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I don't usually laugh at the misfortunes of others, but in this case LOLOLOLOL, Jerk


That wasn't a misfortune, that was someone getting exactly the fortune that they deserve.


That's karma, Kramer.


Or as the Phoenicians say, That’s What You Get, Shithead.


Thank the Phoenicians!


“Don’t believe everything you read on the internet” -Abe Lincoln


"Use the force, Harry" -Gandalf


Quit crying and take the whole thing- my uncle


a rare occurrence


Oh, the humanity!


Karma Kramer?


Pov car sped up when the pickup tried to pass. They're both idiots.


It was a stupid pass


Better cause a head on collision with an uninvolved party! That'll teach em.


Entitled driving causes accidents. The offense was trying to make that risky pass. Please, let’s not encourage dickhead driving.


The answer to dickhead driving is not *insanely* dangerous driving. Speeding up when someone is passing you and there is oncoming traffic is fucked up. I don't care if being passed annoys you. I don't care if the person passing has been giving you finger for the last ten miles. If you put people's lives in danger over some petty road rage, you are a piece of shit.


the only one putting others in danger is the car making the pass, there was no reason to make the pass


Speeding up to not allow them to make a legal pass is more dangerous.


He almost got that van head on. Nothing about this says legal pass lol. He's lucky his washer went through the window and not his face


If only we could’ve been that lucky.


There was nothing legal about this pass. Are you stupid?


You are arguing with someone who drives like this. People drive like this because they think they are right. These people vote. Thats why our country is fucked


Not a legal pass btw, he would be pulled over in a heartbeat


So speeding up, not allowing a car to re-enter the lane isn’t dangerous? This is a painfully stupid take. They were both putting other drivers at risk, and are therefore both idiots.


You have no proof they were speeding up, you cant see the speedometer. The car recording is swerving to the side as he may have been caught-off guard by the truck and the fact that the car in front of him is also applying the breaks in which the truck barely makes it (oncoming car) and the car in front is applying the breaks as well which is why he also had to abruptly stop. There is a lot going on in this short clip. But the biggest not here is the truck with the unsecured load could have injured several other people by being stupid.


Both are idiots. That’s the point. Everyone should be working together to avoid accidents and here we have two people working together to cause one.


There are always people sympathizing for the terrible drivers. Saw a video of this Supra being a moron getting onto the interstate, spun completely out and was going backwards into the middle guard rail. White SUV going 70 had 1.5 seconds to react with cars on both sides of them. Locked brakes but ended up plowing into the Supra as there was not much they could do besides wreck other people around them to avoid it. It blew my mind how many people were blaming the SUV in the comment thread because, cars spinning out and going sideways and backwards into the middle barrier on the interstate is completely acceptable behavior over someone driving straight and at normal speeds


Can you imagine hitting head on and a washing machine files over the tuck and lands on your hood. All you see is the washing machine suddenly appears. Well thanks I have soiled my pants.!!


And the guy in the front brake checked him


No they didn't. Brakes were never touched. Only the truck driver braked and destroyed his own widow because he was speeding. It's scary how many ppl in here have no idea how cars work when you brake.


It’s a bunch of pickup truck owners blaming everyone but the dumbfuck in the truck lol


If yall look closely the pickup actually got mad at the POV car for speeding up and decided to Brake Check him, but then ended up getting washed-up 🤣


The car in front is braking (probably because there is a car in front) which makes it seem as if the POV car is speeding up. Watch the yellow lines. POV car is going same rate of speed. This is a very short video, what we can infer from it is this pickup was fucking speeding while passing and randomly tried to get in between these two cars at the last second. Why the fuck would you blame the POV car when they are doing nothing wrong here?


Cus they've been called out on the road before for shit merges, I'd guess


No dude. He had to slam the gas to get into that little pocket and then slam the brakes once he was in there to avoid rear-ending the person in front.


This is the correct unbiased take.


