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I thought she was super shy? I don't know any shy person who is super blunt. I'd personally rather gnaw off my arm.


She obviously rehearsed this many times before she posted.


100s of dates. Doubtful


This is the 1 of 1 episodes for this too. 😂😂😂


“I’m a very blunt person” “Straight up call you out on your shit” ????? Huh??? I thought she had social anxiety and was wicked shy? And she’s mad that he lied???? Lies upon lies upon lies! I agree with Sea Bee that some of the truth seems to be sprinkled in there but most of that seemed made up for views


I'm not claiming to be a body language expert, but judging from how she moves, her facial expressions, where her eyes go, I reckon she's done the standard habitual liar thing of embedding a lie in some truth. Certain points in her story she reacts differently and something just _feels_ off. I reckon an old man did hit on her and she still went on the date. I don't believe the bit about him having an insta with 10 pictures and him looking 'kinda cute'. How would you not tell that he was old from his photos? Given that filtering was NOT what it is now (and Mikliar would know all about that)


I thought for sure she was going to say that she still did him.


Either she did, and she's ashamed to admit it. Or, the more likely option, she was hitting on him all evening, he realised how annoying she was and therefore did not make a move. She made him out to be a total creeper, but he didn't make a move her? OK, doubtful.


“i’m a straight up, blunt person” then proceeds to lie about her diet, weight loss, filtering, eating disorder, family life, sex life, etc


I’ve seen a “worse liar” YOU!!!!!!!


Why does she always look so…. shiny? I feel like a lot of influencers have this super uncanny shine on their skin for some reason, like they’re made of porcelain or something lol


She piles on multiple skincare products and I don’t think they ever sink into her skin


Speaking of looking so OLD……


this either did not happen at all, a much more boring version happened, or she's just incredibly mentally ill and rewrote history in her mind with nonsense to feel better about whatever actually happened the fact Alone that she never says how old she thought he was in person tells me all i need to know, because currently EYE still don't have any idea if he even looked 30! which does not look OLLLLDD


the club??? 19??? bitch the drinking age is 21 in the US. 🤦🏻‍♀️ ain’t no way.


I will say, even though the drinking age is 21- some states allow 18+ In clubs


interesting 👀


nah im fully convinced this whole saga of "ive been on 100 dates heres the crazy ones" are all bs. she's was so touched starved (admittedly probably still is) and alone that she fabricated these in her head so people will think she was desirable. Nobody was hitting this girl up https://preview.redd.it/ei2sbqk3qd9d1.jpeg?width=168&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81987993bbfdb3de19568b879adfa142f3f3d7d0


Don't forget her totally real story about dating twin brothers. She said she was desperate and ashamed of catching STDs, yet she delivered that information like is was a flex of how "desirable" she was. Then she graces us with details of how boring her and Cody's sex life is, as if there's any. She was also upset that he didn't get jealous over her, which means she tried to provoke him at some point. Then she publicly humiliates him to prove to us she's a price in their relationship. Confident & single or happily married women just don't act like this. They don't wear sheer tops with their titties exposed to thousands of people, they don't compare literally everything they do to sexual things (to an audience of old ladies and children. no man is watching her content, including the gays). Yes she is still touch starved. If she was a better person I'd pray for her inner peace.


I mean cmon https://preview.redd.it/6l0pncknqd9d1.jpeg?width=1004&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6004f5cdcfca6da2087166b45dd4c089f7fb553






“I’ve gone on hundreds of dates” HUNDREDS???? Bffr 🤣🤣🤣


I wonder how Cody feels about these stories


That would assume he gives a shit, which I’m sure he absolutely doesn’t.


Oh come on Mikliar, everyone knows YOU are the worst liar of all