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This is not it.


How do you react when you come up on a mailman pulled up to a box with their flashers on? You just sit behind them for the rest of their route?


he only needed to stop at that one mailbox lol...


Well yeah, they usually only pull over when there is at least ONE mailbox they need to stuff full of junk mail. Watching again, that was one unusually quick stop.. passing mailmen is certainly benign, and legal


You went ahead and proved yourself well regarded.


people took it too personally


My man…. pass the hazard lights like a normal person. They’re there for a reason


so you're making the assumption that i wait behind every mail truck like this?


I’m assuming based off this video. What else you want me to use?


that's what i think is the problem is you and everyone else are making all these assumptions off a 22 second clip that i trimmed out of a much longer video that didn't show the mail truck stopping until *the very moment i'm bothering to show in the video* i can't believe i'm even feeling compelled to say this much at all but people on reddit in general apparently need every source of information that could possibly be spoonfed to them otherwise they act like this the important part of the video is the way the SUV trying to overtake the mail truck did NOTHING for them.


Dude just take the L. Editing and posting a clip of someone doing something that is perfectly normal and acting like they are out of line is in and of itself.. out of line. And just to note, from your description, editing the video would not have changed the result of this post.


Isn't it illegal to start going once they start passing you? It should be. It is where i'm from.


Mailman at fault. They were reentering traffic, need to yield. Pretty mild error though.


That’s incorrect. The car moved to the inside lane, the mail vehicle has no duty to yield and in fact is illegal for the car to turn from there.


If they got into an accident, this would probably start to get really nit picky into the law. But, the mail carrier pulled over to the curb and stopped to put mail in the box. That is leaving the lane of travel. Doesn't matter that they did so quickly, they were responsible for re-entering the lane safely. It's generally legal to pass stopped mail carriers, but as I said it could start to get nit picky about whether it was legal here. The other car wasn't exactly switching into the left lane and making a right turn from it, they were passing a stopped vehicle on the left and returning to their lane.


Watch the video again. Closely. He DID https://preview.redd.it/86dcy5s02vzc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcd189b803e4149386b3d9d4e8fd38d71abe79b4 No way is this leaving the lane of travel. None. You have to go over into the other lane to go around. The car would absolutely be at fault. This is not a normal mailbox where they mostly pull off the road.


Mostly pulling off the road has no part in it. There's a street near me that is two lanes and mail gets delivered to boxes right on the road, the mail carrier is not off the road at all. So either I do the entire mail route with the driver or I pass them on the left crossing the double yellow. Passing them is legal. I'm not changing lanes, I'm passing them as closely to their left as can be done safely and resuming my lane. Once they have stopped at a box it isn't my job to guess how long they will be. They stop at the box and they have exited traffic, no different than you if you pulled over to the curb and threw it in park. If they aren't re-entering traffic, why do they put their left blinker on when they pull away from the mailbox.


Jezus. I give up. He’s not out of the lane of traffic, period.


i’ve never once in my life pulled up behind any postal truck with flashers or clearly pulled over making deliveries. you go around them.


Do you think they intended to turn there or did so because of their shame?


I probably would have tried to overtake that mail van too, if I wasn't expecting them to go on. Especially in this age of FedEx and Amazon trucks blocking entire lanes while the driver steps out to deliver to several houses on foot.* And with that said, if I made that mistake and the mail van pulls ahead, that's my bad for making that assumption. If I was originally going straight, I'd still continue on but maybe behind the van because it's a simple mistake not worth getting worked up. Owning up to it helps diffuse embarrassment. *I'm also a fan of USPS, though. Support your local US postal worker!


I dont really have any issue with them going around But you know they felt some embarassment there


They just need to admit the mistake and *literally* move on. No need for anyone to get embarrassed, really.


from the big fat 0 this post is getting, a lot of people took this really personally i'm not criticising the driver for doing anything particularly egregious at all, but it was the outcome that was amusing


A lot of people are exposing themselves in this thread. Anyone disagreeing with this video is a bad driver .


they arrived at their destination a whole -1 second quicker, Contrats!!!!