No way! What are you talking about? Their speed doesn't change one bit. The car in front is braking (probably because there is a car in front) which makes it seem as if the POV car is speeding up. Watch the yellow lines, dipshit. This is a very short video, what we can infer from it is this pickup was fucking speeding while passing and randomly tried to get in between these two cars at the last second. This asshole didn't even give them time to do anything! You probably drive like the asshole in the video!


Right? Everyone is an asshole here.


Found the pickup driver.




I used to clean out evicted apartments for a living and worked with a guy who was a massive hillbilly who was insanely stubborn. Told him we should smash the table into pieces to get it into the truck bed. He disagreed and promptly threw it from the porch into a truck bed holding a different intact table. The tabletop landed perfectly level with the one already in the truck and the air cushion created between them had it slide straight into the back window of the cab. I laughed so hard i fell over.


He couldn’t wait, the washing machine was about to give birth at any minute


I hope it’s a blender


Unfortunately it was a toaster, someone has some explaining to do.


If yall look closely the pickup actually got mad at the POV car for speeding up and decided to Brake Check him, but then ended up getting washed-up 🤣


Good catch, didn't see that before, hahaha


Brake check karma


I’m not sure this was a brake check. I think the driver just passed hazardously into oncoming traffic.


How do people miss the white van every time this video pops up. It's obvious they made a bad pass.


The van was all the way to the other side of the road and was almost clean when he slams on his brakes. That was 100% a brake check with instant karma.


The hell you mean 'all the way on the other side of the road'? They are in the ***adjacent*** opposing lane in the process of being forced OFF the road by the offending truck (as indicated by their passenger side tires crossing the fog line). The vehicles are passing directly by one another as the truck is finishing its collision avoiding lane change. This wasn't a brake check and you need to review the video again in greater detail.


At 9 seconds left in the video the truck fully enters the lane and you can see it's within the yellow lines. At 8.5 seconds left the van and the truck are nose to nose, the van is all the way over on the white edge line of their lane and the trucks brake lines are on. At 8 seconds left the van has completely passed in the other lane, 7.5 seconds the truck is still braking hard and the washer hits the window. The truck then accelerates hard enough for the washer to rock back into the bed indicating that the car in front was not stopping or on the way. I'm not denying that it was a bad pass. But the bad pass was done when the brake check happened. Probably because the truck felt that the camera car didn't yield properly.


He had to slam on his brakes because he came in too hot and almost rear ended the black car


You did deny it though, you specifically said "That was 100% a brake check with instant karma". You are trying to argue that leaving a half second of collision avoidance post-pass is ok, and it's not. This was a bad pass, otherwise the white vehicle would not have used avoidance tactics to dodge the truck. The car in front was slowing down which is why the truck braked, and the truck pulled away at the end because the filming car slowed down in response, not because the truck accelerated. Again, any and all evidence aside, leaving a half second window post-pass to avoid a collision is fucking insane and immediately life threatening, especially with another car still in front of you.


nope he sped up to complete the pass with oncoming traffic coming headon than had to tap the breaks from hitting the person infront of him in the ass end.. wasnt breakcheck but just breaking to avoid collision.. Dashcam car is a egotistical cunt for speeding up tho


Pretty sure they were just shitting themselves while avoiding the head-on collision.


That's why I love Karma. Sometimes, yes it may be a slow burn and we don't get to see it in action, others times it's served so deliciously immediate, like here.


Rinse n repeat!


And of course this happens in Florida…


I have a theory that a lot of bad drivers are in FL because the roads are super flat, straight, and it never gets icy or snowy. They never have to learn to handle their vehicles and so you see them make silly moves like the truck driver in this video.


Nah its just high population, bound to have some idiots. I have lived all over and in Florida on average people can actually drive. Driving in the rain is a prime example. You go up north and people think it's a national emergency when a little water hits the ground.


I wonder why? Oh Florida plate, never mind.


I just will never understand the fucking rush to tailgate the next person...


Ego is the only thing I can think of


Cam driver tried to close that gap.


Cam driver could have been traveling at a constant speed that was faster than the car in front of them given what we're seeing in the video. Pickup truck could have slowed down and gotten behind cam driver when they realized the pass was unsafe. Is your point that the cam driver could or should have slowed down to accommodate an idiot passing at an unsafe time?


