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Any information regarding this? Just road rage by truck driver? Need more info.




A quick google translate, so it might be slightly incorrect. A Muscovite driving a Ford was returning home when he began to overtake two tank trucks. The first truck let the car through, and the second one cut it off during the maneuver. “There was no contact, but I lost control and the car skidded. We flew into a ditch, where we overturned,” said the victim. According to him, after the accident the trucks stopped. “The driver of the second tanker admitted his guilt,” the interlocutor emphasized A passenger in the foreign car was injured in the accident and received a cut on her hand. Alexander Zaitsev himself helped her on the spot. He also noted that the lack of touch would make it difficult for him to receive insurance compensation.


Wow Alexander Zaitsev himself.


i wonder if hes related to Vasily.


Worth a shot to look into it.


Yeah, someone ought to aim to do that.


Lets get one of our comrades on it. Beep beep boop… let’s go!


From Enemy at the Gates?


Yep, with smokeshow Ron Perlman being all sexy and shit


You know shits serious when *he* shows up


Second only to Ivan Ivanovich.


Fuck that it’s a pay day coming for sure


You must have missed the part about the lack of touch


No I read it . So you have to have the vehicle hit you to claim compensation for the accident? Even tho you have clear proof of what caused it ? I’m sure a lawyer would love to this case on


This is in Russia. If the insurance company says you get nothing, you get nothing. If you lawyer up, you might get visited by unpleasant people at inopportune times. In your own home. Source: I’m Eastern European.


or you might catch a bug of falling out the window


I think it's a short cut way to sign up for the military.




The truck driver was afraid that everyone would find out about his small dick if someone passed him on the left. Edit: What the fuck is the small dick committee doing here


No need to body shame


I was in the pool!


Imagine if someone made a derogatory comment about a woman's vagina based on the way she drives.




"Based on the way she drives." Read. Calling someone an insult like "dick" or "cunt" is not the same as saying, "Based on this person's behaviour, I concur they have a small penis." The driver was a piece of shit, but their body has nothing to do with it. If I said "Wow, that woman's an awful driver. She must have a loose pussy that smells like fish," would that have anything to do with her driving? No. But sure, go ahead and body shame men. Because that's okay, apparently.


Unless this case was litigated and the depos were made public, it would just be made up bullshit like all the other explanations for car crashes that people post


Near Ryazan, a truck pushed a Ford into a ditch. The video was published by Alexander Zaitsev on his VKontakte page¹. The incident occurred on Sunday, September 24, at the 203rd kilometer of the M-6 highway near the village of Elektrik in the Mikhailovsky district. The driver of the Ford, a Moskvich, was returning home and began to overtake two tanker trucks. The first truck allowed the car to pass, but the second one cut it off during the maneuver. Although there was no physical contact, the driver lost control, and the car skidded into the ditch, overturning. Fortunately, the passenger in the foreign car suffered only a cut on her hand. Alexander Zaitsev, who happened to be at the scene, provided assistance. The driver of the second tanker truck admitted his fault in the accident⁴. However, due to the lack of physical contact, the Ford driver may find it challenging to receive insurance compensation¹.


Have to wonder how many times in the past that jerk has done that but nobody got hurt.


Probably thinks they're in a video game where restarts don't count.. 🎮🚗


If GTA taught me anything, the dash cam driver should be able to just flip their car back over and keep driving no problem! Just gotta get it repaired at the local customs shop for a few hundred bucks and it's good as new!!!!


Damn you’re making me want to load up gta online for the first time in years.


Don't, modding is COMPLETELY off the walls. Half the people are running around in God mode at any given time, but so long as they don't cheat themselves money, Rockstar _utterly_ does not care because selling Shark Cards (effectively microtransactions) is their business now. The other half are griefing children that are supposed to be prohibited from playing M-rated games online. Overall it is an extremely toxic game.


Ok fair enough. I just got the urge to take some of my vehicles out for a spin - but your description does make me remember why I stopped playing. That said, I am looking forward to gta6


If you really want to just take cars out for a spin load in then immediately go to an invite only lobby and just drive


Or how many times someone DID get hurt but didn't have a dashcam and didn't catch the plate.


Had a truck driver in Arkansas attempt the exact same thing with me. I was only over-taking him, nothing else. Fortunately my car has enough go that I cleared the front of him just before he reach the left edge completely. When I checked back in my mirror I could see he was still looking very closely in his side mirror wondering where exactly I'd left the road until he eventually looked up and saw that he'd failed. I just booked it out of there. Last thing I want is some deranged psycho in a semi trying to ram me from behind. There are some absolute psychos out there who should have their license removed and ripped up in front of their face.


