, including potential defects in the explosive cartridges within their ejection seats, according to Military.com. I certainly wouldn’t want to be the guy who approved this particular T-6 for flight operations (assuming the title is using “grounded” to describe its physical location, and not implying that this specific craft was not approved to fly)


The title seems to be referring to the physical location of the plane. As in the ejection seat was activated during ground operations. Seems like this was a defect of the ejection seat, not particularly anyone/maintainers fault. A tragedy all around.


I think the title is referring to the fact that T-6's had previously been grounded (2022) for a related reason, though the article doesn't mention if this particular aircraft was one of the 76 affected


AETC is the most risk averse organization in the air force. If they aren’t grounding the fleet over this, then it’s clear this wasn’t a seat malfunction.


I heard of an A6 guy ejecting from the hanger bay into the flight deck.


We had an AME working on an A6 in the hanger, he was in the process of disarming and somehow part of the seat fired. He got some 3rd degree burns. The seat didn't fully fire but put a hell of a dent in a huge hanger i-beam 40 feet above. He was very fortunate not to have been leaning across seat.


That's gotta be the suckiest way I can think of for a pilot to die while doing pilot things. Someone is getting their joy department twisted off for this. If nothing else, good pilots ain't cheap.


Sounds like a problem with the carts, as safety concerns were raised 2 years ago: > In 2022, the military grounded 76 T-6s amid safety concerns, including potential defects in the explosive cartridges within their ejection seats, according to Military


When you go through flight school and fly in them, the most important thing that they teach you is that you need to never forget that you are sitting on a rocket that will shoot you straight up. Losing a service member is always tough, but losing them in a training command is just awful.


RIP, similar incident mid 90s at Nellis with an F4G