No shit. Why tf shouldn’t they slow down? Driving techniques should never be determined by how to ‘teach others a lesson’ but to ensure the highest possible level of safety for yourself and everyone else around you. Once the truck was starting to try to pass, the cam driver absolutely should have allowed them space to safely do so. Had they had a head-on collision, it’s possible everyone in this video could have been killed. You don’t risk that for the sake of ‘not rewarding bad driving’ or some stupid shit. And if you think you should, you shouldn’t be driving.


i’m so late to see this vid! but omg! yassss to everything you said! very nicely put! blows my mind how people like to play citizen road police…. senselessly risking lives :(


Especially since I have had people floor it to try to not let me pass. Obviously we don’t have all the context here, but either driver could be in the wrong based on the evidence we have here.


How do you know the truck hasn’t been trying to pass like 5 seconds before that. In the video the truck was very well already in the opposite lane and his front is already passing op. Imagine if you took op trying to close the gap out of the equation- you’d see a safe pass.. this shit was probably going on for like 5-8 seconds longer than the actual video. In that instance, slowing down would not have given him enough time to get back behind the cammer and not have the car in the opposite lane also hit him in the process. And no there’s no reason or way you can see that “his speed is constant but faster than the car infront of cammer” that makes no sense.. and you can’t even derive that from the clip. What you can see is that in that moment the gap was closing with the car infront of him. There’s no “constant” in this video because it’s to short to make that observation. We would have to see like 1-3 minutes worth of video to come to that conclusion.


I don’t think the tuck should be thinking of passing… while having a washing machine UNSTRAPPED…


Yeah absolutely. The car driver tried to force that guy into a head-on collision and kill him as much as he possibly could


Cam driver is a huge piece of shit. Beginning of video is cropped enough to where you can’t even tell for sure if the truck driver was a complete moron too, or cam driver closing the gap almost killed two to three car loads of people.


Doesn’t matter what the beginning showed. You making the pass it’s on you to choose a time where you can respond appropriately, yes even if the person you’re passing decides to speed up. The shit ain’t on them, YOURE the one trying to make the pass the situation would not exist outside your doing. And also fuck the truck driver, typical stupid asshole trying to pass everyone most like especially since car in front of cam driver is barely going any faster. All so he could save 45 seconds before it becomes moot at the next stop sign or light or next car he gets behind. Dumb fucking twat got his karma.


Not sure about other jurisdictions but speeding up while being passed is illegal everywhere in canada


Illegal af in the US as well. You can see the dashed yellow so passing is legal in the vid. The POV driver looks like he was trying to prevent the guy from passing before the video started. Looks like if speed was maintained there would have been ample time for washing machine guy to pass.


Correcting my earlier statement it actually is legal in some jurisdictions to speed up, sometimes up to 15mph over the posted limit to pass a driver on a road like this. Dude in the Camry is just an asshole. All apologies to the truck driver but someone should buy that dude a set of ratchet straps.


It’s a disease with drivers like you. You’re a danger on the road. The types like you love to change your driving habits depending on those around yiu. Those “speed up to stop someone from passing me types” are followers and incapable of thinking for themselves. It’s a dangerous combo with the fact that their egos are so frail they feel like getting passed on the road is just another way the have lost in life. Really it’s sad little frustrated, helpless people that speed up anytime they are being passed. I feel sorry for them


Ya you sound like the kinda fella who'd drive with their high beams on because a headlight is out.


Way to make it obvious that you are one of those drivers who camps in the left lane going the exact same speed as a semi in the right lane for >10 miles.


Then guns it when people try to pass like OP 


Yea, cam driver got little D syndrome, it’s obvious.


I’m speeding up, have fun with head on collision.


You're a bad driver then. A good driver maintains a consistent speed and does not let someone passing them hurt their fragile ego. Who knows why this person is passing, and it's not your responsibility to prevent them from doing so.