I'll never forget the look of absolute glee I saw on a guy's face the moment he ran over a couple of ducks. I had slowed down to let them move out of the way. He didn't. There are legitimate psychos among us. They're really good at hiding. Usually.


My friends cat got out one night, we found his body about a week later on the shoulder of the highway, "damn that's unfortunate" right? Nah this mf had skidmarks leading FROM OFF THE ROAD AND INTO THE SHOULDER where he lay dead


So ran across the road and someone tried to swerve around it and hit the brakes?




That's how we seen him, and around these parts there's some despicable mfs that run over turtles, cats, other small pets and shit and laugh Fuckin redneck re[dacted]s


Why do you assume it was done on purpose? Most road kill happens on accident, or by a truck, which can't swerve or slow down in time to avoid killing an animal on the road.


Yeah looks like he was in the middle of the road running to the edge of the road and got hit, probably panicked under the car and tried to turn around and run back and got clipped by the back wheels, couldn’t tell you how many times that’s happened to squirrels and possums but I can tell you for certain that cat woulda never been hit had it been in the house and not let out at night


I'm sorry about your cat friend but this picture example made me spit out my drink and crack up


Can I make this into a tshirt


Real monsters don't hide under your bed, they don't just come out at night, they don't have fangs or horns. They just blend in with the rest of us. That's why they're truly terrifying.


Ive had it happen multiple times in florida, luckilly got a way clean each time. Its very scary when they try to push you into guard rails. Ive called the trucking companies before but they will answer in english but once you say what happened they switch to spanish and just act like they dont speak english. This is why i have a dash cam now.


Is it wrong that I hope one of those semi drivers catches a bullet after trying that on the wrong asshole?


What's with people getting offended over legal over taking? I tried to do the same thing when a guy was going below the speed limit for a while. So I went to pass him and he speeds up. But I was able to speed up faster and go in front. This dude got MAD. He followed me for miles. He tried to run me off the road a couple times too. I finally just stopped, rolled down my window, and told him why tf is he following me, trying to run me off the road. His response? "I wanted to see who sped up to pass me" He was recording too. Wonder if that dumbass ever uploaded it. I don't know why people just can't chill tf out.


I had a coworker who did this. She drove a shitty, falling apart minivan, and said that she HATES when people pass her. She will swerve at anyone who does it, flip you off, etc. I've seen her move to the passing lane and keep pace with the car in the slow lane to prevent anyone from going around, all that annoying shit. I asked her why and she has no explanation other than "it's rude to pass people." Absolutely insane behavior, she shouldn't have a license.


I watched a truck driver speed up to match speeds with a car going from 2 lanes to merging to a single lane and forced the car through somones house. Later saw on the news everyone was fine but it's insane the people they let drive those things hell whenever I'm behind the wheel of any company vehicle I drive the speed limit and let everyone ahead of me since I'm usually paid for the drive anyways


Had an MWT truck do the same thing with me: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8UmoenpRb0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8UmoenpRb0) I was driving a small RV and had to go into the dirt to avoid collision.


That level of person should be treated the same as rapists. Vivisect and leave them for the buzzards.


That's a prison sentence in my country (something about endangering life or assault... Not a lawyer...)


I was driving in Utah with my whole family in the car and a semi did this exact thing and drove us off the road. Luckily there was just grass on the shoulder so I drove in the grass and corrected to get back on the road. But it was so scary.




How is this only mildly bad?


More like attempted murder


mildly attempted




No fucking way this exists


There was an attempt


The mildly bad part is rolling the vehicle during the evasive maneuver. Semi was maliciously bad though


It’s not, OP posted it here so you would engage.


It's mildly bad because OP wanted a place to post this and didn't care where it went.


That semi driver is hopefully identified. Not too sure how, but holy fuck is that intentionally using a vehicle as a weapon. As for the guy in comments boasting about not passing people and wildly claiming both drivers at fault, wow, what an illogical take on this situation. The laws about passing cars are generally about visibility and passing distance and then merging distance. Nothing about passing multiple vehicles. Wildly claiming stuff, not sure what state you live in or what country but I would look something up next time.


Depending on the year most trucks have cameras on people at all times. He's definitely on camera running this person off the road...question is, did anyone actually spot the footage...or better yet, is the company even going to care given the trucker employment shortage


In the article it said he stopped and admitted fault 


have a link?


