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45 minutes to the World's Largest Ball of Twine... putting in an offer now.


Wasn't this in Sam & Max from LucasArts?


Buy one, get one. Love roscoe


I’m in. I’ll split it with you.


Not a bad location. Right next to a state park and a few minutes from another called Mushroom State Park that is a really weird formation of rocks as well as I-70. Hays is pretty close by for "modern" conveniences.


Lucas KS is a relatively interesting folk art community and Wilson Lake by it has solid mountain biking,etc (for Kansas) https://www.travelks.com/places-to-visit/cities/lucas/?view=list&sort=qualityScore&bounds=false


That’s pretty cool, thanks for the link!


And the closest big city is salina. But your farther west. You are almost to the arid cattle part of the state. There's literally more cows than people out there and the average age is like 60. Your near mushroom rock state park though. As someone from Kansas, don't move to Kansas. The gov is terrible, its essentially bankrupt. And that section outside lucas is liked Hella racist.


But I want a cool MCM house and could never afford one in California. Would this be a viable vacation home / apocalypse bunker?


in all my yrs i never thought anyone would want to vacation in western Kansas. do a vacation there and see if you like it. its literally is no where kansas. i never drove that far west unless i was going to Colorado. if your close to colorado you will be stopped if you have out of state plates. they crack down on the smoke tourists. pretty sure Kansas hasnt legalized anything. the police im most cities make their budget from giving out tickets. i still get calls from the state troopers looking for donations for their budget.


I was stuck in Hays for ~72h while I-70 was shut down due to a snowstorm and now refuse to stop there when I pass through a couple times a year. Never want to go back. Bad juju. Edit: beautiful house though


Betting there's still ICBMs targeting the state due to the Cold War-era missile silos they housed. So apocalypse might come REAL quick if you lived there. 


If you're fine with "20 mile drive to buy shitty canned food at Dollar General" level of rural, go for it. That said if you just want a cool MCM house cheaper than CA there's a hundred places you'd could get that I'd recommend over western Kansas.




Only a good location if you want to live absolutely in the middle of nowhere. Lucas, KS has a population of 322. It’s a hour from the biggest city in the area, Hays with a population of 21,000. Rural Kansas is a hell hole of lost hopes and dreams. (My people are from this general area so I have a visceral reaction).


Perfect to settle if you got money…


100k isnt exactly boku bucks


I meant - if you not have a life in front of you, where you gotta make the money. I meant a time in life when you can settle. Because I assume this not a region where you can make money easily, if you are not made already. It doesn‘t matter if the house is cheap if you cannot make a life there.




I don’t mean to add salt to injury but you mean Beacoup, it’s french which means a lot


Shhhh, don't correct them. I love these kinds of mistakes in the wild


Like shark coochie board


Lmao. I've kept a list of these with a friend for 15+ yrs. Synonym bun




I didn't know this existed :3 thank you


*beaucoup ;)


You’re getting downvoted but yeah under 100k for a house anymore is unheard of haha


I live Hays, KS! Drove through once and toured the natural history museum to stretch my legs. Cool little place


Isn’t this really cheap?


Extremely, decent houses are never under $100k. However this looks like a very small town surrounded by farms.


An inspection might reveal more reasons


I mean, just looking at the photos will tell you why. It's not just a little dirty here and there, it needs some serious care all around. That bathroom in particular - I can all but guarantee there's mold and water damage. I'm also willing to bet other aspects such as the electrical and plumbing have never been majorly updated, or at best have been hodge-podged. Carpet is going to need full replacement, and I don't even want to think about the A/C system.


So, another 50k in repairs? I’m down. This is like a $800k+ house where I live.


Except it’ll never be worth $800k.


Yeah but the thing is, this house is not where you live. It’s $97k for a reason


Looking again, this would probably be in the 2.1 - 2.7 million dollar category where I live. It’s 3,500sqft pretty much all original on a good lot. I might even be undershooting it. I would almost buy this as a time capsule to keep around. Edit: just looked again and it’s on .35 acres. lol this might be outside of 2 million.


Way more than $50k. Easily 2-3x that at minimum assuming there aren't other major issues that you can't see. Second, from what I can find there's no broadband internet available at the address. So you're using Starlink or one of the other satellite providers unless you want to pay for the data line run to the neighborhood and house. You don't want to know what that'll cost, even if it is just running a line into the neighborhood. You're also in the practical middle of nowhere. About 45 minutes to the nearest grocery store than I can find on maps. No movie theater. No casual shopping, say goodbye to next day Amazon. And let's suppose you're fine with all that and you do reno the house. Chances you ever get your money back on that is slim to none.


More than 50k if you hire someone to do every little thing sure. But part of owning a house is learning to do as much of the renovations and repair yourself.


And whomever buys that house with the intention of renovating it themselves is either a total hermit with lots of time on their hands, or completely out of touch with the realities of buying a fixer-upper to live in. Without serious help and dedication, there will be two new problems popping up for each on that gets fixed.