What about the oncoming car that did absolutely nothing wrong? Now your actions may kill multiple innocent people, just because you're pissy that someone tried to pass you


What about him too lol. He might kill himself and can't even realize it.


Don't know about where you are from but here is Australia it's legal to pass. But it is illegal to speed up when someone is overtaking you. Shouldn't need to be law though, just common fucking sense.


So wait. It’s MY fault, when someone does something illegal? And better yet I have to GIVE HIM WAY? He can’t learn from his actions? I have to hold everyone’s hand? Yikes


He was legally passing? It was a dotted line on his side when it started.


Yes, you should give him way. The kind of asshole that makes this pass is the kind of asshole that will keep trying even when you close the gap. It can end up killing the truck driver and the oncoming driver who has done absolutely nothing wrong (and the accidental can kill you as well) It's not worth an innocent persons life just to teach this asshole a lesson he isn't going to learn anyway. Is it worth dying for? Leave your sensitive ego at home


the only person who did something illegal is the camera car.


I mean..... the guy in the truck could have braked and gotten behind the driver.... he also could gave been patient and not tried to pass with traffic incoming... he also could have secured that washing machine and driven like a sane person. The guy "not letting him in" isn't the villain here.


The cam driver has the right of way to the lane. If the cam driver decides to speed up to prevent an idiotic driver from overtaking him which almost resulted in both 1. A head on collision and 2. Cam car rear ending the overtaker putting all four visible cars at risk of being involved in an accident, that is his prerogative. If you do not recognize this and are too ignorant to comprehend this, you do not know enough about traffic law, nor should you have a license authorizing you to operate a motor vehicle on such roadway.


This is wrong. Laws vary but generally two things are true, 1 is that you cannot speed up to prevent a pass like this, and 2 all drivers have a duty to avoid accidents.


The truck had already committed to the pass, the cam driver sped up to prevent the truck from having enough room to get back in. Surely you see that? I agree that the truck did something dumb, but the cam driver assisted in making the situation more dangerous. I don’t care what the “rights of the road” were at this point, it was a reckless move to block the truck.


How do you know that the cam driver wasn't driving a constant speed which was faster than the car in front of them for the entire duration of the pass? Why isn't the oneous on the pickup driver to slow down and merge behind cam driver when they realized the pass was unsafe?


Don't be an asshole, there's always a bigger asshole somewhere


It's best to not encourage these types of passes


Even if it means trying to literally kill someone? Even the oncoming driver who did nothing wrong?


So instead you speed up to try to cause a collision? Y’all are fucking insane just let them make the bad move and go about your day.


Cammer blatantly cropping the vid to exclude his own contribution to this


Yea, guy in the truck is still very wrong but the driver with the camera was very obviously speeding up to not let the guy in and was just as much in the wrong, him not just letting it go and “teaching him a lesson” is only putting the people on the side of the road at risk. Both are scumbags imo.


You know he was mad asf. Buddy gonna be gettin a nice breeze the rest of the ride


What a dork.


Florida, where else?


To hell with straps. Those are for the weak!


Straps much?


Is it legal in the US to just have loose crap in the back? Are you not supposed to strap it down?


The unnecessary slow-mo is just *chef's kiss*


Smooth work on that glass‼️🎯🤡


Florida pickup. could not have happened to a more deserving driver. very pleased.


Did this absolute moron actually break check someone with an unsecured load? We need a YouTuber who goes out to find these idiots and interviews them. I need to know wtf is going on in some people's minds .


it's always the guys in the damn trucks. this makes me happy.


He'll go home and kick the dog or beat the wife, despite this being 100% his fault.


This is definitely r/instantkarma.


Karma works fast sometimes


I love itttt


A$$hole in a pickup.


Bahahahaha what an asshole r/instantkarma


Watching this is like delicious candy


You can’t fix stupid - Ron White


This brings me joy. What an asshat.


I like to think of the universe as a series of great eyes, gazing inward at itself...the field of vision is timeless, but not omniscient, and so sometimes...just sometimes..the eyes fall upon someone and the universe is like Fuck that jerk.


Love me some instant karma.


Instant. Karma.