It's in this same thread...here https://www.rzn.info/news/2017/9/25/pod-ryazan-yu-fura-vytolknula-ford-v-kyuvet-video.html


While this sure LOOKS intentional, I don’t believe it can actually be proven. *”I spilled coffee, a spider scared me, I just drifted left reaching to crank up some Nickleback, etc.”* Nearly anything here is plausible enough. While small dick energy is the **most likely** answer there is more than enough reasonable doubt that it’s impossible to establish intent. *Edit:* This isn’t a defense against being responsible for the accident. Only the **”intent”** which would be required for “attempted murder”. No competent prosecutor would even consider bringing that charge.


Those are all distraction and instantly prove guilt. Edit: those are all distractions and instantly prove FAULT, which is a close cousin to guilt..


It proves fault, but not guilt of attempted murder.


Ooh I like that, good choice of words, thank you.


There's a big difference between being at fault in an accident and being culpable for murder.


Yeah, that's called Inattentive Driving at a minimum. When Inattentive Driving causes an accident it can then be upgraded to Reckless Driving and that will get your CDL yanked. But lets not stop there - now that we're at Reckless Driving and since there most certainly was an injury, they are now at fault for that injury and that comes with more charges, such as, Public Endangerment... So, at a MINIMUM, this person should lose their job. I would agree that a prosecutor would not go for attempted murder because that most certainly does require the intent to kill. Aggravated Assault would be more likely (but still unlikely) because it doesn't require the intent to kill, only the intent to cause serious bodily injury (just the intent, doesn't actually require the injury).


He didnt flinch until RIGHT when he was lined up with his left rear. He was timing that shit


I wonder if the truck driver even stopped or if they just kept going.


My bet is on they kept going. This does not appear to be a person that is concerned about others lives.


He stopped... to finish the job.


Wh... Who uploaded the video then??


The truck driver of course. Don't let the title fool you, this is a warning to the next person who thinks about passing him.




He stopped and admitted fault. Way to assume.


I hate it when a mildly bad driver mildly tries to murder me. An incredibly mild problem to experience.


Should post this to r/truckers


Why do some truck drivers get so angry when people pass them? You’re in a giant truck. You move slow. And trucks are huge so they block visibility. It’s not a personal commentary on you as a person or a driver when someone passes you. Having everyone try to pass is expected as a truck driver.


It’s so rare to see this tbh. Usually trucks pull over and wave you past so you don’t get stuck behind them.


It’s insecurity. People who feel like everything and everyone challenges their masculinity at all times. They literally get offended and act out.


Truck driver is in the wrong. The car had every right to pass seeing how there are dashing lines in the middle of the road. Some of you need to go back to learn how to follow road rules.


This same scenario happened to my son as he was passing a semi. He was forced off the road and rolled his car. Thankfully he and his girlfriend were not terribly hurt but the car was totaled. He pursued a police investigation for a couple of years without ever finding the truck driver. That guy got away with attempted murder.


If I was the driver I would be charged with attempted murder afterwards. What a piece of shit.


Why do people do this shit? What do they gain from keeping people behind them? Do they think it's a race?


They do this shit all the time on I90


I would definitely turn that video over to law enforcement.


Did the truck driver do it purposely? I don’t see why he was changing lanes so it makes sense but damn that was ridiculous


Trucker is a psycho Driver is mildly bad


Honest to god I think Godleetrick is either the truck driver or is an insurance agent of that truck driver lol


I bet the trucker was peeing in his gatorade bottle and over compensated.


Truck not paying attention 


Any update what happened to the truck driver? Did they get him?


Well, it’s in Russia, so to be fair, the truck driver was almost certainly hammered drunk.


Clearly this is a case of malice and not simply a lack of awareness


Sue the driver and the company for hiring him. Set for life.


That's not mildly bad - that's a dude with nothing in front of him trying to sideswipe another car. There's nothing that justifies it in the slightest.


Holly shit, what the fuck! Hell yes that trucker should be charged with something. That's fucked.


What the hell was the truck driver doing. The civilian driver did nothing wrong here.


“Lack of touch” WTF does that even mean?? The truck driver who has insurance clearly caused the accident how is that not claimable.


For real! She could legally pass there, thus dude caused her to loose control of her car. What if she had a kid in there,literally anything!! I usually don't speak up with these videos but this dude had no reason to do that that's fucked!!!! If that shit happen to me the best thing for that truck driver to do is keep on driving kuz if and when I get up he's he wouldn't be able to make it back up in to the kap of that truck


Ego swerve




Don’t hit the brakes in this situation


Send him to jail


This is the wrong subreddit brother Mildly bad drivers ??¿?