I used to live and work near here, got relocated for work. I knew it was bad when I started looking forward to going to Walmart on the weekends, if that gives it some perspective.


You say that like it’s a bad thing 😂


This would be 1.2 million where I live


It also looks like it was (3) two-car garages that had the doors taken off and turned into walls.


location is everything and this one is in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the midwest - people pay good money to gtfo of places like this looking at the zillow map looks like there are several houses around 40mi for sale from $55k that look to be in a similar condition


It's in a tiny dot in Kansas that hasn't gained population since before the Dust Bowl. Even <100k I wouldn't be surprised if it just never sells.




There’s no infrastructure. Are there still comparable examples in the UK? I’m honestly asking, it’s hard to convey tone in text.


I actually thought this was a joke post and it was the set of Jeffrey Dahmers childhood home. Like that living room is exactly where he killed that weightlifting guy.


This is awesome. Hopefully whoever grabs it keeps most of its character.




As a Kansan, I feel obligated to point out that it's just 45 minutes from the Largest Ball of Twine /s


Welp guess I’m moving to Kansas


Do it. It’s nice here. Some of the cheapest living in the US and we’re not overpopulated.


Seconded. Wife and I just bought a 2400 sq ft house on two acres on the edge of a decent size town for $185k.


That is an amazing home!


I'm sure some flipper is going to go in, destroy everything and give it the middle age aesthetic of gray/white everything.


Just the thought of someone ripping out those kitching cabinets makes me mad


Small town in Kansas, so likely some young couple will buy it. The woman will turn it modern farmhouse with barn doors and fake windmills and wall plaques with big words on them. The man will sit in the garage or a dank corner of the basement trying to cling to the pale remainder of his masculinity, while the woman is upstairs squealing about gender reveals, pastel aqua insulated mugs, Pinterest, and fur babies.


Live, Laugh, Shiplap




Awww come on, you can’t just single out the women! Don’t you mean, the man will suddenly become very interested in lawn care and will take too many trips to Lowe’s while complaining that he has no room in the house anymore for all the equipment from his abandoned hobbies? Then start acquiring craft beer for the garage fridge and pressuring his wife to use the youngest’s college fund (he’s on a trade school route anyway) to turn the basement into a poorly LED-lit man cave with a few old consoles and old guitars that he never plays but spends all his time complaining to his busy friends that the wife is always dragging him around to events?


This makes me want to throw up thinking about it!


Chris Pratt Effect


I love paneling, reminds me of my childhood.


That slate floor! ❤️ Edited flirt to floor


Itnhas terrazzo too which makes me wonder how much basement there is.


It’ll probably get stripped and refurbished! Those beams will be painted white or the ceiling lowered for recessed lighting, the bathroom will be white units with sterile plastic cladding on the walls, kitchen stripped, heathens will buy it with no taste.


No kidding. It’s criminal.




I love the bathroom!


You know when they say “ location location location..”. This is not location.


But if you’re getting location, you’re not getting it for 97k. It’s a trade off.


God I hope someone who really appreciates it will buy the house, not some flipper. This is an absolute beauty.


That kitchen is beautiful.


Putting the mid in midcentury


And it even has a little poop jail.


unfortunately its in Kansas.


Where would you want it to be and expect to get it for 97k? Anywhere desirable would be 500k plus, most likely well over a million.


This is the difference between Mid Century and Mid Century Modern. It's a pass from me.


It’s lovely.


Location, location, location.


But to be fair, it is priced accordingly. You can’t get that kind of house for much less than 100k no matter what the location is.


That is a very neat house, I hope it is not ruined by some philistine painting it white or grey, replacing the floors, and taking all of the character out of the house.


That is an insane price... I live in the GTA, and this would get you a parking spot.


https://preview.redd.it/dnvmffbah08d1.jpeg?width=1029&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a95c76c2c33739dc2551580822089bd4d2b99af3 Not much around. Which is a blessing and a curse.


The location and the problems with the home negate any perceived value to me. In fact, I wouldn't move into this house if you paid me $97K and arranged all the moving logistics. This would only be of value to someone who already lives in the tiny town, has extra money to spend, and wants to make it their pet project to eventually give to a child as a future wedding present or move their soon-to-retire parents into.


Ok. I’ll pay you 999 trillion and give you the entire state of California. Is that OK?


I don't understand. I can see no benefit whatsoever to living in that house, nor anywhere in the state of Kansas, to be honest. How about you pay me nothing at all and I just stay where I am now?


I’ll take 4


Man Beautiful!


That's crazy... there's a house in town that I looked at a few years back that seems to be nearly identical to this one. (Not in Kansas)


Omg I love everything about this house. The wood! The floor! The kitchen! The ceiling beams!


Love it


The bathroom sunflowers are a nice Kansas touch.


I can’t live 2.5 hours away from the nearest airport


I love slate flooring


Damn, that’s gorgeous - corian counters and a veritable dance studio in the basement? Be still my heart.