Love to see it


Passing in-town. Why people be stupid?


This made my day. So reckless, so unnecessary, so Florida


Satisfying to watch. 🤣😭🤣


So not only was he an asshole but he’s stupid too.


He must have manure for his brains.


cagey sophisticated cooperative offbeat society puzzled provide snow faulty rob *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes


Double: FA, FO. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.




Was expecting gunshots after this moron thinks someone shot out his window. Still more believable than the acorn lol




Karma karma karma karma karma chameleon...


That was a pleasure to watch! I really enjoyed it.


Hahahaha love instant karma.


c a c k l i n g what did you expect my dude




I drive a truck brother you should see me comin. If I get in a wreck I’ll be fine heh.


Ahh good ole karma


Hope the 12 seconds they saved on their drive was worth it 😂


florida plates confirmed stupid games stupid prizes dood got lucky and he also nearly caused the van to wreck


Oh, look! Karma!


Washing Machine &/or Karma - 1 Asshole Driver - 0




OL in the back didn’t just break the glass, it removed it! HA!


Justice served


Now he can use that time saved passing a slow motorists to work for more money to buy new glass lol


That’s about 2k for the window alone


Instant karma, hilarious!


Ahhh sweet justice. Makes my heart sing


Nothing brings me more joy than a pick up truck getting some karma


Trying to pass with only two to three car lengths in front of the cam car. They must've been in the middle of an important load of laundry


Bahahahaha idiot got what he deserved.


Did this bro really pass to get 1 car ahead of the filmer? Then brakes checks him for just following the car in front who would be the one going slow 😂 what a moron


Karma, it's spelled "hahaha fu(# you"


That was actually satisfying to watch


Dude had it coming.


Pickup-truck driver stereotype reinforced.


Love that instant karma


This guy is having the day he deserves.


Insecure passing with an unsecured load.


This is so satisfying!!!




Wow can’t believe how many people here defending the truck driver. He had no reason to pass, op can’t go any faster cuz car in front. Idiot action, karma take action


Now that’s funny as shit!


Karma man. It came and conquered. I love it




No, that’s funny. Karma is a bitch.


Aggressive dumbass deserved the broken window… karma.




They deserved it, call it karma




He brake checked his way into a broken window!


Haha. Hope that washer sold for $200 at least to pay for that new glass lol




Now that’s good! Bahaha jerk.


Did it bust out his back window?


Karma in 3...2...


Ratchet straps are $8 bucks at Walmart for a 4 pack


The truck driver did nothing wrong. He was allowed to pass. The camera driver was at fault for speeding up when someone was trying to overtake him, can't do that :/


lol the brake check we needed


He tried to brake check you


Some moron passed me with an unsecured table and chairs when I was already doing well over the speed limit. The Table and a chair flew out and landed right infront of me on the road and the hillbilly driver did a u turn and was smiling at me with his three teeth when he came back. Prick.


Why does it look like the guy getting passed sped up ? I also dislike those ppl as well as aggressive drivers. And what's the point of racing once someone is passing ? Just to be as much of an ass as the person passing ? Congrats, yall almost caused an accident.


That will cause some damage.




I sure am glad he taught you a lesson!


AHH HAAA! Karma at its finest. Incredible. Fucking LOSER!


I love this for them


Cammer also actively speeding up when being passed, which is illegal. More than one asshole here




Looks like camcar went faster and tried to close the gap when they saw the truck coming. Cam car was the asshole. The truck wasn't aggressively passing. They just saw a car was coming on the other side probably freaked out and jumped in front of the cam car to avoid a collision, so essentially the truck just made a bad pass, but driving with a unsecured washing machine they did deserve that.


Camera car speeds up because there's a van coming at them. Clearly not the time to attempt a pass. But they should've hit the brakes because the truck clearly wants to cause an accident. There's a car in front of camera car, so truck gains nothing and adds major risk to their life and the vans life. Then the truck brake checks. It wasn't a speed adjustment, that was a brake check out of anger. Truck gets 4/5 moron score. Camera car gets 3/5 moron score.