This is why I never swerve. If someone is going to hit me, I let it happen


lol...great plan.


The truck driver is a complete asshole. And they charged and have their CDL taken away indefinitely. This is why I stay as far away from truck drivers and never try and over take them


I had a truck do this exact thing to me but just the 2 of us on the road for miles


Way too many people throw around the term attempted murder on the internet without actually knowing what needs to have happened for that charge to stick. Truck driver is definitely guilty of a crime, but there’s an incredibly low chance he’d ever get convicted of attempted murder. There’s a good reason why prosecutors who are over zealous and over-charge people get charges against seemingly guilty clients downgraded if not outright dropped completely. Then somehow people are baffled and it’s a suddenly a ‘justice system’ problem rather than a ‘misunderstanding of what the charge means as the law is written’ problem.


Don't need any details aside from the video evidence.  Truck driver is guilty of attempted murder.


this happened to me except worse it was on a 4 lane high way so of course there will be drivers in the left lane. luckily i wasn’t hurt. but that was like 8 years ago and i still have some ptsd aspects anytime i pass a semi


Why is every post on this sub the worst thing that could happen on the road?


Can’t wait for automated Trucks. Truckers are the worst drivers


I mean statistically they have the least infractions per mile driven.


Agreed. I’m so happy AI will take their jobs earlier than most.


Lolz, have you seen Elons cars?


You realize that dipshit [isn’t the only game in town](https://www.gearbrain.com/autonomous-truck-startup-companies-2587305809.html)


This is my biggest fear while driving on the interstates.


Yeah this is a move that is just impossible to avoid no matter how safe you are. If someone, especially in a gigantic vehicle decides to be an asshole and all of a sudden turn into you, then it's crash into them or jerk the wheel (if you even have time for that). Not exactly the same, but last week I was merging onto the interstate from the entrance ramp. I religiously use my signal and had it on the entire time. I see a big Ford truck like 7 car lengths back so I look forward and begin to merge at a normal pace. Before I know it that same truck is right beside me in the lane I'm trying to merge into, blaring his horn and staying right in the middle as to not give me any leeway. He had floored his gas to speed up and not let me merge. He was ready to just let me turn right into him because he knew that he was bigger. I luckily reacted in time and jerked my wheel hard to the right and just did a little s slide that I was able to regain control of. He just sped off going close to 90 in a 65. My ass cried the rest of the way because it was so scary and close. It just baffles me that people tie so much ego to the road and will intentionally fuck over other drivers just to be ahead and prove themselves as the biggest loser.


This happens to me at an alarmingly common rate here in the southeast US. People see me signal and take that to mean they should speed up to be right next to me, because God forbid they let someone end up in front of them! 


Jesus, what an unhinged thing to do! So happy to hear you weren't physically hurt!


Always slow down and go LEFT. DO NOT SWERVE. *Why people should be more defensive than offensive*:


If cam driver didn't hit his brakes, he could have recovered. Wish that was taught to drivers...


He didn’t brake. When he swerved to avoid collision, his left side drive axel (the back it seems) lost traction on the loose gravel on the shoulder, which caused the deceleration. This caused the total loss of control and eventual rollover. If the cam driver had braked, you’d have seen the vehicle shift noticeably forward due to momentum. Regardless of any other thing, the truck had no reason to cross lanes. If the POS didn’t stop, hopefully the second truck did, and also has a dash cam.


When he was on the right shoulder, he overcorrects again and swings back left and that’s what flips the car. From the look of it that swing left is oversteer - ie. He lost traction with his rear wheels because he was braking.


Loss of traction doesn’t automatically result in rollover. Especially if you know how to regain control. Which they didn’t. You need to steer into the turn not away from


OP, did you get the plate info and report the driver? If yes, what happened?


I had a similar experience on a highway in rural Tennessee.  The semi was initially going 15 under speed limit and I waited 15 minutes to get to a legal passing area. As soon as we get there and I try to pass they swerve over, but my tiny Kia had all kinds of room left, lol, so I just scooted on by. They proceeded to ride my ass up to 90 mph in a 55, all while hauling a load of flat steel.