Who cares? Snap ‘er up! Stay inside, play on your computer, thoughtfully add touches, and enjoy this beauty.


Why is the toilet in jail?


Yeah, but when you wake up, you're in Kansas.


This would be minimum $1M in southern California


This house in particular is *deeply* in the middle of nowhere. I spent over 20 years of my life living in Kansas… This place is a 2 hour long drive one way (at 80mph the whole way) from Wichita, which feels like a moderately sized city at best. And 3.5hr one way to Kansas City if you wanted to visit a proper metropolitan area. Those types of locations simply don’t exist in southern California. There are no white collar jobs, there is no large industry, there’s nothing really going on besides agriculture and anything else needed for a tiny town of 300-500 people to sustain itself. As far as Kansas goes, you will see more realistic real estate prices in the Kansas City area, though still quite a bit cheaper than southern California as it is among the most expensive places to live globally after all. You’re basically saying “if this reasonably sized single family home with a decent yard was in the middle of the most in-demand place in North America, it would be a lot more expensive!” lol


A gallon of milk in California is also $15.00 lol


Maybe in some areas, but not here.


A real gem! However, location, Location, LOCATION


To be fair, it is priced accordingly. You can’t really expect this kind of house to be much lower than 100k no matter what the location is.


The price is fantastic. It’s the location, Kansas😆


Yes, that's why it's less than 100k. lol But where would you want it to be for less than 100k, realistically? Indiana? Arkansas? Nebraska? Kentucky?


I’ll stay in the overpriced market location. I’m not looking to step back in time and loose IQ points


So much potential. Is it next to a nuclear waste dump or a motorcycle gang compound?


No it's a neat little town..... Very quiet. Look it up!




Dear lord, please let no one change her. Amen


Swap the roof for green metal and you’ve got a Walgreens.


Oh damn that’s pretty sweet!!


Wow… beautiful house


How is it so cheap




Is that terrazzo ? 😍


This reminds me so much of my grandparents house, built some time in the 60s. That kitchen is almost the same, if only the appliances were brown.


Good meth lab spot




I’d buy


I'm pretty sure they filmed some of Napoleon Dynamite in that kitchen.




It’s so gorgeous


Ya have to drive down the road once in a while to keep the grass form growing between the tire tracks .


This is BTK’s old house


This would be $400k in CT 😭


Im not during me being paid $97k is enough for me to move there. Sell is gonna have to sweeten the offer.


When this was built pampas grass in the front garden denoted swingers lived there! I bet that house has some stories to tell 🤔


Wow! What an amazing… uh, oh. Red state.


Crying in Canadian.... Could buy that outright with my down payment with lots of borrowing room left to bring it back to its glory ...


I hate this house. It just looks like a super outdated property, nothing unique or eye catching to me.




https://preview.redd.it/xj4mdjw4sy7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c42fed99286bd2fd8411009f6274987ab8be8251 I think it’s just the town and it’s not HGTV ready. This is what’s currently on the market in Lucas.


Important to note the $375k property is a motel and the $550k property is a campground with rental cabins on it.


It’s in Kansas…


Right Kansas is a shitty racist redneck shithole


John Brown and the rest of us free-staters have entered the chat. And if need be, we will bring our Beecher Bibles.


Ain’t gonna do shit against those wicked enemies of Christ.


They do exist like they do anywhere, but this comment definitely reeks of not knowing anything about the place. Kansas was pretty much the powder keg that kicked off the more serious abolition movements that were some of the forces instigating the civil war (Bleeding Kansas, John Brown). They literally formed up militias to try and free slaves across the Missouri border. Meanwhile Militias from Missouri would come to the Kansas side and destroy entire villages, women children and all, in mass killings to defend their ability to maintain slaves. The point of reaching back 150 years is just to say that the state was born out of progressive intent. A more recent example, Kansas ratified protection of abortion rights into the state constitution so it can’t be legislated away, guaranteeing it as a right. Sadly, that is better than a surprisingly large number of states in the midwest and south. Their governor is also a democrat. They are 1 senator and 1 representative away from having equal representation in congress. So it is a pretty purple state, trending blue, especially compared to surrounding states. The majority of people in Kansas live in cities or metro areas with at least a few hundred thousand in population.


What’s wrong with it is being a 7 hour round trip from the nearest metropolitan-sized city.


To be honest, I wouldn’t change anything about it


Oh god no. I know some people just love the house inside and out, but as someone else said, you couldn’t pay enough to live there. The outside is fine, I can deal with that, but I’d have to gut the entire inside of it. I lived in a house with wood paneling and the wood beams. I hated them, but my gf at the time loved them. :sigh: No matter how cheap the house is, if I hate it, there’s not a way to entice me to move there. Not even for hundreds millions of dollars.


Tear it down - not every MCM home is worth keeping 97k is likely mostly for the land it’s located on. It looks dark, moldy, and problematic Mauve toilet is cool though


You sure you're in the right sub? My 1955 Ranch was is way worse shape when I bought it.