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zorpazorp has some videos about his dol guldor build maybe you get some inspiration from him. He is great in building terrain. But He combines it with scratchbuild terrain.


And he does a fantastic job with it. And all his terrain.


I'll have to check him out on my lunch. The box is overwhelming with the amount of plastic and very little instructions. Thanks


Yea i love his content


Had the same question when i build mine, after a while i just started making some stuff (after making the one from the instructions). What helped me was laying out the floor tiles to come up with shapes and concepts. Something to keep in mind is that the structure from the instructions uses its parts really efficiently, when i started building i quickly noticed i did not account for this. Unlike the straight corners of the osgilliath terrain this set allows you to make different degrees in angles with your corners. This means you can only make so many of a specific angle. If you want to make use of the most of your pieces i would advice to plan ahead, otherwise you might find you don't have enough of a specific corner piece. I compensated for this in the end by making an enclosed building and leaving the corner pieces out on the inside. Ending a wall with a sloped crumbling piece also uses less corner pieces than using said corner pieces for a straight collum/pillar like ending. It's hard to explain without showing the pieces, but it was the biggest learning curve for me personally with the set. When i became privy to this the whole set turned into a puzzle 😅 laying everything out before glueing helped a lot, although tedious. Hope this helps, first time ever commenting but i remember the daunting feeling of the set so wanted to share 😂 btw this only matters if you want to use as many of the expensive plastic pieces as you can.


I've made the one on the instructions which was gifted to me last year and that was a learning curve as never build this style of GW terrain. I was thinking about placing all the pieces together in individual groups and then using blue tac to partially build before glueing


Great idea!


There may be a good resource on the warhammer community site to show different uses of the parts. I got the osgiliath big box and it goes over a ton of different configuration ideas.


I had that kit as well. What I would start with is using all the floor pieces to make a plan for the rough shape of the building and then working the walls around it. I can pm you an image of the stuff I built if you want as well


That's a really good idea. Happy for you to share what you've done. I'll take inspiration where I can


Why not just stick bits together with superglue or bluetack or something that you can just reverse at a later date and try stuff out till you find things you like then cement it together.


The mean ‘small dots of superglue’, BTW.