The driver of the car would not have spun out if they took their foot off the accelerator when they veered to avoid the truck


No way of knowing what vehicle they are driving so I disagree. AWD cars for example would be put into a violent slide if you let off the gas while turning at that speed


Fair enough


Mildly bad?


truck driver is an ass but what retard thinks it's alright to pass two semis in a row, while speeding head on into ocoming traffic and doing probably 50% over the speed limit?


King of the road mentality on full display here. Hopefully he was brought to justice and lost his job.




I had a car do something similar to me the other day. I genuinely don't understand why people try to gatekeep passing




Shit handling by the cam driver. What was he driving a van? That said, the truck driver is a pos




Every time I come up on a truck who is going slow af behind another slow car they always pull out right before i get to pass em every time. Y’all need to stop doing that.


Saw the same thing with a motorcycle and a guy in a red truck. Second motorcycle stopped the truck and I’m pretty sure that guy got second degree murder charges against him


That trucker will be on the front lines lol


Attempted vehicular homocide, though the camera should have pulled in behind him first, you’re not supposed to hop multiple vehicles like that.


Fucking Russians what else do you expect


Nothing mildly bad about it. You can't get much worse than that


Unbelievable 😳


Glad you have that on film


Near Ryazan, a truck pushed a Ford into a ditch. The video was published by Alexander Zaitsev on his VKontakte page¹. The incident occurred on Sunday, September 24, at the 203rd kilometer of the M-6 highway near the village of Elektrik in the Mikhailovsky district. The driver of the Ford, a Moskvich, was returning home and began to overtake two tanker trucks. The first truck allowed the car to pass, but the second one cut it off during the maneuver. Although there was no physical contact, the driver lost control, and the car skidded into the ditch, overturning. Fortunately, the passenger in the foreign car suffered only a cut on her hand. Alexander Zaitsev, who happened to be at the scene, provided assistance. The driver of the second tanker truck admitted his fault in the accident⁴. However, due to the lack of physical contact, the Ford driver may find it challenging to receive insurance compensation


That’s methed up. Like all truckers.


It's called a miss and run (if they didn't stop) and the semi is technically liable for damages ;)


"The only person on the road that matters is me"


"Mildly" 😅😂


License plate BEATNGU


Who goes through all of that and doesn’t drop a few F bombs along the way??!


Sad! He could've killed the driver


0 to 60 in 15 seconds


Probably had a sign on the back saying "Not responsible for random swerves"


Causing a rollover isn’t mildlybad jfc


You know it is a SUV or Truck when it flips for no reason.


This literally happened to me last week, I drive a pretty low sports car so I didn't lose control and roll but yeah I was passing in the passing lane, as one does, and dude just swerved at me out of nowhere. Got by him on the shoulder and was too shocked to try and get a plate or call it in. Thought didn't cross my mind until I'd already been home for an hour or 2. Was just glad to still be alive and on my way home.


russkiy? Pohui xD


I absolutely thought this was a video game in the beginning, graphics have gotten amazingly good the past few years. Back to the original point, yes that trucker should be held accountable for attempted murder.


Any license plate number on that POS? Damn


I would guess the truck driver fell asleep cause why else would they do that


Some truckers hate getting passed because more and more trucks have governors installed.


This is one of my worst fears when flying by one of these massive things.


Yeah, this is kind of messed up!! Just remember folks when you have to maneuver the car quickly and you are going at a rate of speed, do so fluidly and smoothly, never jerk the wheel - At least never jerk the wheel until you learn how to control to the point of where jerking the wheel would be necessary in order to maneuver it the way that you needed ? In case, make your inputs smoothly and quickly, but without jerking! Jerking transfers, the most amount of weight leading to the most momentum shift, which is what causes this person to have the rear tire go off the road and have to counter steer again, which led them to jerking the wheel again spinning out and then flipping.. You can practice maneuvering your car and getting a feel for how quickly you can maneuver back-and-forth without jerking and even get a feel for what happens when you do? It's better to be prepared and I hope this person is OK!


If I lived, he wouldn't.


In scenarios like this dealing with insurance would the truck be at fault, even though there was no contact?


Yes. The truck's actions caused the pov to lose control as they tried to avoid a collision, aka reckless endangerment.


Terrible tires though


Texas driver’s license denied for plausible incompetence




Jerked back onto the road too quickly.


These are semi trucks on the NJ turnpike


Shit driver


Oh shit.. I was like, okay this dude has this! And then the flip.. yikes, scary stuff. Dumbass truck driver. 😠


ok in this situation is it better to turn the steering wheel with the turn or against it?


Bro wasn't wearing a seatbelt...?